]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Implement VectorTools::interpolate for hp DoFHandlers
authorWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:41:57 +0000 (20:41 +0000)
committerWolfgang Bangerth <bangerth@math.tamu.edu>
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 20:41:57 +0000 (20:41 +0000)
git-svn-id: https://svn.dealii.org/trunk@13643 0785d39b-7218-0410-832d-ea1e28bc413d


index ca7561820ab3eb2eaa9b197f437ac53e41a671fb..b2876ed66295ef783c332d54ce00e7a78e1336ba 100644 (file)
@@ -411,13 +411,17 @@ class VectorTools
                                      * make the result continuous
                                      * again.
+                                     * The template argument <code>DH</code>
+                                     * may either be of type DoFHandler or
+                                     * hp::DoFHandler.
+                                     *
                                      * See the general documentation
                                      * of this class for further
                                      * information.
-    template <int dim, class VECTOR>
+    template <int dim, class VECTOR, class DH>
     static void interpolate (const Mapping<dim>    &mapping,
-                            const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
+                            const DH              &dof,
                             const Function<dim>   &function,
                             VECTOR                &vec);
@@ -426,11 +430,11 @@ class VectorTools
                                      * function above with
                                      * <tt>mapping=MappingQ1@<dim>@()</tt>.
-    template <int dim, class VECTOR>
-    static void interpolate (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
+    template <int dim, class VECTOR, class DH>
+    static void interpolate (const DH              &dof,
                             const Function<dim>   &function,
                             VECTOR                &vec);
                                      * Interpolate different finite
                                      * element spaces. The
index efb99a2b99c6c9816f95b3ca65484a358f2cea00..4d6334d0c52869515a6a0458de47bdc0c72c76e7 100644 (file)
 //TODO[RH]: Use StaticQ1Mapping where appropriate
-template <int dim, class VECTOR>
+template <int dim, class VECTOR, class DH>
 void VectorTools::interpolate (const Mapping<dim>    &mapping,
-                              const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
+                              const DH              &dof,
                               const Function<dim>   &function,
                               VECTOR                &vec)
   Assert (dof.get_fe().n_components() == function.n_components,
-  const FiniteElement<dim> &fe           = dof.get_fe();
-  const unsigned int        n_components = fe.n_components();
-  const bool                fe_is_system = (n_components != 1);
+  const hp::FECollection<dim> fe (dof.get_fe());
+  const unsigned int          n_components = fe.n_components();
+  const bool                  fe_is_system = (n_components != 1);
-  typename DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active(),
-                                                endc = dof.end();
+  typename DH::active_cell_iterator cell = dof.begin_active(),
+                                   endc = dof.end();
                                   // For FESystems many of the
-                                  // unit_support_points will
-                                  // appear multiply, as a point
-                                  // may be unit_support_point
-                                  // for several of the components
-                                  // of the system.
-                                  // The following is rather
-                                  // complicated as it is
-                                  // avoided to evaluate
-                                  // the vectorfunction multiply at
-                                  // the same point on a cell.
-  const std::vector<Point<dim> > &
-    unit_support_points = fe.get_unit_support_points();
-  Assert (unit_support_points.size() != 0,
-         ExcNonInterpolatingFE());
+                                  // unit_support_points will appear
+                                  // multiply, as a point may be
+                                  // unit_support_point for several of the
+                                  // components of the system.  The following
+                                  // is rather complicated, but at least
+                                  // attempts to avoid evaluating the
+                                  // vectorfunction multiple times at the
+                                  // same point on a cell.
+                                  //
+                                  // note that we have to set up all of the
+                                  // following arrays for each of the
+                                  // elements in the FECollection (which
+                                  // means only once if this is for a regular
+                                  // DoFHandler)
+  std::vector<std::vector<Point<dim> > > unit_support_points (fe.size());
+  for (unsigned int fe_index=0; fe_index<fe.size(); ++fe_index)
+    {
+      unit_support_points[fe_index] = fe[fe_index].get_unit_support_points();
+      Assert (unit_support_points[fe_index].size() != 0,
+             ExcNonInterpolatingFE());
+    }
                                   // Find the support points 
                                   // on a cell that
@@ -95,77 +103,95 @@ void VectorTools::interpolate (const Mapping<dim>    &mapping,
                                   // the following vector collects all rep dofs.
                                   // the position of a rep dof within this vector
                                   // is called rep index.
-  std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_of_rep_points;
+  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > dofs_of_rep_points(fe.size());
                                   // the following table converts a dof i
                                   // to the rep index.
-  std::vector<unsigned int> dof_to_rep_index_table;
-  unsigned int n_rep_points=0;
-  for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+  std::vector<std::vector<unsigned int> > dof_to_rep_index_table(fe.size());
+  std::vector<unsigned int> n_rep_points (fe.size(), 0);
+  for (unsigned int fe_index=0; fe_index<fe.size(); ++fe_index)
-      bool representative=true;
-                                      // the following loop is looped
-                                      // the other way round to get
-                                      // the minimal effort of
-                                      // O(fe.dofs_per_cell) for multiple
-                                      // support points that are placed
-                                      // one after the other.
-      for (unsigned int j=dofs_of_rep_points.size(); j>0; --j)
-       if (unit_support_points[i] 
-           == unit_support_points[dofs_of_rep_points[j-1]])
-         {
-           dof_to_rep_index_table.push_back(j-1);
-           representative=false;
-           break;
-         }
-      if (representative)
+      for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe[fe_index].dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-                                          // rep_index=dofs_of_rep_points.size()
-         dof_to_rep_index_table.push_back(dofs_of_rep_points.size());
-                                          // dofs_of_rep_points[rep_index]=i
-         dofs_of_rep_points.push_back(i);
-         ++n_rep_points;
+         bool representative=true;
+                                          // the following loop is looped
+                                          // the other way round to get
+                                          // the minimal effort of
+                                          // O(fe.dofs_per_cell) for multiple
+                                          // support points that are placed
+                                          // one after the other.
+         for (unsigned int j=dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].size(); j>0; --j)
+           if (unit_support_points[fe_index][i] 
+               == unit_support_points[fe_index][dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index][j-1]])
+             {
+               dof_to_rep_index_table[fe_index].push_back(j-1);
+               representative=false;
+               break;
+             }
+         if (representative)
+           {
+                                              // rep_index=dofs_of_rep_points.size()
+             dof_to_rep_index_table[fe_index].push_back(dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].size());
+                                              // dofs_of_rep_points[rep_index]=i
+             dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].push_back(i);
+             ++n_rep_points[fe_index];
+           }
-    }
-  Assert(dofs_of_rep_points.size()==n_rep_points, ExcInternalError());
-  Assert(dof_to_rep_index_table.size()==fe.dofs_per_cell, ExcInternalError());
-  std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_on_cell (fe.dofs_per_cell);
-  std::vector<Point<dim> >  rep_points (n_rep_points);
+      Assert(dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].size()==n_rep_points[fe_index],
+            ExcInternalError());
+      Assert(dof_to_rep_index_table[fe_index].size()==fe[fe_index].dofs_per_cell,
+            ExcInternalError());
+    }
+  const unsigned int max_rep_points = *std::max_element (n_rep_points.begin(),
+                                                        n_rep_points.end());
+  std::vector<unsigned int> dofs_on_cell (fe.max_dofs_per_cell());
+  std::vector<Point<dim> >  rep_points (max_rep_points);
                                   // get space for the values of the
                                   // function at the rep support points.
                                   // have two versions, one for system fe
                                   // and one for scalar ones, to take the
                                   // more efficient one respectively
-  std::vector<double>          function_values_scalar (n_rep_points);
-  std::vector<Vector<double> > function_values_system (n_rep_points,
-                                                 Vector<double>(fe.n_components()));
+  std::vector<std::vector<double> >         function_values_scalar(fe.size());
+  std::vector<std::vector<Vector<double> > > function_values_system(fe.size());
                                   // Make a quadrature rule from support points
                                   // to feed it into FEValues
-  Quadrature<dim> support_quadrature(unit_support_points);
+  hp::QCollection<dim> support_quadrature;
+  for (unsigned int fe_index=0; fe_index<fe.size(); ++fe_index)
+    support_quadrature.push_back (Quadrature<dim>(unit_support_points[fe_index]));
                                   // Transformed support points are computed by
                                   // FEValues
-  FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping, fe, support_quadrature, update_q_points);
+  hp::MappingCollection<dim> mapping_collection (mapping);
+  hp::FEValues<dim> fe_values (mapping_collection,
+                              fe, support_quadrature, update_q_points);
   for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+      const unsigned int fe_index = cell->active_fe_index();
                                       // for each cell:
                                       // get location of finite element
                                       // support_points
       const std::vector<Point<dim> >& support_points =
-       fe_values.get_quadrature_points();
+       fe_values.get_present_fe_values().get_quadrature_points();
                                       // pick out the representative
                                       // support points
-      for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_of_rep_points.size(); ++j)
-       rep_points[j]=support_points[dofs_of_rep_points[j]];
+      rep_points.resize (dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].size());
+      for (unsigned int j=0; j<dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index].size(); ++j)
+       rep_points[j] = support_points[dofs_of_rep_points[fe_index][j]];
                                       // get indices of the dofs on this cell
+      dofs_on_cell.resize (fe[fe_index].dofs_per_cell);      
       cell->get_dof_indices (dofs_on_cell);
@@ -174,39 +200,45 @@ void VectorTools::interpolate (const Mapping<dim>    &mapping,
                                           // get function values at
                                           // these points. Here: get
                                           // all components
-         function.vector_value_list (rep_points, function_values_system);
+         function_values_system[fe_index]
+           .resize (n_rep_points[fe_index],
+                    Vector<double> (fe[fe_index].n_components()));
+         function.vector_value_list (rep_points,
+                                     function_values_system[fe_index]);
                                           // distribute the function
                                           // values to the global
                                           // vector
-         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe[fe_index].dofs_per_cell; ++i)
              const unsigned int component
-               = fe.system_to_component_index(i).first;
-             const unsigned int rep_dof=dof_to_rep_index_table[i];
+               = fe[fe_index].system_to_component_index(i).first;
+             const unsigned int rep_dof=dof_to_rep_index_table[fe_index][i];
-               = function_values_system[rep_dof](component);
-           };
+               = function_values_system[fe_index][rep_dof](component);
+           }
                                           // get first component only,
                                           // which is the only component
                                           // in the function anyway
-         function.value_list (rep_points, function_values_scalar, 0);
+         function_values_scalar[fe_index].resize (n_rep_points[fe_index]);
+         function.value_list (rep_points,
+                              function_values_scalar[fe_index],
+                              0);
                                           // distribute the function
                                           // values to the global
                                           // vector
-         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+         for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe[fe_index].dofs_per_cell; ++i)
-             = function_values_scalar[dof_to_rep_index_table[i]];
-       };
+             = function_values_scalar[fe_index][dof_to_rep_index_table[fe_index][i]];
+       }
-template <int dim, class VECTOR>
-void VectorTools::interpolate (const DoFHandler<dim> &dof,
+template <int dim, class VECTOR, class DH>
+void VectorTools::interpolate (const DH              &dof,
                               const Function<dim>   &function,
                               VECTOR                &vec)
index e83be170f4a91c496febdf3da0e669d02377c8b9..538dd5f66c4ac89234d55bcf1c754c30ecd0a494 100644 (file)
@@ -27,6 +27,18 @@ void VectorTools::interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
  const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+void VectorTools::interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+(const Mapping<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
+void VectorTools::interpolate<deal_II_dimension>
+(const hp::DoFHandler<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ const Function<deal_II_dimension>&,
+ VEC&);
 // Should these be instantiated for every combination of two types?
 void VectorTools::interpolate<deal_II_dimension>

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.