--- /dev/null
+DEAL:: Number of active cells: 192
+DEAL:: Number of degrees of freedom: 864
+DEAL:: Number of constraints : 0
+DEAL:: Reference matrix nonzeros: 12672, actually: 8974
+DEAL:: Test matrix 1 nonzeros: 12672, actually: 8974
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: Test matrix 2 nonzeros: 12672, actually: 8974
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:cg::Starting value 20.
+DEAL:cg::Convergence step 25 value 2.5e-07
+DEAL::Distribute error: 0
+DEAL:: Number of active cells: 309
+DEAL:: Number of degrees of freedom: 1575
+DEAL:: Number of constraints : 187
+DEAL:: Reference matrix nonzeros: 25901, actually: 17333
+DEAL:: Test matrix 1 nonzeros: 25901, actually: 17333
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: Test matrix 2 nonzeros: 25901, actually: 17333
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:cg::Starting value 22.
+DEAL:cg::Convergence step 42 value 3.2e-07
+DEAL::Distribute error: 0
+DEAL:: Number of active cells: 450
+DEAL:: Number of degrees of freedom: 2692
+DEAL:: Number of constraints : 475
+DEAL:: Reference matrix nonzeros: 51910, actually: 33906
+DEAL:: Test matrix 1 nonzeros: 51910, actually: 33906
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: Test matrix 2 nonzeros: 51910, actually: 33906
+DEAL:: Matrix difference norm: 0
+DEAL:: RHS difference norm: 0
+DEAL:cg::Starting value 25.
+DEAL:cg::Convergence step 61 value 3.8e-07
+DEAL::Distribute error: 0