Besides, there is a class named
<code><a href="#control">SolverControl</a></code> in order to
control the iterative solvers, i.e. to determine whether the iteration
-should be continued.
+should be continued and a class named
+<code><a href="#precondition">PreconditionSelector</a></code> that allows
+you to select a preconditioner.
We will begin with the discussion of the <code>SolverControl</code>
-class and preconditioners, then discuss the solvers in more detail.
+and the <code>PreconditionSelector</code> classes, then discuss the solvers
+in more detail.
<h2><a name="control">Solver Control</a></h2>
+<h2><a name="precondition">Preconditioning</a></h2>
+Before firing up the solver of your choice you will need some kind of
+preconditioning. This is easiest selected by creating an instance of
+the <code>PreconditionSelect</code> class with an appropriate choice of
+parameters. This can be done using <code>PreconditionSelector(const string
+preconditioning, const typename Vector::value_type &omega=1.)</code>
+where <code>preconditioning</code> denotes the preconditioning method used
+and <code>omega</code> is the damping parameter.
+The preconditioning methods currently available using this class are
+You can obtain a list of available methods by calling
+<code>string PreconditionSelector::get_precondition_names()</code>.
+After having selected a preconditioner you will need to select a
+matrix used for preconditioning. Usually this will be the problem matrix
+<code>A</code> of the problem <code>Au=f</code>.
+The method to be called is <code>void PreconditionSelector::use_matrix(const
+Matrix &M)</code>.
+<p class="Example">
+<span class="example">Example:</span>We initialize a Jacobi preconditioner
+with a damping parameter of 1. The matrix used for preconditioning
+is the matrix <code>A</code>
+of the problem <code>Au=f</code>.
+<pre class="example">
+#include <lac/precondition_selector.h>
+#include <grid/dof.h>
+#include <lac/fullmatrix.h>
+FullMatrix<double> A(100,50);
+PreconditionSelector preconditioning("jacobi",1.);
<h2><a name="bicgstab">SolverBicgstab</a></h2>