--- /dev/null
+// Function parser v2.7 by Warp
+// Comment out the following line if your compiler supports the (non-standard)
+// asinh, acosh and atanh functions and you want them to be supported. If
+// you are not sure, just leave it (those function will then not be supported).
+#define NO_ASINH
+// Uncomment the following line to disable the eval() function if it could
+// be too dangerous in the target application:
+//#define DISABLE_EVAL
+// Comment this line out if you are not going to use the optimizer and want
+// a slightly smaller library. The Optimize() method can still be called,
+// but it will not do anything.
+// If you are unsure, just leave it. It won't slow down the other parts of
+// the library.
+#include "fparser.h"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <cctype>
+#include <cmath>
+using namespace std;
+#ifndef M_PI
+#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
+// The functions must be in alphabetical order:
+ enum OPCODE
+ {
+ cAbs, cAcos,
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ cAcosh,
+ cAsin,
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ cAsinh,
+ cAtan,
+ cAtan2,
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ cAtanh,
+ cCeil, cCos, cCosh, cCot, cCsc,
+ cEval,
+ cExp, cFloor, cIf, cInt, cLog, cLog10, cMax, cMin,
+ cSec, cSin, cSinh, cSqrt, cTan, cTanh,
+// These do not need any ordering:
+ cImmed, cJump,
+ cNeg, cAdd, cSub, cMul, cDiv, cMod, cPow,
+ cEqual, cLess, cGreater, cAnd, cOr,
+ cDeg, cRad,
+ cFCall, cPCall,
+ cVar, cDup, cInv,
+ VarBegin
+ };
+ struct FuncDefinition
+ {
+ const char* name;
+ unsigned nameLength;
+ unsigned opcode;
+ unsigned params;
+ // This is basically strcmp(), but taking 'nameLength' as string
+ // length (not ending '\0'):
+ bool operator<(const FuncDefinition& rhs) const
+ {
+ for(unsigned i = 0; i < nameLength; ++i)
+ {
+ if(i == rhs.nameLength) return false;
+ const char c1 = name[i], c2 = rhs.name[i];
+ if(c1 < c2) return true;
+ if(c2 < c1) return false;
+ }
+ return nameLength < rhs.nameLength;
+ }
+ };
+// This list must be in alphabetical order:
+ const FuncDefinition Functions[]=
+ {
+ { "abs", 3, cAbs, 1 },
+ { "acos", 4, cAcos, 1 },
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ { "acosh", 5, cAcosh, 1 },
+ { "asin", 4, cAsin, 1 },
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ { "asinh", 5, cAsinh, 1 },
+ { "atan", 4, cAtan, 1 },
+ { "atan2", 5, cAtan2, 2 },
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ { "atanh", 5, cAtanh, 1 },
+ { "ceil", 4, cCeil, 1 },
+ { "cos", 3, cCos, 1 },
+ { "cosh", 4, cCosh, 1 },
+ { "cot", 3, cCot, 1 },
+ { "csc", 3, cCsc, 1 },
+ { "eval", 4, cEval, 0 },
+ { "exp", 3, cExp, 1 },
+ { "floor", 5, cFloor, 1 },
+ { "if", 2, cIf, 0 },
+ { "int", 3, cInt, 1 },
+ { "log", 3, cLog, 1 },
+ { "log10", 5, cLog10, 1 },
+ { "max", 3, cMax, 2 },
+ { "min", 3, cMin, 2 },
+ { "sec", 3, cSec, 1 },
+ { "sin", 3, cSin, 1 },
+ { "sinh", 4, cSinh, 1 },
+ { "sqrt", 4, cSqrt, 1 },
+ { "tan", 3, cTan, 1 },
+ { "tanh", 4, cTanh, 1 }
+ };
+ const unsigned FUNC_AMOUNT = sizeof(Functions)/sizeof(Functions[0]);
+ // BCB4 does not implement the standard lower_bound function.
+ // This is used instead:
+ const FuncDefinition* fp_lower_bound(const FuncDefinition* first,
+ const FuncDefinition* last,
+ const FuncDefinition& value)
+ {
+ while(first < last)
+ {
+ const FuncDefinition* middle = first+(last-first)/2;
+ if(*middle < value) first = middle+1;
+ else last = middle;
+ }
+ return last;
+ }
+ // Returns a pointer to the FuncDefinition instance which 'name' is
+ // the same as the one given by 'F'. If no such function name exists,
+ // returns 0.
+ inline const FuncDefinition* FindFunction(const char* F)
+ {
+ FuncDefinition func = { F, 0, 0, 0 };
+ while(isalnum(F[func.nameLength])) ++func.nameLength;
+ if(func.nameLength)
+ {
+ const FuncDefinition* found =
+ fp_lower_bound(Functions, Functions+FUNC_AMOUNT, func);
+ if(found == Functions+FUNC_AMOUNT || func < *found)
+ return 0;
+ return found;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+// Copy-on-write method
+inline void FunctionParser::copyOnWrite()
+ if(data->referenceCounter > 1)
+ {
+ Data* oldData = data;
+ data = new Data(*oldData);
+ --(oldData->referenceCounter);
+ data->referenceCounter = 1;
+ }
+// Constructors and destructors
+ parseErrorType(FP_NO_ERROR), evalErrorType(0),
+ data(new Data)
+ data->referenceCounter = 1;
+ if(--(data->referenceCounter) == 0)
+ {
+ delete data;
+ }
+FunctionParser::FunctionParser(const FunctionParser& cpy):
+ parseErrorType(cpy.parseErrorType),
+ evalErrorType(cpy.evalErrorType),
+ data(cpy.data)
+ ++(data->referenceCounter);
+FunctionParser& FunctionParser::operator=(const FunctionParser& cpy)
+ if(data != cpy.data)
+ {
+ if(--(data->referenceCounter) == 0) delete data;
+ parseErrorType = cpy.parseErrorType;
+ evalErrorType = cpy.evalErrorType;
+ data = cpy.data;
+ ++(data->referenceCounter);
+ }
+ return *this;
+ useDegreeConversion(false),
+ ByteCode(0), ByteCodeSize(0),
+ Immed(0), ImmedSize(0),
+ Stack(0), StackSize(0)
+ if(ByteCode) { delete[] ByteCode; ByteCode=0; }
+ if(Immed) { delete[] Immed; Immed=0; }
+ if(Stack) { delete[] Stack; Stack=0; }
+// Makes a deep-copy of Data:
+FunctionParser::Data::Data(const Data& cpy):
+ varAmount(cpy.varAmount), useDegreeConversion(cpy.useDegreeConversion),
+ Variables(cpy.Variables), Constants(cpy.Constants),
+ FuncPtrNames(cpy.FuncPtrNames), FuncPtrs(cpy.FuncPtrs),
+ FuncParserNames(cpy.FuncParserNames), FuncParsers(cpy.FuncParsers),
+ ByteCode(0), ByteCodeSize(cpy.ByteCodeSize),
+ Immed(0), ImmedSize(cpy.ImmedSize),
+ Stack(0), StackSize(cpy.StackSize)
+ if(ByteCodeSize) ByteCode = new unsigned[ByteCodeSize];
+ if(ImmedSize) Immed = new double[ImmedSize];
+ if(StackSize) Stack = new double[StackSize];
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<ByteCodeSize; ++i) ByteCode[i] = cpy.ByteCode[i];
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<ImmedSize; ++i) Immed[i] = cpy.Immed[i];
+ // No need to copy the stack contents because it's obsolete outside Eval()
+// Function parsing
+ // Error messages returned by ErrorMsg():
+ const char* ParseErrorMessage[]=
+ {
+ "Syntax error", // 0
+ "Mismatched parenthesis", // 1
+ "Missing ')'", // 2
+ "Empty parentheses", // 3
+ "Syntax error: Operator expected", // 4
+ "Not enough memory", // 5
+ "An unexpected error ocurred. Please make a full bug report "
+ "to warp@iki.fi", // 6
+ "Syntax error in parameter 'Vars' given to "
+ "FunctionParser::Parse()", // 7
+ "Illegal number of parameters to function", // 8
+ "Syntax error: Premature end of string", // 9
+ "Syntax error: Expecting ( after function", // 10
+ ""
+ };
+ // Parse variables
+ bool ParseVars(const string& Vars, map<string, unsigned>& dest)
+ {
+ unsigned varNumber = VarBegin;
+ unsigned ind1 = 0, ind2;
+ while(ind1 < Vars.size())
+ {
+ if(!isalpha(Vars[ind1]) && Vars[ind1]!='_') return false;
+ for(ind2=ind1+1; ind2<Vars.size() && Vars[ind2]!=','; ++ind2)
+ if(!isalnum(Vars[ind2]) && Vars[ind2]!='_') return false;
+ const string varName = Vars.substr(ind1, ind2-ind1);
+ if(dest.insert(make_pair(varName, varNumber++)).second == false)
+ return false;
+ ind1 = ind2+1;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+bool FunctionParser::isValidName(const std::string& name) const
+ if(name.empty() || (!isalpha(name[0]) && name[0] != '_')) return false;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<name.size(); ++i)
+ if(!isalnum(name[i]) && name[i] != '_') return false;
+ if(FindFunction(name.c_str())) return false;
+ return true;
+// Constants:
+bool FunctionParser::AddConstant(const string& name, double value)
+ if(isValidName(name))
+ {
+ const char* n = name.c_str();
+ if(FindVariable(n, data->FuncParserNames) !=
+ data->FuncParserNames.end() ||
+ FindVariable(n, data->FuncPtrNames) !=
+ data->FuncPtrNames.end())
+ return false;
+ copyOnWrite();
+ data->Constants[name] = value;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Function pointers
+bool FunctionParser::AddFunction(const std::string& name,
+ FunctionPtr func, unsigned paramsAmount)
+ if(paramsAmount == 0) return false; // Currently must be at least one
+ if(isValidName(name))
+ {
+ const char* n = name.c_str();
+ if(FindVariable(n, data->FuncParserNames) !=
+ data->FuncParserNames.end() ||
+ FindConstant(n) != data->Constants.end())
+ return false;
+ copyOnWrite();
+ data->FuncPtrNames[name] = data->FuncPtrs.size();
+ data->FuncPtrs.push_back(Data::FuncPtrData(func, paramsAmount));
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool FunctionParser::checkRecursiveLinking(const FunctionParser* fp) const
+ if(fp == this) return true;
+ for(unsigned i=0; i<fp->data->FuncParsers.size(); ++i)
+ if(checkRecursiveLinking(fp->data->FuncParsers[i])) return true;
+ return false;
+bool FunctionParser::AddFunction(const std::string& name,
+ FunctionParser& parser)
+ if(parser.data->varAmount == 0) // Currently must be at least one
+ return false;
+ if(isValidName(name))
+ {
+ const char* n = name.c_str();
+ if(FindVariable(n, data->FuncPtrNames) != data->FuncPtrNames.end() ||
+ FindConstant(n) != data->Constants.end())
+ return false;
+ if(checkRecursiveLinking(&parser)) return false;
+ copyOnWrite();
+ data->FuncParserNames[name] = data->FuncParsers.size();
+ data->FuncParsers.push_back(&parser);
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+// Main parsing function
+// ---------------------
+int FunctionParser::Parse(const std::string& Function,
+ const std::string& Vars,
+ bool useDegrees)
+ copyOnWrite();
+ data->Variables.clear();
+ if(!ParseVars(Vars, data->Variables))
+ {
+ parseErrorType = INVALID_VARS;
+ return Function.size();
+ }
+ data->varAmount = data->Variables.size(); // this is for Eval()
+ const char* Func = Function.c_str();
+ parseErrorType = FP_NO_ERROR;
+ int Result = CheckSyntax(Func);
+ if(Result>=0) return Result;
+ data->useDegreeConversion = useDegrees;
+ if(!Compile(Func)) return Function.size();
+ data->Variables.clear();
+ parseErrorType = FP_NO_ERROR;
+ return -1;
+ // Is given char an operator?
+ inline bool IsOperator(int c)
+ {
+ return strchr("+-*/%^=<>&|",c)!=NULL;
+ }
+ // skip whitespace
+ inline void sws(const char* F, int& Ind)
+ {
+ while(F[Ind] && isspace(F[Ind])) ++Ind;
+ }
+// Returns an iterator to the variable with the same name as 'F', or to
+// Variables.end() if no such variable exists:
+inline FunctionParser::Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator
+FunctionParser::FindVariable(const char* F, const Data::VarMap_t& vars) const
+ if(vars.size())
+ {
+ unsigned ind = 0;
+ while(isalnum(F[ind]) || F[ind] == '_') ++ind;
+ if(ind)
+ {
+ string name(F, ind);
+ return vars.find(name);
+ }
+ }
+ return vars.end();
+inline FunctionParser::Data::ConstMap_t::const_iterator
+FunctionParser::FindConstant(const char* F) const
+ if(data->Constants.size())
+ {
+ unsigned ind = 0;
+ while(isalnum(F[ind]) || F[ind] == '_') ++ind;
+ if(ind)
+ {
+ string name(F, ind);
+ return data->Constants.find(name);
+ }
+ }
+ return data->Constants.end();
+// Check function string syntax
+// ----------------------------
+int FunctionParser::CheckSyntax(const char* Function)
+ const Data::VarMap_t& Variables = data->Variables;
+ const Data::ConstMap_t& Constants = data->Constants;
+ const Data::VarMap_t& FuncPtrNames = data->FuncPtrNames;
+ const Data::VarMap_t& FuncParserNames = data->FuncParserNames;
+ vector<int> functionParenthDepth;
+ int Ind=0, ParenthCnt=0, c;
+ char* Ptr;
+ while(true)
+ {
+ sws(Function, Ind);
+ c=Function[Ind];
+// Check for valid operand (must appear)
+ // Check for leading -
+ if(c=='-') { sws(Function, ++Ind); c=Function[Ind]; }
+ if(c==0) { parseErrorType=PREMATURE_EOS; return Ind; }
+ // Check for math function
+ bool foundFunc = false;
+ const FuncDefinition* fptr = FindFunction(&Function[Ind]);
+ if(fptr)
+ {
+ Ind += fptr->nameLength;
+ foundFunc = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Check for user-defined function
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator fIter =
+ FindVariable(&Function[Ind], FuncPtrNames);
+ if(fIter != FuncPtrNames.end())
+ {
+ Ind += fIter->first.size();
+ foundFunc = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator pIter =
+ FindVariable(&Function[Ind], FuncParserNames);
+ if(pIter != FuncParserNames.end())
+ {
+ Ind += pIter->first.size();
+ foundFunc = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(foundFunc)
+ {
+ sws(Function, Ind);
+ c = Function[Ind];
+ if(c!='(') { parseErrorType=EXPECT_PARENTH_FUNC; return Ind; }
+ functionParenthDepth.push_back(ParenthCnt+1);
+ }
+ // Check for opening parenthesis
+ if(c=='(')
+ {
+ ++ParenthCnt;
+ sws(Function, ++Ind);
+ if(Function[Ind]==')') { parseErrorType=EMPTY_PARENTH; return Ind;}
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Check for number
+ if(isdigit(c) || (c=='.' && isdigit(Function[Ind+1])))
+ {
+ strtod(&Function[Ind], &Ptr);
+ Ind += int(Ptr-&Function[Ind]);
+ sws(Function, Ind);
+ c = Function[Ind];
+ }
+ else
+ { // Check for variable
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator vIter =
+ FindVariable(&Function[Ind], Variables);
+ if(vIter != Variables.end())
+ Ind += vIter->first.size();
+ else
+ {
+ // Check for constant
+ Data::ConstMap_t::const_iterator cIter =
+ FindConstant(&Function[Ind]);
+ if(cIter != Constants.end())
+ Ind += cIter->first.size();
+ else
+ { parseErrorType=SYNTAX_ERROR; return Ind; }
+ }
+ sws(Function, Ind);
+ c = Function[Ind];
+ }
+ // Check for closing parenthesis
+ while(c==')')
+ {
+ if(functionParenthDepth.size() &&
+ functionParenthDepth.back() == ParenthCnt)
+ functionParenthDepth.pop_back();
+ if((--ParenthCnt)<0) { parseErrorType=MISM_PARENTH; return Ind; }
+ sws(Function, ++Ind);
+ c=Function[Ind];
+ }
+// If we get here, we have a legal operand and now a legal operator or
+// end of string must follow
+ // Check for EOS
+ if(c==0) break; // The only way to end the checking loop without error
+ // Check for operator
+ if(!IsOperator(c) &&
+ (c != ',' || functionParenthDepth.empty() ||
+ functionParenthDepth.back() != ParenthCnt))
+ { parseErrorType=EXPECT_OPERATOR; return Ind; }
+// If we get here, we have an operand and an operator; the next loop will
+// check for another operand (must appear)
+ ++Ind;
+ } // while
+ // Check that all opened parentheses are also closed
+ if(ParenthCnt>0) { parseErrorType=MISSING_PARENTH; return Ind; }
+// The string is ok
+ parseErrorType=FP_NO_ERROR;
+ return -1;
+// Compile function string to bytecode
+// -----------------------------------
+bool FunctionParser::Compile(const char* Function)
+ if(data->ByteCode) { delete[] data->ByteCode; data->ByteCode=0; }
+ if(data->Immed) { delete[] data->Immed; data->Immed=0; }
+ if(data->Stack) { delete[] data->Stack; data->Stack=0; }
+ vector<unsigned> byteCode; byteCode.reserve(1024);
+ tempByteCode = &byteCode;
+ vector<double> immed; immed.reserve(1024);
+ tempImmed = &immed;
+ data->StackSize = StackPtr = 0;
+ CompileExpression(Function, 0);
+ if(parseErrorType != FP_NO_ERROR) return false;
+ data->ByteCodeSize = byteCode.size();
+ data->ImmedSize = immed.size();
+ if(data->ByteCodeSize)
+ {
+ data->ByteCode = new unsigned[data->ByteCodeSize];
+ memcpy(data->ByteCode, &byteCode[0],
+ sizeof(unsigned)*data->ByteCodeSize);
+ }
+ if(data->ImmedSize)
+ {
+ data->Immed = new double[data->ImmedSize];
+ memcpy(data->Immed, &immed[0],
+ sizeof(double)*data->ImmedSize);
+ }
+ if(data->StackSize)
+ data->Stack = new double[data->StackSize];
+ return true;
+inline void FunctionParser::AddCompiledByte(unsigned c)
+ tempByteCode->push_back(c);
+inline void FunctionParser::AddImmediate(double i)
+ tempImmed->push_back(i);
+inline void FunctionParser::AddFunctionOpcode(unsigned opcode)
+ if(data->useDegreeConversion)
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ case cCos:
+ case cCosh:
+ case cCot:
+ case cCsc:
+ case cSec:
+ case cSin:
+ case cSinh:
+ case cTan:
+ case cTanh:
+ AddCompiledByte(cRad);
+ }
+ AddCompiledByte(opcode);
+ if(data->useDegreeConversion)
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ case cAcos:
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ case cAcosh:
+ case cAsinh:
+ case cAtanh:
+ case cAsin:
+ case cAtan:
+ case cAtan2:
+ AddCompiledByte(cDeg);
+ }
+inline void FunctionParser::incStackPtr()
+ if(++StackPtr > data->StackSize) ++(data->StackSize);
+// Compile if()
+int FunctionParser::CompileIf(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileExpression(F, ind, true); // condition
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ if(F[ind2] != ',') { parseErrorType=ILL_PARAMS_AMOUNT; return ind2; }
+ AddCompiledByte(cIf);
+ unsigned curByteCodeSize = tempByteCode->size();
+ AddCompiledByte(0); // Jump index; to be set later
+ AddCompiledByte(0); // Immed jump index; to be set later
+ --StackPtr;
+ ind2 = CompileExpression(F, ind2+1, true); // then
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ if(F[ind2] != ',') { parseErrorType=ILL_PARAMS_AMOUNT; return ind2; }
+ AddCompiledByte(cJump);
+ unsigned curByteCodeSize2 = tempByteCode->size();
+ unsigned curImmedSize2 = tempImmed->size();
+ AddCompiledByte(0); // Jump index; to be set later
+ AddCompiledByte(0); // Immed jump index; to be set later
+ --StackPtr;
+ ind2 = CompileExpression(F, ind2+1, true); // else
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ if(F[ind2] != ')') { parseErrorType=ILL_PARAMS_AMOUNT; return ind2; }
+ // Set jump indices
+ (*tempByteCode)[curByteCodeSize] = curByteCodeSize2+1;
+ (*tempByteCode)[curByteCodeSize+1] = curImmedSize2;
+ (*tempByteCode)[curByteCodeSize2] = tempByteCode->size()-1;
+ (*tempByteCode)[curByteCodeSize2+1] = tempImmed->size();
+ return ind2+1;
+int FunctionParser::CompileFunctionParams(const char* F, int ind,
+ unsigned requiredParams)
+ unsigned curStackPtr = StackPtr;
+ int ind2 = CompileExpression(F, ind);
+ if(StackPtr != curStackPtr+requiredParams)
+ { parseErrorType=ILL_PARAMS_AMOUNT; return ind; }
+ StackPtr -= requiredParams - 1;
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ return ind2+1; // F[ind2] is ')'
+// Compiles element
+int FunctionParser::CompileElement(const char* F, int ind)
+ sws(F, ind);
+ char c = F[ind];
+ if(c == '(')
+ {
+ ind = CompileExpression(F, ind+1);
+ sws(F, ind);
+ return ind+1; // F[ind] is ')'
+ }
+ if(isdigit(c) || c=='.' /*|| c=='-'*/) // Number
+ {
+ const char* startPtr = &F[ind];
+ char* endPtr;
+ double val = strtod(startPtr, &endPtr);
+ AddImmediate(val);
+ AddCompiledByte(cImmed);
+ incStackPtr();
+ return ind+(endPtr-startPtr);
+ }
+ if(isalpha(c) || c == '_') // Function, variable or constant
+ {
+ const FuncDefinition* func = FindFunction(F+ind);
+ if(func) // is function
+ {
+ int ind2 = ind + func->nameLength;
+ sws(F, ind2); // F[ind2] is '('
+ if(strcmp(func->name, "if") == 0) // "if" is a special case
+ {
+ return CompileIf(F, ind2+1);
+ }
+ unsigned requiredParams =
+ strcmp(func->name, "eval") == 0 ?
+ data->Variables.size() : func->params;
+ unsigned requiredParams = func->params;
+ ind2 = CompileFunctionParams(F, ind2+1, requiredParams);
+ AddFunctionOpcode(func->opcode);
+ return ind2; // F[ind2-1] is ')'
+ }
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator vIter =
+ FindVariable(F+ind, data->Variables);
+ if(vIter != data->Variables.end()) // is variable
+ {
+ AddCompiledByte(vIter->second);
+ incStackPtr();
+ return ind + vIter->first.size();
+ }
+ Data::ConstMap_t::const_iterator cIter = FindConstant(F+ind);
+ if(cIter != data->Constants.end()) // is constant
+ {
+ AddImmediate(cIter->second);
+ AddCompiledByte(cImmed);
+ incStackPtr();
+ return ind + cIter->first.size();
+ }
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator fIter =
+ FindVariable(F+ind, data->FuncPtrNames);
+ if(fIter != data->FuncPtrNames.end()) // is user-defined func pointer
+ {
+ unsigned index = fIter->second;
+ int ind2 = ind + fIter->first.length();
+ sws(F, ind2); // F[ind2] is '('
+ ind2 = CompileFunctionParams(F, ind2+1,
+ data->FuncPtrs[index].params);
+ AddCompiledByte(cFCall);
+ AddCompiledByte(index);
+ return ind2;
+ }
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator pIter =
+ FindVariable(F+ind, data->FuncParserNames);
+ if(pIter != data->FuncParserNames.end()) // is user-defined func parser
+ {
+ unsigned index = pIter->second;
+ int ind2 = ind + pIter->first.length();
+ sws(F, ind2); // F[ind2] is '('
+ ind2 = CompileFunctionParams
+ (F, ind2+1, data->FuncParsers[index]->data->varAmount);
+ AddCompiledByte(cPCall);
+ AddCompiledByte(index);
+ return ind2;
+ }
+ }
+ parseErrorType = UNEXPECTED_ERROR;
+ return ind;
+// Compiles '^'
+int FunctionParser::CompilePow(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileElement(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ while(F[ind2] == '^')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileUnaryMinus(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ AddCompiledByte(cPow);
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles unary '-'
+int FunctionParser::CompileUnaryMinus(const char* F, int ind)
+ sws(F, ind);
+ if(F[ind] == '-')
+ {
+ int ind2 = ind+1;
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ ind2 = CompilePow(F, ind2);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ // if we are negating a constant, negate the constant itself:
+ if(tempByteCode->back() == cImmed)
+ tempImmed->back() = -tempImmed->back();
+ // if we are negating a negation, we can remove both:
+ else if(tempByteCode->back() == cNeg)
+ tempByteCode->pop_back();
+ else
+ AddCompiledByte(cNeg);
+ return ind2;
+ }
+ int ind2 = CompilePow(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles '*', '/' and '%'
+int FunctionParser::CompileMult(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileUnaryMinus(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ char op;
+ while((op = F[ind2]) == '*' || op == '/' || op == '%')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileUnaryMinus(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ switch(op)
+ {
+ case '*': AddCompiledByte(cMul); break;
+ case '/': AddCompiledByte(cDiv); break;
+ case '%': AddCompiledByte(cMod); break;
+ }
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles '+' and '-'
+int FunctionParser::CompileAddition(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileMult(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ char op;
+ while((op = F[ind2]) == '+' || op == '-')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileMult(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ AddCompiledByte(op=='+' ? cAdd : cSub);
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles '=', '<' and '>'
+int FunctionParser::CompileComparison(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileAddition(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ char op;
+ while((op = F[ind2]) == '=' || op == '<' || op == '>')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileAddition(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ switch(op)
+ {
+ case '=': AddCompiledByte(cEqual); break;
+ case '<': AddCompiledByte(cLess); break;
+ case '>': AddCompiledByte(cGreater); break;
+ }
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles '&'
+int FunctionParser::CompileAnd(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileComparison(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ while(F[ind2] == '&')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileComparison(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ AddCompiledByte(cAnd);
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles '|'
+int FunctionParser::CompileOr(const char* F, int ind)
+ int ind2 = CompileAnd(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ while(F[ind2] == '|')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileAnd(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ AddCompiledByte(cOr);
+ --StackPtr;
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Compiles ','
+int FunctionParser::CompileExpression(const char* F, int ind, bool stopAtComma)
+ int ind2 = CompileOr(F, ind);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ if(stopAtComma) return ind2;
+ while(F[ind2] == ',')
+ {
+ ind2 = CompileOr(F, ind2+1);
+ sws(F, ind2);
+ }
+ return ind2;
+// Return parse error message
+// --------------------------
+const char* FunctionParser::ErrorMsg() const
+ if(parseErrorType != FP_NO_ERROR) return ParseErrorMessage[parseErrorType];
+ return 0;
+// Function evaluation
+ inline int doubleToInt(double d)
+ {
+ return d<0 ? -int((-d)+.5) : int(d+.5);
+ }
+ inline double Min(double d1, double d2)
+ {
+ return d1<d2 ? d1 : d2;
+ }
+ inline double Max(double d1, double d2)
+ {
+ return d1>d2 ? d1 : d2;
+ }
+ inline double DegreesToRadians(double degrees)
+ {
+ return degrees*(M_PI/180.0);
+ }
+ inline double RadiansToDegrees(double radians)
+ {
+ return radians*(180.0/M_PI);
+ }
+double FunctionParser::Eval(const double* Vars)
+ const unsigned* const ByteCode = data->ByteCode;
+ const double* const Immed = data->Immed;
+ double* const Stack = data->Stack;
+ const unsigned ByteCodeSize = data->ByteCodeSize;
+ unsigned IP, DP=0;
+ int SP=-1;
+ for(IP=0; IP<ByteCodeSize; ++IP)
+ {
+ switch(ByteCode[IP])
+ {
+// Functions:
+ case cAbs: Stack[SP] = fabs(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cAcos: if(Stack[SP] < -1 || Stack[SP] > 1)
+ { evalErrorType=4; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = acos(Stack[SP]); break;
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ case cAcosh: Stack[SP] = acosh(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cAsin: if(Stack[SP] < -1 || Stack[SP] > 1)
+ { evalErrorType=4; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = asin(Stack[SP]); break;
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ case cAsinh: Stack[SP] = asinh(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cAtan: Stack[SP] = atan(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cAtan2: Stack[SP-1] = atan2(Stack[SP-1], Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+#ifndef NO_ASINH
+ case cAtanh: Stack[SP] = atanh(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cCeil: Stack[SP] = ceil(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cCos: Stack[SP] = cos(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cCosh: Stack[SP] = cosh(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cCot:
+ {
+ double t = tan(Stack[SP]);
+ if(t == 0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = 1/t; break;
+ }
+ case cCsc:
+ {
+ double s = sin(Stack[SP]);
+ if(s == 0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = 1/s; break;
+ }
+ case cEval:
+ {
+ data->Stack = new double[data->StackSize];
+ double retVal = Eval(&Stack[SP-data->varAmount+1]);
+ delete[] data->Stack;
+ data->Stack = Stack;
+ SP -= data->varAmount-1;
+ Stack[SP] = retVal;
+ break;
+ }
+ case cExp: Stack[SP] = exp(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cFloor: Stack[SP] = floor(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cIf:
+ {
+ unsigned jumpAddr = ByteCode[++IP];
+ unsigned immedAddr = ByteCode[++IP];
+ if(doubleToInt(Stack[SP]) == 0)
+ {
+ IP = jumpAddr;
+ DP = immedAddr;
+ }
+ --SP; break;
+ }
+ case cInt: Stack[SP] = floor(Stack[SP]+.5); break;
+ case cLog: if(Stack[SP] <= 0) { evalErrorType=3; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = log(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cLog10: if(Stack[SP] <= 0) { evalErrorType=3; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = log10(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cMax: Stack[SP-1] = Max(Stack[SP-1], Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cMin: Stack[SP-1] = Min(Stack[SP-1], Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cSec:
+ {
+ double c = cos(Stack[SP]);
+ if(c == 0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = 1/c; break;
+ }
+ case cSin: Stack[SP] = sin(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cSinh: Stack[SP] = sinh(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cSqrt: if(Stack[SP] < 0) { evalErrorType=2; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = sqrt(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cTan: Stack[SP] = tan(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cTanh: Stack[SP] = tanh(Stack[SP]); break;
+// Misc:
+ case cImmed: Stack[++SP] = Immed[DP++]; break;
+ case cJump: DP = ByteCode[IP+2];
+ IP = ByteCode[IP+1];
+ break;
+// Operators:
+ case cNeg: Stack[SP] = -Stack[SP]; break;
+ case cAdd: Stack[SP-1] += Stack[SP]; --SP; break;
+ case cSub: Stack[SP-1] -= Stack[SP]; --SP; break;
+ case cMul: Stack[SP-1] *= Stack[SP]; --SP; break;
+ case cDiv: if(Stack[SP] == 0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP-1] /= Stack[SP]; --SP; break;
+ case cMod: if(Stack[SP] == 0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP-1] = fmod(Stack[SP-1], Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cPow: Stack[SP-1] = pow(Stack[SP-1], Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cEqual: Stack[SP-1] = (Stack[SP-1] == Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cLess: Stack[SP-1] = (Stack[SP-1] < Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cGreater: Stack[SP-1] = (Stack[SP-1] > Stack[SP]);
+ --SP; break;
+ case cAnd: Stack[SP-1] =
+ (doubleToInt(Stack[SP-1]) &&
+ doubleToInt(Stack[SP]));
+ --SP; break;
+ case cOr: Stack[SP-1] =
+ (doubleToInt(Stack[SP-1]) ||
+ doubleToInt(Stack[SP]));
+ --SP; break;
+// Degrees-radians conversion:
+ case cDeg: Stack[SP] = RadiansToDegrees(Stack[SP]); break;
+ case cRad: Stack[SP] = DegreesToRadians(Stack[SP]); break;
+// User-defined function calls:
+ case cFCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ unsigned params = data->FuncPtrs[index].params;
+ double retVal =
+ data->FuncPtrs[index].ptr(&Stack[SP-params+1]);
+ SP -= params-1;
+ Stack[SP] = retVal;
+ break;
+ }
+ case cPCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ unsigned params = data->FuncParsers[index]->data->varAmount;
+ double retVal =
+ data->FuncParsers[index]->Eval(&Stack[SP-params+1]);
+ SP -= params-1;
+ Stack[SP] = retVal;
+ break;
+ }
+ case cVar: break; // Paranoia. These should never exist
+ case cDup: Stack[SP+1] = Stack[SP]; ++SP; break;
+ case cInv:
+ if(Stack[SP] == 0.0) { evalErrorType=1; return 0; }
+ Stack[SP] = 1.0/Stack[SP];
+ break;
+// Variables:
+ default:
+ Stack[++SP] = Vars[ByteCode[IP]-VarBegin];
+ }
+ }
+ evalErrorType=0;
+ return Stack[SP];
+ inline void printHex(std::ostream& dest, unsigned n)
+ {
+ dest.width(8); dest.fill('0'); hex(dest); //uppercase(dest);
+ dest << n;
+ }
+void FunctionParser::PrintByteCode(std::ostream& dest) const
+ const unsigned* const ByteCode = data->ByteCode;
+ const double* const Immed = data->Immed;
+ for(unsigned IP=0, DP=0; IP<data->ByteCodeSize; ++IP)
+ {
+ printHex(dest, IP);
+ dest << ": ";
+ unsigned opcode = ByteCode[IP];
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ case cIf:
+ dest << "jz\t";
+ printHex(dest, ByteCode[IP+1]+1);
+ dest << endl;
+ IP += 2;
+ break;
+ case cJump:
+ dest << "jump\t";
+ printHex(dest, ByteCode[IP+1]+1);
+ dest << endl;
+ IP += 2;
+ break;
+ case cImmed:
+ dest.precision(10);
+ dest << "push\t" << Immed[DP++] << endl;
+ break;
+ case cFCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator iter =
+ data->FuncPtrNames.begin();
+ while(iter->second != index) ++iter;
+ dest << "call\t" << iter->first << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ case cPCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ Data::VarMap_t::const_iterator iter =
+ data->FuncParserNames.begin();
+ while(iter->second != index) ++iter;
+ dest << "call\t" << iter->first << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ if(opcode < VarBegin)
+ {
+ string n;
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ case cNeg: n = "neg"; break;
+ case cAdd: n = "add"; break;
+ case cSub: n = "sub"; break;
+ case cMul: n = "mul"; break;
+ case cDiv: n = "div"; break;
+ case cMod: n = "mod"; break;
+ case cPow: n = "pow"; break;
+ case cEqual: n = "eq"; break;
+ case cLess: n = "lt"; break;
+ case cGreater: n = "gt"; break;
+ case cAnd: n = "and"; break;
+ case cOr: n = "or"; break;
+ case cDeg: n = "deg"; break;
+ case cRad: n = "rad"; break;
+ case cEval: n = "call\t0"; break;
+ case cVar: n = "(var)"; break;
+ case cDup: n = "dup"; break;
+ case cInv: n = "inv"; break;
+ default: n = Functions[opcode-cAbs].name;
+ }
+ dest << n << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest << "push\tVar" << opcode-VarBegin << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Optimization code was contributed by Bisqwit (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/)
+#include <list>
+#include <utility>
+#define CONSTANT_E 2.71828182845904509080 // exp(1)
+#define CONSTANT_PI M_PI // atan2(0,-1)
+#define CONSTANT_L10 2.30258509299404590109 // log(10)
+#define CONSTANT_L10I 0.43429448190325176116 // 1/log(10)
+#define CONSTANT_L10E CONSTANT_L10I // log10(e)
+#define CONSTANT_L10EI CONSTANT_L10 // 1/log10(e)
+#define CONSTANT_DR (180.0 / M_PI) // 180/pi
+#define CONSTANT_RD (M_PI / 180.0) // pi/180
+namespace {
+class compres
+ // states: 0=false, 1=true, 2=unknown
+ compres(bool b) : state(b) {}
+ compres(char v) : state(v) {}
+ // is it?
+ operator bool() const { return state != 0; }
+ // is it not?
+ bool operator! () const { return state != 1; }
+ bool operator==(bool b) const { return state != !b; }
+ bool operator!=(bool b) const { return state != b; }
+ char state;
+const compres maybe = (char)2;
+struct CodeTree;
+class SubTree
+ CodeTree *tree;
+ bool sign; // Only possible when parent is cAdd or cMul
+ inline void flipsign() { sign = !sign; }
+ SubTree();
+ SubTree(double value);
+ SubTree(const SubTree &b);
+ SubTree(const CodeTree &b);
+ ~SubTree();
+ const SubTree &operator= (const SubTree &b);
+ const SubTree &operator= (const CodeTree &b);
+ bool getsign() const { return sign; }
+ const CodeTree* operator-> () const { return tree; }
+ const CodeTree& operator* () const { return *tree; }
+ struct CodeTree* operator-> () { return tree; }
+ struct CodeTree& operator* () { return *tree; }
+ bool operator< (const SubTree& b) const;
+ bool operator== (const SubTree& b) const;
+ void Negate(); // Note: Parent must be cAdd
+ void Invert(); // Note: Parent must be cMul
+ void CheckConstNeg();
+ void CheckConstInv();
+bool IsNegate(const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2);
+bool IsInverse(const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2);
+typedef list<SubTree> paramlist;
+struct CodeTreeData
+ paramlist args;
+ unsigned op; // Operation
+ double value; // In case of cImmed
+ unsigned var; // In case of cVar
+ unsigned funcno; // In case of cFCall, cPCall
+ CodeTreeData() : op(cAdd) {}
+ ~CodeTreeData() {}
+ void SetOp(unsigned newop) { op=newop; }
+ void SetFuncNo(unsigned newno) { funcno=newno; }
+ unsigned GetFuncNo() const { return funcno; }
+ bool IsFunc() const { return op == cFCall || op == cPCall; }
+ bool IsImmed() const { return op == cImmed; }
+ bool IsVar() const { return op == cVar; }
+ inline unsigned GetOp() const { return op; }
+ inline double GetImmed() const
+ {
+ return value;
+ }
+ inline unsigned GetVar() const
+ {
+ return var;
+ }
+ void AddParam(const SubTree &p)
+ {
+ args.push_back(p);
+ }
+ void SetVar(unsigned v)
+ {
+ args.clear();
+ op = cVar;
+ var = v;
+ }
+ void SetImmed(double v)
+ {
+ args.clear();
+ op = cImmed;
+ value = orig = v;
+ inverted = negated = false;
+ }
+ void NegateImmed()
+ {
+ negated = !negated;
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ void InvertImmed()
+ {
+ inverted = !inverted;
+ UpdateValue();
+ }
+ bool IsOriginal() const { return !(IsInverted() || IsNegated()); }
+ bool IsInverted() const { return inverted; }
+ bool IsNegated() const { return negated; }
+ bool IsInvertedOriginal() const { return IsInverted() && !IsNegated(); }
+ bool IsNegatedOriginal() const { return !IsInverted() && IsNegated(); }
+ void UpdateValue()
+ {
+ value = orig;
+ if(IsInverted()) { value = 1.0 / value;
+ // FIXME: potential divide by zero.
+ }
+ if(IsNegated()) value = -value;
+ }
+ double orig;
+ bool inverted;
+ bool negated;
+ // Ensure we don't accidentally copy this
+ void operator=(const CodeTreeData &b);
+class CodeTreeDataPtr
+ typedef pair<CodeTreeData, unsigned> p_t;
+ typedef p_t* pp;
+ mutable pp p;
+ void Alloc() const { ++p->second; }
+ void Dealloc() const { if(!--p->second) delete p; p = 0; }
+ void PrepareForWrite()
+ {
+ // We're ready if we're the only owner.
+ if(p->second == 1) return;
+ // Then make a clone.
+ p_t *newtree = new p_t(p->first, 1);
+ // Forget the old
+ Dealloc();
+ // Keep the new
+ p = newtree;
+ }
+ CodeTreeDataPtr() : p(new p_t) { p->second = 1; }
+ CodeTreeDataPtr(const CodeTreeDataPtr &b): p(b.p) { Alloc(); }
+ ~CodeTreeDataPtr() { Dealloc(); }
+ const CodeTreeDataPtr &operator= (const CodeTreeDataPtr &b)
+ {
+ b.Alloc();
+ Dealloc();
+ p = b.p;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ const CodeTreeData *operator-> () const { return &p->first; }
+ const CodeTreeData &operator* () const { return p->first; }
+ CodeTreeData *operator-> () { PrepareForWrite(); return &p->first; }
+ CodeTreeData &operator* () { PrepareForWrite(); return p->first; }
+ void Shock();
+#define CHECKCONSTNEG(item, op) \
+ ((op)==cMul) \
+ ? (item).CheckConstInv() \
+ : (item).CheckConstNeg()
+struct CodeTree
+ CodeTreeDataPtr data;
+ typedef paramlist::iterator pit;
+ typedef paramlist::const_iterator pcit;
+ /*
+ template<unsigned v> inline void chk() const
+ {
+ }
+ */
+ const pcit GetBegin() const { return data->args.begin(); }
+ const pcit GetEnd() const { return data->args.end(); }
+ const pit GetBegin() { return data->args.begin(); }
+ const pit GetEnd() { return data->args.end(); }
+ const SubTree& getp0() const { /*chk<1>();*/pcit tmp=GetBegin(); return *tmp; }
+ const SubTree& getp1() const { /*chk<2>();*/pcit tmp=GetBegin(); ++tmp; return *tmp; }
+ const SubTree& getp2() const { /*chk<3>();*/pcit tmp=GetBegin(); ++tmp; ++tmp; return *tmp; }
+ unsigned GetArgCount() const { return data->args.size(); }
+ void Erase(const pit p) { data->args.erase(p); }
+ SubTree& getp0() { /*chk<1>();*/pit tmp=GetBegin(); return *tmp; }
+ SubTree& getp1() { /*chk<2>();*/pit tmp=GetBegin(); ++tmp; return *tmp; }
+ SubTree& getp2() { /*chk<3>();*/pit tmp=GetBegin(); ++tmp; ++tmp; return *tmp; }
+ // set
+ void SetImmed(double v) { data->SetImmed(v); }
+ void SetOp(unsigned op) { data->SetOp(op); }
+ void SetVar(unsigned v) { data->SetVar(v); }
+ // get
+ double GetImmed() const { return data->GetImmed(); }
+ unsigned GetVar() const { return data->GetVar(); }
+ unsigned GetOp() const { return data->GetOp(); }
+ // test
+ bool IsImmed() const { return data->IsImmed(); }
+ bool IsVar() const { return data->IsVar(); }
+ // act
+ void AddParam(const SubTree &p) { data->AddParam(p); }
+ void NegateImmed() { data->NegateImmed(); } // don't use when op!=cImmed
+ void InvertImmed() { data->InvertImmed(); } // don't use when op!=cImmed
+ compres NonZero() const { if(!IsImmed()) return maybe;
+ return GetImmed() != 0.0; }
+ compres IsPositive() const { if(!IsImmed()) return maybe;
+ return GetImmed() > 0.0; }
+ struct ConstList
+ {
+ double voidvalue;
+ list<pit> cp;
+ double value;
+ unsigned size() const { return cp.size(); }
+ };
+ struct ConstList BuildConstList();
+ void KillConst(const ConstList &cl)
+ {
+ for(list<pit>::const_iterator i=cl.cp.begin(); i!=cl.cp.end(); ++i)
+ Erase(*i);
+ }
+ void FinishConst(const ConstList &cl)
+ {
+ if(cl.value != cl.voidvalue && cl.size() > 1) AddParam(cl.value);
+ if(cl.value == cl.voidvalue || cl.size() > 1) KillConst(cl);
+ }
+ CodeTree() {}
+ CodeTree(double v) { SetImmed(v); }
+ CodeTree(unsigned op, const SubTree &p)
+ {
+ SetOp(op);
+ AddParam(p);
+ }
+ CodeTree(unsigned op, const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2)
+ {
+ SetOp(op);
+ AddParam(p1);
+ AddParam(p2);
+ }
+ bool operator== (const CodeTree& b) const;
+ bool operator< (const CodeTree& b) const;
+ bool IsSortable() const
+ {
+ switch(GetOp())
+ {
+ case cAdd: case cMul:
+ case cEqual:
+ case cAnd: case cOr:
+ case cMax: case cMin:
+ return true;
+ default:
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ void SortIfPossible()
+ {
+ if(IsSortable())
+ {
+ data->args.sort();
+ }
+ }
+ void ReplaceWithConst(double value)
+ {
+ SetImmed(value);
+ /* REMEMBER TO CALL CheckConstInv / CheckConstNeg
+ */
+ }
+ void ReplaceWith(const CodeTree &b)
+ {
+ // If b is child of *this, mayhem
+ // happens. So we first make a clone
+ // and then proceed with copy.
+ CodeTreeDataPtr tmp = b.data;
+ tmp.Shock();
+ data = tmp;
+ }
+ void ReplaceWith(unsigned op, const SubTree &p)
+ {
+ ReplaceWith(CodeTree(op, p));
+ }
+ void ReplaceWith(unsigned op, const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2)
+ {
+ ReplaceWith(CodeTree(op, p1, p2));
+ }
+ void OptimizeConflict()
+ {
+ // This optimization does this: x-x = 0, x/x = 1, a+b-a = b.
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd || GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ Redo:
+ pit a, b;
+ for(a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ for(b=GetBegin(); ++b != GetEnd(); )
+ {
+ const SubTree &p1 = *a;
+ const SubTree &p2 = *b;
+ if(GetOp() == cMul ? IsInverse(p1,p2)
+ : IsNegate(p1,p2))
+ {
+ // These parameters complement each others out
+ Erase(b);
+ Erase(a);
+ goto Redo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OptimizeRedundant();
+ }
+ void OptimizeRedundant()
+ {
+ // This optimization does this: min()=0, max()=0, add()=0, mul()=1
+ if(!GetArgCount())
+ {
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd || GetOp() == cMin || GetOp() == cMax)
+ ReplaceWithConst(0);
+ else if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ ReplaceWithConst(1);
+ return;
+ }
+ // And this: mul(x) = x, min(x) = x, max(x) = x, add(x) = x
+ if(GetArgCount() == 1)
+ {
+ if(GetOp() == cMul || GetOp() == cAdd || GetOp() == cMin || GetOp() == cMax)
+ if(!getp0().getsign())
+ ReplaceWith(*getp0());
+ }
+ OptimizeDoubleNegations();
+ }
+ void OptimizeDoubleNegations()
+ {
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd)
+ {
+ // Eschew double negations
+ // If any of the elements is cMul
+ // and has a numeric constant, negate
+ // the constant and negate sign.
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa.getsign()
+ && pa->GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ CodeTree &p = *pa;
+ for(pit b=p.GetBegin();
+ b!=p.GetEnd(); ++b)
+ {
+ SubTree &pb = *b;
+ if(pb->IsImmed())
+ {
+ pb.Negate();
+ pa.Negate();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ // If any of the elements is cPow
+ // and has a numeric exponent, negate
+ // the exponent and negate sign.
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa.getsign() && pa->GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ CodeTree &p = *pa;
+ if(p.getp1()->IsImmed())
+ {
+ // negate ok for pow when op=cImmed
+ p.getp1().Negate();
+ pa.Negate();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeConstantMath1()
+ {
+ // This optimization does three things:
+ // - For adding groups:
+ // Constants are added together.
+ // - For multiplying groups:
+ // Constants are multiplied together.
+ // - For function calls:
+ // If all parameters are constants,
+ // the call is replaced with constant value.
+ // First, do this:
+ OptimizeAddMulFlat();
+ switch(GetOp())
+ {
+ case cAdd:
+ {
+ ConstList cl = BuildConstList();
+ FinishConst(cl);
+ break;
+ }
+ case cMul:
+ {
+ ConstList cl = BuildConstList();
+ if(cl.value == 0.0) ReplaceWithConst(0.0);
+ else FinishConst(cl);
+ break;
+ }
+ #define ConstantUnaryFun(token, fun) \
+ case token: { const SubTree &p0 = getp0(); \
+ if(p0->IsImmed()) ReplaceWithConst(fun(p0->GetImmed())); \
+ break; }
+ #define ConstantBinaryFun(token, fun) \
+ case token: { const SubTree &p0 = getp0(); \
+ const SubTree &p1 = getp1(); \
+ if(p0->IsImmed() && \
+ p1->IsImmed()) ReplaceWithConst(fun(p0->GetImmed(), p1->GetImmed())); \
+ break; }
+ // FIXME: potential invalid parameters for functions
+ // can cause exceptions here
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cAbs, fabs);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cAcos, acos);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cAsin, asin);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cAtan, atan);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cCeil, ceil);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cCos, cos);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cCosh, cosh);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cFloor, floor);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cLog, log);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cSin, sin);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cSinh, sinh);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cTan, tan);
+ ConstantUnaryFun(cTanh, tanh);
+ ConstantBinaryFun(cAtan2, atan2);
+ ConstantBinaryFun(cMax, Max);
+ ConstantBinaryFun(cMin, Min);
+ ConstantBinaryFun(cMod, fmod); // not a func, but belongs here too
+ ConstantBinaryFun(cPow, pow);
+ case cNeg:
+ case cSub:
+ case cDiv:
+ /* Unreached (nonexistent operator)
+ * TODO: internal error here?
+ */
+ break;
+ case cCot:
+ case cCsc:
+ case cSec:
+ case cDeg:
+ case cRad:
+ case cLog10:
+ case cSqrt:
+ case cExp:
+ /* Unreached (nonexistent function)
+ * TODO: internal error here?
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ OptimizeConflict();
+ }
+ void OptimizeAddMulFlat()
+ {
+ // This optimization flattens the topography of the tree.
+ // Examples:
+ // x + (y+z) = x+y+z
+ // x * (y/z) = x*y/z
+ // x / (y/z) = x/y*z
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd || GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ // If children are same type as parent add them here
+ for(pit b, a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); a=b)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a; b=a; ++b;
+ if(pa->GetOp() != GetOp()) continue;
+ // Child is same type
+ for(pcit c=pa->GetBegin();
+ c!=pa->GetEnd();
+ ++c)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pb = *c;
+ if(pa.getsign())
+ {
+ // +a -(+b +c)
+ // means b and c will be negated
+ SubTree tmp = pb;
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ tmp.Invert();
+ else
+ tmp.Negate();
+ AddParam(tmp);
+ }
+ else
+ AddParam(pb);
+ }
+ Erase(a);
+ // Note: OptimizeConstantMath1() would be a good thing to call next.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeLinearCombine()
+ {
+ // This optimization does the following:
+ //
+ // x*x*x*x -> x^4
+ // x+x+x+x -> x*4
+ // x*x -> x^2
+ // x/z/z ->
+ //
+ // Remove conflicts first, so we don't have to worry about signs.
+ OptimizeConflict();
+ bool didchanges = false;
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd || GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ Redo:
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ list<pit> poslist;
+ for(pit b=a; ++b!=GetEnd(); )
+ {
+ const SubTree &pb = *b;
+ if(*pa == *pb)
+ poslist.push_back(b);
+ }
+ unsigned min = 2;
+ if(poslist.size() >= min)
+ {
+ SubTree arvo = pa;
+ bool negate = arvo.getsign();
+ double factor = poslist.size() + 1;
+ if(negate)
+ {
+ arvo.Negate();
+ factor = -factor;
+ }
+ CodeTree tmp(GetOp()==cAdd ? cMul : cPow,
+ arvo,
+ factor);
+ list<pit>::const_iterator j;
+ for(j=poslist.begin(); j!=poslist.end(); ++j)
+ Erase(*j);
+ poslist.clear();
+ *a = tmp;
+ didchanges = true;
+ goto Redo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(didchanges)
+ {
+ // As a result, there might be need for this:
+ OptimizeAddMulFlat();
+ // And this:
+ OptimizeRedundant();
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeLogarithm()
+ {
+ /*
+ This is basic logarithm math:
+ pow(X,Y)/log(Y) = X
+ log(X)/log(Y) = logY(X)
+ log(X^Y) = log(X)*Y
+ log(X*Y) = log(X)+log(Y)
+ exp(log(X)*Y) = X^Y
+ This function does these optimizations:
+ pow(const_E, log(x)) = x
+ pow(const_E, log(x)*y) = x^y
+ pow(10, log(x)*const_L10I*y) = x^y
+ pow(z, log(x)/log(z)*y) = x^y
+ And this:
+ log(x^z) = z * log(x)
+ Which automatically causes these too:
+ log(pow(const_E, x)) = x
+ log(pow(y, x)) = x * log(y)
+ log(pow(pow(const_E, y), x)) = x*y
+ And it does this too:
+ log(x) + log(y) + log(z) = log(x * y * z)
+ log(x * exp(y)) = log(x) + y
+ */
+ // Must be already in exponential form.
+ // Optimize exponents before doing something.
+ OptimizeExponents();
+ if(GetOp() == cLog)
+ {
+ // We should have one parameter for log() function.
+ // If we don't, we're screwed.
+ const SubTree &p = getp0();
+ if(p->GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ // Found log(x^y)
+ SubTree p0 = p->getp0(); // x
+ SubTree p1 = p->getp1(); // y
+ // Build the new logarithm.
+ CodeTree tmp(GetOp(), p0); // log(x)
+ // Become log(x) * y
+ ReplaceWith(cMul, tmp, p1);
+ }
+ else if(p->GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ // Redefine &p nonconst
+ SubTree &p = getp0();
+ p->OptimizeAddMulFlat();
+ p->OptimizeExponents();
+ CHECKCONSTNEG(p, p->GetOp());
+ list<SubTree> adds;
+ for(pit b, a = p->GetBegin();
+ a != p->GetEnd(); a=b)
+ {
+ SubTree &pa = *a; b=a; ++b;
+ if(pa->GetOp() == cPow
+ && pa->getp0()->IsImmed()
+ && pa->getp0()->GetImmed() == CONSTANT_E)
+ {
+ adds.push_back(pa->getp1());
+ p->Erase(a);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(adds.size())
+ {
+ CodeTree tmp(cAdd, *this);
+ list<SubTree>::const_iterator i;
+ for(i=adds.begin(); i!=adds.end(); ++i)
+ tmp.AddParam(*i);
+ ReplaceWith(tmp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cAdd)
+ {
+ // Check which ones are logs.
+ list<pit> poslist;
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa->GetOp() == cLog)
+ poslist.push_back(a);
+ }
+ if(poslist.size() >= 2)
+ {
+ CodeTree tmp(cMul, 1.0); // eek
+ list<pit>::const_iterator j;
+ for(j=poslist.begin(); j!=poslist.end(); ++j)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pb = **j;
+ // Take all of its children
+ for(pcit b=pb->GetBegin();
+ b!=pb->GetEnd();
+ ++b)
+ {
+ SubTree tmp2 = *b;
+ if(pb.getsign()) tmp2.Negate();
+ tmp.AddParam(tmp2);
+ }
+ Erase(*j);
+ }
+ poslist.clear();
+ AddParam(CodeTree(cLog, tmp));
+ }
+ // Done, hopefully
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ const SubTree &p0 = getp0();
+ SubTree &p1 = getp1();
+ if(p0->IsImmed() && p0->GetImmed() == CONSTANT_E
+ && p1->GetOp() == cLog)
+ {
+ // pow(const_E, log(x)) = x
+ ReplaceWith(*(p1->getp0()));
+ }
+ else if(p1->GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ //bool didsomething = true;
+ pit poslogpos; bool foundposlog = false;
+ pit neglogpos; bool foundneglog = false;
+ ConstList cl = p1->BuildConstList();
+ for(pit a=p1->GetBegin(); a!=p1->GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa->GetOp() == cLog)
+ {
+ if(!pa.getsign())
+ {
+ foundposlog = true;
+ poslogpos = a;
+ }
+ else if(*p0 == *(pa->getp0()))
+ {
+ foundneglog = true;
+ neglogpos = a;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(p0->IsImmed()
+ && p0->GetImmed() == 10.0
+ && cl.value == CONSTANT_L10I
+ && foundposlog)
+ {
+ SubTree base = (*poslogpos)->getp0();
+ p1->KillConst(cl);
+ p1->Erase(poslogpos);
+ p1->OptimizeRedundant();
+ SubTree mul = p1;
+ ReplaceWith(cPow, base, mul);
+ // FIXME: what optimizations should be done now?
+ return;
+ }
+ // Put back the constant
+ FinishConst(cl);
+ if(p0->IsImmed()
+ && p0->GetImmed() == CONSTANT_E
+ && foundposlog)
+ {
+ SubTree base = (*poslogpos)->getp0();
+ p1->Erase(poslogpos);
+ p1->OptimizeRedundant();
+ SubTree mul = p1;
+ ReplaceWith(cPow, base, mul);
+ // FIXME: what optimizations should be done now?
+ return;
+ }
+ if(foundposlog
+ && foundneglog
+ && *((*neglogpos)->getp0()) == *p0)
+ {
+ SubTree base = (*poslogpos)->getp0();
+ p1->Erase(poslogpos);
+ p1->Erase(neglogpos);
+ p1->OptimizeRedundant();
+ SubTree mul = p1;
+ ReplaceWith(cPow, base, mul);
+ // FIXME: what optimizations should be done now?
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeFunctionCalls()
+ {
+ /* Goals: sin(asin(x)) = x
+ * cos(acos(x)) = x
+ * tan(atan(x)) = x
+ * NOTE:
+ * Do NOT do these:
+ * asin(sin(x))
+ * acos(cos(x))
+ * atan(tan(x))
+ * Because someone might want to wrap the angle.
+ */
+ }
+ void OptimizePowMulAdd()
+ {
+ // x^3 * x -> x^4
+ // x*3 + x -> x*4
+ // FIXME: Do those
+ // x^1 -> x
+ if(GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ const SubTree &base = getp0();
+ const SubTree &exponent = getp1();
+ if(exponent->IsImmed())
+ {
+ if(exponent->GetImmed() == 1.0)
+ ReplaceWith(*base);
+ else if(exponent->GetImmed() == 0.0
+ && base->NonZero())
+ ReplaceWithConst(1.0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeExponents()
+ {
+ /* Goals:
+ * (x^y)^z -> x^(y*z)
+ * x^y * x^z -> x^(y+z)
+ */
+ // First move to exponential form.
+ OptimizeLinearCombine();
+ bool didchanges = false;
+ Redo:
+ if(GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ // (x^y)^z -> x^(y*z)
+ const SubTree &p0 = getp0();
+ const SubTree &p1 = getp1();
+ if(p0->GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ CodeTree tmp(cMul, p0->getp1(), p1);
+ tmp.Optimize();
+ ReplaceWith(cPow, p0->getp0(), tmp);
+ didchanges = true;
+ goto Redo;
+ }
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ // x^y * x^z -> x^(y+z)
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa->GetOp() != cPow) continue;
+ list<pit> poslist;
+ for(pit b=a; ++b != GetEnd(); )
+ {
+ const SubTree &pb = *b;
+ if(pb->GetOp() == cPow
+ && *(pa->getp0())
+ == *(pb->getp0()))
+ {
+ poslist.push_back(b);
+ }
+ }
+ if(poslist.size() >= 1)
+ {
+ poslist.push_back(a);
+ CodeTree base = *(pa->getp0());
+ CodeTree exponent(cAdd, 0.0); //eek
+ // Collect all exponents to cAdd
+ list<pit>::const_iterator i;
+ for(i=poslist.begin(); i!=poslist.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pb = **i;
+ SubTree tmp2 = pb->getp1();
+ if(pb.getsign()) tmp2.Invert();
+ exponent.AddParam(tmp2);
+ }
+ exponent.Optimize();
+ CodeTree result(cPow, base, exponent);
+ for(i=poslist.begin(); i!=poslist.end(); ++i)
+ Erase(*i);
+ poslist.clear();
+ AddParam(result); // We're cMul, remember
+ didchanges = true;
+ goto Redo;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ OptimizePowMulAdd();
+ if(didchanges)
+ {
+ // As a result, there might be need for this:
+ OptimizeConflict();
+ }
+ }
+ void OptimizeLinearExplode()
+ {
+ // x^2 -> x*x
+ // But only if x is just a simple thing
+ // Won't work on anything else.
+ if(GetOp() != cPow) return;
+ }
+ void OptimizePascal()
+ {
+#if 0 // Too big, too specific, etc
+ // Won't work on anything else.
+ if(GetOp() != cAdd) return;
+ // Must be done after OptimizeLinearCombine();
+ // Don't need pascal triangle
+ // Coefficient for x^a * y^b * z^c = 3! / (a! * b! * c!)
+ // We are greedy and want other than just binomials
+ // FIXME
+ // note: partial ones are also nice
+ // x*x + x*y + y*y
+ // = (x+y)^2 - x*y
+ //
+ // x x * x y * + y y * +
+ // -> x y + dup * x y * -
+ }
+ void Optimize();
+ void Assemble(vector<unsigned> &byteCode,
+ vector<double> &immed) const;
+ void FinalOptimize()
+ {
+ // First optimize each parameter.
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ (*a)->FinalOptimize();
+ /* These things are to be done:
+ *
+ * x * CONSTANT_DR -> cDeg(x)
+ * x * CONSTANT_RD -> cRad(x)
+ * pow(x, 0.5) -> sqrt(x)
+ * log(x) * CONSTANT_L10I -> log10(x)
+ * pow(CONSTANT_E, x) -> exp(x)
+ * inv(sin(x)) -> csc(x)
+ * inv(cos(x)) -> sec(x)
+ * inv(tan(x)) -> cot(x)
+ */
+ if(GetOp() == cPow)
+ {
+ const SubTree &p0 = getp0();
+ const SubTree &p1 = getp1();
+ if(p0->GetOp() == cImmed
+ && p0->GetImmed() == CONSTANT_E)
+ {
+ ReplaceWith(cExp, p1);
+ }
+ else if(p1->GetOp() == cImmed
+ && p1->GetImmed() == 0.5)
+ {
+ ReplaceWith(cSqrt, p0);
+ }
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ if(GetArgCount() == 1 && getp0().getsign())
+ {
+ /***/if(getp0()->GetOp() == cSin)ReplaceWith(cCsc, getp0()->getp0());
+ else if(getp0()->GetOp() == cCos)ReplaceWith(cSec, getp0()->getp0());
+ else if(getp0()->GetOp() == cTan)ReplaceWith(cCot, getp0()->getp0());
+ }
+ }
+ // Separate "if", because op may have just changed
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ CodeTree *found_log = 0;
+ ConstList cl = BuildConstList();
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(pa->GetOp() == cLog && !pa.getsign())
+ found_log = &*pa;
+ }
+ if(cl.value == CONSTANT_L10I && found_log)
+ {
+ // Change the log() to log10()
+ found_log->SetOp(cLog10);
+ // And forget the constant
+ KillConst(cl);
+ }
+ else if(cl.value == CONSTANT_DR)
+ {
+ OptimizeRedundant();
+ ReplaceWith(cDeg, *this);
+ }
+ else if(cl.value == CONSTANT_RD)
+ {
+ OptimizeRedundant();
+ ReplaceWith(cRad, *this);
+ }
+ else FinishConst(cl);
+ }
+ SortIfPossible();
+ }
+void CodeTreeDataPtr::Shock()
+ /*
+ PrepareForWrite();
+ paramlist &p2 = (*this)->args;
+ for(paramlist::iterator i=p2.begin(); i!=p2.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ (*i)->data.Shock();
+ }
+ */
+CodeTree::ConstList CodeTree::BuildConstList()
+ ConstList result;
+ result.value =
+ result.voidvalue = GetOp()==cMul ? 1.0 : 0.0;
+ list<pit> &cp = result.cp;
+ for(pit b, a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); a=b)
+ {
+ SubTree &pa = *a; b=a; ++b;
+ if(!pa->IsImmed()) continue;
+ double thisvalue = pa->GetImmed();
+ if(thisvalue == result.voidvalue)
+ {
+ // This value is no good, forget it
+ Erase(a);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ result.value *= thisvalue;
+ else
+ result.value += thisvalue;
+ cp.push_back(a);
+ }
+ if(GetOp() == cMul)
+ {
+ /*
+ Jos joku niistä arvoista on -1 eikä se ole ainoa arvo,
+ niin joku muu niistä arvoista negatoidaan.
+ */
+ for(bool done=false; cp.size() > 1 && !done; )
+ {
+ done = true;
+ for(list<pit>::iterator b,a=cp.begin(); a!=cp.end(); a=b)
+ {
+ b=a; ++b;
+ if((**a)->GetImmed() == -1.0)
+ {
+ Erase(*a);
+ cp.erase(a);
+ // take randomly something
+ (**cp.begin())->data->NegateImmed();
+ if(cp.size() < 2)break;
+ done = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+void CodeTree::Assemble
+ (vector<unsigned> &byteCode,
+ vector<double> &immed) const
+ #define AddCmd(op) byteCode.push_back((op))
+ #define AddConst(v) do { \
+ byteCode.push_back(cImmed); \
+ immed.push_back((v)); \
+ } while(0)
+ if(IsVar())
+ {
+ AddCmd(GetVar());
+ return;
+ }
+ if(IsImmed())
+ {
+ AddConst(GetImmed());
+ return;
+ }
+ switch(GetOp())
+ {
+ case cAdd:
+ case cMul:
+ {
+ unsigned opcount = 0;
+ for(pcit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ if(opcount < 2) ++opcount;
+ bool pnega = pa.getsign();
+ bool done = false;
+ if(pa->IsImmed())
+ {
+ if(GetOp() == cMul
+ && pa->data->IsInverted()
+ && (pnega || opcount==2)
+ )
+ {
+ CodeTree tmp = *pa;
+ tmp.data->InvertImmed();
+ tmp.Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ pnega = !pnega;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ else if(GetOp() == cAdd
+ && (pa->data->IsNegatedOriginal()
+ // || pa->GetImmed() < 0
+ )
+ && (pnega || opcount==2)
+ )
+ {
+ CodeTree tmp = *pa;
+ tmp.data->NegateImmed();
+ tmp.Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ pnega = !pnega;
+ done = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if(!done)
+ pa->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ if(opcount == 2)
+ {
+ unsigned tmpop = GetOp();
+ if(pnega) // negate
+ {
+ tmpop = (tmpop == cMul) ? cDiv : cSub;
+ }
+ AddCmd(tmpop);
+ }
+ else if(pnega)
+ {
+ if(GetOp() == cMul) AddCmd(cInv);
+ else AddCmd(cNeg);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case cIf:
+ {
+ // If the parameter amount is != 3, we're screwed.
+ getp0()->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ unsigned ofs = byteCode.size();
+ AddCmd(cIf);
+ AddCmd(0); // code index
+ AddCmd(0); // immed index
+ getp1()->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ byteCode[ofs+1] = byteCode.size()+2;
+ byteCode[ofs+2] = immed.size();
+ ofs = byteCode.size();
+ AddCmd(cJump);
+ AddCmd(0); // code index
+ AddCmd(0); // immed index
+ getp2()->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ byteCode[ofs+1] = byteCode.size()-1;
+ byteCode[ofs+2] = immed.size();
+ break;
+ }
+ case cFCall:
+ {
+ // If the parameter count is invalid, we're screwed.
+ for(pcit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ pa->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ }
+ AddCmd(GetOp());
+ AddCmd(data->GetFuncNo());
+ break;
+ }
+ case cPCall:
+ {
+ // If the parameter count is invalid, we're screwed.
+ for(pcit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ pa->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ }
+ AddCmd(GetOp());
+ AddCmd(data->GetFuncNo());
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ // If the parameter count is invalid, we're screwed.
+ for(pcit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *a;
+ pa->Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ }
+ AddCmd(GetOp());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+void CodeTree::Optimize()
+ // Phase:
+ // Phase 0: Do local optimizations.
+ // Phase 1: Optimize each.
+ // Phase 2: Do local optimizations again.
+ for(unsigned phase=0; phase<=2; ++phase)
+ {
+ if(phase == 1)
+ {
+ // Optimize each parameter.
+ for(pit a=GetBegin(); a!=GetEnd(); ++a)
+ {
+ (*a)->Optimize();
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(phase == 0 || phase == 2)
+ {
+ // Do local optimizations.
+ OptimizeConstantMath1();
+ OptimizeLogarithm();
+ OptimizeFunctionCalls();
+ OptimizeExponents();
+ OptimizeLinearExplode();
+ OptimizePascal();
+ /* Optimization paths:
+ doublenegations=
+ redundant= * doublenegations
+ conflict= * redundant
+ addmulflat=
+ constantmath1= addmulflat * conflict
+ linearcombine= conflict * addmulflat¹ redundant¹
+ powmuladd=
+ exponents= linearcombine * powmuladd conflict¹
+ logarithm= exponents *
+ functioncalls= IDLE
+ linearexplode= IDLE
+ pascal= IDLE
+ * = actions here
+ ¹ = only if made changes
+ */
+ }
+ }
+bool CodeTree::operator== (const CodeTree& b) const
+ if(GetOp() != b.GetOp()) return false;
+ if(IsImmed()) if(GetImmed() != b.GetImmed()) return false;
+ if(IsVar()) if(GetVar() != b.GetVar()) return false;
+ if(data->IsFunc())
+ if(data->GetFuncNo() != b.data->GetFuncNo()) return false;
+ return data->args == b.data->args;
+bool CodeTree::operator< (const CodeTree& b) const
+ if(GetArgCount() != b.GetArgCount())
+ return GetArgCount() > b.GetArgCount();
+ if(GetOp() != b.GetOp())
+ {
+ // sort immeds last
+ if(IsImmed() != b.IsImmed()) return IsImmed() < b.IsImmed();
+ return GetOp() < b.GetOp();
+ }
+ if(IsImmed())
+ {
+ if(GetImmed() != b.GetImmed()) return GetImmed() < b.GetImmed();
+ }
+ if(IsVar() && GetVar() != b.GetVar())
+ {
+ return GetVar() < b.GetVar();
+ }
+ if(data->IsFunc() && data->GetFuncNo() != b.data->GetFuncNo())
+ {
+ return data->GetFuncNo() < b.data->GetFuncNo();
+ }
+ pcit i = GetBegin(), j = b.GetBegin();
+ for(; i != GetEnd(); ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ const SubTree &pa = *i, &pb = *j;
+ if(!(pa == pb))
+ return pa < pb;
+ }
+ return false;
+bool IsNegate(const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2) /*const */
+ if(p1->IsImmed() && p2->IsImmed())
+ {
+ return p1->GetImmed() == -p2->GetImmed();
+ }
+ if(p1.getsign() == p2.getsign()) return false;
+ return *p1 == *p2;
+bool IsInverse(const SubTree &p1, const SubTree &p2) /*const*/
+ if(p1->IsImmed() && p2->IsImmed())
+ {
+ // FIXME: potential divide by zero.
+ return p1->GetImmed() == 1.0 / p2->GetImmed();
+ }
+ if(p1.getsign() == p2.getsign()) return false;
+ return *p1 == *p2;
+SubTree::SubTree() : tree(new CodeTree), sign(false)
+SubTree::SubTree(const SubTree &b) : tree(new CodeTree(*b.tree)), sign(b.sign)
+#define SubTreeDecl(p1, p2) \
+ SubTree::SubTree p1 : tree(new CodeTree p2), sign(false) { }
+SubTreeDecl( (const CodeTree &b), (b) )
+SubTreeDecl( (double value), (value) )
+#undef SubTreeDecl
+ delete tree; tree=0;
+const SubTree &SubTree::operator= (const SubTree &b)
+ sign = b.sign;
+ CodeTree *oldtree = tree;
+ tree = new CodeTree(*b.tree);
+ delete oldtree;
+ return *this;
+const SubTree &SubTree::operator= (const CodeTree &b)
+ sign = false;
+ CodeTree *oldtree = tree;
+ tree = new CodeTree(b);
+ delete oldtree;
+ return *this;
+bool SubTree::operator< (const SubTree& b) const
+ if(getsign() != b.getsign()) return getsign() < b.getsign();
+ return *tree < *b.tree;
+bool SubTree::operator== (const SubTree& b) const
+ return sign == b.sign && *tree == *b.tree;
+void SubTree::Negate() // Note: Parent must be cAdd
+ flipsign();
+ CheckConstNeg();
+void SubTree::CheckConstNeg()
+ if(tree->IsImmed() && getsign())
+ {
+ tree->NegateImmed();
+ sign = false;
+ }
+void SubTree::Invert() // Note: Parent must be cMul
+ flipsign();
+ CheckConstInv();
+void SubTree::CheckConstInv()
+ if(tree->IsImmed() && getsign())
+ {
+ tree->InvertImmed();
+ sign = false;
+ }
+void FunctionParser::MakeTree(void *r) const
+ // Dirty hack. Should be fixed.
+ CodeTree* result = static_cast<CodeTree*>(r);
+ vector<CodeTree> stack(1);
+ #define GROW(n) do { \
+ stacktop += n; \
+ if(stack.size() <= stacktop) stack.resize(stacktop+1); \
+ } while(0)
+ #define EAT(n, opcode) do { \
+ unsigned newstacktop = stacktop-n; \
+ stack[stacktop].SetOp((opcode)); \
+ for(unsigned a=0, b=(n); a<b; ++a) \
+ stack[stacktop].AddParam(stack[newstacktop+a]); \
+ stack.erase(stack.begin() + newstacktop, \
+ stack.begin() + stacktop); \
+ stacktop = newstacktop; GROW(1); \
+ } while(0)
+ #define ADDCONST(n) do { \
+ stack[stacktop].SetImmed((n)); \
+ GROW(1); \
+ } while(0)
+ unsigned stacktop=0;
+ list<unsigned> labels;
+ const unsigned* const ByteCode = data->ByteCode;
+ const unsigned ByteCodeSize = data->ByteCodeSize;
+ const double* const Immed = data->Immed;
+ for(unsigned IP=0, DP=0; ; ++IP)
+ {
+ while(labels.size() > 0
+ && *labels.begin() == IP)
+ {
+ // The "else" of an "if" ends here
+ EAT(3, cIf);
+ labels.erase(labels.begin());
+ }
+ if(IP >= ByteCodeSize)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ unsigned opcode = ByteCode[IP];
+ if(opcode == cIf)
+ {
+ IP += 2;
+ }
+ else if(opcode == cJump)
+ {
+ labels.push_front(ByteCode[IP+1]+1);
+ IP += 2;
+ }
+ else if(opcode == cImmed)
+ {
+ ADDCONST(Immed[DP++]);
+ }
+ else if(opcode < VarBegin)
+ {
+ switch(opcode)
+ {
+ // Unary operators
+ case cNeg:
+ {
+ EAT(1, cAdd); // Unary minus is negative adding.
+ stack[stacktop-1].getp0().Negate();
+ break;
+ }
+ // Binary operators
+ case cSub:
+ {
+ EAT(2, cAdd); // Minus is negative adding
+ stack[stacktop-1].getp1().Negate();
+ break;
+ }
+ case cDiv:
+ {
+ EAT(2, cMul); // Divide is inverse multiply
+ stack[stacktop-1].getp1().Invert();
+ break;
+ }
+ case cAdd: case cMul:
+ case cMod: case cPow:
+ case cEqual: case cLess: case cGreater:
+ case cAnd: case cOr:
+ EAT(2, opcode);
+ break;
+ case cFCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ unsigned params = data->FuncPtrs[index].params;
+ EAT(params, opcode);
+ stack[stacktop-1].data->SetFuncNo(index);
+ break;
+ }
+ case cPCall:
+ {
+ unsigned index = ByteCode[++IP];
+ unsigned params =
+ data->FuncParsers[index]->data->varAmount;
+ EAT(params, opcode);
+ stack[stacktop-1].data->SetFuncNo(index);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Converted to cMul on fly
+ case cDeg:
+ EAT(2, cMul);
+ break;
+ // Converted to cMul on fly
+ case cRad:
+ EAT(2, cMul);
+ break;
+ // Functions
+ default:
+ {
+ const FuncDefinition& func = Functions[opcode-cAbs];
+ unsigned paramcount = func.params;
+ if(opcode == cEval) paramcount = data->varAmount;
+ if(opcode == cSqrt)
+ {
+ // Converted on fly: sqrt(x) = x^0.5
+ opcode = cPow;
+ paramcount = 2;
+ ADDCONST(0.5);
+ }
+ if(opcode == cExp)
+ {
+ // Converted on fly: exp(x) = CONSTANT_E^x
+ opcode = cPow;
+ paramcount = 2;
+ // reverse the parameters... kludgey
+ stack[stacktop] = stack[stacktop-1];
+ stack[stacktop-1].SetImmed(CONSTANT_E);
+ GROW(1);
+ }
+ bool do_inv = false;
+ if(opcode == cCot) { do_inv = true; opcode = cTan; }
+ if(opcode == cCsc) { do_inv = true; opcode = cSin; }
+ if(opcode == cSec) { do_inv = true; opcode = cCos; }
+ bool do_log10 = false;
+ if(opcode == cLog10)
+ {
+ // Converted on fly: log10(x) = log(x) * CONSTANT_L10I
+ opcode = cLog;
+ do_log10 = true;
+ }
+ EAT(paramcount, opcode);
+ if(do_log10)
+ {
+ EAT(2, cMul);
+ }
+ if(do_inv)
+ {
+ // Unary cMul, inverted. No need for "1.0"
+ EAT(1, cMul);
+ stack[stacktop-1].getp0().Invert();
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stack[stacktop].SetVar(opcode);
+ GROW(1);
+ }
+ }
+ if(!stacktop)
+ {
+ // ERROR: Stack does not have any values!
+ return;
+ }
+ --stacktop; // Ignore the last element, it is always nop (cAdd).
+ if(stacktop > 0)
+ {
+ // ERROR: Stack has too many values!
+ return;
+ }
+ // Okay, the tree is now stack[0]
+ *result = stack[0];
+void FunctionParser::Optimize()
+ copyOnWrite();
+ CodeTree tree;
+ MakeTree(&tree);
+ // Do all sorts of optimizations
+ tree.Optimize();
+ // Last changes before assembly
+ tree.FinalOptimize();
+ // Now rebuild from the tree.
+ vector<unsigned> byteCode;
+ vector<double> immed;
+#if 0
+ byteCode.resize(Comp.ByteCodeSize);
+ for(unsigned a=0; a<Comp.ByteCodeSize; ++a)byteCode[a] = Comp.ByteCode[a];
+ immed.resize(Comp.ImmedSize);
+ for(unsigned a=0; a<Comp.ImmedSize; ++a)immed[a] = Comp.Immed[a];
+ byteCode.clear(); immed.clear();
+ tree.Assemble(byteCode, immed);
+ delete[] data->ByteCode; data->ByteCode = 0;
+ if((data->ByteCodeSize = byteCode.size()) > 0)
+ {
+ data->ByteCode = new unsigned[data->ByteCodeSize];
+ for(unsigned a=0; a<byteCode.size(); ++a)
+ data->ByteCode[a] = byteCode[a];
+ }
+ delete[] data->Immed; data->Immed = 0;
+ if((data->ImmedSize = immed.size()) > 0)
+ {
+ data->Immed = new double[data->ImmedSize];
+ for(unsigned a=0; a<immed.size(); ++a)
+ data->Immed[a] = immed[a];
+ }
+/* keep the linker happy */
+void FunctionParser::MakeTree(CodeTree *) const {}
+void FunctionParser::Optimize()
+ // Do nothing if no optimizations are supported.
--- /dev/null
+ Function parser for C++ v2.7 by Warp.
+ =====================================
+ Optimization code contributed by Bisqwit (http://iki.fi/bisqwit/)
+ The usage license of this library is located at the end of this text file.
+ What's new in v2.7
+ ------------------
+ - Changed precedence rules for unary minus and the power operator (^) to
+ make it closer in functionality to the power "operator" in mathematics
+ (ie. superscript):
+ * Consecutive power operators at the same precedence level are
+ evaluated from right to left. That is, for example "2^3^4" is
+ now evaluated as if it had been written as "2^(3^4)" (and not
+ as "(2^3)^4" like in previous versions).
+ * The unary minus in the base of the power has now a lower precedence
+ than the power operator. That is, "-2^3" will be evaluated as if
+ written as "-(2^3)", ie. the result is "-8" (and not "8" like in
+ previous versions). The unary minus in the exponent is still
+ evaluated first because of the right-left precedence change above
+ (that is, "-2^-3" is evaluated as "-(2^(-3))").
+ - Fixed a bug in the copy-on-write engine.
+ - Preface
+ Often people need to ask some mathematical expression from the user and
+then evaluate values for that expression. The simplest example is a program
+which draws the graphic of a user-defined function on screen.
+ This library adds C-style function string parsing to the program. This
+means that you can evaluate the string "sqrt(1-x^2+y^2)" with given values
+of 'x' and 'y'.
+ The library is intended to be very fast. It byte-compiles the function
+string at parse time and interpretes this byte-code at evaluation time.
+The evaluation is straightforward and no recursions are done (uses stack
+ Empirical tests show that it indeed is very fast (specially compared to
+libraries which evaluate functions by just interpreting the raw function
+ The library is made in ISO C++ and requires a standard-conforming C++
+ - Usage
+ To use the FunctionParser class, you have to include "fparser.hh". When
+compiling, you have to compile fparser.cc and link it to the main program.
+You can also make a library from the fparser.cc (see the help on your
+compiler to see how this is done).
+ * Conditional compiling:
+ ---------------------
+ There is a set of precompiler options at the beginning of fparser.cc
+ which can be used for setting certain features on or off. These lines
+ can be commented or uncommented depending on the desired behaviour:
+ NO_ASINH : (Default on)
+ By default the library does not support the asinh(), acosh()
+ and atanh() functions because they are not part of the ISO C++
+ standard. If your compiler supports them and you want the
+ parser to support them as well, comment this line.
+ DISABLE_EVAL : (Default off)
+ The eval() function can be dangerous because it can cause an
+ infinite recursion in the parser when not used properly (which
+ causes the function stack created by the compiler to overflow).
+ If this possibility should be prevented then the eval() function
+ can be disabled completely by uncommenting this line.
+ SUPPORT_OPTIMIZER : (Default on)
+ If you are not going to use the Optimize() method, you can comment
+ this line out to speed-up the compilation of fparser.cc a bit, as
+ well as making the binary a bit smaller. (Optimize() can still be
+ called, but it will not do anything.)
+ * Copying and assignment:
+ ----------------------
+ The class implements a safe copy constructor and assignment operator.
+ It uses the copy-on-write technique for efficiency. This means that
+ when copying or assigning a FunctionParser instance, the internal data
+ (which in some cases can be quite lengthy) is not immediately copied
+ but only when the contents of the copy (or the original) are changed.
+ This means that copying/assigning is a very fast operation, and if
+ the copies are never modified then actual data copying never happens
+ either.
+ The Eval() and EvalError() methods of the copy can be called without
+ the internal data being copied.
+ Calling Parse(), Optimize() or the user-defined constant/function adding
+ methods will cause a deep-copy.
+ (C++ basics: The copy constructor is called when a new FunctionParser
+ instance is initialized with another, ie. like:
+ FunctionParser fp2 = fp1; // or: FunctionParser fp2(fp1);
+ or when a function takes a FunctionParser instance as parameter, eg:
+ void foo(FunctionParser p) // takes an instance of FunctionParser
+ { ... }
+ The assignment operator is called when a FunctionParser instance is
+ assigned to another, like "fp2 = fp1;".)
+ * Short descriptions of FunctionParser methods:
+ --------------------------------------------
+int Parse(const std::string& Function, const std::string& Vars,
+ bool useDegrees = false);
+ Parses the given function and compiles it to internal format.
+ Return value is -1 if successful, else the index value to the location
+ of the error.
+const char* ErrorMsg(void) const;
+ Returns an error message corresponding to the error in Parse(), or 0 if
+ no such error occurred.
+ParseErrorType GetParseErrorType() const;
+ Returns the type of parsing error which occurred. Possible return types
+ are described in the long description.
+double Eval(const double* Vars);
+ Evaluates the function given to Parse().
+int EvalError(void) const;
+ Returns 0 if no error happened in the previous call to Eval(), else an
+ error code >0.
+void Optimize();
+ Tries to optimize the bytecode for faster evaluation.
+bool AddConstant(const std::string& name, double value);
+ Add a constant to the parser. Returns false if the name of the constant
+ is invalid, else true.
+bool AddFunction(const std::string& name,
+ double (*functionPtr)(const double*),
+ unsigned paramsAmount);
+ Add a user-defined function to the parser (as a function pointer).
+ Returns false if the name of the function is invalid, else true.
+bool AddFunction(const std::string& name, FunctionParser&);
+ Add a user-defined function to the parser (as a FunctionParser instance).
+ Returns false if the name of the function is invalid, else true.
+ * Long descriptions of FunctionParser methods:
+ -------------------------------------------
+int Parse(const std::string& Function, const std::string& Vars,
+ bool useDegrees = false);
+ Parses the given function (and compiles it to internal format).
+ Destroys previous function. Following calls to Eval() will evaluate
+ the given function.
+ The strings given as parameters are not needed anymore after parsing.
+ Parameters:
+ Function : String containing the function to parse.
+ Vars : String containing the variable names, separated by commas.
+ Eg. "x,y", "VarX,VarY,VarZ,n" or "x1,x2,x3,x4,__VAR__".
+ useDegrees: (Optional.) Whether to use degrees or radians in
+ trigonometric functions. (Default: radians)
+ Variables can have any size and they are case sensitive (ie. "var",
+ "VAR" and "Var" are *different* variable names). Letters, digits and
+ underscores can be used in variable names, but the name of a variable
+ can't begin with a digit. Each variable name can appear only once in
+ the string. Function names are not legal variable names.
+ Using longer variable names causes no overhead whatsoever to the Eval()
+ method, so it's completely safe to use variable names of any size.
+ The third, optional parameter specifies whether angles should be
+ interpreted as radians or degrees in trigonometrical functions.
+ If not specified, the default value is radians.
+ Return values:
+ -On success the function returns -1.
+ -On error the function returns an index to where the error was found
+ (0 is the first character, 1 the second, etc). If the error was not
+ a parsing error returns an index to the end of the string + 1.
+ Example: parser.Parse("3*x+y", "x,y");
+const char* ErrorMsg(void) const;
+ Returns a pointer to an error message string corresponding to the error
+ caused by Parse() (you can use this to print the proper error message to
+ the user). If no such error has occurred, returns 0.
+ParseErrorType GetParseErrorType() const;
+ Returns the type of parse error which occurred.
+ This method can be used to get the error type if ErrorMsg() is not
+ enough for printing the error message. In other words, this can be
+ used for printing customized error messages (eg. in another language).
+ If the default error messages suffice, then this method doesn't need
+ to be called.
+ FunctionParser::ParseErrorType is an enumerated type inside the class
+ (ie. its values are accessed like "FunctionParser::SYNTAX_ERROR").
+ The possible values for FunctionParser::ParseErrorType are listed below,
+ along with their equivalent error message returned by the ErrorMsg()
+ method:
+FP_NO_ERROR : If no error occurred in the previous call to Parse().
+SYNTAX_ERROR : "Syntax error"
+MISM_PARENTH : "Mismatched parenthesis"
+MISSING_PARENTH : "Missing ')'"
+EMPTY_PARENTH : "Empty parentheses"
+EXPECT_OPERATOR : "Syntax error: Operator expected"
+OUT_OF_MEMORY : "Not enough memory"
+UNEXPECTED_ERROR : "An unexpected error ocurred. Please make a full bug "
+ "report to warp@iki.fi"
+INVALID_VARS : "Syntax error in parameter 'Vars' given to "
+ "FunctionParser::Parse()"
+ILL_PARAMS_AMOUNT : "Illegal number of parameters to function"
+PREMATURE_EOS : "Syntax error: Premature end of string"
+EXPECT_PARENTH_FUNC: "Syntax error: Expecting ( after function"
+double Eval(const double* Vars);
+ Evaluates the function given to Parse().
+ The array given as parameter must contain the same amount of values as
+ the amount of variables given to Parse(). Each value corresponds to each
+ variable, in the same order.
+ Return values:
+ -On success returns the evaluated value of the function given to
+ Parse().
+ -On error (such as division by 0) the return value is unspecified,
+ probably 0.
+ Example:
+ double Vars[] = {1, -2.5};
+ double result = parser.Eval(Vars);
+int EvalError(void) const;
+ Used to test if the call to Eval() succeeded.
+ Return values:
+ If there was no error in the previous call to Eval(), returns 0,
+ else returns a positive value as follows:
+ 1: division by zero
+ 2: sqrt error (sqrt of a negative value)
+ 3: log error (logarithm of a negative value)
+ 4: trigonometric error (asin or acos of illegal value)
+void Optimize();
+ This method can be called after calling the Parse() method. It will try
+ to simplify the internal bytecode so that it will evaluate faster (it
+ tries to reduce the amount of opcodes in the bytecode).
+ For example, the bytecode for the function "5+x*y-25*4/8" will be
+ reduced to a bytecode equivalent to the function "x*y-7.5" (the original
+ 11 opcodes will be reduced to 5). Besides calculating constant expressions
+ (like in the example), it also performs other types of simplifications
+ with variable and function expressions.
+ This method is quite slow and the decision of whether to use it or
+ not should depend on the type of application. If a function is parsed
+ once and evaluated millions of times, then calling Optimize() may speed-up
+ noticeably. However, if there are tons of functions to parse and each one
+ is evaluated once or just a few times, then calling Optimize() will only
+ slow down the program.
+ Also, if the original function is expected to be optimal, then calling
+ Optimize() would be useless.
+ Note: Currently this method does not make any checks (like Eval() does)
+ and thus things like "1/0" will cause undefined behaviour. (On the other
+ hand, if such expression is given to the parser, Eval() will always give
+ an error code, no matter what the parameters.) If caching this type of
+ errors is important, a work-around is to call Eval() once before calling
+ Optimize() and checking EvalError().
+ If the destination application is not going to use this method,
+ the compiler constant SUPPORT_OPTIMIZER can be undefined at the beginning
+ of fparser.cc to make the library smaller (Optimize() can still be called,
+ but it will not do anything).
+ (If you are interested in seeing how this method optimizes the opcode,
+ you can call the PrintByteCode() method before and after the call to
+ Optimize() to see the difference.)
+bool AddConstant(const std::string& name, double value);
+ This method can be used to add constants to the parser. Syntactically
+ constants are identical to variables (ie. they follow the same naming
+ rules and they can be used in the function string in the same way as
+ variables), but internally constants are directly replaced with their
+ value at parse time.
+ Constants used by a function must be added before calling Parse()
+ for that function. Constants are preserved between Parse() calls in
+ the current FunctionParser instance, so they don't need to be added
+ but once. (If you use the same constant in several instances of
+ FunctionParser, you will need to add it to all the instances separately.)
+ Constants can be added at any time and the value of old constants can
+ be changed, but new additions and changes will only have effect the next
+ time Parse() is called. (That is, changing the value of a constant
+ after calling Parse() and before calling Eval() will have no effect.)
+ The return value will be false if the 'name' of the constant was
+ illegal, else true. If the name was illegal, the method does nothing.
+ Example: parser.AddConstant("pi", 3.14159265);
+ Now for example parser.Parse("x*pi", "x"); will be identical to the
+ call parser.Parse("x*3.14159265", "x");
+bool AddFunction(const std::string& name,
+ double (*functionPtr)(const double*),
+ unsigned paramsAmount);
+ This method can be used to add new functions to the parser. For example,
+ if you would like to add a function "sqr(A)" which squares the value
+ of A, you can do it with this method (so that you don't need to touch
+ the source code of the parser).
+ The method takes three parameters:
+ - The name of the function. The name follows the same naming conventions
+ as variable names.
+ - A C++ function, which will be called when evaluating the function
+ string (if the user-given function is called there). The C++ function
+ must have the form:
+ double functionName(const double* params);
+ - The number of parameters the function takes. NOTE: Currently this
+ value must be at least 1; the parser does not support functions which
+ take no parameters (this problem may be fixed in the future).
+ The return value will be false if the given name was invalid (either it
+ did not follow the variable naming conventions, or the name was already
+ reserved), else true. If the return value is false, nothing is added.
+ Example:
+ Suppose we have a C++ function like this:
+ double Square(const double* p)
+ {
+ return p[0]*p[0];
+ }
+ Now we can add this function to the parser like this:
+ parser.AddFunction("sqr", Square, 1);
+ parser.Parse("2*sqr(x)", "x");
+ IMPORTANT NOTE: If you use the Optimize() method, it will assume that
+ the user-given function has no side-effects, that is, it always
+ returns the same value for the same parameters. The optimizer will
+ optimize the function call away in some cases, making this assumption.
+bool AddFunction(const std::string& name, FunctionParser&);
+ This method is almost identical to the previous AddFunction(), but
+ instead of taking a C++ function, it takes another FunctionParser
+ instance.
+ There are some important restrictions on making a FunctionParser instance
+ call another:
+ - The FunctionParser instance given as parameter must be initialized
+ with a Parse() call before giving it as parameter. That is, if you
+ want to use the parser A in the parser B, you must call A.Parse()
+ before you can call B.AddFunction("name", A).
+ - The amount of parameters in the FunctionParser instance given as
+ parameter must not change after it has been given to the AddFunction()
+ of another instance. Changing the number of parameters will result in
+ malfunction.
+ - AddFunction() will fail (ie. return false) if a recursive loop is
+ formed. The method specifically checks that no such loop is built.
+ - As with the other AddFunction(), the number of parameters taken by
+ the user-defined function must be at least 1 (this may be fixed in
+ the future).
+ Example:
+ FunctionParser f1, f2;
+ f1.Parse("x*x", "x");
+ f2.AddFunction("sqr", f1);
+ Example program:
+#include "fparser.hh"
+#include <iostream>
+int main()
+ FunctionParser fp;
+ int ret = fp.Parse("x+y-1", "x,y");
+ if(ret >= 0)
+ {
+ std::cerr << "At col " << ret << ": " << fp.ErrorMsg() << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ double vals[] = { 4, 8 };
+ std::cout << fp.Eval(vals) << std::endl;
+ - The function string
+ The function string understood by the class is very similar to the C-syntax.
+ Arithmetic float expressions can be created from float literals, variables
+or functions using the following operators in this order of precedence:
+ () expressions in parentheses first
+ -A unary minus
+ A^B exponentiation (A raised to the power B)
+ A*B A/B A%B multiplication, division and modulo
+ A+B A-B addition and subtraction
+ A=B A<B A>B comparison between A and B (result is either 0 or 1)
+ A&B result is 1 if int(A) and int(B) differ from 0, else 0.
+ A|B result is 1 if int(A) or int(B) differ from 0, else 0.
+ Since the unary minus has higher precedence than any other operator, for
+ example the following expression is valid: x*-y
+ Note that the '=' comparison can be inaccurate due to floating point
+ precision problems (eg. "sqrt(100)=10" probably returns 0, not 1).
+ The class supports these functions:
+ abs(A) : Absolute value of A. If A is negative, returns -A otherwise
+ returns A.
+ acos(A) : Arc-cosine of A. Returns the angle, measured in radians,
+ whose cosine is A.
+ acosh(A) : Same as acos() but for hyperbolic cosine.
+ asin(A) : Arc-sine of A. Returns the angle, measured in radians, whose
+ sine is A.
+ asinh(A) : Same as asin() but for hyperbolic sine.
+ atan(A) : Arc-tangent of (A). Returns the angle, measured in radians,
+ whose tangent is (A).
+ atan2(A,B): Arc-tangent of A/B. The two main differences to atan() is
+ that it will return the right angle depending on the signs of
+ A and B (atan() can only return values betwen -pi/2 and pi/2),
+ and that the return value of pi/2 and -pi/2 are possible.
+ atanh(A) : Same as atan() but for hyperbolic tangent.
+ ceil(A) : Ceiling of A. Returns the smallest integer greater than A.
+ Rounds up to the next higher integer.
+ cos(A) : Cosine of A. Returns the cosine of the angle A, where A is
+ measured in radians.
+ cosh(A) : Same as cos() but for hyperbolic cosine.
+ cot(A) : Cotangent of A (equivalent to 1/tan(A)).
+ csc(A) : Cosecant of A (equivalent to 1/sin(A)).
+ eval(...) : This a recursive call to the function to be evaluated. The
+ number of parameters must be the same as the number of parameters
+ taken by the function. Usually called inside if() to avoid
+ infinite recursion.
+ exp(A) : Exponential of A. Returns the value of e raised to the power
+ A where e is the base of the natural logarithm, i.e. the
+ non-repeating value approximately equal to 2.71828182846.
+ floor(A) : Floor of A. Returns the largest integer less than A. Rounds
+ down to the next lower integer.
+ if(A,B,C) : If int(A) differs from 0, the return value of this function is B,
+ else C. Only the parameter which needs to be evaluated is
+ evaluated, the other parameter is skipped; this makes it safe to
+ use eval() in them.
+ int(A) : Rounds A to the closest integer. 0.5 is rounded to 1.
+ log(A) : Natural (base e) logarithm of A.
+ log10(A) : Base 10 logarithm of A.
+ max(A,B) : If A>B, the result is A, else B.
+ min(A,B) : If A<B, the result is A, else B.
+ sec(A) : Secant of A (equivalent to 1/cos(A)).
+ sin(A) : Sine of A. Returns the sine of the angle A, where A is
+ measured in radians.
+ sinh(A) : Same as sin() but for hyperbolic sine.
+ sqrt(A) : Square root of A. Returns the value whose square is A.
+ tan(A) : Tangent of A. Returns the tangent of the angle A, where A
+ is measured in radians.
+ tanh(A) : Same as tan() but for hyperbolic tangent.
+ Examples of function string understood by the class:
+ "1+2"
+ "x-1"
+ "-sin(sqrt(x^2+y^2))"
+ "sqrt(XCoord*XCoord + YCoord*YCoord)"
+ An example of a recursive function is the factorial function:
+ "if(n>1, n*eval(n-1), 1)"
+ Note that a recursive call has some overhead, which makes it a bit slower
+ than any other operation. It may be a good idea to avoid recursive functions
+ in very time-critical applications. Recursion also takes some memory, so
+ extremely deep recursions should be avoided (eg. millions of nested recursive
+ calls).
+ Also note that the if() function is the only place where making a recursive
+ call is safe. In any other place it will cause an infinite recursion (which
+ will make the program eventually run out of memory). If this is something
+ which should be avoided, it may be a good idea to disable the eval()
+ function completely.
+ The eval() function can be disabled with the DISABLE_EVAL precompiler
+ constant (see the beginning of fparser.cc).
+ - Contacting the author
+ Any comments, bug reports, etc. should be sent to warp@iki.fi
+ - The algorithm used in the library
+ The whole idea behind the algorithm is to convert the regular infix
+format (the regular syntax for mathematical operations in most languages,
+like C and the input of the library) to postfix format. The postfix format
+is also called stack arithmetic since an expression in postfix format
+can be evaluated using a stack and operating with the top of the stack.
+ For example:
+ infix postfix
+ 2+3 2 3 +
+ 1+2+3 1 2 + 3 +
+ 5*2+8/2 5 2 * 8 2 / +
+ (5+9)*3 5 9 + 3 *
+ The postfix notation should be read in this way:
+ Let's take for example the expression: 5 2 * 8 2 / +
+ - Put 5 on the stack
+ - Put 2 on the stack
+ - Multiply the two values on the top of the stack and put the result on
+ the stack (removing the two old values)
+ - Put 8 on the stack
+ - Put 2 on the stack
+ - Divide the two values on the top of the stack
+ - Add the two values on the top of the stack (which are in this case
+ the result of 5*2 and 8/2, that is, 10 and 4).
+ At the end there's only one value in the stack, and that value is the
+result of the expression.
+ Why stack arithmetic?
+ The last example above can give you a hint.
+ In infix format operators have precedence and we have to use parentheses to
+group operations with lower precedence to be calculated before operations
+with higher precedence.
+ This causes a problem when evaluating an infix expression, specially
+when converting it to byte code. For example in this kind of expression:
+ (x+1)/(y+2)
+we have to calculate first the two additions before we can calculate the
+division. We have to also keep counting parentheses, since there can be
+a countless amount of nested parentheses. This usually means that you
+have to do some type of recursion.
+ The most simple and efficient way of calculating this is to convert it
+to postfix notation.
+ The postfix notation has the advantage that you can make all operations
+in a straightforward way. You just evaluate the expression from left to
+right, applying each operation directly and that's it. There are no
+parentheses to worry about. You don't need recursion anywhere.
+ You have to keep a stack, of course, but that's extremely easily done.
+Also you just operate with the top of the stack, which makes it very easy.
+You never have to go deeper than 2 items in the stack.
+ And even better: Evaluating an expression in postfix format is never
+slower than in infix format. All the contrary, in many cases it's a lot
+faster (eg. because all parentheses are optimized away).
+ The above example could be expressed in postfix format:
+ x 1 + y 2 + /
+ The good thing about the postfix notation is also the fact that it can
+be extremely easily expressed in bytecode form.
+ You only need a byte value for each operation, for each variable and
+to push a constant to the stack.
+ Then you can interpret this bytecode straightforwardly. You just interpret
+it byte by byte, from the beginning to the end. You never have to go back,
+make loops or anything.
+ This is what makes byte-coded stack arithmetic so fast.
+ Usage license:
+Copyright © 2003 Juha Nieminen, Joel Yliluoma
+ This library is distributed under two distinct usage licenses depending
+on the software ("Software" below) which uses the Function Parser library
+("Library" below).
+ The reason for having two distinct usage licenses is to make the library
+compatible with the GPL license while still being usable in other non-GPL
+(even commercial) software.
+A) If the Software using the Library is distributed under the GPL license,
+ then the Library can be used under the GPL license as well.
+ The Library will be under the GPL license only when used with the
+ Software. If the Library is separated from the Software and used in
+ another different software under a different license, then the Library
+ will have the B) license below.
+ Exception to the above: If the Library is modified for the GPL Software,
+ then the Library cannot be used with the B) license without the express
+ permission of the author of the modifications. A modified library will
+ be under the GPL license by default. That is, only the original,
+ unmodified version of the Library can be taken to another software
+ with the B) license below.
+ The author of the Software should provide an URL to the original
+ version of the Library if the one used in the Software has been
+ modified. (http://iki.fi/warp/FunctionParser/)
+ This text file must be distributed in its original intact form along
+ with the sources of the Library. (Documentation about possible
+ modifications to the library should be put in a different text file.)
+B) If the Software using the Library is not distributed under the GPL
+ license but under any other license, then the following usage license
+ applies to the Library:
+ 1. This library is free for non-commercial usage. You can do whatever you
+ like with it as long as you don't claim you made it yourself.
+ 2. It is possible to use this library in a commercial program, but in this
+ case you MUST contact me first (warp@iki.fi) and ask express permission
+ for this. (Read explanation at the end of the file.)
+ If you are making a free program or a shareware program with just a
+ nominal price (5 US dollars or less), you don't have to ask for
+ permission.
+ In any case, I DON'T WANT MONEY for the usage of this library. It is
+ free, period.
+ 3. You can make any modifications you want to it so that it conforms your
+ needs. If you make modifications to it, you have, of course, credits for
+ the modified parts.
+ 4. If you use this library in your own program, you don't have to provide
+ the source code if you don't want to (ie. the source code of your program
+ or this library).
+ If you DO include the source code for this library, this text file
+ must be included in its original intact form.
+ 5. If you distribute a program which uses this library, and specially if you
+ provide the source code, proper credits MUST be included. Trying to
+ obfuscate the fact that this library is not made by you or that it is
+ free is expressly prohibited. When crediting the usage of this library,
+ it's enough to include my name and email address, that is:
+ "Juha Nieminen (warp@iki.fi)". Also a URL to the library download page
+ would be nice, although not required. The official URL is:
+ http://iki.fi/warp/FunctionParser/
+ 6. And the necessary "lawyer stuff":
+ The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind,
+ express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of
+ merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.
+ In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any
+ claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract,
+ tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the
+ software or the use or other dealings in the software.
+--- Explanation of the section 2 of the B) license above:
+ The section 2 tries to define "fair use" of the library in commercial
+ "Fair use" of the library means that the program is not heavily dependent
+on the library, but the library only provides a minor secondary feature
+to the program.
+ "Heavily dependent" means that the program depends so much on the library
+that without it the functionality of the program would be seriously
+degraded or the program would even become completely non-functional.
+ In other words: If the program does not depend heavily on the library,
+that is, the library only provides a minor secondary feature which could
+be removed without the program being degraded in any considerable way,
+then it's OK to use the library in the commercial program.
+ If, however, the program depends so heavily on the library that
+removing it would make the program non-functional or degrade its
+functionality considerably, then it's NOT OK to use the library.
+ The ideology behind this is that it's not fair to use a free library
+as a base for a commercial program, but it's fair if the library is
+just a minor, unimportant extra.
+ If you are going to ask me for permission to use the library in a
+commercial program, please describe the feature which the library will
+be providing and how important it is to the program.