elliptic equation and one nonlinear, time dependent transport
equation. This is therefore also the first time-dependent tutorial
program (besides the somewhat strange time-dependence of @ref step_18
The equations covered here are an extension of the material already covered in
step-20. In particular, they fall into the class of
to be constant. We will denote variables refering to either of the two
phases using subscripts $w$ and $o$, short for water and oil. The
derivation of the equations holds for other pairs of fluids as well,
The velocity with which molecules of each of the two phases move is
determined by Darcy's law that states that the velocity is
proportional to the pressure gradient:
- \mathbf{u}_{j}
- =
- -\frac{k_{rj}(S)}{\mu_{j}} \mathbf{K} \cdot \nabla p
+ \mathbf{u}_{j}
+ =
+ -\frac{k_{rj}(S)}{\mu_{j}} \mathbf{K} \cdot \nabla p
where $\mathbf{u}_{j}$ is the velocity of phase $j=o,w$, $K$ is the
permeability tensor, $k_{rj}$ is the relative permeability of phase
\textrm{div}\ \mathbf{u}_{j} = q_j,
-with a source term for each phase. By summing over the two phases,
+with a source term for each phase. By summing over the two phases,
we can express the governing equations in terms of the
so-called pressure equation:
\mathbf{u} =
\mathbf{u}_{o} + \mathbf{u}_{w} = -\lambda(S) \mathbf{K}\cdot\nabla p.
-In addition,
+In addition,
- F(S)
- =
+ F(S)
+ =
\frac{k_{rw}(S)/\mu_{w}}{k_{rw}(S)/\mu_{w} + k_{ro}(S)/\mu_{o}}
Note that the advection equation contains the term $\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla
F(S)$ rather than $\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla S$ to indicate that the saturation
is not simply transported along; rather, since the two phases move with
different velocities, the saturation can actually change even in the advected
-coordinate system.
+coordinate system. To see this, rewrite $\mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla F(S)
+= \mathbf{u} F'(S) \cdot \nabla S$ to observe that the <i>actual</i>
+velocity with which the phase with saturation $S$ is transported is
+$\mathbf u F'(S)$ whereas the other phase is transported at velocity
+$\mathbf u (1-F'(S))$. $F(S)$ is consequently often referred to as the
+<i>fractional flow</i>.
In summary, what we get are the following two equations:
equals the charge density, $\textrm{div}\ \mathbf D = \rho$ and that the
divergence of the magnetic flux density is zero: $\textrm{div}\ \mathbf
B = 0$); even the quasistatic model of step-18 falls into this
-category. We will see that the different character of the two equations
+category. We will see that the different character of the two equations
will inform our discretization strategy for the two equations.
of the pressure, but can rather take the primary variable for it. Given the
saddle point structure of the first two equations and their similarity to the
mixed Laplace formulation we have introduced in step-20, it
-will come as no surprise that we will use a mixed discretization again.
+will come as no surprise that we will use a mixed discretization again.
But let's postpone this for a moment. The first business we have with these
equations is to think about the time discretization. In reservoir simulation,
there is a rather standard algorithm that we will use here. It first solves
W. T. Cardwell: <i>One-dimensional, incompressible, non-capillary, two-phase
fluid flow in a porous medium</i>, Trans. SPE AIME, 216 (1959), pp. 290-296; H.
L. Stone and A. O. Gardner Jr: <i>Analysis of gas-cap or dissolved-gas
-reservoirs</i>, Trans. SPE AIME, 222 (1961), pp. 92-104).
+reservoirs</i>, Trans. SPE AIME, 222 (1961), pp. 92-104).
In a slightly modified form, this algorithm can be
written as follows: for each time step, solve
terms by parts:
\left((\mathbf{K}\lambda(S^n))^{-1} \mathbf{u}^{n+1},\mathbf v\right)_\Omega -
- (p^{n+1}, \nabla\cdot\mathbf v)_\Omega &=&
- - (p^{n+1}, \mathbf v)_{\partial\Omega}
+ (p^{n+1}, \nabla\cdot\mathbf v)_\Omega &=&
+ - (p^{n+1}, \mathbf v)_{\partial\Omega}
- (\nabla \cdot\mathbf{u}^{n+1}, \phi)_\Omega &=& (q^{n+1},\phi)_\Omega
+ (\nabla \cdot\mathbf{u}^{n+1}, \phi)_\Omega &=& (q^{n+1},\phi)_\Omega
Note that in the first term, we have to prescribe the pressure $p^{n+1}$ on
the boundary $\partial\Omega$ as boundary values for our problem. $\mathbf n$
(S^{n+1}, \sigma)_\Omega
- \triangle t
+ \triangle t
\left(F(S^n), \nabla \cdot (\mathbf{u}^{n+1} \sigma)\right)_K
(S^{n+1}, \sigma)_\Omega
- \triangle t
+ \triangle t
\left(F(S^n) \mathbf{u}^{n+1}, \nabla \sigma\right)_K
\left(F(S^n) (\mathbf n \cdot \mathbf{u}^{n+1}), \sigma\right)_{\partial K}
- (S^n,\sigma)_\Omega +
+ (S^n,\sigma)_\Omega +
\triangle t \sum_K \left(F(S^n) q^{n+1}, \sigma\right)_K.
The linear solvers used in this program are a straightforward extension of the
ones used in step-20. Essentially, we simply have to extend
-everything from
+everything from
two to three solution components. If we use the discrete spaces
mentioned above and put shape functions into the bilinear forms, we
arrive at the following linear system to be solved for time step $n+1$:
<li>Compute the term $F_3-\triangle t\; H \mathbf u^{n+1}$, using
- the just computed velocities.
+ the just computed velocities.
<li>Solve for the saturation $S^{n+1}$.
inflow or outflow type, which is of relevance because we have to impose
boundary conditions for the saturation on the inflow part of the boundary,
- \Gamma_{in}(t) = \{\mathbf{x}\in\partial\Omega:
+ \Gamma_{in}(t) = \{\mathbf{x}\in\partial\Omega:
\mathbf{n} \cdot \mathbf{u}(\mathbf{x},t) < 0\}.
On this inflow boundary, we impose the following saturation values:
\lambda (S) = \frac{1.0}{\mu} S^2 +(1-S)^2
where we use $\mu=0.2$ for the viscosity. In addition, the fractional flow of
-water is given by
+water is given by
F(S)=\frac{S^2}{S^2+\mu (1-S)^2}
Finally, we will show results for computations with the two permeability
functions introduced at the end of the results section of @ref step_20
domain. In analgy to step-20, but taking care of the slightly
different geometry we have here, we describe this by the following function:
- k(\mathbf x)
- =
+ k(\mathbf x)
+ =
\max \left\{ e^{-\left(\frac{x_2-\frac 12 - 0.1\sin(10x_1)}{0.1}\right)^2}, 0.01 \right\}.
Taking the maximum is necessary to ensure that the ratio between maximal and
Schur complement matrix, and if too large leads to problems for which our
linear solvers will no longer converge properly.
- <li>A function that models a somewhat random medium. Here, we choose
+ <li>A function that models a somewhat random medium. Here, we choose
- k(\mathbf x)
- &=&
+ k(\mathbf x)
+ &=&
\min \left\{ \max \left\{ \sum_{i=1}^N \sigma_i(\mathbf{x}), 0.01 \right\}, 4\right\},
- \sigma_i(\mathbf x)
- &=&
+ \sigma_i(\mathbf x)
+ &=&
where the centers $\mathbf{x}_i$ are $N$ randomly chosen locations inside