template <int rank, int dim> class SymmetricTensor;
+template <int dim> class SymmetricTensor<2,dim>;
+namespace internal
+ namespace SymmetricTensor
+ {
+ namespace Rank2Accessors
+ {
+ /**
+ * Switch type to select a tensor of
+ * rank 2 and dimension <tt>dim</tt>,
+ * switching on whether the tensor
+ * should be constant or not.
+ */
+ template <int dim, bool constness>
+ struct Types;
+ /**
+ * Switch type to select a tensor of
+ * rank 2 and dimension <tt>dim</tt>,
+ * switching on whether the tensor
+ * should be constant or not.
+ *
+ * Specialization for constant tensors.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ struct Types<dim,true>
+ {
+ typedef
+ const typename ::SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::StorageType
+ base_tensor_type;
+ typedef double reference;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Switch type to select a tensor of
+ * rank 2 and dimension <tt>dim</tt>,
+ * switching on whether the tensor
+ * should be constant or not.
+ *
+ * Specialization for non-constant
+ * tensors.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ struct Types<dim,false>
+ {
+ typedef
+ typename ::SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::StorageType
+ base_tensor_type;
+ typedef double &reference;
+ };
+ /**
+ * Accessor class to access the
+ * elements of individual rows in a
+ * symmetric tensor. Since the elements
+ * of symmetric tensors are not stored
+ * as in a table, the accessors are a
+ * little more involved.
+ *
+ * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005
+ */
+ template <int dim, bool constness>
+ class RowAccessor
+ {
+ public:
+ /**
+ * Import which tensor we work on.
+ */
+ typedef
+ typename Types<dim,constness>::base_tensor_type
+ base_tensor_type;
+ /**
+ * The type of a reference to an
+ * individual element of the
+ * symmetric tensor. If the tensor
+ * is constant, we can only return
+ * a value instead of a reference.
+ */
+ typedef typename Types<dim,constness>::reference reference;
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Take the tensor to
+ * access as well as the row we
+ * point to as arguments.
+ */
+ RowAccessor (const base_tensor_type &tensor,
+ const unsigned int row);
+ /**
+ * Return a reference to an element
+ * of this row (if we point to a
+ * non-const tensor), or the value
+ * of the element (in case this is
+ * a constant tensor).
+ */
+ reference operator[] (const unsigned int column) const;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Reference to the tensor we
+ * access.
+ */
+ const base_tensor_type &base_tensor;
+ /**
+ * Index of the row we access.
+ */
+ const unsigned int row;
+ /**
+ * Make the symmetric tensor
+ * classes a friend, since they are
+ * the only ones who can create
+ * objects like this.
+ */
+ template <int,int> class ::SymmetricTensor;
+ };
+ }
+ }
* Provide a class that stores symmetric tensors of rank 2 efficiently,
static const unsigned int rank = 2;
+ /**
+ * Number of independent components of a
+ * symmetric tensor of rank 2. We store
+ * only the upper right half of it. This
+ * information is probably of little
+ * interest to all except the accessor
+ * classes that need it.
+ */
+ static const unsigned int
+ n_tensor_components = (dim*dim + dim)/2;
+ /**
+ * Declare the type in which we actually
+ * store the data. This information is
+ * probably of little interest to all
+ * except the accessor classes that need
+ * it. In particular, you shouldn't make
+ * any assumptions about the storage
+ * format in your application programs.
+ */
+ typedef Tensor<1,n_tensor_components> StorageType;
* Default constructor. Creates a zero
* tensor.
SymmetricTensor operator - () const;
+ /**
+ * Access the elements of a row of this
+ * symmetric tensor. This function is
+ * called for constant tensors.
+ */
+ internal::SymmetricTensor::Rank2Accessors::RowAccessor<dim,true>
+ operator [] (const unsigned int row) const;
+ /**
+ * Access the elements of a row of this
+ * symmetric tensor. This function is
+ * called for non-constant tensors.
+ */
+ internal::SymmetricTensor::Rank2Accessors::RowAccessor<dim,false>
+ operator [] (const unsigned int row);
* Return the Frobenius-norm of a tensor,
* i.e. the square root of the sum of
- /**
- * Number of independent components of a
- * symmetric tensor of rank 2. We store
- * only the upper right half of it.
- */
- static const unsigned int
- n_tensor_components = (dim*dim + dim)/2;
- /**
- * Declare the type in which we actually
- * store the data.
- */
- typedef Tensor<1,n_tensor_components> StorageType;
* Data storage for a symmetric tensor.
// ------------------------- inline functions ------------------------
+namespace internal
+ namespace SymmetricTensor
+ {
+ namespace Rank2Accessors
+ {
+ template <int dim, bool constness>
+ RowAccessor<dim,constness>::
+ RowAccessor (const base_tensor_type &base_tensor,
+ const unsigned int row)
+ :
+ base_tensor (base_tensor),
+ row (row)
+ {
+ Assert (row < dim, ExcIndexRange (row, 0, dim));
+ }
+ template <int dim, bool constness>
+ typename RowAccessor<dim,constness>::reference
+ RowAccessor<dim,constness>::
+ operator[] (const unsigned int column) const
+ {
+ Assert (column < dim, ExcIndexRange (column, 0, dim));
+ // first treat the main diagonal
+ // elements, which are stored
+ // consecutively at the beginning
+ if (row == column)
+ return base_tensor[row];
+ // the rest is messier and requires a
+ // few switches. if someone has a
+ // better idea, help is welcome
+ switch (dim)
+ {
+ case 2:
+ Assert (((row==1) && (column==0)) || ((row==0) && (column==1)),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ return base_tensor[2];
+ case 3:
+ if (((row==0) && (column==1)) ||
+ ((row==1) && (column==0)))
+ return base_tensor[3];
+ else if (((row==0) && (column==2)) ||
+ ((row==2) && (column==0)))
+ return base_tensor[4];
+ else if (((row==1) && (column==2)) ||
+ ((row==2) && (column==1)))
+ return base_tensor[5];
+ else
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ default:
+ Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ }
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
template <int dim>
SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::SymmetricTensor ()
+template <int dim>
+SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::operator [] (const unsigned int row) const
+ return
+ internal::SymmetricTensor::Rank2Accessors::RowAccessor<dim,true> (data, row);
+template <int dim>
+SymmetricTensor<2,dim>::operator [] (const unsigned int row)
+ return
+ internal::SymmetricTensor::Rank2Accessors::RowAccessor<dim,false> (data, row);
template <>
SymmetricTensor<2,1>::norm () const
/* ----------------- Non-member functions operating on tensors. ------------ */
- * Compute the determinant of a tensor of rank one and dimension
- * one. Since this is a number, the return value is, of course, the
- * number itself.
- *
- * @relates Tensor
- * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005
- */
-double determinant (const SymmetricTensor<1,1> &t)
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
-// return t[0];
* Compute the determinant of a tensor or rank 2, here for <tt>dim==2</tt>.
double determinant (const SymmetricTensor<2,2> &t)
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
-// return ((t[0][0] * t[1][1]) -
-// (t[1][0] * t[0][1]));
+ return (t[0][0] * t[1][1] - 2*t[0][1]*t[0][1]);
double determinant (const SymmetricTensor<2,3> &t)
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
-// // get this using Maple:
-// // with(linalg);
-// // a := matrix(3,3);
-// // x := det(a);
-// // readlib(C);
-// // C(x, optimized);
-// return ( t[0][0]*t[1][1]*t[2][2]
-// -t[0][0]*t[1][2]*t[2][1]
-// -t[1][0]*t[0][1]*t[2][2]
-// +t[1][0]*t[0][2]*t[2][1]
-// +t[2][0]*t[0][1]*t[1][2]
-// -t[2][0]*t[0][2]*t[1][1] );
+ // in analogy to general tensors, but
+ // there's something to be simplified for
+ // the present case
+ return ( t[0][0]*t[1][1]*t[2][2]
+ -t[0][0]*t[1][2]*t[1][2]
+ -t[1][1]*t[0][2]*t[0][2]
+ -t[2][2]*t[0][1]*t[0][1]
+ +2*t[0][1]*t[0][2]*t[1][2] );
template <int dim>
double trace (const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> &d)
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return 0;
-// double t=0;
-// for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
-// t += d[i][i];
-// return t;
- * Compute and return the inverse of the given tensor. Since the
- * compiler can perform the return value optimization, and since the
- * size of the return object is known, it is acceptable to return the
- * result by value, rather than by reference as a parameter.
- *
- * @relates SymmetricTensor
- * @author Wolfgang Bangerth, 2005
- */
-template <int dim>
-invert (const SymmetricTensor<2,dim> &t)
- Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- return SymmetricTensor<2,dim>();
-// SymmetricTensor<2,dim> return_tensor;
-// switch (dim)
-// {
-// case 1:
-// return_tensor[0][0] = 1.0/t[0][0];
-// return return_tensor;
-// case 2:
-// // this is Maple output,
-// // thus a bit unstructured
-// {
-// const double t4 = 1.0/(t[0][0]*t[1][1]-t[0][1]*t[1][0]);
-// return_tensor[0][0] = t[1][1]*t4;
-// return_tensor[0][1] = -t[0][1]*t4;
-// return_tensor[1][0] = -t[1][0]*t4;
-// return_tensor[1][1] = t[0][0]*t4;
-// return return_tensor;
-// };
-// case 3:
-// {
-// const double t4 = t[0][0]*t[1][1],
-// t6 = t[0][0]*t[1][2],
-// t8 = t[0][1]*t[1][0],
-// t00 = t[0][2]*t[1][0],
-// t01 = t[0][1]*t[2][0],
-// t04 = t[0][2]*t[2][0],
-// t07 = 1.0/(t4*t[2][2]-t6*t[2][1]-t8*t[2][2]+
-// t00*t[2][1]+t01*t[1][2]-t04*t[1][1]);
-// return_tensor[0][0] = (t[1][1]*t[2][2]-t[1][2]*t[2][1])*t07;
-// return_tensor[0][1] = -(t[0][1]*t[2][2]-t[0][2]*t[2][1])*t07;
-// return_tensor[0][2] = -(-t[0][1]*t[1][2]+t[0][2]*t[1][1])*t07;
-// return_tensor[1][0] = -(t[1][0]*t[2][2]-t[1][2]*t[2][0])*t07;
-// return_tensor[1][1] = (t[0][0]*t[2][2]-t04)*t07;
-// return_tensor[1][2] = -(t6-t00)*t07;
-// return_tensor[2][0] = -(-t[1][0]*t[2][1]+t[1][1]*t[2][0])*t07;
-// return_tensor[2][1] = -(t[0][0]*t[2][1]-t01)*t07;
-// return_tensor[2][2] = (t4-t8)*t07;
-// return return_tensor;
-// };
-// // if desired, take over the
-// // inversion of a 4x4 tensor
-// // from the FullMatrix
-// default:
-// AssertThrow (false, ExcNotImplemented());
-// };
-// return return_tensor;
+ double t=0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dim; ++i)
+ t += d[i][i];
+ return t;