% program; and by the Computational Infrastructure in Geodynamics initiative
% (CIG), through the National Science Foundation under Awards
% No.~EAR-0949446 and EAR-1550901 and The University of California -- Davis.
-V.~Boddu was supported by the German Science Foundation (Deutsche
-Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, DFG) under the research group project FOR 1509.
-B.~Brands was partially supported by the Indo-German exchange programm ``Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced Materials and Manufacturing'' (MMSO) funded by DAAD (Germany) and UGC (India).
-D.~Davydov was supported by the German Science Foundation
-(Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft, DFG), grant DA 1664/2-1.
+V.~Boddu was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) under the
+research group project FOR 1509.
+B.~Brands was partially supported by the Indo-German exchange programm
+``Multiscale Modeling, Simulation and Optimization for Energy, Advanced
+Materials and Manufacturing'' (MMSO) funded by DAAD (Germany) and UGC
+D.~Davydov was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG), grant DA
T.~Heister was partially supported by the Computational Infrastructure in
-Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science Foundation
-under Award No. EAR-0949446 and EAR-1550901 and The University of California -- Davis, and National Science Foundation grant DMS-1522191.
+Geodynamics initiative (CIG), through the National Science Foundation (NSF)
+under Award No. EAR-0949446 and EAR-1550901 and The University of
+California -- Davis, and NSF Grant DMS-1522191.
M.~Kronbichler was partially supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
under the project ``High-order discontinuous Galerkin for the exa-scale''
f\"ur Technisch-Wissenschaftliches Hoch- und H\"ochstleistungsrechnen
-J-P.~Pelteret was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) through the Advanced Grant 289049 MOCOPOLY.
+M.~Maier was partially supported by ARO MURI Award No. W911NF-14-0247.
+J-P.~Pelteret was supported by the European Research Council (ERC) through
+the Advanced Grant 289049 MOCOPOLY.
-B.~Turcksin: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S. Department of
-Energy, Office of Science, under contract number DE-AC05-00OR22725.
+B.~Turcksin: This material is based upon work supported by the U.S.
+Department of Energy, Office of Science, under contract number
D.~Wells was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) through Grant
-The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg University has provided
-hosting services for the \dealii{} web page.
+The Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing (IWR) at Heidelberg
+University has provided hosting services for the \dealii{} web page.