#include <base/config.h>
#include <base/subscriptor.h>
+#include <lac/full_matrix.h>
#include <lac/exceptions.h>
void clear ();
- * Set the element (<i>i,j</i>)
- * to @p value.
+ * Set the element (<i>i,j</i>) to @p
+ * value.
- * If the present object (from
- * a derived class of this one)
- * happens to be a sparse
- * matrix, then this function
- * adds a new entry to the
- * matrix if it didn't exist
- * before, very much in
- * contrast to the SparseMatrix
- * class which throws an error
- * if the entry does not exist.
- * If <tt>value</tt> is not a
- * finite number an exception
- * is thrown.
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds a new entry to the
+ * matrix if it didn't exist before,
+ * very much in contrast to the
+ * SparseMatrix class which throws an
+ * error if the entry does not exist.
+ * If <tt>value</tt> is not a finite
+ * number an exception is thrown.
void set (const unsigned int i,
const unsigned int j,
const PetscScalar value);
- * Add @p value to the
- * element (<i>i,j</i>).
+ * Set all elements given in a
+ * FullMatrix<double> into the sparse
+ * matrix locations given by
+ * <tt>indices</tt>. In other words,
+ * this function writes the elements
+ * in <tt>full_matrix</tt> into the
+ * calling matrix, using the
+ * local-to-global indexing specified
+ * by <tt>indices</tt> for both the
+ * rows and the columns of the
+ * matrix. This function assumes a
+ * quadratic sparse matrix and a
+ * quadratic full_matrix, the usual
+ * situation in FE calculations.
- * If the present object (from
- * a derived class of this one)
- * happens to be a sparse
- * matrix, then this function
- * adds a new entry to the
- * matrix if it didn't exist
- * before, very much in
- * contrast to the SparseMatrix
- * class which throws an error
- * if the entry does not exist.
- * If <tt>value</tt> is not a
- * finite number an exception
- * is thrown.
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be inserted anyway
+ * or they should be filtered
+ * away. The default value is
+ * <tt>false</tt>, i.e., even zero
+ * values are inserted/replaced.
+ */
+ void set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = false);
+ /**
+ * Same function as before, but now
+ * including the possibility to use
+ * rectangular full_matrices and
+ * different local-to-global indexing
+ * on rows and columns, respectively.
+ */
+ void set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = false);
+ /**
+ * Set several elements in the
+ * specified row of the matrix with
+ * column indices as given by
+ * <tt>col_indices</tt> to the
+ * respective value.
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be inserted anyway
+ * or they should be filtered
+ * away. The default value is
+ * <tt>false</tt>, i.e., even zero
+ * values are inserted/replaced.
+ */
+ void set (const unsigned int row,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const std::vector<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = false);
+ /**
+ * Set several elements to values
+ * given by <tt>values</tt> in a
+ * given row in columns given by
+ * col_indices into the sparse
+ * matrix.
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be inserted anyway
+ * or they should be filtered
+ * away. The default value is
+ * <tt>false</tt>, i.e., even zero
+ * values are inserted/replaced.
+ */
+ void set (const unsigned int row,
+ const unsigned int n_cols,
+ const unsigned int *col_indices,
+ const PetscScalar *values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = false);
+ /**
+ * Add @p value to the element
+ * (<i>i,j</i>).
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds a new entry to the
+ * matrix if it didn't exist before,
+ * very much in contrast to the
+ * SparseMatrix class which throws an
+ * error if the entry does not exist.
+ * If <tt>value</tt> is not a finite
+ * number an exception is thrown.
void add (const unsigned int i,
const unsigned int j,
const PetscScalar value);
+ /**
+ * Add all elements given in a
+ * FullMatrix<double> into sparse
+ * matrix locations given by
+ * <tt>indices</tt>. In other words,
+ * this function adds the elements in
+ * <tt>full_matrix</tt> to the
+ * respective entries in calling
+ * matrix, using the local-to-global
+ * indexing specified by
+ * <tt>indices</tt> for both the rows
+ * and the columns of the
+ * matrix. This function assumes a
+ * quadratic sparse matrix and a
+ * quadratic full_matrix, the usual
+ * situation in FE calculations.
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be added anyway or
+ * these should be filtered away and
+ * only non-zero data is added. The
+ * default value is <tt>true</tt>,
+ * i.e., zero values won't be added
+ * into the matrix.
+ */
+ void add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = true);
+ /**
+ * Same function as before, but now
+ * including the possibility to use
+ * rectangular full_matrices and
+ * different local-to-global indexing
+ * on rows and columns, respectively.
+ */
+ void add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = true);
+ /**
+ * Set several elements in the
+ * specified row of the matrix with
+ * column indices as given by
+ * <tt>col_indices</tt> to the
+ * respective value.
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be added anyway or
+ * these should be filtered away and
+ * only non-zero data is added. The
+ * default value is <tt>true</tt>,
+ * i.e., zero values won't be added
+ * into the matrix.
+ */
+ void add (const unsigned int row,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const std::vector<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = true);
+ /**
+ * Add an array of values given by
+ * <tt>values</tt> in the given
+ * global matrix row at columns
+ * specified by col_indices in the
+ * sparse matrix.
+ *
+ * If the present object (from a
+ * derived class of this one) happens
+ * to be a sparse matrix, then this
+ * function adds some new entries to
+ * the matrix if they didn't exist
+ * before, very much in contrast to
+ * the SparseMatrix class which
+ * throws an error if the entry does
+ * not exist.
+ *
+ * The optional parameter
+ * <tt>elide_zero_values</tt> can be
+ * used to specify whether zero
+ * values should be added anyway or
+ * these should be filtered away and
+ * only non-zero data is added. The
+ * default value is <tt>true</tt>,
+ * i.e., zero values won't be added
+ * into the matrix.
+ */
+ void add (const unsigned int row,
+ const unsigned int n_cols,
+ const unsigned int *col_indices,
+ const PetscScalar *values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = true);
* Remove all elements from
* this <tt>row</tt> by setting
* Exception
DeclException0 (ExcSourceEqualsDestination);
* A generic matrix object in
* Store whether the last action was a
* write or add operation.
- LastAction::Values last_action;
+ LastAction::Values last_action;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * An internal array of integer
+ * values that is used to store the
+ * column indices when
+ * adding/inserting local data into
+ * the (large) sparse matrix.
+ */
+ std::vector<unsigned int> column_indices;
+ /**
+ * An internal array of double values
+ * that is used to store the column
+ * indices when adding/inserting
+ * local data into the (large) sparse
+ * matrix.
+ */
+ std::vector<PetscScalar> column_values;
+ // Inline the set() and add()
+ // functions, since they will be
+ // called frequently, and the
+ // compiler can optimize away
+ // some unnecessary loops when
+ // the sizes are given at
+ // compile time.
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::set (const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int j,
+ const PetscScalar value)
+ {
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ set (i, 1, &j, &value, false);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (values.m() == values.n(), ExcNotQuadratic());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i)
+ set (indices[i], indices.size(), &indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (row_indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(row_indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (col_indices.size() == values.n(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(col_indices.size(), values.n()));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<row_indices.size(); ++i)
+ set (row_indices[i], col_indices.size(), &col_indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::set (const unsigned int row,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const std::vector<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (col_indices.size() == values.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(col_indices.size(), values.size()));
+ set (row, col_indices.size(), &col_indices[0], &values[0],
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::set (const unsigned int row,
+ const unsigned int n_cols,
+ const unsigned int *col_indices,
+ const PetscScalar *values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ if (last_action != LastAction::insert)
+ {
+ int ierr;
+ ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ last_action = LastAction::insert;
+ }
+ const signed int petsc_i = row;
+ int * col_index_ptr;
+ PetscScalar const* col_value_ptr;
+ int n_columns;
+ // If we don't elide zeros, the pointers
+ // are already available...
+ if (elide_zero_values == false)
+ {
+ col_index_ptr = (int*)col_indices;
+ col_value_ptr = values;
+ n_columns = n_cols;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, extract nonzero values in
+ // each row and pass on to the other
+ // function.
+ column_indices.resize(n_cols);
+ column_values.resize(n_cols);
+ n_columns = 0;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_cols; ++j)
+ {
+ const double value = values[j];
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ if (value != 0)
+ {
+ column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
+ column_values[n_columns] = value;
+ n_columns++;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(n_columns <= (int)n_cols, ExcInternalError());
+ col_index_ptr = (int*)&column_indices[0];
+ col_value_ptr = &column_values[0];
+ }
+ const int ierr
+ = MatSetValues (matrix, 1, &petsc_i, n_columns, col_index_ptr,
+ col_value_ptr, INSERT_VALUES);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::add (const unsigned int i,
+ const unsigned int j,
+ const PetscScalar value)
+ {
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ if (value == 0)
+ {
+ // we have to do checkings on Insert/Add
+ // in any case
+ // to be consistent with the MPI
+ // communication model (see the comments
+ // in the documentation of
+ // TrilinosWrappers::Vector), but we can
+ // save some work if the addend is
+ // zero. However, these actions are done
+ // in case we pass on to the other
+ // function.
+ if (last_action != LastAction::add)
+ {
+ int ierr;
+ ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ last_action = LastAction::add;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ add (i, 1, &j, &value, false);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (values.m() == values.n(), ExcNotQuadratic());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i)
+ add (indices[i], indices.size(), &indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const FullMatrix<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (row_indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(row_indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (col_indices.size() == values.n(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(col_indices.size(), values.n()));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<row_indices.size(); ++i)
+ add (row_indices[i], col_indices.size(), &col_indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::add (const unsigned int row,
+ const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
+ const std::vector<PetscScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (col_indices.size() == values.size(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(col_indices.size(), values.size()));
+ add (row, col_indices.size(), &col_indices[0], &values[0],
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
+ inline
+ void
+ MatrixBase::add (const unsigned int row,
+ const unsigned int n_cols,
+ const unsigned int *col_indices,
+ const PetscScalar *values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ if (last_action != LastAction::add)
+ {
+ int ierr;
+ ierr = MatAssemblyBegin(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ ierr = MatAssemblyEnd(matrix,MAT_FLUSH_ASSEMBLY);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ last_action = LastAction::add;
+ }
+ const signed int petsc_i = row;
+ int * col_index_ptr;
+ PetscScalar const* col_value_ptr;
+ int n_columns;
+ // If we don't elide zeros, the pointers
+ // are already available...
+ if (elide_zero_values == false)
+ {
+ col_index_ptr = (int*)col_indices;
+ col_value_ptr = values;
+ n_columns = n_cols;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Otherwise, extract nonzero values in
+ // each row and pass on to the other
+ // function.
+ column_indices.resize(n_cols);
+ column_values.resize(n_cols);
+ n_columns = 0;
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_cols; ++j)
+ {
+ const double value = values[j];
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ if (value != 0)
+ {
+ column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
+ column_values[n_columns] = value;
+ n_columns++;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert(n_columns <= (int)n_cols, ExcInternalError());
+ col_index_ptr = (int*)&column_indices[0];
+ col_value_ptr = &column_values[0];
+ }
+ const int ierr
+ = MatSetValues (matrix, 1, &petsc_i, n_columns, col_index_ptr,
+ col_value_ptr, ADD_VALUES);
+ AssertThrow (ierr == 0, ExcPETScError(ierr));
+ }
MatrixBase::operator() (const unsigned int i,
* transpose. TODO: Not
* implemented.
bool is_hermitian () const;
- /**
- * Determine an estimate for the
- * memory consumption (in bytes)
- * of this object. Currently not
- * implemented for this class.
- */
+ /**
+ * Determine an estimate for the
+ * memory consumption (in bytes)
+ * of this object. Currently not
+ * implemented for this class.
+ */
unsigned int memory_consumption () const;
* Set all elements given in a
* FullMatrix<double> into the sparse
- * matrix, according to row_indices
- * and col_indices.
+ * matrix locations given by
+ * <tt>indices</tt>. In other words,
+ * this function writes the elements
+ * in <tt>full_matrix</tt> into the
+ * calling matrix, using the
+ * local-to-global indexing specified
+ * by <tt>indices</tt> for both the
+ * rows and the columns of the
+ * matrix. This function assumes a
+ * quadratic sparse matrix and a
+ * quadratic full_matrix, the usual
+ * situation in FE calculations.
* This function is able to insert
* new elements into the matrix as
* <tt>false</tt>, i.e., even zero
* values are inserted/replaced.
+ void set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = false);
+ /**
+ * Same function as before, but now
+ * including the possibility to use
+ * rectangular full_matrices and
+ * different local-to-global indexing
+ * on rows and columns, respectively.
+ */
void set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &full_matrix,
const TrilinosScalar value);
- * Add all elements in a FullMatrix
- * <tt>full_matrix</tt> (cell matrix)
- * into the sparse matrix, at
- * locations according to row_indices
- * and col_indices.
+ * Add all elements given in a
+ * FullMatrix<double> into sparse
+ * matrix locations given by
+ * <tt>indices</tt>. In other words,
+ * this function adds the elements in
+ * <tt>full_matrix</tt> to the
+ * respective entries in calling
+ * matrix, using the local-to-global
+ * indexing specified by
+ * <tt>indices</tt> for both the rows
+ * and the columns of the
+ * matrix. This function assumes a
+ * quadratic sparse matrix and a
+ * quadratic full_matrix, the usual
+ * situation in FE calculations.
* Just as the respective call in
* deal.II SparseMatrix<Number>
* i.e., zero values won't be added
* into the matrix.
+ void add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &full_matrix,
+ const bool elide_zero_values = true);
+ /**
+ * Same function as before, but now
+ * including the possibility to use
+ * rectangular full_matrices and
+ * different local-to-global indexing
+ * on rows and columns, respectively.
+ */
void add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
const std::vector<unsigned int> &col_indices,
const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &full_matrix,
+ // Inline the set() and add()
+ // functions, since they will be
+ // called frequently, and the
+ // compiler can optimize away
+ // some unnecessary loops when
+ // the sizes are given at
+ // compile time.
SparseMatrix::set (const unsigned int i,
+ inline
+ void
+ SparseMatrix::set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (values.m() == values.n(), ExcNotQuadratic());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i)
+ set (indices[i], indices.size(), &indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
SparseMatrix::set (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
n_columns = 0;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_cols; ++j)
- if (values[j] != 0)
- {
- column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
- column_values[n_columns] = values[j];
- n_columns++;
- }
+ {
+ const double value = values[j];
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ if (value != 0)
+ {
+ column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
+ column_values[n_columns] = value;
+ n_columns++;
+ }
+ }
Assert(n_columns <= (int)n_cols, ExcInternalError());
col_index_ptr = (int*)&column_indices[0];
+ inline
+ void
+ SparseMatrix::add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &indices,
+ const FullMatrix<TrilinosScalar> &values,
+ const bool elide_zero_values)
+ {
+ Assert (indices.size() == values.m(),
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(indices.size(), values.m()));
+ Assert (values.m() == values.n(), ExcNotQuadratic());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<indices.size(); ++i)
+ add (indices[i], indices.size(), &indices[0], &values(i,0),
+ elide_zero_values);
+ }
SparseMatrix::add (const std::vector<unsigned int> &row_indices,
n_columns = 0;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<n_cols; ++j)
- if (values[j] != 0)
- {
- column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
- column_values[n_columns] = values[j];
- n_columns++;
- }
+ {
+ const double value = values[j];
+ Assert (numbers::is_finite(value),
+ ExcMessage("The given value is not finite but either "
+ "infinite or Not A Number (NaN)"));
+ if (value != 0)
+ {
+ column_indices[n_columns] = col_indices[j];
+ column_values[n_columns] = value;
+ n_columns++;
+ }
+ }
Assert(n_columns <= (int)n_cols, ExcInternalError());
col_index_ptr = (int*)&column_indices[0];