]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Add core headers for internally supported AD numbers
authorJean-Paul Pelteret <jppelteret@gmail.com>
Fri, 3 Nov 2017 12:47:04 +0000 (13:47 +0100)
committerJean-Paul Pelteret <jppelteret@gmail.com>
Thu, 16 Nov 2017 05:30:47 +0000 (06:30 +0100)
- Type codes
- Type traits

include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_traits.h [new file with mode: 0644]
include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h [new file with mode: 0644]

index 5e6f28a7ef72b89ab004e3cb624bc5246bc702ab..482fbb5ccfb6b4d254be8e36e7b779923f496302 100644 (file)
@@ -20,6 +20,9 @@
 #if defined(DEAL_II_WITH_ADOLC) || defined(DEAL_II_WITH_TRILINOS)
+#include <deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h>
+#include <deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_traits.h>
diff --git a/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_traits.h b/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_traits.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..810b53d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,1060 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_differentiation_ad_ad_number_traits_h
+#define dealii_differentiation_ad_ad_number_traits_h
+#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
+#include <deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h>
+#include <boost/type_traits.hpp>
+#include <complex>
+#include <type_traits>
+namespace Differentiation
+  namespace AD
+  {
+    /**
+     * A number traits class to help describe some characteristic
+     * information about auto-differentiable numbers.
+     *
+     * @tparam ScalarType A real or complex floating point number.
+     * @tparam ADNumberTypeCode An enumeration specifying the type
+     *         code for the supported auto-differentiable counterpart
+     *         to the given @p ScalarType.
+     * @tparam T An arbitrary type resulting from the application of
+     *         the SFINAE idiom to selectively specialize this class.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename T = void>
+    struct NumberTraits;
+    /**
+     * A number traits class to help describe some characteristic
+     * information about auto-differentiable numbers. This class is only
+     * specialized (and, therefore, only made constructible) if the
+     * @p ADNumberType template parameter is indeed a supported
+     * auto-differentiable number.
+     *
+     * @tparam ADNumberType A type corresponding to a supported
+     *         auto-differentiable number.
+     * @tparam T An arbitrary type resulting from the application of
+     *         the SFINAE idiom to selectively specialize this class.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template<typename ADNumberType, typename T = void>
+    struct ADNumberTraits;
+    /**
+     * This namespace defines the classes that help provide a unified interface
+     * to all auto-differentiation numbers.
+     */
+    namespace internal
+    {
+      // The following three classes, namely ADNumberInfoFromEnum, Marking, and
+      // ExtractData, are those that need to be implemented for each new
+      // auto-differentiable number type. This information is then used by
+      // NumberTraits and ADNumberTraits to provide a uniform interface, as used
+      // by our drivers, to the underlying number types.
+      /**
+       * A struct that defines some fundamental information about a
+       * auto-differentiable number based on the @p ScalarType and the
+       * AD-enumeration selected by @p ADNumberTypeCode. This information is
+       * used in other convenience classes and templated functions to
+       * automatically determine information about the auto-differentiable
+       * number that has been selected to wrap the @p ScalarType.
+       *
+       * The specializations of this class have to implement the following
+       * member data and type definitions:
+       * @code
+       *
+       *   // State whether the auto-differentiable number uses taping or not.
+       *   static const bool             is_taped;
+       *   // The real-type for the auto-differentiable number
+       *   typedef <ADNumberType>        real_type;
+       *   // The type of number returned when taking the first derivative of the @p real_type.
+       *   typedef <Scalar/ADNumberType> derivative_type;
+       *   // The number of derivative levels computable from the @p real_type.
+       *   static const unsigned int     n_supported_derivative_levels;
+       *
+       * @endcode
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename = void>
+      struct ADNumberInfoFromEnum;
+      /**
+       * A struct to assist with the marking of AD numbers that represent
+       * independent and dependent variables.
+       *
+       * The specializations of this class have to implement the following
+       * member functions:
+       * @code
+       *
+       *  // Initialize the state of an independent variable.
+       *  static void
+       *  independent_variable(const ScalarType   &in,
+       *                       const unsigned int  index,
+       *                       const unsigned int  n_independent_variables,
+       *                       ADNumberType       &out)
+       *
+       *  // Initialize the state of a dependent variable.
+       *  static void
+       *  dependent_variable(ADNumberType       &out,
+       *                     const ADNumberType &func);
+       *
+       * @endcode
+       * where @p ADNumberType is the auto-differentiable number type and
+       * @p ScalarType is its floating point counterpart.
+       *
+       * @tparam ADNumberType A type corresponding to a supported
+       *         auto-differentiable number.
+       * @tparam T An arbitrary type resulting from the application of
+       *         the SFINAE idiom to selectively specialize this class.
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template<typename ADNumberType, typename T = void>
+      struct Marking;
+      /**
+       * A struct to help extract certain information associated with
+       * auto-differentiable numbers.
+       *
+       * The specializations of this class have to implement the following
+       * member data and type definitions:
+       * @code
+       *
+       *   // Extract the real scalar value.
+       *   static scalar_type
+       *   value (const ADNumberType &x);
+       *
+       *   // Extract the number of directional derivatives.
+       *   static unsigned int
+       *   n_directional_derivatives (const ADNumberType &x);
+       *
+       *   // Extract the directional derivative in the specified @p direction.
+       *   static derivative_type
+       *   directional_derivative (const ADNumberType &x,
+       *                           const unsigned int  direction);
+       *
+       * @endcode
+       * where @p ADNumberType is the auto-differentiable number type.
+       *
+       * @tparam ADNumberType A type corresponding to a supported
+       *         auto-differentiable number.
+       * @tparam T An arbitrary type resulting from the application of
+       *         the SFINAE idiom to selectively specialize this class.
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template<typename ADNumberType, typename T = void>
+      struct ExtractData;
+      /**
+       * A struct that checks that the data expected to be stored in a specialization
+       * of the ADNumberInfoFromEnum struct has been supplied. By default it is
+       * assumed that the input type does not satisfy the necessary conditions to
+       * construct this class.
+       *
+       * @tparam ADNumberTrait A class that examined whether it contains the necessary
+       *         information to satisfy the requirements for being an internally
+       *         supported auto-differentiable number.
+       * @tparam T An arbitrary type resulting from the application of
+       *         the SFINAE idiom to selectively specialize this class.
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template <typename ADNumberTrait, typename T = void>
+      struct HasRequiredADInfo;
+      /**
+       * Provide a convenience function to assist in the casting of some
+       * number types to other number types. On top of the standard class
+       * definition given in @p base/numbers.h , this extension allows the
+       * conversion of automatic-differentiation numbers to generic floats.
+       *
+       * This is necessary because Adol-C doesn't provide a convenient
+       * way to convert from an @p ADNumberType to floats (@p T) other than
+       * the real-type equivalent that its associated with. For Sacado, and
+       * likely other AD number types,  the floating point value stored in
+       * an @p ADNumberType must be extracted through some function that is
+       * specific to each type of AD number. This requires some specialist
+       * intervention to get at this data.
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template <typename T>
+      struct NumberType;
+      /**
+       * A small struct to remove the @p std::complex wrapper
+       * around a number.
+       *
+       * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+       */
+      template<typename Number>
+      struct RemoveComplexWrapper;
+    } // namespace internal
+    /**
+     * A struct to indicate whether a given @p NumberType is a supported
+     * auto-differentiable number or not. By default, numbers are not
+     * considered to have the necessary characteristics to fulfill this
+     * condition.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_ad_number;
+    /**
+     * A struct to indicate whether a given @p NumberType is a taped
+     * auto-differentiable number or not. By default, numbers are not
+     * considered to have the necessary characteristics to fulfill this
+     * condition.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType, typename = void>
+    struct is_taped_ad_number;
+    /**
+     * A struct to indicate whether a given @p NumberType is a tapeless
+     * auto-differentiable number or not. By default, numbers are not
+     * considered to have the necessary characteristics to fulfill this
+     * condition.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType, typename = void>
+    struct is_tapeless_ad_number;
+    /**
+     * A struct to indicate whether a given @p NumberType is a real-valued
+     * auto-differentiable number or not. By default, numbers are not
+     * considered to have the necessary characteristics to fulfill this
+     * condition.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType, typename = void>
+    struct is_real_valued_ad_number;
+    /**
+     * A struct to indicate whether a given @p NumberType is a complex-valued
+     * auto-differentiable number or not. By default, numbers are not
+     * considered to have the necessary characteristics to fulfill this
+     * condition.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType, typename = void>
+    struct is_complex_valued_ad_number;
+  } // namespace AD
+} // namespace Differentiation
+/* --------------------------- inline and template functions and specializations ------------------------- */
+#ifndef DOXYGEN
+namespace Differentiation
+  namespace AD
+  {
+    namespace internal
+    {
+      template <typename ADNumberTrait, typename>
+      struct HasRequiredADInfo
+        : std::false_type
+      { };
+      /**
+       * Specialization to detect whether the input AD number
+       * is internally supported or not. In particular, we
+       * check to see that it has been assigned a type_code and
+       * has other basic characteristics necessary for the
+       * internal interface of both the AD and SD drivers.
+       *
+       * The implementation of this struct follows this suggestion:
+       *  https://stackoverflow.com/a/16000226
+       */
+      template <typename ADNumberTrait>
+      struct HasRequiredADInfo <ADNumberTrait, decltype(
+        (void) ADNumberTrait::type_code,
+        (void) ADNumberTrait::is_taped,
+        (void) std::declval<typename ADNumberTrait::real_type>(),
+        (void) std::declval<typename ADNumberTrait::derivative_type>(),
+  void() )> : std::true_type
+      { };
+      /**
+       * A dummy specialization for floating point numbers. This is helpful
+       * for nested auto-differentiable numbers, where a recursive marking
+       * mechanism can be employed (e.g. Sacado types).
+       */
+      template<typename ScalarType>
+      struct Marking<ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+        std::is_arithmetic<ScalarType>::value
+        >::type>
+      {
+        /**
+         * Initialize the state of an independent variable.
+         *
+         * With a nested marking approach it is sometimes
+         * necessary to initialise the value of an intermediate
+         * value that may be a floating point number.
+         */
+        template<typename ADNumberType>
+        static void
+        independent_variable(const ScalarType   &in,
+                             const unsigned int ,
+                             const unsigned int ,
+                             ADNumberType       &out)
+        {
+          out = in;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Initialize the state of a dependent variable.
+         */
+        template<typename ADNumberType>
+        static void
+        dependent_variable(ADNumberType &,
+                           const ScalarType &)
+        {
+          AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("Floating point numbers cannot be marked as dependent variables."));
+        }
+      };
+      /**
+       * A specialization of the marking strategy for complex numbers.
+       */
+      template<typename ADNumberType>
+      struct Marking<ADNumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+        boost::is_complex<ADNumberType>::value
+        >::type>
+      {
+        /*
+         * Initialize the state of an independent variable.
+         */
+        template<typename ScalarType>
+        static void
+        independent_variable(const ScalarType   &in,
+                             const unsigned int ,
+                             const unsigned int ,
+                             ADNumberType       &out)
+        {
+          AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("Marking for complex numbers has not yet been implemented."));
+          out = in;
+        }
+        /*
+         * Initialize the state of a dependent variable.
+         */
+        template<typename ScalarType>
+        static void
+        dependent_variable(ADNumberType &,
+                           const ScalarType &)
+        {
+          AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("Marking for complex numbers has not yet been implemented."));
+        }
+      };
+    } // namespace internal
+    template <typename NumberType, typename>
+    struct is_taped_ad_number
+      : std::false_type
+    {};
+    template <typename NumberType, typename>
+    struct is_tapeless_ad_number
+      : std::false_type
+    {};
+    template <typename NumberType, typename>
+    struct is_real_valued_ad_number
+      : std::false_type
+    {};
+    template <typename NumberType, typename>
+    struct is_complex_valued_ad_number
+      : std::false_type
+    {};
+    /**
+     * We use the specialization of the HasRequiredADInfo struct
+     * to ensure that only internally supported numbers are
+     * considered AD numbers.
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_ad_number
+      : internal::HasRequiredADInfo< ADNumberTraits<typename std::decay<NumberType>::type> >
+    {};
+    /**
+     * Specialization of the struct for the case when the input template
+     * parameter is a (real or complex) taped auto-differentiable number.
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_taped_ad_number<NumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+      ADNumberTraits<typename std::decay<NumberType>::type>::is_taped
+      >::type>
+      : std::true_type
+    {};
+    /**
+     * Specialization of the struct for the case when the input template
+     * parameter is a (real or complex) tapeless auto-differentiable number.
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_tapeless_ad_number<NumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+      ADNumberTraits<typename std::decay<NumberType>::type>::is_tapeless
+      >::type>
+      : std::true_type
+    {};
+    /**
+     * Specialization of the struct for the case when the input template
+     * parameter is a (taped or tapeless) real-valued auto-differentiable number.
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_real_valued_ad_number<NumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+      ADNumberTraits<typename std::decay<NumberType>::type>::is_real_valued
+      >::type>
+      : std::true_type
+    {};
+    /**
+     * Specialization of the struct for the case when the input template
+     * parameter is a (taped or tapeless) complex-valued auto-differentiable number.
+     */
+    template <typename NumberType>
+    struct is_complex_valued_ad_number<NumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+      ADNumberTraits<typename std::decay<NumberType>::type>::is_complex_valued
+      >::type>
+      : std::true_type
+    {};
+    namespace internal
+    {
+      /**
+       * Specialization of the selection struct which sets the type as being
+       * one that is the value type of the underlying complex number.
+       */
+      template<typename Number>
+      struct RemoveComplexWrapper
+      {
+        typedef Number type;
+      };
+      /**
+       * Specialization of the selection struct which sets the value type
+       * to that resulting from the recursive removal of the complex
+       * number wrapper.
+       */
+      template<typename Number>
+      struct RemoveComplexWrapper<std::complex<Number> >
+      {
+        typedef typename RemoveComplexWrapper<Number>::type type;
+      };
+      /**
+       * A dummy specialization for floating point numbers. This is helpful
+       * for nested auto-differentiable numbers, where a recursive marking
+       * mechanism can be employed (e.g. Sacado types).
+       */
+      template<typename NumberType>
+      struct ExtractData<NumberType, typename std::enable_if<
+        std::is_arithmetic<NumberType>::value
+        >::type>
+      {
+        /**
+         * Extract the floating point value.
+         */
+        static const NumberType &
+        value (const NumberType &x)
+        {
+          return x;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Extract the number of directional derivatives.
+         */
+        static unsigned int
+        n_directional_derivatives (const NumberType &)
+        {
+          return 0;
+        }
+        /**
+         * Extract the directional derivative in the specified @p direction.
+         */
+        static NumberType
+        directional_derivative  (const NumberType &,
+                                 const unsigned int )
+        {
+          return 0.0;
+        }
+      };
+      /**
+       * A struct specialization to help extract certain information associated
+       * with complex auto-differentiable numbers.
+       */
+      template<typename ADNumberType>
+      struct ExtractData< std::complex<ADNumberType> >
+      {
+        static_assert(
+          Differentiation::AD::is_ad_number<ADNumberType>::value,
+          "Expected an auto-differentiable number."
+        );
+        /**
+         * Extract the floating point value.
+         */
+        static std::complex<typename ADNumberTraits<ADNumberType>::scalar_type>
+        value (const std::complex<ADNumberType> &x)
+        {
+          return std::complex<typename ADNumberTraits<ADNumberType>::scalar_type>(
+                   ExtractData<ADNumberType>::value(x.real()),
+                   ExtractData<ADNumberType>::value(x.imag()) );
+        }
+        /**
+         * Extract the number of directional derivatives.
+         */
+        static unsigned int
+        n_directional_derivatives (const std::complex<ADNumberType> &x)
+        {
+          return ExtractData<ADNumberType>::n_directional_derivatives(x.real());
+        }
+        /**
+         * Extract the directional derivative in the specified @p direction.
+         */
+        static std::complex<typename ADNumberTraits<ADNumberType>::derivative_type>
+        directional_derivative  (const std::complex<ADNumberType> &x,
+                                 const unsigned int                direction)
+        {
+          return std::complex<typename ADNumberTraits<ADNumberType>::derivative_type>(
+                   ExtractData<ADNumberType>::directional_derivative(x.real(), direction),
+                   ExtractData<ADNumberType>::directional_derivative(x.imag(), direction) );
+        }
+      };
+      template <typename T>
+      struct NumberType
+      {
+        /**
+         * Standard number conversion
+         */
+        template<typename F>
+        static auto
+        value (const F &f,
+               typename std::enable_if<
+               !is_ad_number<F>::value
+               >::type * = 0)
+        -> decltype (dealii::internal::NumberType<T>::value(f))
+        {
+          // We call the other function defined in the numbers
+          // header to take care of all of the usual cases.
+          return dealii::internal::NumberType<T>::value(f);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Conversion from an AD number to a scalar number.
+         * We wish to ensure that @p T is a scalar type because,
+         * in general, the conversion between AD numbers is either
+         * non-trivial or an invalid operation.
+         */
+        template<typename F>
+        static T
+        value (const F &f,
+               typename std::enable_if<
+               is_ad_number<F>::value &&
+               std::is_arithmetic<T>::value
+               >::type * = 0)
+        {
+          // We recursively call this function in case the AD number is a
+          // nested one. The recursion ends when the extracted value is
+          // a floating point number.
+          return NumberType<T>::value(ExtractData<F>::value(f));
+        }
+        /**
+         * Conversion from an AD number another AD number.
+         *
+         * Since this is the most generic case we'll assume that
+         * the return type is constructible from the input type.
+         */
+        template<typename F>
+        static T
+        value (const F &f,
+               typename std::enable_if<
+               is_ad_number<F>::value &&
+               is_ad_number<T>::value
+               >::type * = 0)
+        {
+          return T(f);
+        }
+      };
+      template <typename T>
+      struct NumberType< std::complex<T> >
+      {
+        /**
+         * Standard complex number conversion
+         */
+        template<typename F>
+        static auto
+        value (const F &f,
+               typename std::enable_if<
+               !is_ad_number<F>::value
+               >::type * = 0)
+        -> decltype (dealii::internal::NumberType< std::complex<T> >::value(f))
+        {
+          // We call the other function defined in the numbers
+          // header to take care of all of the usual cases.
+          return dealii::internal::NumberType< std::complex<T> >::value(f);
+        }
+        /**
+         * Conversion from a complex AD number to another
+         * complex number templated on a scalar number.
+         */
+        template<typename F>
+        static std::complex<T>
+        value (const F &f,
+               typename std::enable_if<
+               is_ad_number<F>::value &&
+               std::is_arithmetic<T>::value
+               >::type * = 0)
+        {
+          // We recursively call this function in case the AD number is a
+          // nested one. The recursion ends when the extracted value is
+          // a floating point number.
+          return std::complex<T>(NumberType<T>::value(ExtractData<F>::value(f)));
+        }
+        template <typename F>
+        static std::complex<T>
+        value (const std::complex<F> &f)
+        {
+          // Deal with the two parts of the input complex
+          // number individually.
+          return std::complex<T>(
+                   NumberType<T>::value(f.real()),
+                   NumberType<T>::value(f.imag()));
+        }
+      };
+    } // namespace internal
+    /**
+     * Specialization of the general NumberTraits class that
+     * provides relevant information for auto-differentiable numbers.
+     *
+     * For each new @p ADNumberTypeCode enumeration, a data structure called
+     * internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum is to be defined, from which we require
+     * the following basic information determine all of the required information
+     * and type traits for our helper classes:
+     *   - A typedef called @p scalar_type, which defines the scalar or
+     *     floating-point valued counterpart to the auto-differentiable number type.
+     *     This can be real or complex valued.
+     *   - A typedef called @p derivative_type, which defines the
+     *     number type for directional derivatives.
+     *   - A boolean called @p is_taped, which defines whether the auto-differentiable
+     *     number is a taped number or not.
+     *
+     * This specific version specializes the generic case where the template
+     * @p ScalarType represents a floating or complex number that is templated
+     * on a floating point type.
+     */
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    struct NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+      std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+  (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>
+    {
+      /**
+       * The type of taping used
+       */
+      static constexpr enum NumberTypes  type_code
+      = ADNumberTypeCode;
+      // The clang compiler does not seem to like these
+      // variables being defined as constant expressions
+      // (the tests <adolc|sacado>/ad_number_traits_02 will
+      // fail with linking errors). However, GCC complains
+      // about the use of non-constant expressions in
+      // std::conditional.
+#ifdef __clang__
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number is of
+       * the taped variety or not
+       */
+      static const bool                 is_taped;
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number is of
+       * the tapeless variety or not
+       */
+      static const bool                 is_tapeless;
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number represents
+       * a real value
+       */
+      static const bool                 is_real_valued;
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number represents
+       * a complex value
+       */
+      static const bool                 is_complex_valued;
+      /**
+       * The number of directional derivatives that can be
+       * taken with this auto-differentiable number
+       */
+      static const unsigned int         n_supported_derivative_levels;
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number is of
+       * the taped variety or not
+       */
+      static constexpr bool             is_taped
+      = internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+        typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type, ADNumberTypeCode
+      >::is_taped;
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number is of
+       * the tapeless variety or not
+       */
+      static constexpr bool             is_tapeless
+      = !(NumberTraits<ScalarType,ADNumberTypeCode>::is_taped);
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number represents
+       * a real value
+       */
+      static constexpr bool             is_real_valued
+      = (!boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value);
+      /**
+       * A flag to indicate whether the number represents
+       * a complex value
+       */
+      static constexpr bool             is_complex_valued
+      = !(NumberTraits<ScalarType,ADNumberTypeCode>::is_real_valued);
+      /**
+       * The number of directional derivatives that can be
+       * taken with this auto-differentiable number
+       */
+      static const unsigned int         n_supported_derivative_levels
+      = internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+        typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type, ADNumberTypeCode
+      >::n_supported_derivative_levels;
+      /**
+       * Underlying floating point value type.
+       * This could real-valued or complex-valued.
+       */
+      typedef ScalarType                scalar_type;
+      /**
+       * Type for real numbers
+       */
+      typedef typename internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+      typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type,ADNumberTypeCode
+      >::real_type                      real_type;
+      /**
+       * Type for complex numbers
+       */
+      typedef std::complex<real_type>   complex_type;
+      /**
+       * The actual auto-differentiable number type
+       */
+      typedef typename std::conditional<
+      is_real_valued,real_type,complex_type
+      >::type                            ad_type;
+      /**
+       * The actual auto-differentiable number directional derivative type
+       */
+      typedef typename std::conditional<
+      is_real_valued,
+      typename internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+      typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type,ADNumberTypeCode
+      >::derivative_type,
+      std::complex<typename internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+      typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type,ADNumberTypeCode
+      >::derivative_type>
+      >::type          derivative_type;
+      /**
+       * Extract the value of an auto-differentiable number
+       */
+      static scalar_type
+      get_scalar_value(const ad_type &x)
+    {
+      // Some tricky conversion cases to consider here:
+      // - Nested AD numbers
+      // - std::complex<double> --> std::complex<float>
+      //   e.g. when ScalarType = float and ADNumberTypeCode = adolc_taped
+      // Therefore, we use the internal casting mechanism
+      // provided by the internal::NumberType struct.
+      return internal::NumberType<scalar_type>::value(internal::ExtractData<ad_type>::value(x));
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extract the derivative value of an auto-differentiable number
+     */
+    static derivative_type
+    get_directional_derivative(const ad_type      &x,
+                               const unsigned int  direction)
+    {
+      return internal::ExtractData<ad_type>::directional_derivative(x, direction);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Extract the number of directional derivatives value tracked by
+     * an auto-differentiable number
+     */
+    static unsigned int
+    n_directional_derivatives(const ad_type &x)
+    {
+      return internal::ExtractData<ad_type>::n_directional_derivatives(x);
+    }
+    static_assert(
+      (is_real_valued==true ?
+       std::is_same<ad_type,real_type>::value :
+       std::is_same<ad_type,complex_type>::value),
+      "Incorrect template type selected for ad_type");
+    static_assert(
+      (is_complex_valued==true ?
+       boost::is_complex<scalar_type>::value :
+       true),
+      "Expected a complex float_type");
+    static_assert(
+      (is_complex_valued==true ?
+       boost::is_complex<ad_type>::value :
+       true),
+      "Expected a complex ad_type");
+    };
+#ifdef __clang__
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    const bool
+    NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+    std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+    (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>::is_taped
+      = internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+        typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type, ADNumberTypeCode
+        >::is_taped;
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    const bool
+    NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+    std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+    (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>::is_tapeless
+      = !(NumberTraits<ScalarType,ADNumberTypeCode>::is_taped);
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    const bool
+    NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+    std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+    (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>::is_real_valued
+      = (!boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value);
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    const bool
+    NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+    std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+    (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>::is_complex_valued
+      = !(NumberTraits<ScalarType,ADNumberTypeCode>::is_real_valued);
+    template<typename ScalarType, enum NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode>
+    const unsigned int
+    NumberTraits<ScalarType, ADNumberTypeCode, typename std::enable_if<
+    std::is_floating_point<ScalarType>::value ||
+    (boost::is_complex<ScalarType>::value &&
+     std::is_floating_point<typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type>::value)
+    >::type>::n_supported_derivative_levels
+      = internal::ADNumberInfoFromEnum<
+        typename internal::RemoveComplexWrapper<ScalarType>::type, ADNumberTypeCode
+        >::n_supported_derivative_levels;
+    /**
+     * A dummy specialization for floating point numbers. This is necessary to
+     * deal with the tricky case of higher-order derivative extraction from
+     * AD numbers.
+     *
+     * Sacado nests the directional derivatives within Sacado numbers, while Adol-C
+     * does not. So, starting off from a scalar function f(x), the number type resulting
+     * from the computation of a directional derivative f'(x) of that function is a floating
+     * point number for Adol-C number types and Sacado::FAD<double>, but that of a
+     * Sacado::FAD<Sacado::FAD<double>> is a Sacado::FAD<double>.
+     *
+     * For this reason, when trying to extract higher-order derivatives of a number that
+     * does not support them the input value to this function may be a scalar type.
+     */
+    template<typename ScalarType>
+    struct ADNumberTraits<ScalarType, typename std::enable_if<
+      std::is_arithmetic<ScalarType>::value
+      >::type>
+    {
+      static ScalarType
+      get_directional_derivative(const ScalarType      &x,
+                                 const unsigned int  direction)
+      {
+        // If the AD drivers are correctly implemented then we should not get here.
+        // This is essentially a dummy for when the ADNumberTypeCode for the original
+        // AD number (from which one is getting a derivative >= 2) is one that specified
+        // Adol-C taped and tapeless numbers, or a non-nested Sacado number.
+        AssertThrow(false, ExcMessage("Floating point numbers have no directional derivatives."));
+        return 0.0;
+      }
+    };
+  } // namespace AD
+} // namespace Differentiation
+#endif // DOXYGEN
+namespace numbers
+  template<typename ADNumberType>
+  bool
+  is_nan (const typename std::enable_if<
+          Differentiation::AD::is_ad_number<ADNumberType>::value,
+          ADNumberType>::type &x)
+  {
+    return is_nan(Differentiation::AD::ADNumberTraits<ADNumberType>::get_value(x));
+  }
+} // namespace numbers
diff --git a/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h b/include/deal.II/differentiation/ad/ad_number_types.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..3d718f0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2016 - 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+#ifndef dealii_differentiation_ad_ad_number_types_h
+#define dealii_differentiation_ad_ad_number_types_h
+#include <deal.II/base/config.h>
+namespace Differentiation
+  namespace AD
+  {
+    /**
+     * An enumeration to indicate which type of auto-differentiable number
+     * is to be used for computations. If a type that is selected for use
+     * is not available in the library, a compile-time error will be thrown.
+     *
+     * @author Jean-Paul Pelteret, 2017
+     */
+    enum class NumberTypes
+    {
+      /**
+       * Taped forward and reverse-mode Adol-C number type (n-differentiable).
+       *
+       * First derivatives will be computed using reverse mode, while the second
+       * derivatives will be computed using forward mode. Even higher-order
+       * derivatives can be computed using Adol-C's own driver functions.
+       */
+      adolc_taped,
+      /**
+       * Tapeless dynamic forward-mode Adol-C number type (once differentiable).
+       */
+      adolc_tapeless,
+      /**
+       * Tapeless dynamic forward-mode Sacado number type (once differentiable).
+       */
+      sacado_dfad,
+      /**
+       * Tapeless nested dynamic forward-mode Sacado number type (twice differentiable).
+       *
+       * Both the first and second derivatives will be computed using forward mode.
+       */
+      sacado_dfad_dfad,
+      /**
+       * Tapeless reverse-mode Sacado number type (once differentiable).
+       */
+      sacado_rad,
+      /**
+       * Tapeless nested reverse-mode and dynamic forward-mode Sacado number type (twice differentiable).
+       *
+       * First derivatives will be computed using reverse mode, while the second derivatives
+       * will be computed using forward mode.
+       */
+      sacado_rad_dfad
+    };
+  } // namespace AD
+} // namespace Differentiation

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.