+ <li> <p>
+ New: There is now a new <code class="class">PolynomialsP</code>
+ class which is based on <code
+ class="class">Polynomials::Monomial</code> and <code
+ class="class">PolynomialSpace</code>. In contrast to the
+ default ordering of the polynomials in <code
+ class="class">PolynomialSpace</code>, (e.g. for degree=2) <i>1,
+ x, x<sup>2</sup>, y, xy, y<sup>2</sup></i>, the <code
+ class="class">PolynomialsP</code> class now gives the
+ (natural?!) ordering <i>1, x, y, xy, x<sup>2</sup>,
+ y<sup>2</sup></i>.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2004/03/11)
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ New: The classes <code class="class">PolynomialSpace</code> and
+ <code class="class">TensorProductPolynomials</code> now have
+ new <code class="member">set_numbering</code> functions which
+ allow to change the ordering of the polynomials. The ordering
+ and the indices of the polynomials kann be checked by using the
+ new <code class="member">output_indices</code> functions.
+ <br>
+ (RH 2004/03/11)
+ </p>
<li> <p> New: The class <code
class="class">PolynomialsBDM</code> implements BDM polynomials in
two dimensions on the unit square. It was implemented as is