* Callback to return an index set containing the algebraic components.
+ * Algebraic components are degrees of freedom for which the differential
+ * equation does not provide a time derivative. This can either be because
+ * the degree of freedom is constrained (say, because it is a hanging
+ * node, or because it is part of Dirichlet boundary values), or because
+ * the differential equation simply does not contain time derivatives
+ * for a specific solution variable. An example for the latter case is
+ * the pressure in the time dependent Stokes equations,
+ * @f{align*}{
+ * \frac{\partial \mathbf u(\mathbf x,t)}{\partial t}
+ * - \nu \Delta \mathbf u(\mathbf x,t) + \nabla p(\mathbf x,t)
+ * &= \mathbf f(\mathbf x,t),
+ * \\
+ * \nabla \cdot \mathbf u(\mathbf x,t) &= 0.
+ * @f}
+ * The documentation of the SUNDIALS::IDA class has an extensive
+ * documentation of algebraic variables as part of differential-algebraic
+ * equations.
* Implementation of this function is optional. If your equation is also
* algebraic (i.e., it contains algebraic constraints, or Lagrange
* multipliers), you should implement this function in order to return only
* these components of your system.
+ *
+ * @note This variable represents a
+ * @ref GlossUserProvidedCallBack "user provided callback".
+ * See there for a description of how to deal with errors and other
+ * requirements and conventions.
std::function<IndexSet()> algebraic_components;
std::function<void(const real_type t, VectorType &y)> distribute;
- * Callback to distribute solution to hanging nodes.
+ * Callback to set the values of constrained components to their correct
+ * values. Constrained components are a subset of the algebraic
+ * components discussed in the documentation of the
+ * TimeStepper::algebraic_components callback. In practice, the constrained
+ * components are typically hanging nodes and degrees of freedom
+ * constrained by Dirichlet boundary conditions.
* Implementation of this function is optional.
* It is called at the end of each successful stage.