template <int dim, int spacedim>
- void
+ NumberCache
- distribute_dofs (NumberCache &number_cache_current) const
+ distribute_dofs () const
const types::global_dof_index n_dofs =
Implementation::distribute_dofs (0,
= std::vector<IndexSet> (1,
- number_cache_current = number_cache;
+ return number_cache;
= std::vector<IndexSet> (1,
- number_cache_current = number_cache;
+ number_cache_current = std::move(number_cache);
+ namespace
+ {
+ /**
+ * This function is a variation of DoFTools::get_dof_subdomain_association()
+ * with the exception that it is (i) specialized for
+ * parallel::shared::Triangulation objects, and (ii) does not assume that the
+ * internal number cache of the DoFHandler has already been set up. In can,
+ * consequently, be called at a point when we are still distributing degrees
+ * of freedom.
+ */
+ template <class DoFHandlerType>
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id>
+ get_dof_subdomain_association (const DoFHandlerType &dof_handler,
+ const types::global_dof_index n_dofs,
+ const unsigned int n_procs)
+ {
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id> subdomain_association (n_dofs,
+ numbers::invalid_subdomain_id);
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices;
+ local_dof_indices.reserve (DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell(dof_handler));
+ // pseudo-randomly assign variables which lie on the interface between
+ // subdomains to each of the two or more
+ bool coin_flip = true;
+ // loop over all cells and record which subdomain a DoF belongs to.
+ // toss a coin in case it is on an interface
+ typename DoFHandlerType::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = dof_handler.begin_active(),
+ endc = dof_handler.end();
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ {
+ // get the owner of the cell; note that we have made sure above that
+ // all cells are either locally owned or ghosts (not artificial), so
+ // this call will always yield the true owner
+ const types::subdomain_id subdomain_id = cell->subdomain_id();
+ const unsigned int dofs_per_cell = cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
+ local_dof_indices.resize (dofs_per_cell);
+ cell->get_dof_indices (local_dof_indices);
+ // set subdomain ids. if dofs already have their values set then
+ // they must be on partition interfaces. in that case randomly
+ // assign them to either the previous association or the current
+ // one, where we take "random" to be "once this way once that way"
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ if (subdomain_association[local_dof_indices[i]] ==
+ numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
+ subdomain_association[local_dof_indices[i]] = subdomain_id;
+ else
+ {
+ if (coin_flip == true)
+ subdomain_association[local_dof_indices[i]] = subdomain_id;
+ coin_flip = !coin_flip;
+ }
+ }
+ Assert (std::find (subdomain_association.begin(),
+ subdomain_association.end(),
+ numbers::invalid_subdomain_id)
+ == subdomain_association.end(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (*std::max_element (subdomain_association.begin(),
+ subdomain_association.end())
+ < n_procs,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ return subdomain_association;
+ }
+ }
template <int dim, int spacedim>
- void
+ NumberCache
- distribute_dofs (NumberCache &number_cache) const
+ distribute_dofs () const
- // If the underlying shared::Tria allows artificial cells, we need to do
- // some tricks here to make Sequential algorithms play nicely.
- // Namely, we first restore the original partition (without artificial cells)
- // and then turn artificial cells on at the end of this function.
const parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim, spacedim> *tr =
(dynamic_cast<const parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim, spacedim>*> (&this->dof_handler->get_triangulation()));
Assert(tr != nullptr, ExcInternalError());
- typename parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
- cell = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().begin_active(),
- endc = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().end();
- std::vector<types::subdomain_id> current_subdomain_ids(tr->n_active_cells());
- const std::vector<types::subdomain_id> &true_subdomain_ids = tr->get_true_subdomain_ids_of_cells();
+ const unsigned int n_procs = Utilities::MPI::n_mpi_processes(tr->get_communicator());
+ // If the underlying shared::Tria allows artificial cells,
+ // then save the current set of subdomain ids, and set
+ // subdomain ids to the "true" owner of each cell. we later
+ // restore these flags
+ std::vector<types::subdomain_id> saved_subdomain_ids;
if (tr->with_artificial_cells())
- for (unsigned int index=0; cell != endc; cell++, index++)
+ {
+ saved_subdomain_ids.resize (tr->n_active_cells());
+ typename parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().begin_active(),
+ endc = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().end();
+ const std::vector<types::subdomain_id> &true_subdomain_ids
+ = tr->get_true_subdomain_ids_of_cells();
+ for (unsigned int index=0; cell != endc; ++cell, ++index)
+ {
+ saved_subdomain_ids[index] = cell->subdomain_id();
+ cell->set_subdomain_id(true_subdomain_ids[index]);
+ }
+ }
+ // first let the sequential algorithm do its magic. it is going to
+ // enumerate DoFs on all cells, regardless of owner
+ NumberCache number_cache
+ = this->Sequential<dim,spacedim>::distribute_dofs ();
+ // then re-enumerate them based on their subdomain association.
+ // for this, we first have to identify for each current DoF
+ // index which subdomain they belong to. ideally, we would
+ // like to call DoFRenumbering::subdomain_wise(), but
+ // because the NumberCache of the current DoFHandler is not
+ // fully set up yet, we can't quite do that. also, that
+ // function has to deal with other kinds of triangulations as
+ // well, whereas we here know what kind of triangulation
+ // we have and can simplify the code accordingly
+ const unsigned int n_dofs = number_cache.n_global_dofs;
+ std::vector<types::global_dof_index> new_dof_indices (n_dofs,
+ numbers::invalid_dof_index);
+ {
+ // first get the association of each dof with a subdomain and
+ // determine the total number of subdomain ids used
+ const std::vector<types::subdomain_id> subdomain_association
+ = get_dof_subdomain_association (*this->dof_handler, n_dofs, n_procs);
+ // then renumber the subdomains by first looking at those belonging
+ // to subdomain 0, then those of subdomain 1, etc. note that the
+ // algorithm is stable, i.e. if two dofs i,j have i<j and belong to
+ // the same subdomain, then they will be in this order also after
+ // reordering
+ types::global_dof_index next_free_index = 0;
+ for (types::subdomain_id subdomain=0; subdomain<n_procs; ++subdomain)
+ for (types::global_dof_index i=0; i<n_dofs; ++i)
+ if (subdomain_association[i] == subdomain)
+ {
+ Assert (new_dof_indices[i] == numbers::invalid_dof_index,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ new_dof_indices[i] = next_free_index;
+ ++next_free_index;
+ }
+ // we should have numbered all dofs
+ Assert (next_free_index == n_dofs, ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (std::find (new_dof_indices.begin(), new_dof_indices.end(),
+ numbers::invalid_dof_index)
+ == new_dof_indices.end(),
+ ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ // finally do the renumbering. we can use the sequential
+ // version of the function because we do things on all
+ // cells and all cells have their subdomain ids and DoFs
+ // correctly set
+ this->Sequential<dim, spacedim>::renumber_dofs (new_dof_indices, number_cache);
+ // update the number cache. for this, we first have to find the subdomain
+ // association for each DoF again following renumbering, from which we
+ // can then compute the IndexSets of locally owned DoFs for all processors.
+ // all other fields then follow from this
+ //
+ // given the way we enumerate degrees of freedom, the locally owned
+ // ranges must all be contiguous and consecutive. this makes filling
+ // the IndexSets cheap. an assertion at the top verifies that this
+ // assumption is true
+ const std::vector<types::subdomain_id> subdomain_association
+ = get_dof_subdomain_association (*this->dof_handler, n_dofs, n_procs);
+ for (unsigned int i=1; i<n_dofs; ++i)
+ Assert (subdomain_association[i] >= subdomain_association[i-1],
+ ExcInternalError());
+ {
+ number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.clear();
+ number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.resize (n_procs,
+ IndexSet(n_dofs));
+ // we know that the set of subdomain indices is contiguous from
+ // the assertion above; find the start and end index for each
+ // processor, taking into account that sometimes a processor
+ // may not in fact have any DoFs at all. we do the latter
+ // by just identifying contiguous ranges of subdomain_ids
+ // and filling IndexSets for those subdomains; subdomains
+ // that don't appear will lead to IndexSets that are simply
+ // never touched and remain empty as initialized above.
+ unsigned int start_index = 0;
+ unsigned int end_index = 0;
+ while (start_index < n_dofs)
- current_subdomain_ids[index] = cell->subdomain_id();
- cell->set_subdomain_id(true_subdomain_ids[index]);
+ while ((end_index) < n_dofs &&
+ (subdomain_association[end_index] == subdomain_association[start_index]))
+ ++end_index;
+ // we've now identified a range of same indices. set that
+ // range in the corresponding IndexSet
+ if (end_index > start_index)
+ {
+ const unsigned int subdomain_owner = subdomain_association[start_index];
+ number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[subdomain_owner]
+ .add_range (start_index, end_index);
+ }
+ // then move on to thinking about the next range
+ start_index = end_index;
+ }
- // let the sequential algorithm do its magic, then sort DoF indices
- // by subdomain
- this->Sequential<dim,spacedim>::distribute_dofs (number_cache);
- DoFRenumbering::subdomain_wise (*this->dof_handler);
+ // from this, calculate all of the other number cache fields
+ number_cache.locally_owned_dofs
+ = number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()];
+ number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor
+ .resize (number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.size(); ++i)
+ number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[i]
+ = number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[i].n_elements();
+ number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs
+ = number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()];
- // dofrenumbering will reset subdomains, this is ugly but we need to do it again:
- cell = tr->begin_active();
- if (tr->with_artificial_cells())
- for (unsigned int index=0; cell != endc; cell++, index++)
- cell->set_subdomain_id(true_subdomain_ids[index]);
+ number_cache.n_global_dofs = n_dofs;
- number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor = DoFTools::locally_owned_dofs_per_subdomain (*this->dof_handler);
- number_cache.locally_owned_dofs = number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()];
- number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.resize (number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.size());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor.size(); i++)
- number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[i] = number_cache.locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[i].n_elements();
- number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs = number_cache.n_locally_owned_dofs_per_processor[this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().locally_owned_subdomain()];
- // restore current subdomain ids
- cell = tr->begin_active();
+ // finally, restore current subdomain ids
if (tr->with_artificial_cells())
- for (unsigned int index=0; cell != endc; cell++, index++)
- cell->set_subdomain_id(current_subdomain_ids[index]);
+ {
+ typename parallel::shared::Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator
+ cell = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().begin_active(),
+ endc = this->dof_handler->get_triangulation().end();
+ for (unsigned int index=0; cell != endc; ++cell, ++index)
+ cell->set_subdomain_id(saved_subdomain_ids[index]);
+ }
+ return number_cache;
template <int dim, int spacedim>
- void
+ NumberCache
ParallelDistributed<dim, spacedim>::
- distribute_dofs (NumberCache &number_cache_current) const
+ distribute_dofs () const
NumberCache number_cache;
#endif // DEBUG
#endif // DEAL_II_WITH_P4EST
- number_cache_current = number_cache;
+ return number_cache;
- number_cache_current = number_cache;
+ number_cache_current = std::move(number_cache);