]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Add GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts() 10503/head
authorPeter Munch <peterrmuench@gmail.com>
Wed, 10 Jun 2020 07:06:16 +0000 (09:06 +0200)
committerPeter Munch <peterrmuench@gmail.com>
Thu, 11 Jun 2020 15:31:02 +0000 (17:31 +0200)

index a8323a0131d3c60ae95a0c37409cd0decf4827e8..d4d401cacf68c8825d76b15850ea04dd54b02953 100644 (file)
@@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ namespace Utilities
           /// Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::communicate_locally_moved_vertices()
-          /// dof_handler_policy.cc: communicate_mg_ghost_cells()
-          dofhandler_communicate_mg_ghost_cells,
+          /// grid_tools.h: exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts()
+          exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts_request,
-          /// dof_handler_policy.cc: communicate_mg_ghost_cells()
-          dofhandler_communicate_mg_ghost_cells_reply,
+          /// grid_tools.h: exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts()
+          exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts_reply,
           /// mg_transfer_internal.cc: fill_copy_indices()
index 1a19ca6c1bf064a4ad12e5aaf7b155a5a92bf7b5..8de436f580309b0bb518dccf20fea72c7094fdfd 100644 (file)
@@ -2853,6 +2853,27 @@ namespace GridTools
     const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::active_cell_iterator &,
                              const DataType &)> &        unpack);
+  /**
+   * Exchange arbitrary data of type @p DataType provided by the function
+   * objects from locally owned level cells to ghost level cells on other
+   * processes.
+   *
+   * In addition to the parameters of exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts(), this
+   * function allows to provide a @p filter function, which can be used to only
+   * communicate marked cells. In the default case, all relevant cells are
+   * communicated.
+   */
+  template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
+  void
+  exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts(
+    const MeshType &                                    mesh,
+    const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
+      const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
+    const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &,
+                             const DataType &)> &       unpack,
+    const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)>
+      &filter = [](const auto &) { return true; });
   /* Exchange with all processors of the MPI communicator @p mpi_communicator the vector of bounding
    * boxes @p local_bboxes.
@@ -4035,6 +4056,232 @@ namespace GridTools
           MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), requests.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+#    endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
+  }
+  template <typename DataType, typename MeshType>
+  void
+  exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts(
+    const MeshType &                                    mesh,
+    const std::function<std_cxx17::optional<DataType>(
+      const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)> &pack,
+    const std::function<void(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &,
+                             const DataType &)> &       unpack,
+    const std::function<bool(const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator &)>
+      &filter)
+  {
+#    ifndef DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
+    (void)mesh;
+    (void)pack;
+    (void)unpack;
+    (void)filter;
+    Assert(false,
+           ExcMessage(
+             "GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts() requires MPI."));
+#    else
+    constexpr int dim      = MeshType::dimension;
+    constexpr int spacedim = MeshType::space_dimension;
+    auto          tria =
+      dynamic_cast<const parallel::TriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> *>(
+        &mesh.get_triangulation());
+    Assert(
+      tria != nullptr,
+      ExcMessage(
+        "The function exchange_cell_data_to_ghosts() only works with parallel triangulations."));
+    // build list of cells to request for each neighbor
+    std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id> level_ghost_owners =
+      tria->level_ghost_owners();
+    std::map<dealii::types::subdomain_id,
+             std::vector<typename CellId::binary_type>>
+      neighbor_cell_list;
+    for (const auto level_ghost_owner : level_ghost_owners)
+      neighbor_cell_list[level_ghost_owner] = {};
+    {
+      for (const auto &cell : mesh.cell_iterators())
+        if (cell->level_subdomain_id() !=
+              dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id &&
+            !cell->is_locally_owned_on_level())
+          if (filter(cell))
+            neighbor_cell_list[cell->level_subdomain_id()].emplace_back(
+              cell->id().template to_binary<spacedim>());
+    }
+    Assert(level_ghost_owners.size() == neighbor_cell_list.size(),
+           ExcInternalError());
+    // Before sending & receiving, make sure we protect this section with
+    // a mutex:
+    static Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex      mutex;
+    Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(mutex,
+                                                     tria->get_communicator());
+    const int mpi_tag = Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::
+      exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts_request;
+    const int mpi_tag_reply =
+      Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts_reply;
+    // send our requests:
+    std::vector<MPI_Request> requests(level_ghost_owners.size());
+    {
+      unsigned int idx = 0;
+      for (const auto &it : neighbor_cell_list)
+        {
+          // send the data about the relevant cells
+          const int ierr = MPI_Isend(it.second.data(),
+                                     it.second.size() * sizeof(it.second[0]),
+                                     MPI_BYTE,
+                                     it.first,
+                                     mpi_tag,
+                                     tria->get_communicator(),
+                                     &requests[idx]);
+          AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+          ++idx;
+        }
+    }
+    using DestinationToBufferMap =
+      std::map<dealii::types::subdomain_id,
+               GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>>;
+    DestinationToBufferMap destination_to_data_buffer_map;
+    // receive requests and reply with the ghost indices
+    std::vector<std::vector<typename CellId::binary_type>> cell_data_to_send(
+      level_ghost_owners.size());
+    std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>>
+                                   send_dof_numbers_and_indices(level_ghost_owners.size());
+    std::vector<MPI_Request>       reply_requests(level_ghost_owners.size());
+    std::vector<std::vector<char>> sendbuffers(level_ghost_owners.size());
+    for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < level_ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
+      {
+        MPI_Status status;
+        int        ierr =
+          MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE, mpi_tag, tria->get_communicator(), &status);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        int len;
+        ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        Assert(len % sizeof(cell_data_to_send[idx][0]) == 0,
+               ExcInternalError());
+        const unsigned int n_cells = len / sizeof(typename CellId::binary_type);
+        cell_data_to_send[idx].resize(n_cells);
+        ierr = MPI_Recv(cell_data_to_send[idx].data(),
+                        len,
+                        MPI_BYTE,
+                        status.MPI_SOURCE,
+                        status.MPI_TAG,
+                        tria->get_communicator(),
+                        &status);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        // store data for each cell
+        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned int>(n_cells); ++c)
+          {
+            const auto cell = CellId(cell_data_to_send[idx][c]).to_cell(*tria);
+            typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator mesh_it(tria,
+                                                           cell->level(),
+                                                           cell->index(),
+                                                           &mesh);
+            const std_cxx17::optional<DataType>    data = pack(mesh_it);
+            {
+              typename DestinationToBufferMap::iterator p =
+                destination_to_data_buffer_map
+                  .insert(std::make_pair(
+                    idx, GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>()))
+                  .first;
+              p->second.cell_ids.emplace_back(cell->id());
+              p->second.data.emplace_back(*data);
+            }
+          }
+        // send reply
+        GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType> &data =
+          destination_to_data_buffer_map[idx];
+        sendbuffers[idx] = Utilities::pack(data, /*enable_compression*/ false);
+        ierr             = MPI_Isend(sendbuffers[idx].data(),
+                         sendbuffers[idx].size(),
+                         MPI_BYTE,
+                         status.MPI_SOURCE,
+                         mpi_tag_reply,
+                         tria->get_communicator(),
+                         &reply_requests[idx]);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+      }
+    // finally receive the replies
+    std::vector<char> receive;
+    for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < level_ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
+      {
+        MPI_Status status;
+        int        ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
+                             mpi_tag_reply,
+                             tria->get_communicator(),
+                             &status);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        int len;
+        ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        receive.resize(len);
+        char *ptr = receive.data();
+        ierr      = MPI_Recv(ptr,
+                        len,
+                        MPI_BYTE,
+                        status.MPI_SOURCE,
+                        status.MPI_TAG,
+                        tria->get_communicator(),
+                        &status);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+        auto cellinfo =
+          Utilities::unpack<CellDataTransferBuffer<dim, DataType>>(
+            receive, /*enable_compression*/ false);
+        DataType *data = cellinfo.data.data();
+        for (unsigned int c = 0; c < cellinfo.cell_ids.size(); ++c, ++data)
+          {
+            const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::cell_iterator
+              tria_cell = cellinfo.cell_ids[c].to_cell(*tria);
+            const typename MeshType::level_cell_iterator cell(
+              tria, tria_cell->level(), tria_cell->index(), &mesh);
+            unpack(cell, *data);
+          }
+      }
+    // make sure that all communication is finished
+    // when we leave this function.
+    if (requests.size() > 0)
+      {
+        const int ierr =
+          MPI_Waitall(requests.size(), requests.data(), MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+      }
+    if (reply_requests.size() > 0)
+      {
+        const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(reply_requests.size(),
+                                     reply_requests.data(),
+                                     MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
+        AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+      }
 #    endif // DEAL_II_WITH_MPI
 } // namespace GridTools
index c73670e181e5e80acec8566cfdacbf9389158ada..bfe0acc7ee7144318b734fbb3f3357398f537d36 100644 (file)
@@ -3570,151 +3570,6 @@ namespace internal
-        template <int dim, int spacedim>
-        void
-        get_mg_dofindices_recursively(
-          const dealii::parallel::DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim>
-            &tria,
-          const typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator
-            &                                           dealii_cell,
-          const typename CellId::binary_type &          quadrant,
-          std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> &dof_numbers_and_indices)
-        {
-          if (dealii_cell->id() == CellId(quadrant))
-            {
-              // why would somebody request a cell that is not ours?
-              Assert(dealii_cell->level_subdomain_id() ==
-                       tria.locally_owned_subdomain(),
-                     ExcInternalError());
-              std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> local_dof_indices(
-                dealii_cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
-              dealii_cell->get_mg_dof_indices(local_dof_indices);
-              dof_numbers_and_indices.push_back(
-                dealii_cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
-              dof_numbers_and_indices.insert(dof_numbers_and_indices.end(),
-                                             local_dof_indices.begin(),
-                                             local_dof_indices.end());
-              return; // we are done
-            }
-          if (dealii_cell->is_active())
-            return;
-          if (!dealii_cell->id().is_ancestor_of(CellId(quadrant)))
-            return;
-          for (unsigned int c = 0; c < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
-               ++c)
-            get_mg_dofindices_recursively<dim, spacedim>(
-              tria, dealii_cell->child(c), quadrant, dof_numbers_and_indices);
-        }
-        template <int dim, int spacedim>
-        void
-        find_marked_mg_ghost_cells_recursively(
-          const typename dealii::parallel::
-            DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> &tria,
-          const unsigned int                             tree_index,
-          const typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator
-            &dealii_cell,
-          std::map<
-            dealii::types::subdomain_id,
-            std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, typename CellId::binary_type>>>
-            &neighbor_cell_list)
-        {
-          // recurse...
-          if (dealii_cell->has_children())
-            {
-              for (unsigned int c = 0;
-                   c < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
-                   ++c)
-                find_marked_mg_ghost_cells_recursively<dim, spacedim>(
-                  tria, tree_index, dealii_cell->child(c), neighbor_cell_list);
-            }
-          if (dealii_cell->user_flag_set() &&
-              dealii_cell->level_subdomain_id() !=
-                tria.locally_owned_subdomain())
-            {
-              neighbor_cell_list[dealii_cell->level_subdomain_id()]
-                .emplace_back(tree_index,
-                              dealii_cell->id().template to_binary<spacedim>());
-            }
-        }
-        template <int dim, int spacedim>
-        void
-        set_mg_dofindices_recursively(
-          const dealii::parallel::DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim>
-            &tria,
-          const typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator
-            &                                 dealii_cell,
-          const typename CellId::binary_type &quadrant,
-          dealii::types::global_dof_index *   dofs)
-        {
-          if (dealii_cell->id() == CellId(quadrant))
-            {
-              Assert(dealii_cell->level_subdomain_id() !=
-                       dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id,
-                     ExcInternalError());
-              // update dof indices of cell
-              std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(
-                dealii_cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
-              dealii_cell->get_mg_dof_indices(dof_indices);
-              bool complete = true;
-              for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof_indices.size(); ++i)
-                if (dofs[i] != numbers::invalid_dof_index)
-                  {
-                    Assert((dof_indices[i] == (numbers::invalid_dof_index)) ||
-                             (dof_indices[i] == dofs[i]),
-                           ExcInternalError());
-                    dof_indices[i] = dofs[i];
-                  }
-                else
-                  complete = false;
-              if (!complete)
-                const_cast<
-                  typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator &>(
-                  dealii_cell)
-                  ->set_user_flag();
-              else
-                const_cast<
-                  typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator &>(
-                  dealii_cell)
-                  ->clear_user_flag();
-              const_cast<
-                typename DoFHandler<dim, spacedim>::level_cell_iterator &>(
-                dealii_cell)
-                ->set_mg_dof_indices(dof_indices);
-              return;
-            }
-          if (dealii_cell->is_active())
-            return;
-          if (!dealii_cell->id().is_ancestor_of(CellId(quadrant)))
-            return;
-          for (unsigned int c = 0; c < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_cell;
-               ++c)
-            set_mg_dofindices_recursively<dim, spacedim>(tria,
-                                                         dealii_cell->child(c),
-                                                         quadrant,
-                                                         dofs);
-        }
         template <int dim, int spacedim, class DoFHandlerType>
@@ -3722,208 +3577,60 @@ namespace internal
             DistributedTriangulationBase<dim, spacedim> &tria,
           DoFHandlerType &                               dof_handler)
-          using QuadrantBufferType =
-            std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, typename CellId::binary_type>>;
-          // build list of cells to request for each neighbor
-          std::set<dealii::types::subdomain_id> level_ghost_owners =
-            tria.level_ghost_owners();
-          std::map<dealii::types::subdomain_id, QuadrantBufferType>
-            neighbor_cell_list;
-          for (const auto level_ghost_owner : level_ghost_owners)
-            neighbor_cell_list[level_ghost_owner] = {};
-          for (typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator cell =
-                 dof_handler.begin(0);
-               cell != dof_handler.end(0);
-               ++cell)
-            {
-              types::coarse_cell_id coarse_cell_id = 0;
-              try
-                {
-                  coarse_cell_id = cell->id().get_coarse_cell_id();
-                }
-              catch (...)
-                {
-                  // In the case of parallel::fullydistributed::Triangulation,
-                  // a dummy cell throws an exception which is caught here.
-                  // We ignore this cell here.
-                  continue;
-                };
-              find_marked_mg_ghost_cells_recursively<dim, spacedim>(
-                tria, coarse_cell_id, cell, neighbor_cell_list);
-            }
-          Assert(level_ghost_owners.size() == neighbor_cell_list.size(),
-                 ExcInternalError());
-          // Before sending & receiving, make sure we protect this section with
-          // a mutex:
-          static Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex      mutex;
-          Utilities::MPI::CollectiveMutex::ScopedLock lock(
-            mutex, tria.get_communicator());
-          const int mpi_tag = Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::
-            dofhandler_communicate_mg_ghost_cells;
-          const int mpi_tag_reply = Utilities::MPI::internal::Tags::
-            dofhandler_communicate_mg_ghost_cells_reply;
+          const auto pack = [&](const auto &cell) {
+            // why would somebody request a cell that is not ours?
+            Assert(cell->level_subdomain_id() == tria.locally_owned_subdomain(),
+                   ExcInternalError());
-          //* send our requests:
-          std::vector<MPI_Request> requests(level_ghost_owners.size());
-          {
-            unsigned int idx = 0;
-            for (const auto &it : neighbor_cell_list)
-              {
-                // send the data about the relevant cells
-                const int ierr =
-                  MPI_Isend(it.second.data(),
-                            it.second.size() * sizeof(it.second[0]),
-                            MPI_BYTE,
-                            it.first,
-                            mpi_tag,
-                            tria.get_communicator(),
-                            &requests[idx]);
-                AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-                ++idx;
-              }
-          }
+            std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> data(
+              cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
+            cell->get_mg_dof_indices(data);
-          //* receive requests and reply with the ghost indices
-          std::vector<QuadrantBufferType> quadrant_data_to_send(
-            level_ghost_owners.size());
-          std::vector<std::vector<types::global_dof_index>>
-                                   send_dof_numbers_and_indices(level_ghost_owners.size());
-          std::vector<MPI_Request> reply_requests(level_ghost_owners.size());
+            return data;
+          };
-          for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < level_ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
-            {
-              MPI_Status status;
-              int        ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
-                                   mpi_tag,
-                                   tria.get_communicator(),
-                                   &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+          const auto unpack = [](const auto &cell, const auto &dofs) {
+            Assert(cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell == dofs.size(),
+                   ExcInternalError());
-              int len;
-              ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &len);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              Assert(len % sizeof(quadrant_data_to_send[idx][0]) == 0,
-                     ExcInternalError());
+            Assert(cell->level_subdomain_id() !=
+                     dealii::numbers::artificial_subdomain_id,
+                   ExcInternalError());
-              const unsigned int n_cells =
-                len / sizeof(quadrant_data_to_send[idx][0]);
-              quadrant_data_to_send[idx].resize(n_cells);
-              ierr = MPI_Recv(quadrant_data_to_send[idx].data(),
-                              len,
-                              MPI_BYTE,
-                              status.MPI_SOURCE,
-                              status.MPI_TAG,
-                              tria.get_communicator(),
-                              &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
+            std::vector<dealii::types::global_dof_index> dof_indices(
+              cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell);
+            cell->get_mg_dof_indices(dof_indices);
-              // store the dof indices for each cell
-              for (unsigned int c = 0; c < static_cast<unsigned int>(n_cells);
-                   ++c)
+            bool complete = true;
+            for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dof_indices.size(); ++i)
+              if (dofs[i] != numbers::invalid_dof_index)
-                  const auto temp =
-                    CellId(quadrant_data_to_send[idx][c].first, 0, nullptr)
-                      .to_cell(tria);
-                  typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator cell(
-                    &dof_handler.get_triangulation(),
-                    0,
-                    temp->index(),
-                    &dof_handler);
-                  get_mg_dofindices_recursively<dim, spacedim>(
-                    tria,
-                    cell,
-                    quadrant_data_to_send[idx][c].second,
-                    send_dof_numbers_and_indices[idx]);
+                  Assert((dof_indices[i] == (numbers::invalid_dof_index)) ||
+                           (dof_indices[i] == dofs[i]),
+                         ExcInternalError());
+                  dof_indices[i] = dofs[i];
+              else
+                complete = false;
-              // send reply
-              ierr = MPI_Isend(send_dof_numbers_and_indices[idx].data(),
-                               send_dof_numbers_and_indices[idx].size(),
-                               DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
-                               status.MPI_SOURCE,
-                               mpi_tag_reply,
-                               tria.get_communicator(),
-                               &reply_requests[idx]);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-            }
-          //* finally receive the replies
-          for (unsigned int idx = 0; idx < level_ghost_owners.size(); ++idx)
-            {
-              MPI_Status status;
-              int        ierr = MPI_Probe(MPI_ANY_SOURCE,
-                                   mpi_tag_reply,
-                                   tria.get_communicator(),
-                                   &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              int len;
-              ierr = MPI_Get_count(&status, DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE, &len);
-              const QuadrantBufferType &quadrants =
-                neighbor_cell_list[status.MPI_SOURCE];
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              Assert((len > 0 && !quadrants.empty()) ||
-                       (len == 0 && quadrants.empty()),
-                     ExcInternalError());
-              std::vector<types::global_dof_index>
-                receive_dof_numbers_and_indices(len);
-              ierr = MPI_Recv(receive_dof_numbers_and_indices.data(),
-                              len,
-                              DEAL_II_DOF_INDEX_MPI_TYPE,
-                              status.MPI_SOURCE,
-                              status.MPI_TAG,
-                              tria.get_communicator(),
-                              &status);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-              // set the dof indices for each cell
-              dealii::types::global_dof_index *dofs =
-                receive_dof_numbers_and_indices.data();
-              for (const auto &it : quadrants)
-                {
-                  const auto temp = CellId(it.first, 0, nullptr).to_cell(tria);
-                  typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator cell(
-                    &tria, 0, temp->index(), &dof_handler);
+            if (!complete)
+              const_cast<typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator &>(cell)
+                ->set_user_flag();
+            else
+              const_cast<typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator &>(cell)
+                ->clear_user_flag();
-                  Assert(cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell == dofs[0],
-                         ExcInternalError());
+            const_cast<typename DoFHandlerType::level_cell_iterator &>(cell)
+              ->set_mg_dof_indices(dof_indices);
+          };
-                  set_mg_dofindices_recursively<dim, spacedim>(tria,
-                                                               cell,
-                                                               it.second,
-                                                               dofs + 1);
-                  dofs += 1 + dofs[0];
-                }
-              Assert(dofs == receive_dof_numbers_and_indices.data() +
-                               receive_dof_numbers_and_indices.size(),
-                     ExcInternalError());
-            }
+          const auto filter = [](const auto &cell) {
+            return cell->user_flag_set();
+          };
-          // complete all sends, so that we can safely destroy the
-          // buffers.
-          if (requests.size() > 0)
-            {
-              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(requests.size(),
-                                           requests.data(),
-                                           MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-            }
-          if (reply_requests.size() > 0)
-            {
-              const int ierr = MPI_Waitall(reply_requests.size(),
-                                           reply_requests.data(),
-                                           MPI_STATUSES_IGNORE);
-              AssertThrowMPI(ierr);
-            }
+          GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts<
+            std::vector<types::global_dof_index>,
+            DoFHandlerType>(dof_handler, pack, unpack, filter);

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.