-//TODO: implement Tvmult
template <typename number, typename inverse_type>
template <typename number2>
+template <typename number, typename inverse_type>
+template <typename number2>
+void PreconditionBlockSOR<number,inverse_type>::Tvmult (Vector<number2> &dst,
+ const Vector<number2> &src) const
+ // introduce the following typedef
+ // since in the use of exceptions,
+ // strict C++ requires us to
+ // specify them fully as they are
+ // from a template dependent base
+ // class. thus, we'd have to write
+ // PreconditionBlock<number,inverse_type>::ExcNoMatrixGivenToUse,
+ // which is lengthy, but also poses
+ // some problems to the
+ // preprocessor due to the comma in
+ // the template arg list. we could
+ // then wrap the whole thing into
+ // parentheses, but that creates a
+ // parse error for gcc for the
+ // exceptions that do not take
+ // args...
+ typedef PreconditionBlock<number,inverse_type> BaseClass;
+ Assert (A!=0, ExcNotInitialized());
+ const SparseMatrix<number> &M=*A;
+ const unsigned int n_cells=M.m()/blocksize;
+ const SparsityPattern &spars = M.get_sparsity_pattern();
+ const unsigned int *rowstart = spars.get_rowstart_indices();
+ const unsigned int *columns = spars.get_column_numbers();
+ Vector<number2> b_cell(blocksize), x_cell(blocksize);
+ // cell_row, cell_column are the
+ // numbering of the blocks (cells).
+ // row_cell, column_cell are the local
+ // numbering of the unknowns in the
+ // blocks.
+ // row, column are the global numbering
+ // of the unkowns.
+ unsigned int row, column, row_cell, end_diag_block=blocksize *n_cells;
+ number2 b_cell_row;
+ if (!inverses_ready())
+ {
+ FullMatrix<number> M_cell(blocksize);
+ for (int icell=n_cells-1; icell>=0 ; --icell)
+ {
+ unsigned int cell = (unsigned int) icell;
+ // Collect upper triangle
+ for (row=cell*blocksize, row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell, ++row)
+ {
+ b_cell_row=src(row);
+ for (unsigned int j=rowstart[row]; j<rowstart[row+1]; ++j)
+ {
+ column=columns[j];
+ if (column >= end_diag_block)
+ b_cell_row -= M.global_entry(j) * dst(column);
+ }
+ b_cell(row_cell)=b_cell_row;
+ // Collect diagonal block
+ for (unsigned int column_cell=0, column=cell*blocksize;
+ column_cell<blocksize; ++column_cell, ++column)
+ M_cell(row_cell,column_cell)=M(row,column);
+ }
+ M_cell.householder(b_cell);
+ M_cell.backward(x_cell,b_cell);
+ // distribute x_cell to dst
+ for (row=cell*blocksize, row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell, ++row)
+ dst(row)=omega*x_cell(row_cell);
+ end_diag_block-=blocksize;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ for (int icell=n_cells-1; icell >=0 ; --icell)
+ {
+ unsigned int cell = (unsigned int) icell;
+ for (row=cell*blocksize, row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell, ++row)
+ {
+ b_cell_row=src(row);
+ for (unsigned int j=rowstart[row]; j<rowstart[row+1]; ++j)
+ {
+ column=columns[j];
+ if (column >= end_diag_block)
+ b_cell_row -= M.global_entry(j) * dst(column);
+ }
+ b_cell(row_cell)=b_cell_row;
+ }
+ inverse(cell).vmult(x_cell, b_cell);
+ // distribute x_cell to dst
+ for (row=cell*blocksize, row_cell=0; row_cell<blocksize; ++row_cell, ++row)
+ dst(row)=omega*x_cell(row_cell);
+ end_diag_block-=blocksize;
+ }
Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
template void PreconditionBlockSOR<float, float>::vmult (
Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<float, float>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<float, float>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;
// the instantiation for class PreconditionBlockSOR<float, double> is skipped
Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, float>::vmult (
Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, float>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, float>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;
template class PreconditionBlockSOR<double, double>;
Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, double>::vmult (
Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, double>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<float> &, const Vector<float> &) const;
+template void PreconditionBlockSOR<double, double>::Tvmult (
+ Vector<double> &, const Vector<double> &) const;