// to the current one. in the hp context, this also means
// we need to figure out which finite element space to interpolate
// to since that is not implied by the global FE as in the non-hp
- // case.
- bool different_fe_on_children = false;
- for (unsigned int child = 1; child < cell->n_children(); ++child)
- if (cell->child(child)->active_fe_index() !=
- cell->child(0)->active_fe_index())
- {
- different_fe_on_children = true;
- break;
- }
+ // case. we choose the 'least dominant fe' on all children from
+ // the associated FECollection.
+ std::set<unsigned int> fe_indices_children;
+ for (unsigned int child_index = 0; child_index < cell->n_children();
+ ++child_index)
+ fe_indices_children.insert(
+ cell->child(child_index)->active_fe_index());
- // take FE index from the child with most
- // degrees of freedom locally
- unsigned int most_general_child = 0;
- if (different_fe_on_children == true)
- for (unsigned int child = 1; child < cell->n_children(); ++child)
- if (cell->child(child)->get_fe().dofs_per_cell >
- cell->child(most_general_child)->get_fe().dofs_per_cell)
- most_general_child = child;
const unsigned int target_fe_index =
- cell->child(most_general_child)->active_fe_index();
+ dof_handler->get_fe_collection().find_dominated_fe_extended(
+ fe_indices_children, /*codim=*/0);
+ Assert(target_fe_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ ExcMessage(
+ "No FiniteElement has been found in your FECollection "
+ "that is dominated by all children of a cell you are "
+ "trying to coarsen!"));
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell =