// number of cells to be sorted per part
const unsigned cells_per_part
= static_cast<int>(fraction_of_error * criteria.size() / n_sorting_parts);
+ // let tmp be the cellwise square of the
+ // error, which is what we have to sum
+ // up and compare with
+ // #fraction_of_error*total_error#.
dVector tmp(criteria);
transform (tmp.begin(), tmp.end(), tmp.begin(), sqr);
+ const double total_error = tmp.l1_norm();
dVector partial_sums(criteria.size());
- const double total_error = sqr(criteria.l2_norm());
for (unsigned int part=0; part<n_sorting_parts; ++part)
// partially sort next part of range
+ // compute partial sum of the range
+ // as yet sorted. In principle it
+ // would be sufficient to only sum up
+ // the newly sorted part and give the
+ // partial sum an initial value equal
+ // to the previously last partial sum,
+ // but at present I do not know how
+ // to do so in an easy way. Think
+ // about it and fix it if you want!
+ // (This way doesn't eat up much
+ // computing time anyway, much less
+ // than the sorting, so I don't care
+ // about fixing this myself.)
partial_sum (tmp.begin(),
// fraction of the error. We only
// need to search the newly created
- dVector::const_iterator threshold_ptr
+ const dVector::const_iterator threshold_ptr
= lower_bound (partial_sums.begin()+part*cells_per_part,
refine (criteria, sqrt(*threshold_ptr));
refine (criteria,
+ // revert partial sum into
+ // a single value
sqrt(*threshold_ptr - *(threshold_ptr-1)));