* Selects the preconditioner. The constructor of this class takes
- * the name of the preconditioning as string, the matrix that is used
- * by the matrix-builtin precondition functions and a damping parameter
- * #omega# of the preconditioning. Each time, the #operator()# function
+ * the name of the preconditioning and the damping parameter
+ * #omega# of the preconditioning and the #use_matrix# function takes
+ * the matrix that is used
+ * by the matrix-builtin precondition functions. Each time, the #operator()# function
* is called, this preselected preconditioner, this matrix and
* this #omega# is used
* for the preconditioning. This class is designed for being used as
* solver_selector.solve(A,x,b,preconditioning);
* \end{verbatim}
+ * Now the use of the #SolverSelector# in combination with the #PreconditionSelector#
+ * allows the user to select both, the solver and the preconditioner, at the
+ * beginning of his program and each time the
+ * solver is started (that is several times e.g. in a nonlinear iteration) this
+ * preselected solver and preconditioner is called.
* @author Ralf Hartmann, 1999