# undef vector
# undef pixel
# undef bool
-# else
+# elif defined(__ARM_NEON)
+# include <arm_neon.h>
+# elif defined(__x86_64__)
# include <x86intrin.h>
# endif
#ifndef DOXYGEN
+# if defined(DEAL_II_HAVE_ARM_NEON) && defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ * Specialization for double and ARM Neon.
+ */
+template <>
+class VectorizedArray<double, 2>
+ : public VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<double, 2>, 2>
+ /**
+ * This gives the type of the array elements.
+ */
+ using value_type = double;
+ /**
+ * Default empty constructor, leaving the data in an uninitialized state
+ * similar to float/double.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray() = default;
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the given scalar broadcast to all lanes.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(const double scalar)
+ {
+ this->operator=(scalar);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the given initializer list.
+ */
+ template <typename U>
+ VectorizedArray(const std::initializer_list<U> &list)
+ : VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<double, 2>, 2>(list)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator=(const double x) &
+ {
+ data = vdupq_n_f64(x);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign a scalar to the current object. This overload is used for
+ * rvalue references; because it does not make sense to assign
+ * something to a temporary, the function is deleted.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator=(const double scalar) && = delete;
+ /**
+ * Access operator.
+ */
+ double &
+ operator[](const unsigned int comp)
+ {
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<double *>(&data) + comp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constant access operator.
+ */
+ const double &
+ operator[](const unsigned int comp) const
+ {
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<const double *>(&data) + comp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Addition.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator+=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vaddq_f64(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Subtraction.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator-=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vsubq_f64(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Multiplication.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator*=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vmulq_f64(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Division.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator/=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vdivq_f64(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load @p size() from memory into the calling class, starting at
+ * the given address. The memory need not be aligned by 16 bytes, as opposed
+ * to casting a double address to VectorizedArray<double>*.
+ */
+ void
+ load(const double *ptr)
+ {
+ data = vld1q_f64(ptr);
+ }
+ void
+ load(const float *ptr)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ data[i] = ptr[i];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of @p
+ * size() to the given address. The memory need not be aligned by
+ * 16 bytes, as opposed to casting a double address to
+ * VectorizedArray<double>*.
+ */
+ void
+ store(double *ptr) const
+ {
+ vst1q_f64(ptr, data);
+ }
+ void
+ store(float *ptr) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ ptr[i] = data[i];
+ }
+ /**
+ * @copydoc VectorizedArray<Number>::streaming_store()
+ * @note Memory must be aligned by 16 bytes.
+ */
+ void
+ streaming_store(double *ptr) const
+ {
+ Assert(reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(ptr) % 16 == 0,
+ ExcMessage("Memory not aligned"));
+ vst1q_f64(ptr, data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load @p size() from memory into the calling class, starting at
+ * the given address and with given offsets, each entry from the offset
+ * providing one element of the vectorized array.
+ *
+ * This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more
+ * efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):
+ * @code
+ * for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
+ * this->operator[](v) = base_ptr[offsets[v]];
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ void
+ gather(const double *base_ptr, const unsigned int *offsets)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ *(reinterpret_cast<double *>(&data) + i) = base_ptr[offsets[i]];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of @p
+ * size() to the given address and the given offsets, filling the
+ * elements of the vectorized array into each offset.
+ *
+ * This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more
+ * efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):
+ * @code
+ * for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
+ * base_ptr[offsets[v]] = this->operator[](v);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ void
+ scatter(const unsigned int *offsets, double *base_ptr) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
+ base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const double *>(&data) + i);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns sum over entries of the data field, $\sum_{i=1}^{\text{size}()}
+ * this->data[i]$.
+ */
+ double
+ sum() const
+ {
+ return vaddvq_f64(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
+ * enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
+ * declared public.
+ */
+ mutable float64x2_t data;
+ /**
+ * Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
+ * sqrt(x) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_sqrt() const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vsqrtq_f64(data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the absolute value of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
+ * abs(x) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_abs() const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vabsq_f64(data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the component-wise maximum of this field and another one. Not for
+ * use in user code. Use max(x,y) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_max(const VectorizedArray &other) const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vmaxq_f64(data, other.data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the component-wise minimum of this field and another one. Not for
+ * use in user code. Use min(x,y) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_min(const VectorizedArray &other) const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vminq_f64(data, other.data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Make a few functions friends.
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::sqrt(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::abs(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::max(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &,
+ const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::min(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &,
+ const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ * Specialization for float and ARM Neon.
+ */
+template <>
+class VectorizedArray<float, 4>
+ : public VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<float, 4>, 4>
+ /**
+ * This gives the type of the array elements.
+ */
+ using value_type = float;
+ /**
+ * Default empty constructor, leaving the data in an uninitialized state
+ * similar to float/double.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray() = default;
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the given scalar broadcast to all lanes.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray(const float scalar)
+ {
+ this->operator=(scalar);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Construct an array with the given initializer list.
+ */
+ template <typename U>
+ VectorizedArray(const std::initializer_list<U> &list)
+ : VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<float, 4>, 4>(list)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator=(const float x) &
+ {
+ data = vdupq_n_f32(x);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Assign a scalar to the current object. This overload is used for
+ * rvalue references; because it does not make sense to assign
+ * something to a temporary, the function is deleted.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator=(const float scalar) && = delete;
+ /**
+ * Access operator.
+ */
+ value_type &
+ operator[](const unsigned int comp)
+ {
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<float *>(&data) + comp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Constant access operator.
+ */
+ const value_type &
+ operator[](const unsigned int comp) const
+ {
+ return *(reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&data) + comp);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Addition.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator+=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vaddq_f32(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Subtraction.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator-=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vsubq_f32(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Multiplication.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator*=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vmulq_f32(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Division.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray &
+ operator/=(const VectorizedArray &vec)
+ {
+ data = vdivq_f32(data, vec.data);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load @p size() from memory into the calling class, starting at
+ * the given address. The memory need not be aligned by 16 bytes, as opposed
+ * to casting a float address to VectorizedArray<float>*.
+ */
+ void
+ load(const float *ptr)
+ {
+ data = vld1q_f32(ptr);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of @p
+ * size() to the given address. The memory need not be aligned by
+ * 16 bytes, as opposed to casting a float address to
+ * VectorizedArray<float>*.
+ */
+ void
+ store(float *ptr) const
+ {
+ vst1q_f32(ptr, data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * @copydoc VectorizedArray<Number>::streaming_store()
+ * @note Memory must be aligned by 16 bytes.
+ */
+ void
+ streaming_store(float *ptr) const
+ {
+ Assert(reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(ptr) % 16 == 0,
+ ExcMessage("Memory not aligned"));
+ vst1q_f32(ptr, data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Load @p size() from memory into the calling class, starting at
+ * the given address and with given offsets, each entry from the offset
+ * providing one element of the vectorized array.
+ *
+ * This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more
+ * efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):
+ * @code
+ * for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
+ * this->operator[](v) = base_ptr[offsets[v]];
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ void
+ gather(const float *base_ptr, const unsigned int *offsets)
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ *(reinterpret_cast<float *>(&data) + i) = base_ptr[offsets[i]];
+ }
+ /**
+ * Write the content of the calling class into memory in form of @p
+ * size() to the given address and the given offsets, filling the
+ * elements of the vectorized array into each offset.
+ *
+ * This operation corresponds to the following code (but uses a more
+ * efficient implementation in case the hardware allows for that):
+ * @code
+ * for (unsigned int v=0; v<VectorizedArray<Number>::size(); ++v)
+ * base_ptr[offsets[v]] = this->operator[](v);
+ * @endcode
+ */
+ void
+ scatter(const unsigned int *offsets, float *base_ptr) const
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
+ base_ptr[offsets[i]] = *(reinterpret_cast<const float *>(&data) + i);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Returns sum over entries of the data field, $\sum_{i=1}^{\text{size}()}
+ * this->data[i]$.
+ */
+ float
+ sum() const
+ {
+ return vaddvq_f32(data);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Actual data field. To be consistent with the standard layout type and to
+ * enable interaction with external SIMD functionality, this member is
+ * declared public.
+ */
+ mutable float32x4_t data;
+ /**
+ * Return the square root of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
+ * sqrt(x) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_sqrt() const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vsqrtq_f32(data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the absolute value of this field. Not for use in user code. Use
+ * abs(x) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_abs() const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vabsq_f32(data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the component-wise maximum of this field and another one. Not for
+ * use in user code. Use max(x,y) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_max(const VectorizedArray &other) const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vmaxq_f32(data, other.data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Return the component-wise minimum of this field and another one. Not for
+ * use in user code. Use min(x,y) instead.
+ */
+ VectorizedArray
+ get_min(const VectorizedArray &other) const
+ {
+ VectorizedArray res;
+ res.data = vminq_f32(data, other.data);
+ return res;
+ }
+ // Make a few functions friends.
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::sqrt(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::abs(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::max(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &,
+ const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+ template <typename Number2, std::size_t width2>
+ friend VectorizedArray<Number2, width2>
+ std::min(const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &,
+ const VectorizedArray<Number2, width2> &);
+# endif
# if DEAL_II_VECTORIZATION_WIDTH_IN_BITS >= 128 && defined(__SSE2__)
using value_type = float;
- /**
- * This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
- */
* Default empty constructor, leaving the data in an uninitialized state
* similar to float/double.
: VectorizedArrayBase<VectorizedArray<float, 4>, 4>(list)
+ /**
+ * This function can be used to set all data fields to a given scalar.
+ */
VectorizedArray &
operator=(const float x) &
return result;
+# endif
+# if defined(DEAL_II_HAVE_ARM_NEON) && defined(__ARM_NEON)
+template <SIMDComparison predicate>
+DEAL_II_ALWAYS_INLINE inline VectorizedArray<float, 4>
+compare_and_apply_mask(const VectorizedArray<float, 4> &left,
+ const VectorizedArray<float, 4> &right,
+ const VectorizedArray<float, 4> &true_values,
+ const VectorizedArray<float, 4> &false_values)
+ uint32x4_t mask;
+ switch (predicate)
+ {
+ case SIMDComparison::equal:
+ mask = vceqq_f32(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::not_equal:
+ mask = vmvnq_u32(vceqq_f32(left.data, right.data));
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::less_than:
+ mask = vcltq_f32(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::less_than_or_equal:
+ mask = vcleq_f32(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::greater_than:
+ mask = vcgtq_f32(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::greater_than_or_equal:
+ mask = vcgeq_f32(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ }
+ VectorizedArray<float, 4> result;
+ result.data = vreinterpretq_f32_u32(vorrq_u32(
+ vandq_u32(mask, vreinterpretq_u32_f32(true_values.data)),
+ vandq_u32(vmvnq_u32(mask), vreinterpretq_u32_f32(false_values.data))));
+ return result;
+template <SIMDComparison predicate>
+DEAL_II_ALWAYS_INLINE inline VectorizedArray<double, 2>
+compare_and_apply_mask(const VectorizedArray<double, 2> &left,
+ const VectorizedArray<double, 2> &right,
+ const VectorizedArray<double, 2> &true_values,
+ const VectorizedArray<double, 2> &false_values)
+ uint64x2_t mask;
+ switch (predicate)
+ {
+ case SIMDComparison::equal:
+ mask = vceqq_f64(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::not_equal:
+ mask = vreinterpretq_u64_u32(
+ vmvnq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u64(vceqq_f64(left.data, right.data))));
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::less_than:
+ mask = vcltq_f64(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::less_than_or_equal:
+ mask = vcleq_f64(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::greater_than:
+ mask = vcgtq_f64(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ case SIMDComparison::greater_than_or_equal:
+ mask = vcgeq_f64(left.data, right.data);
+ break;
+ }
+ VectorizedArray<double, 2> result;
+ result.data = vreinterpretq_f64_u64(vorrq_u64(
+ vandq_u64(mask, vreinterpretq_u64_f64(true_values.data)),
+ vandq_u64(vreinterpretq_u64_u32(vmvnq_u32(vreinterpretq_u32_u64(mask))),
+ vreinterpretq_u64_f64(false_values.data))));
+ return result;
# endif
#endif // DOXYGEN