namespace ReferenceCell
- * Supported reference cell types.
+ * A type that describes the kinds of reference cells that can be used.
+ * This includes quadrilaterals and hexahedra (i.e., "hypercubes"),
+ * triangles and tetrahedra (simplices), and the pyramids and wedges
+ * necessary when using mixed 3d meshes.
- enum class Type : std::uint8_t
+ class Type
- Vertex = 0,
- Line = 1,
- Tri = 2,
- Quad = 3,
- Tet = 4,
- Pyramid = 5,
- Wedge = 6,
- Hex = 7,
- Invalid = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(-1)
+ public:
+ enum CellKinds : std::uint8_t
+ {
+ Vertex = 0,
+ Line = 1,
+ Tri = 2,
+ Quad = 3,
+ Tet = 4,
+ Pyramid = 5,
+ Wedge = 6,
+ Hex = 7,
+ Invalid = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(-1)
+ };
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Initialize this object as an invalid object.
+ */
+ Type();
+ /**
+ * Constructor.
+ */
+ Type(const CellKinds kind);
+ /**
+ * Conversion operator to an integer.
+ */
+ operator std::uint8_t() const;
+ /**
+ * Operator for equality comparison.
+ */
+ bool
+ operator==(const Type &type) const;
+ /**
+ * Operator for inequality comparison.
+ */
+ bool
+ operator!=(const Type &type) const;
+ /**
+ * Operator for equality comparison.
+ */
+ bool
+ operator==(const CellKinds &type) const;
+ /**
+ * Operator for inequality comparison.
+ */
+ bool
+ operator!=(const CellKinds &type) const;
+ /**
+ * Write and read the data of this object from a stream for the purpose
+ * of serialization using the [BOOST serialization
+ * library](
+ */
+ template <class Archive>
+ void
+ serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int /*version*/);
+ private:
+ /**
+ * The variable that stores what this object actually corresponds to.
+ */
+ CellKinds kind;
+ inline Type::Type()
+ : Type(Invalid)
+ {}
+ inline Type::Type(const CellKinds kind)
+ : kind(kind)
+ {}
+ inline Type::operator std::uint8_t() const
+ {
+ return kind;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ Type::operator==(const Type &type) const
+ {
+ return kind == type.kind;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ Type::operator!=(const Type &type) const
+ {
+ return kind != type.kind;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ Type::operator==(const CellKinds &type) const
+ {
+ return kind == type;
+ }
+ inline bool
+ Type::operator!=(const CellKinds &type) const
+ {
+ return kind != type;
+ }
+ template <class Archive>
+ inline void
+ Type::serialize(Archive &archive, const unsigned int /*version*/)
+ {
+ // Serialize the state as an 8-bit int. When saving the state, the
+ // last of the following 3 lines is a no-op. When loading, the first
+ // of these lines is a no-op.
+ std::uint8_t kind_as_int = static_cast<std::uint8_t>(kind);
+ archive & kind_as_int;
+ kind = static_cast<CellKinds>(kind_as_int);
+ }
* Return the dimension of the given reference-cell type @p type.
AssertIndexRange(n_vertices, 9);
const auto X = Type::Invalid;
- static constexpr std::array<std::array<ReferenceCell::Type, 9>, 4> table = {
- {// dim 0
- {{X, Type::Vertex, X, X, X, X, X, X, X}},
- // dim 1
- {{X, X, Type::Line, X, X, X, X, X, X}},
- // dim 2
- {{X, X, X, Type::Tri, Type::Quad, X, X, X, X}},
- // dim 3
- {{X, X, X, X, Type::Tet, Type::Pyramid, Type::Wedge, X, Type::Hex}}}};
+ static constexpr std::array<std::array<ReferenceCell::Type::CellKinds, 9>,
+ 4>
+ table = {
+ {// dim 0
+ {{X, Type::Vertex, X, X, X, X, X, X, X}},
+ // dim 1
+ {{X, X, Type::Line, X, X, X, X, X, X}},
+ // dim 2
+ {{X, X, X, Type::Tri, Type::Quad, X, X, X, X}},
+ // dim 3
+ {{X, X, X, X, Type::Tet, Type::Pyramid, Type::Wedge, X, Type::Hex}}}};
Assert(table[dim][n_vertices] != Type::Invalid,
ExcMessage("The combination of dim = " + std::to_string(dim) +
" and n_vertices = " + std::to_string(n_vertices) +