number *mvt = const_cast<number *> (&svd_vt->values[0]);
int info = 0;
- // see comment on this #if below. Another reason to love Petsc
// First determine optimal workspace size
int lwork = -1;
AssertThrow (info==0, LAPACKSupport::ExcErrorCode("gesdd", info));
// Now resize work array and
lwork = static_cast<int>(work[0] + .5);
- int lwork = 3*std::min(mm,nn) +
- std::max(std::max(mm,nn),4*std::min(mm,nn)*std::min(mm,nn)+4*std::min(mm,nn));
// Do the actual SVD.
gesdd(&LAPACKSupport::A, &mm, &nn, values, &mm,
const char *const jobvr = (right) ? (&V) : (&N);
const char *const jobvl = (left) ? (&V) : (&N);
- // Optimal workspace query:
// The LAPACK routine DGEEV requires a sufficient large workspace variable,
// minimum requirement is
// work.size>=4*nn.
// However, to improve performance, a somewhat larger workspace may be
// needed.
- // SOME implementations of the LAPACK routine provide a workspace query
- // call,
- // info:=0, lwork:=-1
- // which returns an optimal value for the size of the workspace array (the
- // PETSc 2.3.0 implementation does NOT provide this functionality!).
- // define the DEAL_II_LIBLAPACK_NOQUERYMODE flag to disable the workspace
- // query.
lwork = -1;
Assert (info == 0, ExcInternalError());
// Allocate working array according to suggestion.
lwork = (int) (work[0]+.1);
- lwork = 4*nn; // no query mode
// resize workspace array
work.resize((size_type ) lwork);
number *values_eigenvectors = const_cast<number *> (&matrix_eigenvectors.values[0]);
int info(0),
- lwork(1),
+ lwork(-1),
const char *const jobz(&V);
const char *const uplo(&U);
std::vector<int> ifail(static_cast<size_type> (nn));
- // Optimal workspace query:
// The LAPACK routine ?SYEVX requires a sufficient large workspace variable,
// minimum requirement is
// work.size>=3*nn-1.
// However, to improve performance, a somewhat larger workspace may be
// needed.
- // SOME implementations of the LAPACK routine provide a workspace query
- // call,
- // info:=0, lwork:=-1
- // which returns an optimal value for the size of the workspace array (the
- // PETSc 2.3.0 implementation does NOT provide this functionality!).
- // define the DEAL_II_LIBLAPACK_NOQUERYMODE flag to
- // disable the workspace query.
- lwork = -1;
syevx (jobz, range,
Assert (info == 0, ExcInternalError());
// Allocate working array according to suggestion.
lwork = (int) (work[0]+.1);
- lwork = 8*nn > 1 ? 8*nn : 1; // no query mode
- // resize workspace arrays
work.resize(static_cast<size_type> (lwork));
// Finally compute the eigenvalues.
number *values_eigenvectors = const_cast<number *> (&matrix_eigenvectors.values[0]);
int info(0),
- lwork(1),
+ lwork(-1),
const char *const jobz(&V);
const char *const uplo(&U);
std::vector<int> ifail(static_cast<size_type> (nn));
- // Optimal workspace query:
// The LAPACK routine ?SYGVX requires a sufficient large workspace variable,
// minimum requirement is
// work.size>=3*nn-1.
// However, to improve performance, a somewhat larger workspace may be
// needed.
- // SOME implementations of the LAPACK routine provide a workspace query
- // call,
- // info:=0, lwork:=-1
- // which returns an optimal value for the size of the workspace array (the
- // PETSc 2.3.0 implementation does NOT provide this functionality!).
- // define the DEAL_II_LIBLAPACK_NOQUERYMODE flag to disable the workspace
- // query.
- lwork = -1;
sygvx (&itype, jobz, range, uplo, &nn, values_A, &nn,
Assert (info == 0, ExcInternalError());
// Allocate working array according to suggestion.
lwork = (int) (work[0]+.1);
- lwork = 8*nn > 1 ? 8*nn : 1; // no query mode
// resize workspace arrays
work.resize(static_cast<size_type> (lwork));
number *values_B = const_cast<number *> (&B.values[0]);
int info = 0;
- int lwork = 1;
+ int lwork = -1;
const char *const jobz = (eigenvectors.size() > 0) ? (&V) : (&N);
const char *const uplo = (&U);
- // Optimal workspace query:
// The LAPACK routine DSYGV requires a sufficient large workspace variable,
// minimum requirement is
// work.size>=3*nn-1.
// However, to improve performance, a somewhat larger workspace may be
// needed.
- // SOME implementations of the LAPACK routine provide a workspace query
- // call,
- // info:=0, lwork:=-1
- // which returns an optimal value for the size of the workspace array (the
- // PETSc 2.3.0 implementation does NOT provide this functionality!).
- // define the DEAL_II_LIBLAPACK_NOQUERYMODE flag to disable the workspace
- // query.
- lwork = -1;
sygv (&itype, jobz, uplo, &nn, values_A, &nn,
Assert (info == 0, ExcInternalError());
// Allocate working array according to suggestion.
lwork = (int) (work[0]+.1);
- lwork = 3*nn-1 > 1 ? 3*nn-1 : 1; // no query mode
// resize workspace array
work.resize((size_type) lwork);