+ // The function to compute error indicator
+ // and refine the mesh accordingly is a
+ // little more interesting. In particular, it
+ // shows some more of the techniques usually
+ // used in 1d applications. First, note that
+ // this again is a specialization that only
+ // works in 1d. However, to make later
+ // extension to higher space dimensions
+ // simpler, we define a constant integer
+ // ``dim'' at the beginning of the function;
+ // by using this constant as template
+ // argument in all places, we are actually
+ // able to write most of the code as if it
+ // were dimension independent, thus
+ // minimizing the amount of later changes.
template <>
void MinimizationProblem<1>::refine_grid ()
const unsigned int dim = 1;
- Vector<float> estimated_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ Vector<float> error_indicators (triangulation.n_active_cells());
+ // Then define the quadrature formula, and
+ // what values we will want to extract from
+ // the solution. Here, we use the two-point
+ // trapezoidal rule, i.e. we evaluate the
+ // residual only at the end points of the
+ // cells. Incidentally, this also makes
+ // evaluating the jump terms between cells
+ // simpler. Note that for the error
+ // indicators, we not only need values and
+ // gradients of the solution, but also its
+ // second derivatives, as well as the
+ // physical location of quadrature points.
QTrapez<dim> quadrature;
FEValues<dim> fe_values (fe, quadrature,
update_values | update_gradients |
update_second_derivatives |
update_q_points | update_JxW_values);
+ // The error indicator formula presented in
+ // the introduction requires us to compute
+ // jumps of the solution and gradient
+ // across cell boundaries. Since the
+ // solution itself is continuous, we only
+ // need to evaluate the gradient on the
+ // neighbor cells. To avoid some of the
+ // work needed to reinitialize a
+ // ``FEValues'' object on a cell, we define
+ // another such object here that we will
+ // only use for the neighbor cells. The
+ // data we need from the side of the
+ // present cell is provided by above
+ // object.
FEValues<dim> neighbor_fe_values (fe, quadrature,
+ // Then, as before, we need objects holding
+ // values and derivatives of the solution
+ // at quadrature points. Here, we also need
+ // second derivatives, which is simple,
+ // however:
std::vector<double> local_values (quadrature.n_quadrature_points);
std::vector<Tensor<1,dim> > local_gradients (quadrature.n_quadrature_points);
std::vector<Tensor<2,dim> > local_2nd_derivs (quadrature.n_quadrature_points);
+ // With all this, we can start the loop
+ // over all cells. Since we need to write
+ // the result for each cell into
+ // consecutive elements of a vector, we
+ // also keep a running index ``cell_index''
+ // that we increase with each cell treated.
cell = dof_handler.begin_active (),
endc = dof_handler.end ();
- for (unsigned int index = 0; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++index)
+ for (unsigned int cell_index = 0; cell!=endc; ++cell, ++cell_index)
+ // After initializing the ``FEValues''
+ // object on each cell, use it to
+ // evaluate solution and first and
+ // second derivatives of it at the
+ // quadrature points:
fe_values.reinit (cell);
fe_values.get_function_values (present_solution, local_values);
fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution, local_gradients);
fe_values.get_function_2nd_derivatives (present_solution, local_2nd_derivs);
+ // Given the formula in the
+ // introduction, the computation of the
+ // cell residuals should actually be
+ // relatively obvious. The result,
+ // multiplied by the appropriate power
+ // of the cell's size is then written
+ // into the vector of error indicators.
+ //
+ // Note that in the following
+ // computations, we have already made
+ // use of the fact that we are in 1d,
+ // since we extract the gradient as a
+ // scalar value.
double cell_residual_norm = 0;
for (unsigned int q=0; q<quadrature.n_quadrature_points; ++q)
cell_residual_norm += (local_residual_value * local_residual_value *
+ error_indicators(cell_index) = cell_residual_norm *
+ cell->diameter() * cell->diameter();
+ // The next step is to evaluate the
+ // jump terms. To make computations
+ // somewhat simpler (and to free up the
+ // ``local_*'' variables for use on
+ // neighboring elements), we define
+ // some convenience variables for the
+ // positions of the left and right cell
+ // boundary point, as well as the
+ // values and gradients at these
+ // points.
+ //
+ // To be cautious, we don't blindly
+ // trust that the trapezoidal rule has
+ // its evaluation points as the left
+ // and right end point of the cell (it
+ // could in principle have them in the
+ // reverse order, i.e. the zeroth point
+ // is at x=1, and the first one at
+ // x=0), and use an assertion to
+ // actually check for this. If this
+ // would not be the case, an exception
+ // of the (predefined) class
+ // ``ExcInternalError'' would be
+ // thrown. Of course, this does not
+ // happen in this program, but it shows
+ // a way of defensive coding: if you
+ // are not sure of an assumption, guard
+ // it by a test. This also guards us
+ // against possible future changes in
+ // the library: the quadrature classes
+ // do not promise any particular order
+ // of their quadrature points, so the
+ // ``QTrapez'' class could in principle
+ // change the order of its two
+ // evaluation points. In that case,
+ // your code would tell you that
+ // something changed, rather than
+ // computing a wrong result when you
+ // upgrade to a new version of the
+ // library. (The point made here is
+ // theoretical: we are not going to
+ // change the order of evaluation
+ // points; the intent is simply how to
+ // add some defensive touches to a
+ // program that make sure that it
+ // really does what it is hoped to do.)
+ //
+ // Given that we are now sure that
+ // ``x_left'' and ``x_right'',
+ // extracted from the zeroth and first
+ // quadrature point, are indeed the
+ // left and right vertex of the cell,
+ // we can also be sure that the values
+ // we extract for ``u_left'' et al. are
+ // the ones we expect them to be, since
+ // the order of these values must of
+ // course match the order of the
+ // quadrature points.
+ const double x_left = fe_values.quadrature_point(0)[0];
+ const double x_right = fe_values.quadrature_point(1)[0];
- estimated_error_per_cell(index) = cell_residual_norm *
- cell->diameter() * cell->diameter();
+ Assert (x_left == cell->vertex(0)[0], ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (x_right == cell->vertex(1)[0], ExcInternalError());
const double u_left = local_values[0];
const double u_right = local_values[1];
const double u_prime_left = local_gradients[0][0];
const double u_prime_right = local_gradients[1][0];
- const double x_left = fe_values.quadrature_point(0)[0];
- const double x_right = fe_values.quadrature_point(1)[0];
- Assert (x_left == cell->vertex(0)[0], ExcInternalError());
- Assert (x_right == cell->vertex(1)[0], ExcInternalError());
+ // Next, we have to check whether this
+ // cell has a left neighbor:
if (cell->at_boundary(0) == false)
+ // If so, find its left
+ // neighbor. We do so by asking for
+ // the cell that is immediately
+ // adjacent to the left (the zeroth
+ // neighbor in 1d). However, this
+ // may be a cell that in itself has
+ // children, so to get to the
+ // active left neighbor, we have to
+ // recursively check whether that
+ // cell has children, and if so
+ // take its right child, since that
+ // is adjacent to the left of the
+ // present cell. Note that unless
+ // you are in 1d, there is no safe
+ // way to assume that the first
+ // child of the zeroth neighbor is
+ // indeed adjacent to the present
+ // cell. Rather, more than one of
+ // the children of a neighbor may
+ // be adjacent to the present
+ // cell. Also note that in two or
+ // higher space dimensions, a
+ // neighbor of an active cell may
+ // only be at most once refined,
+ // since we have the rule that
+ // there can only be one hanging
+ // node per face. This rule does
+ // not exist in 1d: neighboring
+ // cells may have totally
+ // independent refinement
+ // levels. Thus, we really need the
+ // ``while'' loop, not only an
+ // ``if'' clause.
DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator left_neighbor = cell->neighbor(0);
while (left_neighbor->has_children())
left_neighbor = left_neighbor->child(1);
+ // With the so-found neighbor,
+ // initialize the second
+ // ``FEValues'' object to it,
+ // extract the gradients of the
+ // solution there, and from this
+ // get the gradient at the
+ // interface (this is the first
+ // element of ``local_gradients'',
+ // since the right end point of the
+ // neighbor cell has index 1) as a
+ // scalar value (this is the zeroth
+ // component of
+ // ``local_gradients[1]''.
neighbor_fe_values.reinit (left_neighbor);
neighbor_fe_values.get_function_grads (present_solution, local_gradients);
const double neighbor_u_prime_left = local_gradients[1][0];
+ // Then compute the jump, and add a
+ // suitable multiple to the error
+ // indicator for this cell:
const double left_jump = std::pow(x_left-std::pow(u_left,3), 2) *
(std::pow(neighbor_u_prime_left,5) -
- estimated_error_per_cell(index) += left_jump * left_jump *
- cell->diameter();
+ error_indicators(cell_index) += left_jump * left_jump *
+ cell->diameter();
+ // Once we have done the left neighbor,
+ // we can play exactly the same game
+ // with the right neighbor:
if (cell->at_boundary(1) == false)
DoFHandler<dim>::cell_iterator right_neighbor = cell->neighbor(1);
const double right_jump = std::pow(x_right-std::pow(u_right,3), 2) *
(std::pow(neighbor_u_prime_right,5) -
- estimated_error_per_cell(index) += right_jump * right_jump *
- cell->diameter();
+ error_indicators(cell_index) += right_jump * right_jump *
+ cell->diameter();
GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number (triangulation,
- estimated_error_per_cell,
+ error_indicators,
0.3, 0.03);
SolutionTransfer<dim,double> solution_transfer(dof_handler);