# To specify which files are to be deleted by "make clean" (apart from
# the usual ones: object files, executables, backups, etc), fill in the
# following list
-delete-files = gnuplot* *inp
+delete-files = gnuplot* *inp *.ps *.eps
template <int dim>
class PoissonProblem : public ProblemBase<dim> {
+ enum RefineMode {
+ global, true_error, error_estimator
+ };
PoissonProblem ();
void clear ();
void create_new ();
- void run (unsigned int level);
- void print_history () const;
+ void run (const unsigned int start_level,
+ const RefineMode refine_mode);
+ void print_history (const RefineMode refine_mode) const;
Triangulation<dim> *tria;
boundary_values = 0;
+ l2_error.clear ();
+ linfty_error.clear ();
+ h1_error.clear ();
+ estimated_error.clear();
+ n_dofs.clear ();
ProblemBase<dim>::clear ();
template <int dim>
-void PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int start_level) {
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int start_level,
+ const RefineMode refine_mode) {
create_new ();
- cout << "Refinement level = " << start_level
- << endl;
- cout << " Making grid... ";
+ cout << "======================================="
+ << "=======================================" << endl
+ << "===== Doing computation with refinement criterion: ";
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ cout << "global";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ cout << "true error";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ cout << "error estimator";
+ break;
+ };
+ cout << endl
+ << "======================================="
+ << "=======================================" << endl;
+ cout << "Making initial grid... " << endl;
tria->set_boundary (&boundary);
tria->create_hyper_ball ();
tria->refine_global (start_level);
- cout << tria->n_active_cells() << " active cells." << endl;
rhs = new RHSPoly<dim>();
boundary_values = new Solution<dim> ();
FELinear<dim> fe;
PoissonEquation<dim> equation (*rhs);
QGauss3<dim> quadrature;
+ unsigned int refine_step = 0;
+ while (tria->n_active_cells() < 5000)
+ {
+ cout << "Refinement step " << refine_step
+ << ", using " << tria->n_active_cells() << " active cells."
+ << endl;
+ cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
+ dof->distribute_dofs (fe);
+ cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
+ n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
+ cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
+ UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
+ update_jacobians | update_JxW_values);
- cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
- dof->distribute_dofs (fe);
- cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
- n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
- cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
- UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
- update_jacobians | update_JxW_values);
- ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
- dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
- assemble (equation, quadrature, fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
+ ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
+ dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
+ assemble (equation, quadrature, fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
- cout << " Solving..." << endl;
- solve ();
+ cout << " Solving..." << endl;
+ solve ();
- Solution<dim> sol;
- dVector l2_error_per_cell, linfty_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
- dVector estimated_error_per_cell;
- QGauss3<dim> q;
+ Solution<dim> sol;
+ dVector l2_error_per_cell, linfty_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
+ dVector estimated_error_per_cell;
+ QGauss3<dim> q;
- cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, l2_error_per_cell, q, fe, L2_norm);
- cout << l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, linfty_error_per_cell, q, fe, Linfty_norm);
- cout << linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm() << endl;
- linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
- cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, h1_error_per_cell, q, fe, H1_norm);
- cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- cout << " Estimating H1 error... ";
- KellyErrorEstimator<dim> ee;
- QSimpson<dim-1> eq;
- ee.estimate_error (*dof, eq, fe, boundary,
- KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::FunctionMap(),
- solution,
- estimated_error_per_cell);
- cout << estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- estimated_error.push_back (estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- dVector l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
- dVector h1_error_per_dof, estimated_error_per_dof;
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (l2_error_per_cell, l2_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (linfty_error_per_cell,
- linfty_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (h1_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (estimated_error_per_cell,
- estimated_error_per_dof);
+ cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, l2_error_per_cell, q, fe, L2_norm);
+ cout << l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, linfty_error_per_cell, q, fe, Linfty_norm);
+ cout << linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm() << endl;
+ linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
+ cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, h1_error_per_cell, q, fe, H1_norm);
+ cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ cout << " Estimating H1 error... ";
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim> ee;
+ QSimpson<dim-1> eq;
+// ee.estimate_error (*dof, eq, fe, boundary,
+// KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::FunctionMap(),
+// solution,
+// estimated_error_per_cell);
+ cout << estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ estimated_error.push_back (estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ dVector l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
+ dVector h1_error_per_dof, estimated_error_per_dof;
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (l2_error_per_cell, l2_error_per_dof);
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (linfty_error_per_cell,
+ linfty_error_per_dof);
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (h1_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_dof);
+// dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (estimated_error_per_cell,
+// estimated_error_per_dof);
- DataOut<dim> out;
- fill_data (out);
- out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (h1_error_per_dof, "H1-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (estimated_error_per_dof, "Estimated Error");
- string filename = "gnuplot.";
+ DataOut<dim> out;
+ fill_data (out);
+ out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
+ out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
+ out.add_data_vector (h1_error_per_dof, "H1-Error");
+// out.add_data_vector (estimated_error_per_dof, "Estimated Error");
+ string filename = "gnuplot.";
// string filename = "ee.";
- filename += ('0'+start_level);
-// filename += ".inp";
- cout << " Writing error plots to <" << filename << ">..." << endl;
- ofstream gnuplot(filename.c_str());
- out.write_gnuplot (gnuplot);
- gnuplot.close ();
-// ofstream ucd(filename.c_str());
-// out.write_ucd (ucd);
-// ucd.close();
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ filename += "global.";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ filename += "true_error.";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ filename += "estimated_error.";
+ break;
+ };
+ filename += ('0'+start_level+refine_step);
+ filename += ".inp"; //*
+ cout << " Writing error plots to <" << filename << ">..." << endl;
- tria->refine_fixed_number (estimated_error_per_cell, 0.3);
- tria->execute_refinement ();
- string ref_filename = "gnuplot.ref.";
- ref_filename += ('0'+start_level);
- ofstream oxx(ref_filename.c_str());
- tria->print_gnuplot (oxx);
+// ofstream gnuplot(filename.c_str());
+// out.write_gnuplot (gnuplot);
+// gnuplot.close ();
+ ofstream ucd(filename.c_str());
+ out.write_ucd (ucd);
+ ucd.close();
+ cout << " Refining triangulation...";
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ tria->refine_global (1);
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ tria->refine_fixed_number (h1_error_per_cell, 0.3);
+ tria->execute_refinement ();
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ tria->execute_refinement ();
+ tria->refine_fixed_number (estimated_error_per_cell, 0.3);
+ break;
+ };
+ cout << endl << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ ++refine_step;
+ };
- cout << endl;
+ print_history (refine_mode);
template <int dim>
-void PoissonProblem<dim>::print_history () const {
- ofstream out("gnuplot.history");
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::print_history (const RefineMode refine_mode) const {
+ string filename("history.");
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ filename += "global.";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ filename += "true_error.";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ filename += "estimated_error.";
+ break;
+ };
+ filename += "gnuplot";
+ cout << endl << "Printing convergence history to" << filename << "..."
+ << endl;
+ ofstream out(filename.c_str());
out << "# n_dofs l2_error linfty_error "
<< "h1_error estimated_error"
<< endl;
int main () {
PoissonProblem<2> problem;
- for (unsigned int level=2; level<6; ++level)
- problem.run (level);
- cout << endl << "Printing convergence history to <gnuplot.history>..." << endl;
- problem.print_history ();
+ problem.run (2, PoissonProblem<2>::global);
+ problem.run (2, PoissonProblem<2>::true_error);
return 0;
set logscale xy
set term postscript eps
-set output "error-estimation.eps"
-plot "gnuplot.history" using 1:2 title "L1 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:3 title "L2 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:4 title "Linfty error","gnuplot.history" using 1:5 title "H1 seminorm error","gnuplot.history" using 1:6 title "H1 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:7 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.global.eps"
+plot "history.global.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.true_error.eps"
+plot "history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.estimated_error.eps"
+plot "history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"
# To specify which files are to be deleted by "make clean" (apart from
# the usual ones: object files, executables, backups, etc), fill in the
# following list
-delete-files = gnuplot* *inp
+delete-files = gnuplot* *inp *.ps *.eps
template <int dim>
class PoissonProblem : public ProblemBase<dim> {
+ enum RefineMode {
+ global, true_error, error_estimator
+ };
PoissonProblem ();
void clear ();
void create_new ();
- void run (unsigned int level);
- void print_history () const;
+ void run (const unsigned int start_level,
+ const RefineMode refine_mode);
+ void print_history (const RefineMode refine_mode) const;
Triangulation<dim> *tria;
boundary_values = 0;
+ l2_error.clear ();
+ linfty_error.clear ();
+ h1_error.clear ();
+ estimated_error.clear();
+ n_dofs.clear ();
ProblemBase<dim>::clear ();
template <int dim>
-void PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int start_level) {
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::run (const unsigned int start_level,
+ const RefineMode refine_mode) {
create_new ();
- cout << "Refinement level = " << start_level
- << endl;
- cout << " Making grid... ";
+ cout << "======================================="
+ << "=======================================" << endl
+ << "===== Doing computation with refinement criterion: ";
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ cout << "global";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ cout << "true error";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ cout << "error estimator";
+ break;
+ };
+ cout << endl
+ << "======================================="
+ << "=======================================" << endl;
+ cout << "Making initial grid... " << endl;
tria->set_boundary (&boundary);
tria->create_hyper_ball ();
tria->refine_global (start_level);
- cout << tria->n_active_cells() << " active cells." << endl;
rhs = new RHSPoly<dim>();
boundary_values = new Solution<dim> ();
FELinear<dim> fe;
PoissonEquation<dim> equation (*rhs);
QGauss3<dim> quadrature;
+ unsigned int refine_step = 0;
+ while (tria->n_active_cells() < 5000)
+ {
+ cout << "Refinement step " << refine_step
+ << ", using " << tria->n_active_cells() << " active cells."
+ << endl;
+ cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
+ dof->distribute_dofs (fe);
+ cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
+ n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
+ cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
+ UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
+ update_jacobians | update_JxW_values);
- cout << " Distributing dofs... ";
- dof->distribute_dofs (fe);
- cout << dof->n_dofs() << " degrees of freedom." << endl;
- n_dofs.push_back (dof->n_dofs());
- cout << " Assembling matrices..." << endl;
- UpdateFlags update_flags = UpdateFlags(update_q_points | update_gradients |
- update_jacobians | update_JxW_values);
- ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
- dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
- assemble (equation, quadrature, fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
+ ProblemBase<dim>::FunctionMap dirichlet_bc;
+ dirichlet_bc[0] = boundary_values;
+ assemble (equation, quadrature, fe, update_flags, dirichlet_bc);
- cout << " Solving..." << endl;
- solve ();
+ cout << " Solving..." << endl;
+ solve ();
- Solution<dim> sol;
- dVector l2_error_per_cell, linfty_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
- dVector estimated_error_per_cell;
- QGauss3<dim> q;
+ Solution<dim> sol;
+ dVector l2_error_per_cell, linfty_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_cell;
+ dVector estimated_error_per_cell;
+ QGauss3<dim> q;
- cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, l2_error_per_cell, q, fe, L2_norm);
- cout << l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, linfty_error_per_cell, q, fe, Linfty_norm);
- cout << linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm() << endl;
- linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
- cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
- integrate_difference (sol, h1_error_per_cell, q, fe, H1_norm);
- cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- cout << " Estimating H1 error... ";
- KellyErrorEstimator<dim> ee;
- QSimpson<dim-1> eq;
- ee.estimate_error (*dof, eq, fe, boundary,
- KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::FunctionMap(),
- solution,
- estimated_error_per_cell);
- cout << estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
- estimated_error.push_back (estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
- dVector l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
- dVector h1_error_per_dof, estimated_error_per_dof;
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (l2_error_per_cell, l2_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (linfty_error_per_cell,
- linfty_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (h1_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_dof);
- dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (estimated_error_per_cell,
- estimated_error_per_dof);
+ cout << " Calculating L2 error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, l2_error_per_cell, q, fe, L2_norm);
+ cout << l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ l2_error.push_back (l2_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ cout << " Calculating L-infinity error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, linfty_error_per_cell, q, fe, Linfty_norm);
+ cout << linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm() << endl;
+ linfty_error.push_back (linfty_error_per_cell.linfty_norm());
+ cout << " Calculating H1 error... ";
+ integrate_difference (sol, h1_error_per_cell, q, fe, H1_norm);
+ cout << h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ h1_error.push_back (h1_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ cout << " Estimating H1 error... ";
+ KellyErrorEstimator<dim> ee;
+ QSimpson<dim-1> eq;
+// ee.estimate_error (*dof, eq, fe, boundary,
+// KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::FunctionMap(),
+// solution,
+// estimated_error_per_cell);
+ cout << estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm() << endl;
+ estimated_error.push_back (estimated_error_per_cell.l2_norm());
+ dVector l2_error_per_dof, linfty_error_per_dof;
+ dVector h1_error_per_dof, estimated_error_per_dof;
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (l2_error_per_cell, l2_error_per_dof);
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (linfty_error_per_cell,
+ linfty_error_per_dof);
+ dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (h1_error_per_cell, h1_error_per_dof);
+// dof->distribute_cell_to_dof_vector (estimated_error_per_cell,
+// estimated_error_per_dof);
- DataOut<dim> out;
- fill_data (out);
- out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (h1_error_per_dof, "H1-Error");
- out.add_data_vector (estimated_error_per_dof, "Estimated Error");
- string filename = "gnuplot.";
+ DataOut<dim> out;
+ fill_data (out);
+ out.add_data_vector (l2_error_per_dof, "L2-Error");
+ out.add_data_vector (linfty_error_per_dof, "Linfty-Error");
+ out.add_data_vector (h1_error_per_dof, "H1-Error");
+// out.add_data_vector (estimated_error_per_dof, "Estimated Error");
+ string filename = "gnuplot.";
// string filename = "ee.";
- filename += ('0'+start_level);
-// filename += ".inp";
- cout << " Writing error plots to <" << filename << ">..." << endl;
- ofstream gnuplot(filename.c_str());
- out.write_gnuplot (gnuplot);
- gnuplot.close ();
-// ofstream ucd(filename.c_str());
-// out.write_ucd (ucd);
-// ucd.close();
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ filename += "global.";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ filename += "true_error.";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ filename += "estimated_error.";
+ break;
+ };
+ filename += ('0'+start_level+refine_step);
+ filename += ".inp"; //*
+ cout << " Writing error plots to <" << filename << ">..." << endl;
- tria->refine_fixed_number (estimated_error_per_cell, 0.3);
- tria->execute_refinement ();
- string ref_filename = "gnuplot.ref.";
- ref_filename += ('0'+start_level);
- ofstream oxx(ref_filename.c_str());
- tria->print_gnuplot (oxx);
+// ofstream gnuplot(filename.c_str());
+// out.write_gnuplot (gnuplot);
+// gnuplot.close ();
+ ofstream ucd(filename.c_str());
+ out.write_ucd (ucd);
+ ucd.close();
+ cout << " Refining triangulation...";
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ tria->refine_global (1);
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ tria->refine_fixed_number (h1_error_per_cell, 0.3);
+ tria->execute_refinement ();
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ tria->execute_refinement ();
+ tria->refine_fixed_number (estimated_error_per_cell, 0.3);
+ break;
+ };
+ cout << endl << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ ++refine_step;
+ };
- cout << endl;
+ print_history (refine_mode);
template <int dim>
-void PoissonProblem<dim>::print_history () const {
- ofstream out("gnuplot.history");
+void PoissonProblem<dim>::print_history (const RefineMode refine_mode) const {
+ string filename("history.");
+ switch (refine_mode)
+ {
+ case global:
+ filename += "global.";
+ break;
+ case true_error:
+ filename += "true_error.";
+ break;
+ case error_estimator:
+ filename += "estimated_error.";
+ break;
+ };
+ filename += "gnuplot";
+ cout << endl << "Printing convergence history to" << filename << "..."
+ << endl;
+ ofstream out(filename.c_str());
out << "# n_dofs l2_error linfty_error "
<< "h1_error estimated_error"
<< endl;
int main () {
PoissonProblem<2> problem;
- for (unsigned int level=2; level<6; ++level)
- problem.run (level);
- cout << endl << "Printing convergence history to <gnuplot.history>..." << endl;
- problem.print_history ();
+ problem.run (2, PoissonProblem<2>::global);
+ problem.run (2, PoissonProblem<2>::true_error);
return 0;
set logscale xy
set term postscript eps
-set output "error-estimation.eps"
-plot "gnuplot.history" using 1:2 title "L1 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:3 title "L2 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:4 title "Linfty error","gnuplot.history" using 1:5 title "H1 seminorm error","gnuplot.history" using 1:6 title "H1 error","gnuplot.history" using 1:7 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.global.eps"
+plot "history.global.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.global.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.true_error.eps"
+plot "history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.true_error.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"
+set output "history.estimated_error.eps"
+plot "history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:2 title "L2 error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:3 title "Linfty error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:4 title "H1 error","history.estimated_error.gnuplot" using 1:5 title "Estimated H1 error"