// a shared pointer to factory
// objects, to ensure that they get
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<const FETools::FEFactoryBase<deal_II_dimension> >
// a function that returns the
// default set of finite element
// names and factory objects for
// fe_name_map below
get_default_fe_names ()
return default_map;
// have a lock that guarantees that
// at most one thread is changing
// and accessing the fe_name_map
// forwarder function for
fe2.get_interpolation_matrix (fe1, interpolation_matrix);
template <int dim, typename number, int spacedim>
void gim_forwarder (const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> &fe1,
Assert (dim<10, ExcNotImplemented());
const char dim_char = '0'+dim;
if ((position+3 < name.size())
(name[position] == '<')
Assert(renumbering.size() == element.dofs_per_cell,
unsigned int k=0;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<comp_start.size();++i)
const unsigned int increment
= element.base_element(i).dofs_per_cell;
for (unsigned int j=0;j<comp_start[i].size();++j)
comp_start[i][j] = k;
k += increment;
// For each index i of the
// unstructured cellwise
// numbering, renumbering
Assert(block_data.size() == element.n_blocks(),
unsigned int k=0;
unsigned int i=0;
for (unsigned int b=0;b<element.n_base_elements();++b)
k += element.base_element(b).n_dofs_per_cell();
Assert (i == element.n_blocks(), ExcInternalError());
std::vector<unsigned int> start_indices(block_data.size());
k = 0;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<block_data.size();++i)
start_indices[i] = k;
k += block_data[i];
-//TODO:[GK] This does not work for a single RT
+//TODO:[GK] This does not work for a single RT
for (unsigned int i=0;i<element.dofs_per_cell;++i)
std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>
// the FE wants to implement things
// itself:
bool fe_implements_interpolation = true;
- try
+ try
gim_forwarder (fe1, fe2, interpolation_matrix);
typename FEL::ExcFEHasNoSupportPoints());
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe2.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe2.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
const unsigned int i1 = fe2.system_to_component_index(i).first;
for (unsigned int j=0; j<fe1.dofs_per_cell; ++j)
interpolation_matrix(i,j) = fe1.shape_value (j,fe2_support_points[i]);
- }
+ }
Assert (fe1.n_components() == fe2.n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(fe1.n_components(), fe2.n_components()));
Assert(interpolation_matrix.m()==fe1.dofs_per_cell &&
- interpolation_matrix.n()==fe1.dofs_per_cell,
+ interpolation_matrix.n()==fe1.dofs_per_cell,
FullMatrix<number> first_matrix (fe2.dofs_per_cell, fe1.dofs_per_cell);
FullMatrix<number> second_matrix(fe1.dofs_per_cell, fe2.dofs_per_cell);
get_interpolation_matrix(fe1, fe2, first_matrix);
get_interpolation_matrix(fe2, fe1, second_matrix);
Assert (fe1.n_components() == fe2.n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(fe1.n_components(), fe2.n_components()));
Assert(difference_matrix.m()==fe1.dofs_per_cell &&
- difference_matrix.n()==fe1.dofs_per_cell,
+ difference_matrix.n()==fe1.dofs_per_cell,
FullMatrix<number> interpolation_matrix(fe1.dofs_per_cell);
get_back_interpolation_matrix(fe1, fe2, interpolation_matrix);
for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe1.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
difference_matrix(i,i) = 1.;
// compute difference
difference_matrix.add (-1, interpolation_matrix);
matrix = 0;
unsigned int n1 = fe1.dofs_per_cell;
unsigned int n2 = fe2.dofs_per_cell;
// the unit cell
Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tr;
// Choose a quadrature rule
// Gauss is exact up to degree 2n-1
const unsigned int degree = std::max(fe1.tensor_degree(), fe2.tensor_degree());
Assert (degree != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
QGauss<dim> quadrature(degree+1);
// Set up FEValues.
const UpdateFlags flags = update_values | update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values;
// mass matrix to be
// well-conditioned
// Now, test every function of fe1
// with test functions of fe2 and
// compute the projection of each
// unit vector.
Vector<double> b(n2);
Vector<double> x(n2);
for (unsigned int j=0;j<n1;++j)
b = 0.;
const double v = val2.shape_value(i,k);
b(i) += u*v*w;
// Multiply by the inverse
for (unsigned int i=0;i<n2;++i)
Assert (N.m()==n_dofs, ExcDimensionMismatch(N.m(), n_dofs));
const std::vector<Point<dim> >& points = fe.get_generalized_support_points();
// We need the values of the
// polynomials in all generalized
// support points.
std::vector<std::vector<double> >
values (dim, std::vector<double>(points.size()));
// In this vector, we store the
// result of the interpolation
std::vector<double> local_dofs(n_dofs);
// One row per shape
// function. Remember that these
// are the 'raw' shape functions
unsigned int ref_case = (isotropic_only)
? RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement
: RefinementCase<dim>::cut_x;
for (;ref_case <= RefinementCase<dim>::isotropic_refinement; ++ref_case)
const unsigned int nc = GeometryInfo<dim>::n_children(RefinementCase<dim>(ref_case));
Assert(matrices[ref_case-1][i].n() == n, ExcDimensionMismatch(matrices[ref_case-1][i].n(),n));
Assert(matrices[ref_case-1][i].m() == n, ExcDimensionMismatch(matrices[ref_case-1][i].m(),n));
// Set up meshes, one with a single
// reference cell and refine it once
Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tria;
MappingCartesian<dim> mapping;
QGauss<dim> q_fine(degree+1);
const unsigned int nq = q_fine.size();
FEValues<dim> fine (mapping, fe, q_fine,
update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values | update_values);
// We search for the polynomial on
// the small cell, being equal to
// the coarse polynomial in all
// quadrature points.
// First build the matrix for this
// least squares problem. This
// contains the values of the fine
// cell polynomials in the fine
// cell grid points.
// This matrix is the same for all
// children.
A(k*nd+d,j) = fine.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
Householder<double> H(A);
Vector<number> v_coarse(nq*nd);
Vector<number> v_fine(n);
unsigned int cell_number = 0;
for (typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator fine_cell
= tria.begin_active();
FullMatrix<double> &this_matrix = matrices[ref_case-1][cell_number];
v_coarse = 0;
// Compute this once for each
// coarse grid basis function
for (unsigned int i=0;i<n;++i)
// problem.
const double result = H.least_squares(v_fine, v_coarse);
Assert (result < 1.e-12, ExcLeastSquaresError(result));
// Copy into the result
// matrix. Since the matrix
// maps a coarse grid
const unsigned int n = fe.dofs_per_face;
const unsigned int nd = fe.n_components();
const unsigned int degree =;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<nc;++i)
Assert(matrices[i].n() == n, ExcDimensionMismatch(matrices[i].n(),n));
Assert(matrices[i].m() == n, ExcDimensionMismatch(matrices[i].m(),n));
// Set up meshes, one with a single
// reference cell and refine it once
Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tria;
MappingCartesian<dim> mapping;
QGauss<dim-1> q_gauss(degree+1);
const Quadrature<dim> q_fine = QProjector<dim>::project_to_face(q_gauss, face_fine);
const unsigned int nq = q_fine.size();
// In order to make the loops below
Assert (k == fe.dofs_per_face, ExcInternalError());
FEValues<dim> fine (mapping, fe, q_fine,
update_quadrature_points | update_JxW_values | update_values);
// We search for the polynomial on
// the small cell, being equal to
// the coarse polynomial in all
// quadrature points.
// First build the matrix for this
// least squares problem. This
// contains the values of the fine
// cell polynomials in the fine
// cell grid points.
// This matrix is the same for all
// children.
A(k*nd+d,j) = fine.shape_value_component(face_f_dofs[j],k,d);
Householder<double> H(A);
Vector<number> v_coarse(nq*nd);
Vector<number> v_fine(n);
for (unsigned int cell_number = 0; cell_number < GeometryInfo<dim>::max_children_per_face;
const Quadrature<dim> q_coarse
= QProjector<dim>::project_to_subface(q_gauss, face_coarse, cell_number);
FEValues<dim> coarse (mapping, fe, q_coarse, update_values);
typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator fine_cell
= tria.begin(0)->child(GeometryInfo<dim>::child_cell_on_face(
tria.begin(0)->refinement_case(), face_coarse, cell_number));
FullMatrix<double> &this_matrix = matrices[cell_number];
// Compute this once for each
// coarse grid basis function
for (unsigned int i=0;i<n;++i)
// problem.
const double result = H.least_squares(v_fine, v_coarse);
Assert (result < 1.e-12, ExcLeastSquaresError(result));
// Copy into the result
// matrix. Since the matrix
// maps a coarse grid
Vector<number> v_coarse(n);
Vector<number> v_fine(n);
for (unsigned int cell_number=0;cell_number<nc;++cell_number)
FullMatrix<double> &this_matrix = matrices[ref_case-1][cell_number];
// Compute right hand side,
// which is a fine level basis
// function tested with the
FEValues<dim> coarse (mapping, fe, q_coarse, update_values);
// Build RHS
const std::vector<double> & JxW = fine.get_JxW_values();
double update = 0;
for (unsigned int d=0; d<nd; ++d)
for (unsigned int k=0; k<nq; ++k)
- update += JxW[k] * coarse.shape_value_component(i,k,d)
+ update += JxW[k] * coarse.shape_value_component(i,k,d)
* fine.shape_value_component(j,k,d);
v_fine(i) = update;
for (unsigned int i=0;i<fe.dofs_per_cell;++i)
this_matrix(i,j) = v_coarse(i);
// Remove small entries from
// the matrix
for (unsigned int i=0; i<this_matrix.m(); ++i)
ConstraintMatrix dummy;
interpolate(dof1, u1, dof2, dummy, u2);
template <int dim, int spacedim,
template <int, int> class DH1,
- template <int, int> class DH2,
+ template <int, int> class DH2,
class InVector, class OutVector>
FETools::interpolate (const DH1<dim, spacedim> &dof1,
Assert(&dof1.get_tria()==&dof2.get_tria(), ExcTriangulationMismatch());
- ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
ExcDimensionMismatch(u2.size(), dof2.n_dofs()));
std::map<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim> *,
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FullMatrix<double> > > >
typename DH1<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell1 = dof1.begin_active(),
endc1 = dof1.end();
typename DH2<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell2 = dof2.begin_active(),
dofs.reserve (DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell (dof2));
u2 = 0;
- for (; cell1!=endc1; ++cell1, ++cell2)
+ for (; cell1!=endc1; ++cell1, ++cell2)
Assert(cell1->get_fe().n_components() == cell2->get_fe().n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch (cell1->get_fe().n_components(),
const bool hanging_nodes_not_allowed
= ((cell2->get_fe().dofs_per_vertex != 0) &&
(constraints.n_constraints() == 0));
if (hanging_nodes_not_allowed)
for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
Assert (cell1->at_boundary(face) ||
cell1->neighbor(face)->level() == cell1->level(),
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell1 = cell1->get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell2 = cell2->get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
u1_local.reinit (dofs_per_cell1);
// matrix for this particular
// pair of elements is already
// there
- if (interpolation_matrices[&cell1->get_fe()][&cell2->get_fe()] == 0)
+ if (interpolation_matrices[&cell1->get_fe()][&cell2->get_fe()].get() ==
+ 0)
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FullMatrix<double> >
interpolation_matrix (new FullMatrix<double> (dofs_per_cell2,
= interpolation_matrix;
cell1->get_dof_values(u1, u1_local);
->vmult(u2_local, u1_local);
Assert(dof1.get_fe().n_components() == fe2.n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(dof1.get_fe().n_components(), fe2.n_components()));
- Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
ExcDimensionMismatch(u1_interpolated.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
// For continuous elements on grids
// with hanging nodes we need
// hanging node
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_local(dofs_per_cell1);
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_int_local(dofs_per_cell1);
typename DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof1.begin_active(),
endc = dof1.end();
FullMatrix<double> interpolation_matrix(dofs_per_cell1, dofs_per_cell1);
FETools::get_back_interpolation_matrix(dof1.get_fe(), fe2,
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
if (hanging_nodes_not_allowed)
for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
template <int dim,
template <int> class DH,
class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim>
OutVector &u1_interpolated)
Assert(u1.size() == dof1.n_dofs(),
- ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
Assert(u1_interpolated.size() == dof1.n_dofs(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(u1_interpolated.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_local(DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell(dof1));
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_int_local(DoFTools::max_dofs_per_cell(dof1));
typename DH<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof1.begin_active(),
endc = dof1.end();
// matrices
std::map<const FiniteElement<dim> *,
std_cxx1x::shared_ptr<FullMatrix<double> > > interpolation_matrices;
- for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
+ for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
Assert(cell->get_fe().n_components() == fe2.n_components(),
// For continuous elements on
// grids with hanging nodes we
// need hanging node
// constraints are allowed.
const bool hanging_nodes_not_allowed=
(cell->get_fe().dofs_per_vertex != 0) || (fe2.dofs_per_vertex != 0);
if (hanging_nodes_not_allowed)
for (unsigned int face=0; face<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++face)
Assert (cell->at_boundary(face) ||
const unsigned int dofs_per_cell1 = cell->get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
// make sure back_interpolation
// matrix is available
if (interpolation_matrices[&cell->get_fe()] != 0)
(new FullMatrix<double>(dofs_per_cell1, dofs_per_cell1));
get_back_interpolation_matrix(dof1.get_fe(), fe2,
- }
+ }
u1_local.reinit (dofs_per_cell1);
u1_int_local.reinit (dofs_per_cell1);
cell->get_dof_values(u1, u1_local);
interpolation_matrices[&cell->get_fe()]->vmult(u1_int_local, u1_local);
cell->set_dof_values(u1_int_local, u1_interpolated);
template <int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim>
void FETools::back_interpolate(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof1,
const ConstraintMatrix &constraints1,
Assert(dof1.get_fe().n_components() == dof2.get_fe().n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(dof1.get_fe().n_components(), dof2.get_fe().n_components()));
- Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
ExcDimensionMismatch(u1_interpolated.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
// For continuous elements
// first interpolate to dof2,
// taking into account
template <int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim>
void FETools::interpolation_difference (const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof1,
const InVector &u1,
Assert(dof1.get_fe().n_components() == fe2.n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(dof1.get_fe().n_components(), fe2.n_components()));
- Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
ExcDimensionMismatch(u1_difference.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
// For continuous elements on grids
// with hanging nodes we need
// hnaging node
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_local(dofs_per_cell);
Vector<typename OutVector::value_type> u1_diff_local(dofs_per_cell);
FullMatrix<double> difference_matrix(dofs_per_cell, dofs_per_cell);
FETools::get_interpolation_difference_matrix(dof1.get_fe(), fe2,
typename DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = dof1.begin_active(),
endc = dof1.end();
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
if (hanging_nodes_not_allowed)
template <int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim>
void FETools::project_dg(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof1,
const InVector &u1,
Assert(&dof1.get_tria()==&dof2.get_tria(), ExcTriangulationMismatch());
Assert(dof1.get_fe().n_components() == dof2.get_fe().n_components(),
ExcDimensionMismatch(dof1.get_fe().n_components(), dof2.get_fe().n_components()));
- Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
+ Assert(u1.size()==dof1.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u1.size(), dof1.n_dofs()));
Assert(u2.size()==dof2.n_dofs(), ExcDimensionMismatch(u2.size(), dof2.n_dofs()));
typename DoFHandler<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell1 = dof1.begin_active();
const unsigned int n1 = dof1.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
const unsigned int n2 = dof2.get_fe().dofs_per_cell;
Vector<double> u1_local(n1);
Vector<double> u2_local(n2);
std::vector<unsigned int> dofs(n2);
FullMatrix<double> matrix(n2,n1);
get_projection_matrix(dof1.get_fe(), dof2.get_fe(), matrix);
while (cell2 != end)
cell1->get_dof_values(u1, u1_local);
template <int dim, class InVector, class OutVector, int spacedim>
void FETools::extrapolate(const DoFHandler<dim,spacedim> &dof1,
const InVector &u1,
endc = dof2.end(0);
for (; cell!=endc; ++cell)
Assert (cell->has_children(), ExcGridNotRefinedAtLeastOnce());
- }
+ }
// then traverse grid bottom up
for (unsigned int level=0; level<dof1.get_tria().n_levels()-1; ++level)
// for this, acquire the lock
// until we quit this function
Threads::ThreadMutex::ScopedLock lock(fe_name_map_lock);
Assert(fe_name_map.find(name) == fe_name_map.end(),
ExcMessage("Cannot change existing element in finite element name list"));
// Insert the normalized name into
// the map
fe_name_map[name] = FEFactoryPointer(factory);
const std::string name_part(name, 0, name_end);
name.erase(0, name_part.size());
// now things get a little more
// complicated: FESystem. it's
// more complicated, since we
// and read this
// multiplicity
const std::pair<int,unsigned int> tmp
= Utilities::get_integer_at_position (name, 0);
name.erase(0, tmp.second);
// multiplicity is
// 1
base_multiplicities.push_back (1);
// so that's it for
// this base
// element. base
// '-'
while (name[0] == '-');
// so we got to the end
// of the '-' separated
// list. make sure that
(base_fes.size() > 0),
// ok, apparently
// everything went ok. so
// generate the composed
case 3:
system_element = new FESystem<dim>(*base_fes[0],
// any more
for (unsigned int i=0; i<base_fes.size(); ++i)
delete base_fes[i];
// finally return our
// findings
// Add the closing ']' to
// the length
return system_element;
catch (...)
// Make sure no other thread
// is just adding an element
Threads::ThreadMutex::ScopedLock lock (fe_name_map_lock);
AssertThrow (fe_name_map.find(name_part) != fe_name_map.end(),
// Now, just the (degree)
unsigned int position = name.find('(');
const std::string quadrature_name(name, 0, position-1);
- if ("QGaussLobatto") == 0)
+ if ("QGaussLobatto") == 0)
const std::pair<int,unsigned int> tmp
= Utilities::get_integer_at_position (name, 0);
//return fe_name_map.find(name_part)->second->get(QGaussLobatto<1>(tmp.first));
AssertThrow (false, ExcNotImplemented());
- else
+ else
AssertThrow (false,ExcNotImplemented());
// hm, if we have come thus far, we
// didn't know what to do with the
// string we got. so do as the docs
template <int dim>
FiniteElement<dim, dim> *
pos1 < name.size();
pos1 = name.find('<'))
const unsigned int pos2 = name.find('>');
// If there is only a single
// character between those two,
Assert(pos2-pos1 == 4, ExcInvalidFEName(name));
// If pos1==pos2, then we are
// probably at the end of the
// string
pos < name.size();
pos = name.find("^dim"))
name.erase(pos+2, 2);
// Replace all occurences of "^d"
// by using the actual dimension
for (unsigned int pos = name.find("^d");
pos < name.size();
pos = name.find("^d")) = '0' + dim;
- {
+ {
FiniteElement<dim,dim> *fe = internal::get_fe_from_name<dim,dim> (name);
// Make sure the auxiliary function
// need an FEFaceValues object to evaluate shape function
// values on the specified face.
- FEFaceValues <dim> fe_face_values (fe, lhs_quadrature, update_values);
+ FEFaceValues <dim> fe_face_values (fe, lhs_quadrature, update_values);
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face); // setup shape_value on this face.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
- FEFaceValues <dim> fe_face_values (fe, rhs_quadrature, update_values);
+ FEFaceValues <dim> fe_face_values (fe, rhs_quadrature, update_values);
fe_face_values.reinit (cell, face); // setup shape_value on this face.
for (unsigned int i=0; i<fe.dofs_per_cell; ++i)
FETools::get_fe_from_name<deal_II_dimension> (const std::string &);
void FETools::add_fe_name<deal_II_dimension>(
const std::string& name,
const FEFactoryBase<deal_II_dimension>* factory);