* Reference to the vector of shifts.
- SmartPointer<const VECTOR, MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,DH,VECTOR> > euler_vector;
+ SmartPointer<const VECTOR, MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,VECTOR,DH> > euler_vector;
* A FiniteElement object which is only needed in 3D, since it knows how to
* prevent construction in 1D and 2D, but since memory and time requirements
* are not particularly high this seems unnecessary at the moment.
- SmartPointer<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>, MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,DH,VECTOR> > fe;
+ SmartPointer<const FiniteElement<dim,spacedim>, MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,VECTOR,DH> > fe;
* Pointer to the DoFHandler to which the mapping vector is associated.
- SmartPointer<const DH,MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,DH,VECTOR> > euler_dof_handler;
+ SmartPointer<const DH,MappingFEField<dim,spacedim,VECTOR,DH> > euler_dof_handler;