* <dd>A cell, face or edge is defined as <i>active</i> if it is not
* refined any further, i.e., if it does not have children. Unless
* working with a multigrid algorithm, active cells are the only
- * ones carrying degrees of freedom.</dd>
+ * ones carrying degrees of freedom.
+ * </dd>
* The concept of artificial cells has no meaning for triangulations
* that store the entire mesh on each processor, i.e. the
- * dealii::Triangulation class. </dd>
+ * dealii::Triangulation class.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossBlockLA <b>Block (linear algebra)</b></dt>
* In either case, the length of the vector equals the determinant of
* the transformation of reference face to the face of the current
- * cell. </dd>
+ * cell.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossBoundaryIndicator <b>%Boundary indicator</b></dt>
* @image html distorted_2d.png "A well-formed, a pinched, and a twisted cell in 2d."
* @image html distorted_3d.png "A well-formed, a pinched, and a twisted cell in 3d."
- * </dd>
* Distorted cells can appear in two different ways: The original
* coarse mesh can already contain such cells, or they can be created
* Triangulation object to test for distortion of cells, you need to
* specify this upon creation of the object by passing the appropriate
* flag.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor distributed_paper
* face_flip and face_rotation. Some documentation for these
* exists in the GeometryInfo class. An example of their use in user
* code is given in the DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints function.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossGeneralizedSupport <b>Generalized support points</b></dt>
* The concept of ghost cells has no meaning for triangulations that
* store the entire mesh on each processor, i.e. the
- * dealii::Triangulation class. </dd>
+ * dealii::Triangulation class.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossGhostedVector <b>Ghosted vectors</b></dt>
* "node functionals" <i>N<sub>i</sub></i> for the given function
* <i>f</i> and store the result as entry <i>i</i> in the coefficient
* vector.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossLagrange <b>Lagrange elements</b></dt>
* <dd>Finite elements based on Lagrangian interpolation at
- * @ref GlossSupport "support points".</dd>
+ * @ref GlossSupport "support points".
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossLocallyOwnedCell <b>Locally owned cell</b></dt>
* of freedom.
* Locally owned DoFs are a subset of the
- * @ref GlossLocallyActiveDof "locally active DoFs".</dd>
+ * @ref GlossLocallyActiveDof "locally active DoFs".
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossLocallyActiveDof <b>Locally active degrees of freedom</b></dt>
year= {2011},
* @endcode
- * See
+ * See
* <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/090778523">DOI:10.1137/090778523</a>
* for the paper and <a href="https://www.dealii.org/publications.html#details">deal.II publications</a> for more details.
* </dd>
* <td><i>Q<sub>k+1,k</sub> x Q<sub>k,k+1</sub></i></td>
* <td>Gauss points on edges(faces) and anisotropic Gauss points in the interior</td></tr>
* </table>
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossParallelScaling <b>Parallel scaling</b></dt>
* using parallel::distributed::Triangulation::add_periodicity()
* -# Gather the periodic faces using GridTools::collect_periodic_faces() (DoFHandler)
* -# Add periodicity constraints using DoFTools::make_periodicity_constraints()
- *
- * An example for this can be found in step-45.
- *
+ *
+ * An example for this can be found in step-45.
+ * </dd>
+ *
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossPrimitive <b>Primitive finite
* elements</b></dt>
* step-29, step-22 and several others. On the other hand,
* the FE_RaviartThomas class used in step-20 and step-21, or the FE_Nedelec
* class provide non-primitive finite elements because there, each
- * vector-value shape function may have several non-zero components.</dd>
+ * vector-value shape function may have several non-zero components.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossReferenceCell <b>Reference cell</b></dt>
* <dd>The hypercube [0,1]<sup>dim</sup>, on which all parametric finite
* element shape functions are defined. Many properties of the reference
- * cell are described by the GeometryInfo class.</dd>
+ * cell are described by the GeometryInfo class.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossSerialization <b>Serialization</b></dt>
* interfaces for the <a
* href="http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_62_0/libs/serialization/doc/index.html"
* target="_top">BOOST serialization</a> library. See there for examples on
- * how to save and restore objects. </dd>
+ * how to save and restore objects.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossShape <b>Shape functions</b></dt>
* <dd>The restriction of the finite element basis functions to a single
- * grid cell.</dd>
+ * grid cell.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossSubdomainId <b>Subdomain id</b></dt>
* </dd>
- * <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossSupport <b>Support points</b></dt> <dd>Support points are
- * by definition those points $p_i$, such that for the shape functions
- * $v_j$ holds $v_j(p_i) = \delta_{ij}$. Therefore, a finite element
- * interpolation can be defined uniquely by the values in the support
+ * <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossSupport <b>Support points</b></dt>
+ * <dd>Support points are by definition those points $p_i$, such that for the
+ * shape functions $v_j$ holds $v_j(p_i) = \delta_{ij}$. Therefore, a finite
+ * element interpolation can be defined uniquely by the values in the support
* points.
* Lagrangian elements fill the vector accessed by
* </dd>
- * <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossTargetComponent <b>Target component</b></dt> <dd>When
- * vectors and matrices are grouped into blocks by component, it is
+ * <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossTargetComponent <b>Target component</b></dt>
+ * <dd>
+ * When vectors and matrices are grouped into blocks by component, it is
* often desirable to collect several of the original components into
* a single one. This could be for instance, grouping the velocities
- * of a Stokes system into a single block.</dd>
+ * of a Stokes system into a single block.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossUnitCell <b>Unit cell</b></dt>
- * <dd>See @ref GlossReferenceCell "Reference cell".</dd>
+ * <dd>See @ref GlossReferenceCell "Reference cell".
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor GlossUnitSupport <b>Unit support points</b></dt>
* @note The usual warning about the missing type safety of @p void pointers are
* obviously in place here; responsibility for correctness of types etc
* lies entirely with the user of the pointer.
+ * </dd>
* <dt class="glossary">@anchor workstream_paper <b>%WorkStream paper</b></dt>