* error similar to this one:
* @code
* --------------------------------------------------------
- * An error occurred in line <749> of file
- * <source/numerics/derivative_approximation.cc> in function void
- * DerivativeApproximation::approximate(const Mapping<dim,spacedim>&, const
- * DoFHandlerType<dim,spacedim>&, const InputVector&, unsigned int, const
- * std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>&, Vector<float>&) [with
- * DerivativeDescription = DerivativeApproximation::Gradient<3>, int dim = 3,
- * DoFHandlerType = DoFHandler, InputVector = Vector<double>]
- * The violated condition was: determinant(Y) != 0
- * The name and call sequence of the exception was: ExcInsufficientDirections()
- * Additional Information: (none)
+ * An error occurred in line <749>
+ * of file <source/numerics/derivative_approximation.cc> in function
+ * void DerivativeApproximation::approximate(...)
+ * [with DerivativeDescription = DerivativeApproximation::Gradient<3>, int
+ * dim = 3, DoFHandlerType = DoFHandler, InputVector = Vector<double>]
+ * The violated condition was:
+ * determinant(Y) != 0
+ * The name and call sequence of the exception was:
+ * ExcInsufficientDirections()
+ * Additional Information:
+ * (none)
* --------------------------------------------------------
* @endcode
* As can easily be verified, this can only happen on very coarse grids, when