Simplified Manifolds::get_default_quadrature.
+ <li> New: Added two optional parameters to TriaAccessor::center()
+ and a new method TriaAccessor::point(). They allow to query for a
+ geometrically coherent center, or ask for arbitrary points on the
+ underlying Manifold, given the dim coordinates in the reference
+ element.
+ <br>
+ (Luca Heltai, 2014/09/12)
<li> New: The new tutorial program step-52 explains how to use the
new time stepping methods.
(Bruno Turcksin, Damien Lebrun-Grandie, 2014/09/12)
<li> New: The new tutorial program step-53 explains how to deal with
complicated geometries.
namespace Manifolds
- /**
- * Given a hex iterator, construct a quadrature with the Laplace
- * weigths, and all relevant points of the hex: vertices, line
- * centers and face centers, which can be called when creating
- * middle vertices in the manifold routines.
- */
- Quadrature<3>
- get_default_quadrature(const TriaIterator<CellAccessor<3, 3> > &hex);
* Given a general mesh iterator, construct a quadrature with the
* Laplace weights or with uniform weights according the parameter
* vertices, line centers and/or face centers, which can be called
* when creating new vertices in the manifold routines.
- template <typename OBJECT, int spacedim>
- Quadrature<spacedim>
+ template <typename OBJECT>
+ Quadrature<OBJECT::AccessorType::space_dimension>
get_default_quadrature(const OBJECT &obj, bool with_laplace = false);
namespace Manifolds
- template <typename OBJECT, int spacedim>
- Quadrature<spacedim>
+ template <typename OBJECT>
+ Quadrature<OBJECT::AccessorType::space_dimension>
get_default_quadrature(const OBJECT &obj, bool with_laplace)
+ const int spacedim = OBJECT::AccessorType::space_dimension;
+ const int dim = OBJECT::AccessorType::structure_dimension;
std::vector<Point<spacedim> > sp;
std::vector<double> wp;
- const int dim = OBJECT::AccessorType::structure_dimension;
// note that the exact weights are chosen such as to minimize the
// distortion of the four new quads from the optimal shape; their
// derivation and values is copied over from the
// @p{MappingQ::set_laplace_on_vector} function
- AssertDimension(spacedim, OBJECT::AccessorType::space_dimension);
switch (dim)
case 1:
case 2:
- sp[0] = obj->vertex(0);
- sp[1] = obj->vertex(1);
- sp[2] = obj->vertex(2);
- sp[3] = obj->vertex(3);
- sp[4] = obj->line(0)->has_children() ?
- obj->line(0)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
- obj->line(0)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(0));
- sp[5] = obj->line(1)->has_children() ?
- obj->line(1)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
- obj->line(1)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(1));
- sp[6] = obj->line(2)->has_children() ?
- obj->line(2)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
- obj->line(2)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(2));
- sp[7] = obj->line(3)->has_children() ?
- obj->line(3)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
- obj->line(3)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(3));
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
+ {
+ sp[i] = obj->vertex(i);
+ sp[4+i] = ( obj->line(i)->has_children() ?
+ obj->line(i)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
+ obj->line(i)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(i)) );
+ }
if (with_laplace)
std::fill(wp.begin(), wp.begin()+4, 1.0/16.0);
std::fill(wp.begin(), wp.end(), 1.0/8.0);
+ case 3:
+ {
+ TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<3, 3, 3> > hex
+ = static_cast<TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<3, 3, 3> > >(obj);
+ const unsigned int np =
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell+
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell+
+ GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
+ sp.resize(np);
+ wp.resize(np);
+ std::vector<Point<3> > *sp3 = reinterpret_cast<std::vector<Point<3> > *>(&sp);
+ unsigned int j=0;
+ // note that the exact weights are chosen such as to minimize the
+ // distortion of the eight new hexes from the optimal shape; their
+ // derivation and values is copied over from the
+ // @p{MappingQ::set_laplace_on_vector} function
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ (*sp3)[j] = hex->vertex(i);
+ wp[j] = 1.0/128.0;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ (*sp3)[j] = (hex->line(i)->has_children() ?
+ hex->line(i)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
+ hex->line(i)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(hex->line(i)));
+ wp[j] = 7.0/192.0;
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
+ {
+ (*sp3)[j] = (hex->quad(i)->has_children() ?
+ hex->quad(i)->isotropic_child(0)->vertex(3) :
+ hex->quad(i)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_quad(hex->quad(i)));
+ wp[j] = 1.0/12.0;
+ }
+ // Overwrited the weights with 1/np if we don't want to use
+ // laplace vectors.
+ if (with_laplace == false)
+ std::fill(wp.begin(), wp.end(), 1.0/np);
+ }
+ break;
Assert(false, ExcInternalError());
double minimum_vertex_distance () const;
- * Center of the object. The center of an
- * object is defined to be the average of
- * the locations of the vertices, which
- * is also where the (dim-)linear mapping
- * places the midpoint of the unit cell
- * in real space. However, this may not
- * be the barycenter of the object and it
- * may also not be the true center of an
- * object if higher order mappings are
- * used.
- */
- Point<spacedim> center () const;
+ * Returns a point belonging to the Manifold<dim,spacedim> where
+ * this object lives, given its parametric coordinates on the
+ * reference #strucdim cell. This function queries the underlying
+ * manifold object, and can be used to obtain the exact geometrical
+ * location of arbitrary points on this object.
+ */
+ Point<spacedim> point(const Point<structdim> &coordinates) const;
+ /**
+ * Center of the object. The center of an object is defined to be
+ * the average of the locations of the vertices. If required, the
+ * user may ask this function to return the average of the point
+ * according to the underlyinging Manifold object, by setting to
+ * true the optional parameter @p respect_manifold.
+ *
+ * When the geometry of a TriaAccessor is not flat, or when part of
+ * the bounding objects of this TriaAccessor are not flat, the
+ * result given by the TriaAccessor::center() function may not be
+ * accurate enough, even when parameter @p respect_manifold is set
+ * to true. If you find this to be case, than you can further refine
+ * the computation of the center by setting to true the second
+ * additional parameter @p use_laplace_transformation, which will
+ * force this function to compute the center performing a Laplace
+ * transformation on all bounding support points. The Laplace
+ * transformation is computed similarly to what happens in
+ * @p{MappingQ::set_laplace_on_vector}.
+ */
+ Point<spacedim> center (const bool respect_manifold=false,
+ const bool use_laplace_transformation=false) const;
* Barycenter of the object.
-template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
-TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::center () const
- Point<spacedim> p;
- for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
- p += vertex(v);
- return p/GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell;
template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::
-namespace Manifolds
- Quadrature<3>
- get_default_quadrature(const TriaIterator<CellAccessor<3, 3> > &obj)
- {
- std::vector<Point<3> > sp;
- std::vector<double> wp;
- const int dim = 3;
- const unsigned int np =
- GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell+
- GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell+
- GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell;
- sp.resize(np);
- wp.resize(np);
- unsigned int j=0;
- // note that the exact weights are chosen such as to minimize the
- // distortion of the eight new hexes from the optimal shape; their
- // derivation and values is copied over from the
- // @p{MappingQ::set_laplace_on_vector} function
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
- {
- sp[j] = obj->vertex(i);
- wp[j] = 1.0/128.0;
- }
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
- {
- sp[j] = (obj->line(i)->has_children() ? obj->line(i)->child(0)->vertex(1) :
- obj->line(i)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(obj->line(i)));
- wp[j] = 7.0/192.0;
- }
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++i, ++j)
- {
- sp[j] = (obj->face(i)->has_children() ? obj->face(i)->isotropic_child(0)->vertex(3) :
- obj->face(i)->get_manifold().get_new_point_on_face(obj->face(i)));
- wp[j] = 1.0/12.0;
- }
- return Quadrature<3>(sp,wp);
- }
using namespace Manifolds;
/* -------------------------- Manifold --------------------- */
Manifold<dim, spacedim>::
get_new_point_on_line (const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::line_iterator &line) const
- return get_new_point
- (get_default_quadrature<const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::line_iterator,
- spacedim>(line, false));
+ return get_new_point (get_default_quadrature(line));
Manifold<dim, spacedim>::
get_new_point_on_quad (const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::quad_iterator &quad) const
- return get_new_point
- (get_default_quadrature<const typename Triangulation<dim, spacedim>::quad_iterator,
- spacedim>(quad, false));
+ return get_new_point (get_default_quadrature(quad));
get_new_point_on_hex (const Triangulation<3, 3>::hex_iterator &hex) const
- return get_new_point(get_default_quadrature(hex));
+ return get_new_point(get_default_quadrature(hex, true));
SphericalManifold<dim,spacedim>::SphericalManifold(const Point<spacedim> center):
- Assert(spacedim != 1, ExcImpossibleInDim(1));
for (deal_II_dimension : DIMENSIONS; deal_II_space_dimension : SPACE_DIMENSIONS)
-#if deal_II_space_dimension > 1 && deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
+#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
template class SphericalManifold<deal_II_dimension, deal_II_space_dimension>;
#if deal_II_dimension <= deal_II_space_dimension
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.templates.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.templates.h>
#include <deal.II/base/geometry_info.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold.h>
#include <deal.II/fe/mapping_q1.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
#include <cmath>
// anonymous namespace for helper functions
Assert (false, ExcNotImplemented());
return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN();
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ Point<spacedim> get_new_point_on_obj(const TriaAccessor<1, dim, spacedim> &obj)
+ {
+ TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<1,dim,spacedim> > it(obj);
+ return obj.get_manifold().get_new_point_on_line(it);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ Point<spacedim> get_new_point_on_obj(const TriaAccessor<2, dim, spacedim> &obj)
+ {
+ TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<2,dim,spacedim> > it(obj);
+ return obj.get_manifold().get_new_point_on_quad(it);
+ }
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ Point<spacedim> get_new_point_on_obj(const TriaAccessor<3, dim, spacedim> &obj)
+ {
+ TriaIterator<TriaAccessor<3,dim,spacedim> > it(obj);
+ return obj.get_manifold().get_new_point_on_hex(it);
+ }
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::point (const Point<structdim> &coordinates) const
+ // We use an FE_Q<structdim>(1) to extract the "weights" of each
+ // vertex, used to get a point from the manifold.
+ static FE_Q<structdim> fe(1);
+ // Surrounding points and weights.
+ std::vector<Point<spacedim> > p(GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell);
+ std::vector<double> w(GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
+ {
+ p[i] = this->vertex(i);
+ w[i] = fe.shape_value(i, coordinates);
+ }
+ Quadrature<spacedim> quadrature(p, w);
+ return this->get_manifold().get_new_point(quadrature);
+template <int structdim, int dim, int spacedim>
+TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim>::center (const bool respect_manifold,
+ const bool use_laplace) const
+ if (respect_manifold == false)
+ {
+ Assert(use_laplace == false, ExcNotImplemented());
+ Point<spacedim> p;
+ for (unsigned int v=0; v<GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell; ++v)
+ p += vertex(v);
+ return p/GeometryInfo<structdim>::vertices_per_cell;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ TriaRawIterator<TriaAccessor<structdim, dim, spacedim> > it(*this);
+ Quadrature<spacedim> quadrature = Manifolds::get_default_quadrature(it, use_laplace);
+ return this->get_manifold().get_new_point(quadrature);
+ }
/*------------------------ Functions: CellAccessor<1> -----------------------*/
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2014 by the mathLab team.
+// This file is subject to LGPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Test spherical manifold on hyper shells.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+// all include files you need here
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+// Helper function
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+void test(unsigned int ref=1)
+ deallog << "Testing dim " << dim
+ << ", spacedim " << spacedim << std::endl;
+ SphericalManifold<dim,spacedim> manifold;
+ Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_shell (tria, Point<spacedim>(), .3, .6, 12);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ cell->set_all_manifold_ids(1);
+ }
+ tria.set_manifold(1, manifold);
+ tria.refine_global(1);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ for(unsigned int f=0;f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+ if(cell->face(f)->at_boundary())
+ deallog << "Center: " << cell->face(f)->center(true)
+ << ", Norm: " << cell->face(f)->center(true).norm() << std::endl;
+ }
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ test<2,2>();
+ test<3,3>();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Testing dim 2, spacedim 2
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Testing dim 3, spacedim 3
+DEAL::Center: -0.109034 -0.279484 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 -0.200401 0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 -0.200401 -0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279484 -0.109034 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218068 -0.558969 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 -0.400801 0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 -0.400801 -0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558969 -0.218068 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 -0.0983833 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109034 0.00000 0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279484 0.00000 0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 0.0983833 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 -0.196767 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218068 0.00000 0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558969 0.00000 0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 0.196767 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279484 0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983833 -0.200401 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983833 -0.200401 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109034 0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558969 0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196767 -0.400801 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196767 -0.400801 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218068 0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 -0.200401 -0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279484 -0.109034 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109034 -0.279484 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 -0.200401 0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 -0.400801 -0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558969 -0.218068 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218068 -0.558969 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 -0.400801 0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279484 0.00000 0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 0.0983833 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 -0.0983833 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109034 0.00000 0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558969 0.00000 0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 0.196767 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 -0.196767 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218068 0.00000 0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983833 0.200401 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279484 0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109034 0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983833 0.200401 0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196767 0.400801 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558969 0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218068 0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196767 0.400801 0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279484 0.109034 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 0.200401 -0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 0.200401 0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109034 0.279484 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558969 0.218068 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 0.400801 -0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 0.400801 0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218068 0.558969 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 -0.0983833 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109034 0.00000 -0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279484 0.00000 -0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200401 0.0983833 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 -0.196767 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218068 0.00000 -0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558969 0.00000 -0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400801 0.196767 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109034 -0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983833 0.200401 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983833 0.200401 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279484 -0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218068 -0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196767 0.400801 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196767 0.400801 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558969 -0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 0.200401 -0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279484 0.109034 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109034 0.279484 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 0.200401 0.0983833, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 0.400801 -0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558969 0.218068 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218068 0.558969 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 0.400801 0.196767, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109034 0.00000 -0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 -0.0983833 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200401 0.0983833 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279484 0.00000 -0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218068 0.00000 -0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 -0.196767 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400801 0.196767 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558969 0.00000 -0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983833 -0.200401 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279484 -0.109034, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109034 -0.279484, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983833 -0.200401 -0.200401, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196767 -0.400801 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558969 -0.218068, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218068 -0.558969, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196767 -0.400801 -0.400801, Norm: 0.600000
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2014 by the mathLab team.
+// This file is subject to LGPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Test spherical manifold on hyper shells.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+// all include files you need here
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+// Helper function
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+void test(unsigned int ref=1)
+ deallog << "Testing dim " << dim
+ << ", spacedim " << spacedim << std::endl;
+ SphericalManifold<dim,spacedim> manifold;
+ Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_shell (tria, Point<spacedim>(), .3, .6, 12);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ cell->set_all_manifold_ids(1);
+ }
+ tria.set_manifold(1, manifold);
+ tria.refine_global(1);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ for(unsigned int f=0;f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+ if(cell->face(f)->at_boundary())
+ deallog << "Center: " << cell->face(f)->center(true, true)
+ << ", Norm: " << cell->face(f)->center(true, true).norm() << std::endl;
+ }
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ test<2,2>();
+ test<3,3>();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Testing dim 2, spacedim 2
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Testing dim 3, spacedim 3
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 -0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 -0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 -0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 -0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.00000 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.00000 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.00000 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.00000 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279462 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 -0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 -0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109091 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558924 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 -0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 -0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218183 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 -0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 -0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 -0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 -0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.00000 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.00000 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.00000 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.00000 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279462 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109091 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558924 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218183 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.00000 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.00000 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.00000 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.00000 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109091 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279462 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218183 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558924 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.00000 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.00000 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.00000 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.00000 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 -0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279462 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109091 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 -0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 -0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558924 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218183 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 -0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2014 by the mathLab team.
+// This file is subject to LGPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- ---------------------------
+// Test spherical manifold on hyper shells.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+#include <base/logstream.h>
+// all include files you need here
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_accessor.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_iterator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria_boundary_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/manifold_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_out.h>
+// Helper function
+template <int dim, int spacedim>
+void test(unsigned int ref=1)
+ deallog << "Testing dim " << dim
+ << ", spacedim " << spacedim << std::endl;
+ SphericalManifold<dim,spacedim> manifold;
+ Triangulation<dim,spacedim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_shell (tria, Point<spacedim>(), .3, .6, 12);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ cell->set_all_manifold_ids(1);
+ }
+ tria.set_manifold(1, manifold);
+ tria.refine_global(1);
+ for(typename Triangulation<dim,spacedim>::active_cell_iterator cell = tria.begin_active(); cell != tria.end(); ++cell) {
+ for(unsigned int f=0;f<GeometryInfo<dim>::faces_per_cell; ++f)
+ if(cell->face(f)->at_boundary())
+ deallog << "Center: " << cell->face(f)->center(true, true)
+ << ", Norm: " << cell->face(f)->center(true, true).norm() << std::endl;
+ }
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ deallog.threshold_double(1.e-10);
+ test<2,2>();
+ test<3,3>();
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL::Testing dim 2, spacedim 2
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0783157 -0.594867, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.229610 -0.554328, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0391579 -0.297433, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.114805 -0.277164, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.365257 -0.476012, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.476012 -0.365257, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.182628 -0.238006, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.238006 -0.182628, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.554328 -0.229610, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.594867 -0.0783157, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.277164 -0.114805, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.297433 -0.0391579, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Testing dim 3, spacedim 3
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 -0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 -0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 -0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 -0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.00000 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.00000 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.00000 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.00000 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279462 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 -0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 -0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109091 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558924 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 -0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 -0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218183 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 -0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 -0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 -0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 -0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.00000 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.0983373 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.00000 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.00000 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.196675 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.00000 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279462 0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109091 0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 0.200412 0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558924 0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218183 0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 0.400824 0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 -0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.109091 0.00000 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.279462 0.00000 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.200412 0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 -0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.218183 0.00000 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.558924 0.00000 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.400824 0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.109091 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.279462 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.218183 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 0.558924 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.200412 -0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.109091 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.279462 0.00000, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.200412 0.0983373, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.400824 -0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.218183 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.558924 0.00000, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.400824 0.196675, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.109091 0.00000 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 -0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.200412 0.0983373 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.279462 0.00000 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.218183 0.00000 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 -0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.400824 0.196675 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.558924 0.00000 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.0983373 -0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.279462 -0.109091, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.109091 -0.279462, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: -0.0983373 -0.200412 -0.200412, Norm: 0.300000
+DEAL::Center: 0.196675 -0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.558924 -0.218183, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: 0.00000 -0.218183 -0.558924, Norm: 0.600000
+DEAL::Center: -0.196675 -0.400824 -0.400824, Norm: 0.600000