* @note The triangulation passed as argument needs to be empty when calling this function.
- * @param tria The Triangulation to create. It needs to be empty upon
+ * @param tria The triangulation to create. It needs to be empty upon
* calling this function.
* @param repetitions A vector of @p dim positive values denoting the number
- * of cells to generate in that direction. For example, first component of the vector specifies the number of cells
- * in the x-direction, second component specifies that for the y-direction for dim=2.
+ * of cells to generate in that direction. For example, the first component of
+ * the vector specifies the number of cells in the x-direction, the second
+ * component specifies that for the y-direction for dim=2.
* @param left Lower bound for the interval used to create the hyper cube.