--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tests the computation of the first derivatives of a function using
+// reverse mode AD with the Sacado::Rad::ADvar class. The difference between
+// this test and sacado/basic_01a.cc is that we test the vector-mode capability
+// of this number type.
+// A related example that is shipped with Trilinos can be found at
+// https://github.com/trilinos/Trilinos/blob/master/packages/sacado/example/tradvec_example.cpp
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <Sacado.hpp>
+// The functions to differentiate
+template <typename NumberType>
+NumberType f(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType &z)
+ return z*(x + z*y + x*y);
+template <typename NumberType>
+NumberType g(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType &z)
+ return std::sin(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+template <typename NumberType>
+NumberType h(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType &z)
+ return x*y*z;
+// The analytic derivative of the functions with respect to x and y
+df(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &df_dx, double &df_dy)
+ df_dx = z*(1.0 + y);
+ df_dy = z*(z + x);
+dg(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &dg_dx, double &dg_dy)
+ dg_dx = z*std::cos(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+ dg_dy = -(1.0/z)*std::sin(x*z)*std::sin(y/z);
+dh(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &dh_dx, double &dh_dy)
+ dh_dx = y*z;
+ dh_dy = x*z;
+int main()
+ initlog();
+ // Values of function arguments
+ const double x = 5.0;
+ const double y = 10.0;
+ const double z = 4.0;
+ // RAD objects: Independent variables
+ const Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> x_ad (x);
+ const Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> y_ad (y);
+ // RAD objects: Passive variables
+ const Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> z_ad (z);
+ deallog << "x_ad: " << x_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "y_ad: " << y_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "z_ad: " << z_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ // Compute functions
+ const double f = ::f(x, y, z);
+ const double g = ::g(x, y, z);
+ const double h = ::h(x, y, z);
+ // Compute derivatives analytically
+ double df_dx = 0.0, df_dy = 0.0;
+ df(x, y, z, df_dx, df_dy);
+ double dg_dx = 0.0, dg_dy = 0.0;
+ dg(x, y, z, dg_dx, dg_dy);
+ double dh_dx = 0.0, dh_dy = 0.0;
+ dh(x, y, z, dh_dx, dh_dy);
+ // Compute function values
+ // We specifically choose to do all of these computations
+ // before computing gradients, because this mixes the operations
+ // performed with each independent variables to produce each
+ // dependent variable
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> f_rad = ::f(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> h_rad = ::h(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const <----- Before g_rad
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double> g_rad = ::g(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const
+ deallog << "f_rad: " << f_rad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "g_rad: " << g_rad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "h_rad: " << h_rad.val() << std::endl;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "f"
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double>::Outvar_Gradcomp(f_rad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double f_ad = f_rad.val(); // f
+ const double df_dx_ad = x_ad.adj(); // df/dx
+ const double df_dy_ad = y_ad.adj(); // df/dy
+ std::cout << "df_dx: " << df_dx << " df_dx_ad: " << df_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "df_dy: " << df_dy << " df_dy_ad: " << df_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "g"
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double>::Outvar_Gradcomp(g_rad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double g_ad = g_rad.val(); // g
+ const double dg_dx_ad = (x_ad.adj() - df_dx_ad); // dg/dx ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const double dg_dy_ad = (y_ad.adj() - df_dy_ad); // dg/dy ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ std::cout << "dg_dx: " << dg_dx << " dg_dx_ad: " << dg_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "dg_dy: " << dg_dy << " dg_dy_ad: " << dg_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "h"
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar<double>::Outvar_Gradcomp(h_rad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double h_ad = h_rad.val(); // h
+ const double dh_dx_ad = (x_ad.adj() - dg_dx_ad - df_dx_ad); // dh/dx ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const double dh_dy_ad = (y_ad.adj() - dg_dy_ad - df_dy_ad); // dh/dy ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ // Observation: The accumulation of the adjoints appears to be related to
+ // the order in which ::Outvar_Gradcomp is called (i.e. which dependent
+ // variables the adjoints are computed for), rather than the order in
+ // which the functions themselves are evaluated.
+ std::cout << "dh_dx: " << dh_dx << " dh_dx_ad: " << dh_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "dh_dy: " << dh_dy << " dh_dy_ad: " << dh_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ const double tol = 1.0e-14;
+ Assert(std::fabs(f - f_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of f"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(df_dx - df_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(df_dy - df_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of f"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(g - g_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of g"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(dg_dx - dg_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(dg_dy - dg_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of g"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(h - h_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of h"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(dh_dx - dh_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(dh_dy - dh_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of h"));
+ deallog << "OK" << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2017 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Tests the computation of the second derivatives of a function using
+// nested reverse-forward mode AD. The Sacado::Rad::ADvar class is used to
+// compute the first derivatives while the Sacado::Fad::DFad class, which utilizes
+// dynamic memory allocation for the number of derivative components, is
+// used for the second derivative calculations. The difference between
+// this test and sacado/basic_01b.cc is that we test the vector-mode capability
+// of Sacado::Rad::ADvar.
+// A related examples that are shipped with Trilinos can be found at
+// https://github.com/trilinos/Trilinos/blob/master/packages/sacado/example/trad_dfad_example.cpp
+// https://github.com/trilinos/Trilinos/blob/master/packages/sacado/example/tradvec_example.cpp
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <Sacado.hpp>
+// The function to differentiate
+template <typename NumberType, typename NumberType2>
+f(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType2 &z)
+ return z*(x*x*x + z*y*y + 0.5*x*y*y);
+template <typename NumberType>
+NumberType g(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType &z)
+ return std::sin(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+template <typename NumberType>
+NumberType h(const NumberType &x, const NumberType &y, const NumberType &z)
+ return x*x*y*y*z;
+// The analytic derivative of the functions with respect to x and y
+df(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &df_dx, double &df_dy)
+ df_dx = z*(3.0*x*x + 0.5*y*y);
+ df_dy = z*(2.0*z*y + x*y);
+dg(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &dg_dx, double &dg_dy)
+ dg_dx = z*std::cos(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+ dg_dy = -(1.0/z)*std::sin(x*z)*std::sin(y/z);
+dh(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &dh_dx, double &dh_dy)
+ dh_dx = 2*x*y*y*z;
+ dh_dy = 2*x*x*y*z;
+// The analytic second derivatives of the functions with respect to x and y
+d2f(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &d2f_dx_dx, double &d2f_dy_dy,
+ double &d2f_dy_dx)
+ d2f_dx_dx = z*(6.0*x);
+ d2f_dy_dx = z*y;
+ d2f_dy_dy = z*(2.0*z + x);
+d2g(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &d2g_dx_dx, double &d2g_dy_dy,
+ double &d2g_dy_dx)
+ d2g_dx_dx = -z*z*std::sin(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+ d2g_dy_dx = -std::cos(x*z)*std::sin(y/z);
+ d2g_dy_dy = -(1.0/(z*z))*std::sin(x*z)*std::cos(y/z);
+d2h(const double &x, const double &y, const double &z,
+ double &d2h_dx_dx, double &d2h_dy_dy,
+ double &d2h_dy_dx)
+ d2h_dx_dx = 2*y*y*z;
+ d2h_dy_dx = 4*x*y*z;
+ d2h_dy_dy = 2*x*x*z;
+int main()
+ initlog();
+ // Values of function arguments
+ const double x = -3.0;
+ const double y = 2.0;
+ const double z = 7.0;
+ // Number of independent variables
+ const int num_deriv = 2;
+ // FAD objects: Independent variables
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > x_ad(Sacado::Fad::DFad<double>(num_deriv, 0, x));
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > y_ad(Sacado::Fad::DFad<double>(num_deriv, 1, y));
+ // FAD objects: Passive variables
+ const Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > z_ad(z);
+ deallog << "x_ad: " << x_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "y_ad: " << y_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "z_ad: " << z_ad.val() << std::endl;
+ // Compute functions
+ const double f = ::f(x, y, z);
+ const double g = ::g(x, y, z);
+ const double h = ::h(x, y, z);
+ // Compute derivatives analytically
+ double df_dx = 0.0, df_dy = 0.0;
+ df(x, y, z, df_dx, df_dy);
+ double dg_dx = 0.0, dg_dy = 0.0;
+ dg(x, y, z, dg_dx, dg_dy);
+ double dh_dx = 0.0, dh_dy = 0.0;
+ dh(x, y, z, dh_dx, dh_dy);
+ // Compute second derivative analytically
+ double d2f_dx_dx = 0.0, d2f_dy_dy = 0.0, d2f_dy_dx = 0.0;
+ d2f(x, y, z, d2f_dx_dx, d2f_dy_dy, d2f_dy_dx);
+ double d2g_dx_dx = 0.0, d2g_dy_dy = 0.0, d2g_dy_dx = 0.0;
+ d2g(x, y, z, d2g_dx_dx, d2g_dy_dy, d2g_dy_dx);
+ double d2h_dx_dx = 0.0, d2h_dy_dy = 0.0, d2h_dy_dx = 0.0;
+ d2h(x, y, z, d2h_dx_dx, d2h_dy_dy, d2h_dy_dx);
+ // Compute function values
+ // We specifically choose to do all of these computations
+ // before computing gradients, because this mixes the operations
+ // performed with each independent variables to produce each
+ // dependent variable
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > f_rfad = ::f(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > h_rfad = ::h(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const <----- Before g_rad
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> > g_rfad = ::g(x_ad, y_ad, z_ad); // Cannot be const
+ deallog << "f_rfad: " << f_rfad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "g_rfad: " << g_rfad.val() << std::endl;
+ deallog << "h_rfad: " << h_rfad.val() << std::endl;
+ // Partial derivative accumulation terms
+ Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> d_dx_rad_acc = 0.0;
+ Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> d_dy_rad_acc = 0.0;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "f"
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> >::Outvar_Gradcomp(f_rfad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double f_ad = f_rfad.val().val(); // f
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> df_dx_fad = x_ad.adj(); // df/dx
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> df_dy_fad = y_ad.adj(); // df/dy
+ const double df_dx_ad = df_dx_fad.val(); // df/dx
+ const double df_dy_ad = df_dy_fad.val(); // df/dy
+ const double d2f_dx_dx_ad = x_ad.adj().dx(0); // d^2f/dx^2
+ const double d2f_dy_dx_ad = x_ad.adj().dx(1); // d^2f/dy_dx
+ const double d2f_dx_dy_ad = y_ad.adj().dx(0); // d^2f/dx_dy
+ const double d2f_dy_dy_ad = y_ad.adj().dx(1); // d^2f/dy^2
+ std::cout << "df_dx: " << df_dx << " df_dx_ad: " << df_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "df_dy: " << df_dy << " df_dy_ad: " << df_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "g"
+ d_dx_rad_acc += df_dx_fad;
+ d_dy_rad_acc += df_dy_fad;
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> >::Outvar_Gradcomp(g_rfad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double g_ad = g_rfad.val().val(); // g
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> dg_dx_fad = x_ad.adj() - d_dx_rad_acc; // dg/dx ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> dg_dy_fad = y_ad.adj() - d_dy_rad_acc; // dg/dy ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const double dg_dx_ad = dg_dx_fad.val(); // dg/dx
+ const double dg_dy_ad = dg_dy_fad.val(); // dg/dy
+ const double d2g_dx_dx_ad = dg_dx_fad.dx(0); // d^2g/dx^2
+ const double d2g_dy_dx_ad = dg_dx_fad.dx(1); // d^2g/dy_dx
+ const double d2g_dx_dy_ad = dg_dy_fad.dx(0); // d^2g/dx_dy
+ const double d2g_dy_dy_ad = dg_dy_fad.dx(1); // d^2g/dy^2
+ std::cout << "dg_dx: " << dg_dx << " dg_dx_ad: " << dg_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "dg_dy: " << dg_dy << " dg_dy_ad: " << dg_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ // Configure the AD number to perform gradient computations
+ // related to the dependent function "h"
+ d_dx_rad_acc += dg_dx_fad;
+ d_dy_rad_acc += dg_dy_fad;
+ Sacado::Rad::ADvar< Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> >::Outvar_Gradcomp(h_rfad);
+ // Extract value and derivatives
+ const double h_ad = h_rfad.val().val(); // h
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> dh_dx_fad = x_ad.adj() - d_dx_rad_acc; // dh/dx ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const Sacado::Fad::DFad<double> dh_dy_fad = y_ad.adj() - d_dy_rad_acc; // dh/dy ; Note: Accumulation of partial derivatives
+ const double dh_dx_ad = dh_dx_fad.val(); // dg/dx
+ const double dh_dy_ad = dh_dy_fad.val(); // dg/dy
+ const double d2h_dx_dx_ad = dh_dx_fad.dx(0); // d^2h/dx^2
+ const double d2h_dy_dx_ad = dh_dx_fad.dx(1); // d^2h/dy_dx
+ const double d2h_dx_dy_ad = dh_dy_fad.dx(0); // d^2h/dx_dy
+ const double d2h_dy_dy_ad = dh_dy_fad.dx(1); // d^2h/dy^2
+ // Observation: The accumulation of the adjoints appears to be related to
+ // the order in which ::Outvar_Gradcomp is called (i.e. which dependent
+ // variables the adjoints are computed for), rather than the order in
+ // which the functions themselves are evaluated.
+ std::cout << "dh_dx: " << dh_dx << " dh_dx_ad: " << dh_dx_ad << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "dh_dy: " << dh_dy << " dh_dy_ad: " << dh_dy_ad << std::endl;
+ const double tol = 1.0e-12;
+ Assert(std::fabs(f - f_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of f"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(df_dx - df_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(df_dy - df_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of f"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(d2f_dx_dx - d2f_dx_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2f_dy_dy - d2f_dy_dy_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2f_dy_dx - d2f_dy_dx_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Second derivative of f"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(g - g_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of g"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(dg_dx - dg_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(dg_dy - dg_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of g"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(d2g_dx_dx - d2g_dx_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2g_dy_dy - d2g_dy_dy_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2g_dy_dx - d2g_dy_dx_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Second derivative of g"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(h - h_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Value of h"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(dh_dx - dh_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(dh_dy - dh_dy_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: First derivative of h"));
+ Assert(std::fabs(d2h_dx_dx - d2h_dx_dx_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2h_dy_dy - d2h_dy_dy_ad) < tol &&
+ std::fabs(d2h_dy_dx - d2h_dy_dx_ad) < tol,
+ ExcMessage("Computation incorrect: Second derivative of h"));
+ deallog << "OK" << std::endl;