]> https://gitweb.dealii.org/ - dealii.git/commitdiff
Allow multiplication with matrices and creation by multiplication of matrices
authorMatthias Maier <tamiko@43-1.org>
Fri, 1 May 2015 11:37:15 +0000 (13:37 +0200)
committerMatthias Maier <tamiko@43-1.org>
Mon, 11 May 2015 21:05:20 +0000 (23:05 +0200)

index 71915eb777ec215e7467e17e36ce16ca9359fd59..04776a6c0f98a20676c42dedf23652b44dda0fc8 100644 (file)
@@ -722,6 +722,34 @@ namespace internal
+  // A trait class that determines whether type T provides public
+  // (templated or non-templated) vmult and Tvmult member functions
+  template <typename Range, typename Domain, typename T>
+  class has_vmult
+  {
+    template <typename C>
+    static std::false_type test(...);
+    template <typename C>
+    static std::true_type test(decltype(&C::vmult),
+                               decltype(&C::Tvmult));
+    template <typename C>
+    static std::true_type test(decltype(&C::template vmult<Range>),
+                               decltype(&C::template Tvmult<Range>));
+    template <typename C>
+    static std::true_type test(decltype(&C::template vmult<Range, Domain>),
+                               decltype(&C::template Tvmult<Domain, Range>));
+  public:
+    // type is std::true_type if Matrix provides vmult and Tvmult,
+    // otherwise it is std::false_type
+    typedef decltype(test<T>(0, 0)) type;
+  };
   // A trait class that determines whether type T provides public
   // (templated or non-templated) vmult_add and Tvmult_add member functions
@@ -946,6 +974,94 @@ linear_operator(const OperatorExemplar &operator_exemplar, const Matrix &matrix)
   return return_op;
+ * @relates LinearOperator
+ *
+ * Create a LinearOperator by multiplying two matrix objects that are
+ * compatible with Vector<double>. If other vector types are desired,
+ * explicitly wrap the matrices with linear_operator.
+ *
+ * The LinearOperator object that is created stores references to
+ * @p first_matrix and @p second_matrix. Thus, both objects must remain a valid
+ * reference for the whole lifetime of the LinearOperator object, see the
+ * documentation of linear_operator.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LAOperators
+ */
+template <typename Matrix1,
+          typename Matrix2,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<! std::is_convertible<LinearOperator<Vector<double>>, Matrix1>::value>::type,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<! std::is_convertible<LinearOperator<Vector<double>>, Matrix2>::value>::type,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<has_vmult<Vector<double>, Vector<double>, Matrix1>::type::value>::type,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<has_vmult<Vector<double>, Vector<double>, Matrix2>::type::value>::type
+         >
+LinearOperator<Vector<double>, Vector<double>>
+operator*(const Matrix1 &first_matrix,
+          const Matrix2 &second_matrix)
+  return linear_operator<Vector<double>>(first_matrix) *
+         linear_operator<Vector<double>>(second_matrix);
+ * @relates LinearOperator
+ *
+ * Create a LinearOperator by multiplying a LinearOperator with a
+ * compatible matrix. The Domain type of the resulting LinearOperator is
+ * set to Vector<double>. If other vector types are
+ * desired, explicitly wrap the matrix with linear_operator.
+ *
+ * The LinearOperator object that is created stores references to
+ * @p matrix. Thus, both @p matrix must remain a valid reference for the whole
+ * lifetime of the LinearOperator object, see the documentation of
+ * linear_operator.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LAOperators
+ */
+template <typename Range,
+          typename Intermediate,
+          typename Matrix,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<! std::is_convertible<LinearOperator<Vector<double>>, Matrix>::value>::type,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<has_vmult<Vector<double>, Vector<double>, Matrix>::type::value>::type
+         >
+LinearOperator<Range, Vector<double>>
+operator*(const LinearOperator<Range, Intermediate> &op,
+          const Matrix &matrix)
+  return op * linear_operator<Intermediate, Vector<double>>(matrix);
+ * @relates LinearOperator
+ *
+ * Create a LinearOperator by multiplying a compatible matrix with a
+ * LinearOperator. The Range type of the resulting LinearOperator is set to
+ * Vector<double>. If other vector types are desired, explicitly wrap the
+ * matrix with linear_operator.
+ *
+ * The LinearOperator object that is created stores references to
+ * @p matrix. Thus, both @p matrix must remain a valid reference for the whole
+ * lifetime of the LinearOperator object, see the documentation of
+ * linear_operator.
+ *
+ * @ingroup LAOperators
+ */
+template <typename Intermediate,
+          typename Domain,
+          typename Matrix,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<! std::is_convertible<LinearOperator<Vector<double>>, Matrix>::value>::type,
+          typename = typename std::enable_if<has_vmult<Vector<double>, Vector<double>, Matrix>::type::value>::type
+         >
+LinearOperator<Vector<double>, Domain>
+operator*(const Matrix &matrix,
+          const LinearOperator<Intermediate, Domain> &op)
+  return linear_operator<Vector<double>, Intermediate>(matrix) * op;

In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Douglas Adams

Typeset in Trocchi and Trocchi Bold Sans Serif.