+# Collect where the build system will write the .inst files after
+# expansion from the .inst.in files. We need this because we let
+# doxygen read the .cc files and they #include the .inst files.
+# To get at this, find all of the .inst.in files, strip all but the
+# directory name under $CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR/source, and then prepend
+# the build directory to it
+FILE(GLOB _inst_in_files
+ "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/*/*.inst.in")
+STRING(REPLACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/source/" "" _inst_in_dirs_x "${_inst_in_files}")
+STRING(REGEX REPLACE "/[a-zA-Z0-9_\\.]*.inst.in" "/" _inst_in_dirs_y "${_inst_in_dirs_x}")
+LIST(REMOVE_DUPLICATES _inst_in_dirs_y)
+SET(_inst_in_dirs "")
+FOREACH (_dir ${_inst_in_dirs_y})
+ SET(_inst_in_dirs "${_inst_in_dirs} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/source/${_dir}")
+MESSAGE(STATUS "translated this into")
+MESSAGE(STATUS "found ${_inst_in_dirs}")
+# Generate the input files for doxygen using template .in files in which
+# we have to substitute some CMake variables
+ expand_all_instantiations
COMMENT "Generating documentation via doxygen."