--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2015 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <deal.II/base/path_search.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/utilities.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/parameter_acceptor.h>
+class FirstClass : public ParameterAcceptor
+ FirstClass(const std::string &name = "First Class"):
+ ParameterAcceptor(name)
+ {
+ add_parameter("First int", f_i);
+ add_parameter("First double",f_d);
+ add_parameter("First bool", f_b);
+ add_parameter("First string",f_s);
+ };
+ int f_i = 3;
+ double f_d = 7.7;
+ bool f_b = true;
+ std::string f_s = "hello";
+class SecondClass : public ParameterAcceptor
+ SecondClass(const std::string &name = "Second Class"):
+ ParameterAcceptor(name)
+ {
+ add_parameter("Second int", s_i);
+ add_parameter("Second double",s_d);
+ add_parameter("Second bool", s_b);
+ add_parameter("Second string",s_s);
+ };
+ int s_i = 5;
+ double s_d = 9.9;
+ bool s_b = false;
+ std::string s_s = "bye bye";
+int main ()
+ initlog();
+ FirstClass f;
+ SecondClass s;
+ std::string output_name = "used_parameter_acceptor_06.tex";
+ ParameterAcceptor::initialize(SOURCE_DIR "/parameter_acceptor_parameters/parameter_acceptor_05.prm", output_name);
+ ParameterAcceptor::prm.log_parameters(deallog);
+ std::ifstream file (output_name.c_str());
+ std::string str;
+ deallog << "reading " << output_name << std::endl;
+ while (std::getline(file, str))
+ deallog << str << std::endl;
--- /dev/null
+DEAL:parameters:First Class::First bool: true
+DEAL:parameters:First Class::First double: 7.7
+DEAL:parameters:First Class::First int: 3
+DEAL:parameters:First Class::First string: hello
+DEAL:parameters:Second Class::Second bool: false
+DEAL:parameters:Second Class::Second double: 9.9
+DEAL:parameters:Second Class::Second int: 5
+DEAL:parameters:Second Class::Second string: bye bye
+DEAL::reading used_parameter_acceptor_06.tex
+DEAL::\subsection{Global parameters}
+DEAL::\subsection{Parameters in section \tt First Class}
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt First bool}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:First Class/First bool}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{First bool}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{First Class!First bool}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} true
+DEAL::{\it Default:} true
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} A boolean value (true or false)
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt First double}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:First Class/First double}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{First double}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{First Class!First double}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} 7.7
+DEAL::{\it Default:} 7.700000
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} A floating point number $v$ such that $-\text{MAX\_DOUBLE} \leq v \leq \text{MAX\_DOUBLE}$
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt First int}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:First Class/First int}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{First int}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{First Class!First int}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} 3
+DEAL::{\it Default:} 3
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} An integer $n$ such that $-2147483648\leq n \leq 2147483647$
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt First string}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:First Class/First string}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{First string}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{First Class!First string}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} hello
+DEAL::{\it Default:} hello
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} Any string
+DEAL::\subsection{Parameters in section \tt Second Class}
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt Second bool}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:Second Class/Second bool}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{Second bool}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{Second Class!Second bool}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} false
+DEAL::{\it Default:} false
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} A boolean value (true or false)
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt Second double}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:Second Class/Second double}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{Second double}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{Second Class!Second double}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} 9.9
+DEAL::{\it Default:} 9.900000
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} A floating point number $v$ such that $-\text{MAX\_DOUBLE} \leq v \leq \text{MAX\_DOUBLE}$
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt Second int}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:Second Class/Second int}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{Second int}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{Second Class!Second int}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} 5
+DEAL::{\it Default:} 5
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} An integer $n$ such that $-2147483648\leq n \leq 2147483647$
+DEAL::\item {\it Parameter name:} {\tt Second string}
+DEAL::\phantomsection\label{parameters:Second Class/Second string}
+DEAL::\index[prmindex]{Second string}
+DEAL::\index[prmindexfull]{Second Class!Second string}
+DEAL::{\it Value:} bye bye
+DEAL::{\it Default:} bye bye
+DEAL::{\it Possible values:} Any string