arXiv:1007.4934, submitted, 2010.
+ <li> <a href=""
+ target="_top">W. Bangerth</a>,
+ <a href=""
+ target="_top">C. Burstedde</a>, T. Heister, M. Kronbichler
+ <br>
+ <strong>Algorithms and Data Structures for Massively Parallel Generic
+ Finite Element Codes</strong>
+ <br>
+ Accepted for publication in the ACM Trans. Math. Softw. This paper is
+ also available as
+ <a href="">IAMCS
+ preprint 2011-187</a>
<li> <p> K. Benzarti, F. Freddi, M. Frémond
<strong>A damage model to predict the durability of bonded
submitted. Preprint 11/2010, Mathematik, Uni Regensburg, 2010.
+ <li> <p>
+ Y. Efendiev, J. Galvis, R. Lazarov, J. Willems
+ <br>
+ <strong>Robust Domain Decomposition Preconditioners for Abstract
+ Symmetric Positive Definite Bilinear Forms
+ </strong>
+ <br>
+ arXiv:1105.1131v1 [math.NA]
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ E. Emmrich, D. Siska
+ <br>
+ <strong>Full discretization of second-order nonlinear evolution
+ equatiosn: Strong convergence and applications
+ </strong>
+ <br>
+ Preprint, University of Bielefeld, 2011.
+ </p>
+ <li> <p>
+ M. Freyer
+ <br>
+ <strong>Automatische Segmentierung anatomischer Strukturen in
+ CT-Bildern eines hybriden FMT/XCT-Systems zur Verbesserung der
+ optischen Bildgebung
+ </strong>
+ <br>
+ Ph.D. thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany, 2011.
+ </p>
<li> <p>
J. Frohne
submitted, 2010.
+ <li> <p>
+ M. Hinze, M. Kunkel, A. Steinbrecher, T. Stykel
+ <br>
+ <strong>Model order reduction of coupled circuit-device systems</strong>
+ <br>
+ Hamburger Beiträge zur Angewandten Mathematik, Nr. 2011-08.
+ </p>
<li> <p>