<tr><th colspan="2"><b><small>Table of contents</small></b></th></tr>
<tr><td valign="top">
- <li><a href="#dev">Developing the deal.II CMake system</a>
- <ul>
- <li><a href="#devplatform">Writing platform checks</a>
- <li><a href="#devfeature">Writing feature tests</a>
- </ul>
+ <li><a href="#codingstyle">Coding convention</a>
+ <li><a href="#setup"><code>./CMakeLists.txt</code> and
+ <code>./cmake/setup_*.cmake</code></a>
+ <li><a href="#checks"><code>./cmake/checks/check_*.cmake</code></a>
+ <li><a href="#config.h.in"><code>./include/deal.II/base/config.h.in</code></a>
+ <li><a href="#variables">Global variables controlling the build process</a>
- <a name="dev"></a>
- <h3> Developing the <acronym>deal.II</acronym> CMake system </h3>
+ <a name="codingstyle"></a>
+ <h3> Coding convention </h3>
+ Coding conventions are always a matter of choice. Nevertheless, the
+ following rules should be considered:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Statements and keywords are written in all caps.
+ <li>
+ Indenting is done by two spaces; the usual indenting rules apply.
+ <li>
+ The <code>ELSE()</code>, <code>ENDIF()</code>,
+ <code>ENDFOREACH()</code>, etc. statements shall not repeat the
+ corresponding condition in <code>IF()</code>,
+ <code>FOREACH()</code>, etc.
+ <li>
+ To emphasize a comment it may be enclosed by a leading and
+ trailing empty comment line.
+ </ul>
+ An example:
+ <pre>
+ #
+ # Set an appropriate keyword depending on target and build type:
+ #
+ SET(_keyword "general")
+ ELSE()
+ SET(_keyword "debug")
+ ELSE()
+ SET(_keyword "optimized")
+ </pre>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Line break is at 78 characters and should be obeyed whenever
+ reasonable.
+ <li>
+ Long statements should be broken into several lines at reasonable
+ places. Additional lines for a statement are indented by 2
+ spaces.
+ <li>
+ Multiline statements must end with the closing bracket at a
+ single line:
+ </ul>
+ <pre>
+ ${_keyword}
+ ${CONFIG_LIBRARIES_${_build}}
+ )
+ )
+ </pre>
+ CMake operates almost always with variables in global state. To guard
+ against accidential overwrite of variables the following naming
+ conventions must be followed at all times:
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ Global (configuration) variables are written in all caps. When
+ introducing a new one, ensure that the name isn't already used
+ somewhere else. Unrelated global variables must never be
+ overwritten.
+ <li>
+ Global variables can be prefixed by <code>DEAL_II_</code>.
+ (Global variables defined by CMake are usually prefixed by
+ <code>CMAKE_</code>.)
+ <li>
+ Local variables should always be named in all lowercase with a
+ leading "_". Local variables cannot be assumed to remain valid.
+ The may get overwritten at any time.
+ </ul>
+ <a name="setup"></a>
+ <h3> <code>./CMakeLists.txt</code> and <code>./cmake/setup_*.cmake</code> </h3>
+ <p>
+ The very first configuration steps after some initial setup in
+ <code>./CMakeLists.txt</code> takes place in some
+ <code>./cmake/setup_*.cmake</code> files:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>setup_cached_variables.cmake</code>:
+ This sets up all cached variables prior to the call to
+ <code>PROJECT(deal.II)</code>. For details see the comment at the
+ top. Furthermore, some bookkeeping for compiler and linker flags
+ takes place, see <a href="cmake.html#configurebuild">the section
+ about compile flags</a>.
+ <li> <code>setup_deal_ii.cmake</code>:
+ This file is included immediately after the call to
+ <code>PROJECT(deal.II)</code> and will set up all <i>magic
+ numbers</i> such as names, definitions, relative and absolute
+ paths used in the build system. Most of the definitions are
+ guarded with the help of the <code>SET_IF_EMPTY</code> macro so
+ that it is possible to override the values from the command line.
+ <li> <code>setup_compiler_flags.cmake</code>
+ sets up a suitable set of default compile flag for a known
+ compiler by including the appropriate
+ <code>setup_compiler_flags_*.cmake</code> file. When adding new
+ flags or compiler support, please respect the following note
+ <pre>
+ #
+ # (./cmake/setup_compiler_flags.cmake)
+ #
+ # ####################
+ # # FAT NOTE: #
+ # ####################
+ #
+ # All configuration in setup_compiler_flags.cmake and
+ # setup_compiler_flags_<compiler>.cmake shall ONLY modify:
+ #
+ #
+ # All modifications shall be guarded with the ENABLE_IF_SUPPORTED
+ # or ENABLE_IF_LINKS macro, e.g.
+ #
+ #
+ # Compiler flags for platform dependent optimization (such as
+ # -march=native) must always be guarded with
+ #
+ # ENDIF()
+ #
+ # Checks for compiler features (such as C++11 support) and compiler
+ # specific bugs that
+ # - usually set up further configuration (such as preprocessor
+ # definitions)
+ # - disable a specific flag for a specific compiler version.
+ #
+ # belong the corresponding file:
+ #
+ # ./cmake/checks/check_01_compiler_features.cmake
+ # ./cmake/checks/check_01_cpu_features.cmake
+ # ./cmake/checks/check_01_cxx_features.cmake
+ # ./cmake/checks/check_01_system_features.cmake
+ # ./cmake/checks/check_02_compiler_bugs.cmake
+ #
+ </pre>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <a name="checks"></a>
+ <h3> <code>./cmake/checks/check_*.cmake</code> </h3>
+ <p>
+ The next step in the configuration process is to include all
+ checks residing under <code>./cmake/checks</code>. Currently
+ there are:
+ <pre>
+ ./cmake/checks/check_01_compiler_features.cmake
+ - Search for support for compiler dependent features such as stack
+ trace support, demangler support, etc.
+ ./cmake/checks/check_01_cpu_features.cmake
+ - Platform introspection for CPU features goes here and must be
+ ./cmake/checks/check_01_cxx_features.cmake
+ - Check for supported C++ language features such as sufficient C++11
+ support
+ ./cmake/checks/check_01_system_features.cmake
+ - Checks for specific platform (Linux/Darwin/CYGWIN/Windows..)
+ features and support
+ ./cmake/checks/check_02_compiler_bugs.cmake
+ - Check for compiler bugs
+ </pre>
+ <ul>
+ <li>
+ A check usually consists of a call to one of the macros below
+ that will set up a global variable. Please stick to the naming
+ convention <code>HAVE_<..></code>, resp.
+ <code>DEAL_II_(HAVE|USE)_<..></code>. <b>It is forbidden to
+ use a variable name starting with
+ <code>DEAL_II_WITH_<..></code> because this prefix is
+ exclusively reserved for the feature mechanism described
+ below.</b> For some tests it might be necessary to manipulate <a
+ href="#variables">global variables</a>.
+ <li>
+ A platform check should have a prominent comment explaining what
+ it does and why it is there, and should state author and year.
+ <li>
+ There are a number of readily available platform check macros:
+ <pre>
+ CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(source variable)
+ - Checks whether it is possible to compile _and_ link the code snipet
+ <source>. If succesful, variable is set to 1.
+ CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(source variable)
+ - variable is set to 1 if <source> coulde be succesfully compiled and
+ linked and the resulting program ran and exited without error.
+ Avoid this macro outside of a DEAL_II_ALLOW_PLATFORM_INTROSPECTION
+ guard. A sensible fallback should be provided if the check cannot
+ be run (e.g. when cross compiling).
+ CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_BUG(source variable)
+ - Inverts the logic of CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(), i.e. variable is
+ set to 1 if it was not possible to compile and link <source>.
+ CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(header variable)
+ - Check whether it is possible to compile and link a dummy program
+ including <header>.
+ CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(function variable)
+ - Check for the existence of a function prototype with name
+ <function>. (Don't forget to specify the link libraries, see
+ below.) Use CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS to search for C++ function
+ definitions instead, if possible.
+ CHECK_CXX_SYMBOL_EXISTS(symbol header_file variable)
+ - Check for the existence of a symbol definition in the header_file
+ as well as for the presence in the current link interface
+ (Don't forget to specify the link libraries, see below.)
+ CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(flag variable)
+ - Sets the variable to 1 if the compiler understands the flag.
+ </pre>
+ <li> Necessary compiler flags can easily set in the string variable
+ <code>CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS</code>. There are two small macros
+ that do this job nicely:
+ <pre>
+ PUSH_TEST_FLAG("-Werror")
+ </pre>
+ <li> Libraries necessary for linkage can be set in the list variable
+ <code>CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES</code>. It is best two hard set
+ this variable to a specific value and later on cleaning it,
+ instead of appending/removing:
+ <pre>
+ SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES <a list of libraries>
+ </pre>
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <a name="config.h.in"></a>
+ <h3> <code>./include/deal.II/base/config.h.in<</code> </h3>
+ <ul>
+ <li> Definition toggles in
+ <code>include/deal.II/base/config.h.in</code> should have a
+ prominent comment explaining it and should be grouped by file
+ exporting the definition
+ </ul>
+ <a name="variables"></a>
+ <h3> Global variables controlling the build process </h3>
- To keep things clean, only the following variables should be
- appended in the platform checks and feature configuration (beside
- setting a lot of <code>DEAL_II_*</code> definitions...):
+ The following list describes all global variables controlling the
+ build process and the visibility associated with it (internal use for
+ compiling deal.Ii, externally used variables will get exported in
+ deal.IIConfig.cmake). Lists should be manipulated with
+ <code>LIST(APPEND ...)</code>, flags with <code>ADD_FLAGS(...)</code>
+ (or if it is necessary to guard them with
+ <code>ENABLE_IF_SUPPORTED(...)</code>.)
The general (internal) logic for variables applies:
<a name="devplatform"></a>
<h4> Writing platform checks </h4>
- <p>
- Platform checks reside under <code>cmake/checks</code>. We currently have
- <pre>
- cmake/check/check_for_compiler_bugs.cmake
- cmake/check/check_for_compiler_features.cmake
- cmake/check/check_for_cxx_features.cmake
- </pre>
- </p>
- <p>
- <b>Some Notes:</b>
- <ul>
- <li> There are a number of readily available platform check macros:
- <pre>
- CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(source variable)
- - Checks whether it is possible to compile _and_ link the code snipet
- <source>. If succesful, variable is set to 1.
- CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_RUNS(source variable)
- - variable is set to 1 if <source> coulde be succesfully compiled and
- linked and the resulting program ran and exited without error.
- CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_BUG(source variable)
- - Inverts the logic of CHECK_CXX_SOURCE_COMPILES(), i.e. variable is
- set to 1 if it was not possible to compile and link <source>.
- CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE_CXX(header variable)
- - Check whether it is possible to compile and link a dummy program
- including <header>.
- CHECK_FUNCTION_EXISTS(function variable)
- - Check for the existence of a function prototype with name
- <function>. (Don't forget to specify the link libraries, see
- below.)
- CHECK_CXX_COMPILER_FLAG(flag variable)
- - Sets the variable to 1 if the compiler understands the flag.
- </pre>
- <li> Necessary compiler flags can easily set in the string variable
- <code>CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS</code>. There are two small macros
- that do this job nicely:
- <pre>
- PUSH_TEST_FLAG("-Werror")
- </pre>
- <li> Libraries necessary for linkage can be set in the list variable
- <code>CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES</code>. It is best two hard set
- this variable to a specific value and later on cleaning it,
- instead of appending/removing:
- <pre>
- SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES <a list of libraries>
- </pre>
- </ul>
- </p>
- <p>
- <b>General notes:</b>
- <ul>
- <li> A platform check should have a prominent comment explaining what
- it does and why it is there, as well as a stating the author and the
- year.
- <li> Definition toggles in
- <code>include/deal.II/base/config.h.in</code> should have a
- prominent comment explaining it and should be grouped by file
- exporting the definition
- </ul>
- </p>
<a name="devfeature"></a>
<h4> Writing feature tests </h4>
- <a name="advanced"></a>
- <h3>Advanced setup</h3>
- A sample configuration file for preloading the CMake cache with
- <pre>
- $ cmake -C Config.sample <...>
- </pre>
- can be found <a href="Config.sample" target="_top">here</a>.
- This sample configuration covers all options mentioned in this
- documentation as well as some advanced aspects in feature
- configuration.