/* $Id$ */
/* Author: Wolfgang Bangerth, Ralf Hartmann, University of Heidelberg, 2001 */
+ // The first of the following include
+ // files are probably well-known by
+ // now and need no further
+ // explanation.
#include <base/quadrature_lib.h>
#include <base/convergence_table.h>
#include <grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <dofs/dof_accessor.h>
#include <fe/fe_q.h>
#include <fe/fe_values.h>
+ // This is the only new one: in it,
+ // we declare the ``MappingQ'' class
+ // which we will use for polynomial
+ // mappings of arbitrary order:
#include <fe/mapping_q.h>
+ // And this again is C++:
#include <fstream>
-static const long double pi=3.141592653589793238462643;
+ // Now, as we want to compute the
+ // value of pi, we have to compare to
+ // somewhat. These are the first few
+ // digits of pi, which we define
+ // beforehand for later use. Since we
+ // would like to compute the
+ // difference between two numbers
+ // which are quite accurate, with the
+ // accuracy of the computed
+ // approximation to pi being in the
+ // range of the number of digits
+ // which a double variable can hold,
+ // we rather declare the reference
+ // value as a ``long double'' and
+ // give it a number of extra digits:
+const long double pi = 3.141592653589793238462643;
+ // Then, the first task will be to
+ // generate some output. Since this
+ // program is so small, we do not
+ // employ object oriented techniques
+ // in it and do not declare classes
+ // (although, of course, we use the
+ // object oriented features of the
+ // library). Rather, we just pack the
+ // functionality into separate
+ // functions. We make these functions
+ // templates on the number of space
+ // dimensions to conform to usual
+ // practice when using deal.II,
+ // although we will only use them for
+ // two space dimensions.
+ //
+ // The first of these functions just
+ // generates a triangulation of a
+ // circle (hyperball) and outputs the
+ // Qp mapping of its cells for
+ // different values of ``p''. Then,
+ // we refine the grid once and do so
+ // again.
template <int dim>
void gnuplot_output()
std::cout << "Output of grids into gnuplot files:" << std::endl
<< "===================================" << std::endl;
+ // So first generate a coarse
+ // triangulation of the circle and
+ // associate a suitable boundary
+ // description to it:
Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
GridGenerator::hyper_ball (triangulation);
static const HyperBallBoundary<dim> boundary;
triangulation.set_boundary (0, boundary);
- GridOut grid_out;
- // on boundary faces plot 30
- // additional points per face.
- GridOutFlags::Gnuplot gnuplot_flags(false, 30);
- grid_out.set_flags(gnuplot_flags);
+ // Next generate output for this
+ // grid and for a once refined
+ // grid. Note that we have hidden
+ // the mesh refinement in the loop
+ // header, which might be uncommon
+ // but nevertheless works. Also it
+ // is strangly consistent with
+ // incrementing the loop index
+ // denoting the refinement level.
for (unsigned int refinement=0; refinement<2;
++refinement, triangulation.refine_global(1))
std::cout << "Refinement level: " << refinement << std::endl;
- std::string filename_base="ball";
- filename_base += ('0'+refinement);
+ // Then have a string which
+ // denotes the base part of the
+ // names of the files into
+ // which we write the
+ // output. Note that in the
+ // parentheses in the
+ // initializer we do arithmetic
+ // on characters, which assumes
+ // that first the characters
+ // denoting numbers are placed
+ // consecutively (which is
+ // probably true for all
+ // reasonable character sets
+ // nowadays), but also assumes
+ // that the increment
+ // ``refinement'' is less than
+ // ten. This is therefore more
+ // a quick hack if we know
+ // exactly the values which the
+ // increment can assume. A
+ // better implementation would
+ // use the
+ // ``std::istringstream''
+ // class to generate a name.
+ std::string filename_base = std::string("ball");
+ filename_base += '0'+refinement;
+ // Then output the present grid
+ // for Q1, Q2, and Q3 mappings:
for (unsigned int order=1; order<4; ++order)
- std::cout << "Order = " << order;
+ std::cout << "Order = " << order << std::endl;
+ // For this, first set up
+ // an object describing the
+ // mapping. This is done
+ // using the ``MappingQ''
+ // class, which takes as
+ // argument to the
+ // constructor the
+ // polynomial order which
+ // it shall use.
const MappingQ<dim> mapping (order);
- std::string filename=filename_base+"_mapping_q";
+ // We note one interesting
+ // fact: if you want a
+ // piecewise linear
+ // mapping, then you could
+ // give a value of ``1'' to
+ // the
+ // constructor. However,
+ // for linear mappings, so
+ // many things can be
+ // generated simpler that
+ // there is another class,
+ // called ``MappingQ1''
+ // which does exactly the
+ // same is if you gave an
+ // order of ``1'' to the
+ // ``MappingQ'' class, but
+ // does so significantly
+ // faster. ``MappingQ1'' is
+ // also the class that is
+ // implicitely used
+ // throughout the library
+ // in many functions and
+ // classes if you do not
+ // specify another mapping
+ // explicitly.
+ // In order to actually
+ // write out the present
+ // grid with this mapping,
+ // we set up an object
+ // which we will use for
+ // output. We will generate
+ // Gnuplot output, which
+ // consists of a set of
+ // lines describing the
+ // mapped triangulation. By
+ // default, only one line
+ // is drawn for each face
+ // of the triangulation,
+ // but since we want to
+ // explicitely see the
+ // effect of the mapping,
+ // we want to have teh
+ // faces in more
+ // detail. This can be done
+ // by passing the output
+ // object a structure which
+ // contains some flags. In
+ // the present case, since
+ // Gnuplot can only draw
+ // straight lines, we
+ // output a number of
+ // additional points on the
+ // faces so that each face
+ // is drawn by 30 small
+ // lines instead of only
+ // one. This is sufficient
+ // to give us the
+ // impression of seeing a
+ // curved line, rather than
+ // a set of straight lines.
+ GridOut grid_out;
+ GridOutFlags::Gnuplot gnuplot_flags(false, 30);
+ grid_out.set_flags(gnuplot_flags);
+ // Finally, generate a
+ // filename and a file for
+ // output using the same
+ // evil hack as above:
+ std::string filename = filename_base+"_mapping_q";
filename += ('0'+order);
filename += ".dat";
- std::ofstream gnuplot_file(filename.c_str());
- std::cout << ". Writing gnuplot file <"
- << filename << ">..." << std::endl;
- grid_out.write_gnuplot(triangulation, gnuplot_file, &mapping);
+ std::ofstream gnuplot_file (filename.c_str());
+ // Then write out the
+ // triangulation to this
+ // file. The last argument
+ // of the function is a
+ // pointer to a mapping
+ // object. This argument
+ // has a default value, and
+ // if no value is given a
+ // simple ``MappingQ1''
+ // object is taken, which
+ // we briefly described
+ // above. This would then
+ // result in a piecewise
+ // linear approximation of
+ // the true boundary in the
+ // output.
+ grid_out.write_gnuplot (triangulation, gnuplot_file, &mapping);
+ std::cout << std::endl;