As a general recommendation: If you expect to spend more than a few days
writing software in the future, do yourself the favor of learning tools that
can make your life more productive, in particular debuggers and integrated
-development environments. (@dealiiVideoLectureSeeAlso{7,8,25})
+development environments. (@dealiiVideoLectureSeeAlso{7,8,8.01,25})
You will find that you will get the time spent
learning these tools back severalfold soon by being more productive!
Several of the video lectures referenced above show how to use tools
Because the equation is non-linear, we can't solve it directly. Rather, we
have to use Newton's method to compute the solution iteratively.
<h3>Classical formulation</h3>
<h3>%Boundary conditions</h3>
The weak form just derived immediately presents us with different
possibilities for imposing boundary conditions:
This program implements the heat equation
<a name="Intro"></a>
Given today's computers, most finite element computations can be done on
a single machine. The majority of previous tutorial programs therefore
* There are two ways to incorporate fixed degrees of freedom such as boundary
* nodes into a linear system, as discussed below.
+ * @dealiiVideoLecture{21.6,21.65}
+ *
+ *
* <h3>Global elimination</h3>
* matrices, or for PETSc or trilinos matrices). However, it doesn't work as
* expected if there are also hanging nodes to be considered. More caveats
* are listed in the general documentation of this class.
+ *
+ * @dealiiVideoLecture{21.6,21.65}
local_apply_boundary_values (const std::map<types::global_dof_index,double> &boundary_values,