cecho ${GOOD} "Once ready, hit enter to continue!"
elif [ $# -eq 1 ]; then
- cecho ${GOOD} "Building ${PROJECT} using ${PLATFORM}."
+ if [ -e ${PLATFORM_SUPPORTED} ]; then
+ cecho ${GOOD} "Building ${PROJECT} using ${PLATFORM}."
+ if [ "${PLATFORM}" = "deal.II/platforms/supported/linux_cluster.platform" ]; then
+ cecho ${WARN} "BLAS_DIR and LAPACK_DIR need to be set in the configuration file"
+ cecho ${WARN} "if you want to use Trilinos."
+ fi
+ else
+ cecho ${BAD} "Error: Platform to build for not supported."
+ echo "If you know the platform you are interested in (myplatform), please specify it directly, as:"
+ echo "./candi.sh ${PROJECT}/platforms/supported/myplatform.platform"
+ echo "If you'd like to learn more, refer to the file USAGE for detailed usage instructions."
+ exit 1
+ fi
echo "-------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
# Show the initial comments in the platform file, as it often