namespace internal
- /**
- * Implement the algorithm described in the documentation of the
- * GridReordering<2> class.
- *
- * @author Michael Anderson, 2003
- */
- namespace GridReordering2d
- {
- /**
- * Check whether a given arrangement of cells is already consistent. If
- * this is the case, then we skip the reordering pass.
- *
- * This function works by looping over all cells, checking whether one of
- * its faces already exists in a list of edges, and if it already exists
- * in reverse order, then return @p false. If it is not already in the
- * list, or in the correct direction, then go on with the next faces or
- * cell.
- */
- bool
- is_consistent (const std::vector<CellData<2> > &cells);
- /**
- * Defines a variety of variables related to the connectivity of a simple
- * quad element. This includes the nodes on each edge, which edges come
- * into each node and what the default deal.II directions are for the
- * quad.
- *
- * @verbatim
- * s2
- *
- * +-->--+
- * |3 2|
- * s3 ^ ^ s1
- * |0 1|
- * +-->--+
- *
- * s0
- * @endverbatim
- *
- * @author Michael Anderson, 2003
- */
- class ConnectGlobals
- {
- public:
- /**
- * The nodes on each edge in anti-clockwise order {
- * {0,1},{1,2},{2,3},{3,0} }
- */
- static const int EdgeToNode[4][2];
- /**
- * The edges common to each node, in anti-clockwise order {
- * {3,0},{0,1},{1,2},{2,3} }
- */
- static const int NodeToEdge[4][2];
- /**
- * The nodes on each edge in "default direction order".
- * {{0,1},{1,2},{3,2},{0,3}}
- */
- static const int DefaultOrientation[4][2];
- };
- /**
- * An enriched quad with information about how the mesh fits together so
- * that we can move around the mesh efficiently.
- *
- * @author Michael Anderson, 2003
- */
- class MQuad
- {
- public:
- /**
- * v0 - v3 are indexes of the vertices of the quad, s0 - s3 are indexes
- * for the sides of the quad
- */
- MQuad (const unsigned int v0,
- const unsigned int v1,
- const unsigned int v2,
- const unsigned int v3,
- const unsigned int s0,
- const unsigned int s1,
- const unsigned int s2,
- const unsigned int s3,
- const CellData<2> &cd);
- /**
- * Stores the vertex numbers
- */
- unsigned int v[4];
- /**
- * Stores the side numbers
- */
- unsigned int side[4];
- /**
- * Copy of the @p CellData object from which we construct the data of
- * this object.
- */
- CellData<2> original_cell_data;
- };
- /**
- * The enriched side class containing connectivity information.
- * Orientation is from v0 to v1; Initially this should have v0<v1. After
- * global orientation could be either way.
- *
- * @author Michael Anderson, 2003
- */
- struct MSide
- {
- /**
- * Constructor.
- */
- MSide (const unsigned int initv0,
- const unsigned int initv1);
- /**
- * Return whether the sides are equal, even if their ends are reversed.
- */
- bool operator==(const MSide &s2) const;
- /**
- * Return the opposite.
- */
- bool operator!=(const MSide &s2) const;
- unsigned int v0;
- unsigned int v1;
- unsigned int Q0;
- unsigned int Q1;
- /**
- * Local side numbers on quads 0 and 1.
- */
- unsigned int lsn0, lsn1;
- bool Oriented;
- /**
- * This class makes a MSide have v0<v1
- */
- struct SideRectify;
- /**
- * Provides a side ordering, s1<s2, without assuming v0<v1 in either of
- * the sides.
- */
- struct SideSortLess;
- };
- /**
- * Implement the 2d algorithm for grid reordering described in the
- * documentation of the GridReordering class.
- *
- * @author Michael Anderson, 2003
- */
- class GridReordering
- {
- public:
- /**
- * Do the work intended by this class.
- */
- void reorient(std::vector<CellData<2> > &quads);
- private:
- /**
- * Sets up the internal data structures so that the we can do side
- * hopping and face switching efficiently. This means we need a whole
- * bunch of connectivity information
- */
- void build_graph (const std::vector<CellData<2> > &inquads);
- /**
- * Orient the internal data into deal.II format The orientation
- * algorithm is as follows
- *
- * 1) Find an unoriented quad (A)
- *
- * 2) Orient an un_oriented side (s) of (A)
- *
- * 3) side hop on (s) of (A) to get (B)
- *
- * 4) if opposite side to (s) of (B) is unoriented orient it
- *
- * 5) repeat 3) and 4) until side-hopping fails (we've reached a
- * boundary) or (s) has already been oriented (we've closed a loop or
- * unoriented sides).
- *
- * 6) Repeat 2), 3), 4) and 5) on other unoriented sides of (A)
- *
- * 7) Choose a new unoriented A.
- */
- void orient();
- /**
- * Get the (now correctly oriented if we've called orient) quads.
- */
- void get_quads(std::vector<CellData<2> > &outquads) const;
- /**
- * Orient_side(qnum,lsn) orients the local side lsn of the quad qnum in
- * the triangulation. If the side opposite lsn is oriented then lsn is
- * oriented to match it. Otherwise it is oriented in the "default"
- * direction for the quad.
- */
- void orient_side (const unsigned int quadnum,
- const unsigned int localsidenum);
- /**
- * Return true if all sides of the quad quadnum are oriented.
- */
- bool is_fully_oriented_quad (const unsigned int quadnum) const;
- /**
- * Return true if the side lsn of the quad quadnum is oriented.
- */
- bool is_oriented_side (const unsigned int quadnum,
- const unsigned int lsn) const;
- /**
- * Return true is the side is oriented in the "default" direction
- */
- bool is_side_default_oriented (const unsigned int qnum,
- const unsigned int lsn) const;
- /**
- * Increases UnOrQLoc from it's original value to the next quad with an
- * unoriented side. Returns true if there was another unoriented quad.
- */
- bool get_unoriented_quad (unsigned int &UnOrQLoc) const;
- /**
- * Sets sidenum to the local sidenumber of an unoriented side of the
- * quad quadnum. Returns true if such a side exists.
- */
- bool get_unoriented_side (const unsigned int quadnum,
- unsigned int &sidenum) const;
- /**
- * side_hop(&qnum, &lsn) has qnum being the quadnumber of a quad in the
- * triangulation, and a local side number. side_hop then sets qnum to
- * the quadnumber across the other side of the side, and sets lsn so
- * that quads[qnum].sides[lsn] is the same before and after the call. If
- * there is no other quad on the other side of the current quad, then
- * side_hop returns false.
- */
- bool side_hop (unsigned int &qnum,
- unsigned int &lsn) const;
- /**
- * A list of enriched sides/edges of the mesh.
- */
- std::vector<MSide> sides;
- /**
- * A list of enriched quads in the mesh.
- */
- std::vector<MQuad> mquads;
- };
- } // namespace GridReordering2d
* Implement the algorithm described in the documentation of the
* GridReordering<3> class.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2015 by the deal.II authors
+// Copyright (C) 2000 - 2016 by the deal.II authors
// This file is part of the deal.II library.
-GridReordering<1>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
- const bool)
- // there should not be much to do
- // in 1d...
-GridReordering<1>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<1> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
- // nothing to be done in 1d
-GridReordering<1,2>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
- const bool)
- // there should not be much to do
- // in 1d...
-GridReordering<1,2>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<2> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
- // nothing to be done in 1d
-GridReordering<1,3>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
- const bool)
- // there should not be much to do
- // in 1d...
-GridReordering<1,3>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<3> > &,
- std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
- // nothing to be done in 1d
namespace internal
namespace GridReordering2d
-// -- Definition of connectivity information --
- const int ConnectGlobals::EdgeToNode[4][2] =
- { {0,1},{1,2},{2,3},{3,0} };
- const int ConnectGlobals::NodeToEdge[4][2] =
- { {3,0},{0,1},{1,2},{2,3} };
- const int ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[4][2] =
- {{0,1},{1,2},{3,2},{0,3}};
- * Simple data structure denoting
- * an edge, i.e. the ordered pair
- * of its vertices. This is only
- * used in the is_consistent
+ * A simple data structure denoting an edge, i.e., the ordered pair
+ * of its vertex indices. This is only used in the is_consistent()
* function.
- struct Edge
+ struct CheapEdge
- Edge (const unsigned int v0,
- const unsigned int v1)
+ /**
+ * Construct an edge from the global indices of its two vertices.
+ */
+ CheapEdge (const unsigned int v0,
+ const unsigned int v1)
v0(v0), v1(v1)
- const unsigned int v0, v1;
- bool operator < (const Edge &e) const
+ /**
+ * Comparison operator for edges. It compares based on the
+ * lexicographic ordering of the two vertex indices.
+ */
+ bool operator < (const CheapEdge &e) const
return ((v0 < e.v0) || ((v0 == e.v0) && (v1 < e.v1)));
+ private:
+ /**
+ * The global indices of the vertices that define the edge.
+ */
+ const unsigned int v0, v1;
+ /**
+ * A function that determines whether the edges in a mesh are
+ * already consistently oriented. It does so by adding all edges
+ * of all cells into a set (which automatically eliminates
+ * duplicates) but before that checks whether the reverse edge is
+ * already in the set -- which would imply that a neighboring cell
+ * is inconsistently oriented.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
- is_consistent (const std::vector<CellData<2> > &cells)
+ is_consistent (const std::vector<CellData<dim> > &cells)
- std::set<Edge> edges;
+ std::set<CheapEdge> edges;
- std::vector<CellData<2> >::const_iterator c = cells.begin();
- for (; c != cells.end(); ++c)
+ for (typename std::vector<CellData<dim> >::const_iterator c = cells.begin();
+ c != cells.end(); ++c)
- // construct the four edges
- // in reverse order
- const Edge reverse_edges[4] = { Edge (c->vertices[1],
- c->vertices[0]),
- Edge (c->vertices[2],
- c->vertices[1]),
- Edge (c->vertices[2],
- c->vertices[3]),
- Edge (c->vertices[3],
- c->vertices[0])
- };
- // for each of them, check
- // whether they are already
- // in the set
- if ((edges.find (reverse_edges[0]) != edges.end()) ||
- (edges.find (reverse_edges[1]) != edges.end()) ||
- (edges.find (reverse_edges[2]) != edges.end()) ||
- (edges.find (reverse_edges[3]) != edges.end()))
- return false;
- // ok, not. insert them
- // in the order in which
- // we want them
- // (std::set eliminates
- // duplicated by itself)
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
+ // construct the edges in reverse order. for each of them,
+ // ensure that the reverse edge is not yet in the list of
+ // edges (return false if the reverse edge already *is* in
+ // the list) and then add the actual edge to it; std::set
+ // eliminates duplicates automatically
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
- const Edge e(reverse_edges[i].v1, reverse_edges[i].v0);
- edges.insert (e);
+ const CheapEdge reverse_edge (c->vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(l, 1)],
+ c->vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(l, 0)]);
+ if (edges.find (reverse_edge) != edges.end())
+ return false;
+ // ok, not. insert edge in correct order
+ const CheapEdge correct_edge (c->vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(l, 0)],
+ c->vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(l, 1)]);
+ edges.insert (correct_edge);
- // then go on with next
- // cell
- // no conflicts found, so
- // return true
+ // no conflicts found, so return true
return true;
- * Returns an MSide corresponding to the
- * specified side of a deal.II CellData<2> object.
+ * A structure that describes some properties of parallel edges
+ * such as what starter edges are (i.e., representative elements
+ * of the sets of parallel edges within a cell) and what the set
+ * of parallel edges to each edge is.
- MSide quadside(const CellData<2> &q, unsigned int i)
+ template <int dim>
+ struct ParallelEdges
- Assert (i<4, ExcInternalError());
- return MSide(q.vertices[ConnectGlobals::EdgeToNode[i][0]],
- q.vertices[ConnectGlobals::EdgeToNode[i][1]]);
- }
+ static const unsigned int starter_edges[dim];
+ static const unsigned int parallel_edges[GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell][(1<<(dim-1)) - 1];
+ };
+ template <>
+ const unsigned int ParallelEdges<2>::starter_edges[2] = { 0, 2 };
+ template <>
+ const unsigned int ParallelEdges<2>::parallel_edges[4][1] = { {1}, {0}, {3}, {2} };
+ template <>
+ const unsigned int ParallelEdges<3>::starter_edges[3] = { 0, 2, 8 };
+ template <>
+ const unsigned int ParallelEdges<3>::parallel_edges[12][3] = { {1, 4, 5}, // line 0
+ {0, 4, 5}, // line 1
+ {3, 6, 7}, // line 2
+ {2, 6, 7}, // line 3
+ {0, 1, 5}, // line 4
+ {0, 1, 4}, // line 5
+ {2, 3, 7}, // line 6
+ {2, 3, 6}, // line 7
+ {9, 10, 11}, // line 8
+ {8, 10, 11}, // line 9
+ {8, 9, 11}, // line 10
+ {8, 9, 10} // line 11
+ };
+ template <int dim>
+ struct Edge;
- * Wrapper class for the quadside() function
+ * A class that describes all of the relevant properties of an
+ * edge. For the purpose of what we do here, that includes the
+ * indices of the two vertices, and the indices of the adjacent
+ * cells (together with a description *where* in each of the
+ * adjacent cells the edge is located). It also includes the
+ * (global) direction of the edge: either from the first vertex to
+ * the second, the other way around, or so far undetermined.
- struct QuadSide
+ template <>
+ struct Edge<2>
- typedef CellData<2> first_argument_type;
- typedef int second_argument_type;
- typedef MSide result_type;
+ static const unsigned int dim = 2;
- MSide operator()(const CellData<2> &q, int i) const
+ /**
+ * Default constructor. Creates an invalid edge.
+ */
+ Edge ()
+ :
+ orientation_status (not_oriented)
- return quadside(q,i);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+ vertex_indices[i] = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+ {
+ static const AdjacentCell invalid_cell = { numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int
+ };
+ adjacent_cells[i] = invalid_cell;
+ }
- };
+ /**
+ * Constructor. Create the edge based on the information given
+ * in @p cell, and selecting the edge with number @p edge_number
+ * within this cell. Initialize the edge as unoriented.
+ */
+ Edge (const CellData<dim> &cell,
+ const unsigned int edge_number)
+ :
+ orientation_status (not_oriented)
+ {
+ Assert (edge_number < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell, ExcInternalError());
+ // copy vertices for this particular line
+ vertex_indices[0] = cell.vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(edge_number, 0)];
+ vertex_indices[1] = cell.vertices[GeometryInfo<dim>::line_to_cell_vertices(edge_number, 1)];
- MQuad::MQuad (const unsigned int v0,
- const unsigned int v1,
- const unsigned int v2,
- const unsigned int v3,
- const unsigned int s0,
- const unsigned int s1,
- const unsigned int s2,
- const unsigned int s3,
- const CellData<2> &cd)
- :
- original_cell_data (cd)
- {
- v[0] = v0;
- v[1] = v1;
- v[2] = v2;
- v[3] = v3;
- side[0] = s0;
- side[1] = s1;
- side[2] = s2;
- side[3] = s3;
- }
+ // bring them into standard orientation
+ if (vertex_indices[0] > vertex_indices[1])
+ std::swap (vertex_indices[0], vertex_indices[1]);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<2; ++i)
+ {
+ static const AdjacentCell invalid_cell = { numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int
+ };
+ adjacent_cells[i] = invalid_cell;
+ }
+ }
- MSide::MSide (const unsigned int initv0,
- const unsigned int initv1)
- :
- v0(initv0), v1(initv1),
- Q0(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
- Q1(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
- lsn0(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
- lsn1(numbers::invalid_unsigned_int),
- Oriented(false)
- {}
+ /**
+ * Comparison operator for edges. It compares based on the
+ * lexicographic ordering of the two vertex indices.
+ */
+ bool operator< (const Edge<dim> &e) const
+ {
+ return ((vertex_indices[0] < e.vertex_indices[0])
+ ||
+ ((vertex_indices[0] == e.vertex_indices[0]) && (vertex_indices[1] < e.vertex_indices[1])));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Compare two edges for equality based on their vertex indices.
+ */
+ bool operator== (const Edge<dim> &e) const
+ {
+ return ((vertex_indices[0] == e.vertex_indices[0])
+ &&
+ (vertex_indices[1] == e.vertex_indices[1]));
+ }
+ /**
+ * Store the given cell index as one of the cells as adjacent to
+ * the current edge. Also store that the current edge has index
+ * @p edge_within_cell within the given cell.
+ */
+ void add_adjacent_cell (const unsigned int cell_index,
+ const unsigned int edge_within_cell)
+ {
+ const AdjacentCell adjacent_cell = { cell_index, edge_within_cell };
+ if (adjacent_cells[0].cell_index == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ adjacent_cells[0] = adjacent_cell;
+ else
+ {
+ Assert (adjacent_cells[1].cell_index == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ adjacent_cells[1] = adjacent_cell;
+ }
+ }
- bool
- MSide::operator == (const MSide &s2) const
- {
- if ((v0 == s2.v0)&&(v1 == s2.v1))
- {
- return true;
- }
- if ((v0 == s2.v1)&&(v1 == s2.v0))
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
+ /**
+ * The global indices of the two vertices that bound this edge. These
+ * will be ordered so that the first index is less than the second.
+ */
+ unsigned int vertex_indices[2];
+ /**
+ * An enum that indicates the direction of this edge with
+ * regard to the two vertices that bound it.
+ */
+ enum OrientationStatus
+ {
+ not_oriented,
+ forward,
+ backward
+ };
- bool
- MSide::operator != (const MSide &s2) const
- {
- return !(*this == s2);
- }
+ OrientationStatus orientation_status;
+ /**
+ * A structure that stores how this edge relates to the at most
+ * two cells that are next to it.
+ */
+ struct AdjacentCell
+ {
+ unsigned int cell_index;
+ unsigned int edge_within_cell;
+ };
+ AdjacentCell adjacent_cells[2];
+ };
- namespace
+ /**
+ * A data structure that represents a cell with all of its vertices
+ * and edges.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ struct Cell
- void side_rectify (MSide &s)
+ /**
+ * Default construct a cell.
+ */
+ Cell ()
- if (s.v0>s.v1)
- std::swap (s.v0, s.v1);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
+ vertex_indices[i] = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++i)
+ edge_indices[i] = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
- bool side_sort_less(const MSide &s1, const MSide &s2)
+ /**
+ * Construct a Cell object from a CellData object. Also take a (sorted)
+ * list of edges and to point into from the current object.
+ * @param c
+ * @param edge_list
+ */
+ Cell (const CellData<dim> &c,
+ const std::vector<Edge<dim> > &edge_list)
- int s1vmin,s1vmax;
- int s2vmin,s2vmax;
- if (s1.v0<s1.v1)
- {
- s1vmin = s1.v0;
- s1vmax = s1.v1;
- }
- else
- {
- s1vmin = s1.v1;
- s1vmax = s1.v0;
- }
- if (s2.v0<s2.v1)
- {
- s2vmin = s2.v0;
- s2vmax = s2.v1;
- }
- else
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell; ++i)
+ vertex_indices[i] = c.vertices[i];
+ // now for each of the edges of this cell, find the location inside the
+ // given edge_list array and store than index
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
- s2vmin = s2.v1;
- s2vmax = s2.v0;
+ const Edge<dim> e (c, l);
+ edge_indices[l] = (std::lower_bound (edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end(), e)
+ -
+ edge_list.begin());
+ Assert (edge_indices[l] < edge_list.size(), ExcInternalError());
+ Assert (edge_list[edge_indices[l]] == e, ExcInternalError())
- if (s1vmin<s2vmin)
- return true;
- if (s1vmin>s2vmin)
- return false;
- return s1vmax<s2vmax;
- * Create an MQuad object from the
- * indices of the four vertices by
- * looking up the indices of the four
- * sides.
+ * A list of global indices for the vertices that bound this cell.
- MQuad build_quad_from_vertices(const CellData<2> &q,
- const std::vector<MSide> &elist)
- {
- // compute the indices of the four
- // sides that bound this quad. note
- // that the incoming list elist is
- // sorted with regard to the
- // side_sort_less criterion
- unsigned int edges[4] = { numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
- numbers::invalid_unsigned_int
- };
+ unsigned int vertex_indices[GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_cell];
- for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; ++i)
- edges[i] = (Utilities::lower_bound (elist.begin(),
- elist.end(),
- quadside(q,i),
- side_sort_less)
- -
- elist.begin());
- return MQuad(q.vertices[0],q.vertices[1], q.vertices[2], q.vertices[3],
- edges[0], edges[1], edges[2], edges[3],
- q);
- }
- }
+ /**
+ * A list of indices into the 'edge_list' array passed to the constructor
+ * for the edges of the current cell.
+ */
+ unsigned int edge_indices[GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell];
+ };
- void
- GridReordering::reorient(std::vector<CellData<2> > &quads)
+ /**
+ * From a list of cells, build a sorted vector that contains all of the edges
+ * that exist in the mesh.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ std::vector<Edge<dim> >
+ build_edges (const std::vector<CellData<dim> > &cells)
- build_graph(quads);
- orient();
- get_quads(quads);
+ // build the edge list for all cells. because each cell has
+ // GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell edges, the total number
+ // of edges is this many times the number of cells. of course
+ // some of them will be duplicates, and we throw them out below
+ std::vector<Edge<dim> > edge_list;
+ edge_list.reserve(cells.size()*GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i)
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
+ edge_list.push_back (Edge<dim>(cells[i], l));
+ // next sort the edge list and then remove duplicates
+ std::sort (edge_list.begin(), edge_list.end());
+ edge_list.erase(std::unique(edge_list.begin(),edge_list.end()),
+ edge_list.end());
+ return edge_list;
- void
- GridReordering::build_graph (const std::vector<CellData<2> > &inquads)
+ /**
+ * Build the cell list. Update the edge array to let edges know
+ * which cells are adjacent to them.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ std::vector<Cell<dim> >
+ build_cells_and_connect_edges (const std::vector<CellData<dim> > &cells,
+ std::vector<Edge<dim> > &edges)
- //Reserve some space
- sides.reserve(4*inquads.size());
- //Insert all the sides into the side vector
- for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
+ std::vector<Cell<dim> > cell_list;
+ cell_list.reserve(cells.size());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<cells.size(); ++i)
- std::transform(inquads.begin(),inquads.end(),
- std::back_inserter(sides), std_cxx11::bind(QuadSide(),std_cxx11::_1,i));
+ // create our own data structure for the cells and let it
+ // connect to the edges array
+ cell_list.push_back (Cell<dim>(cells[i], edges));
+ // then also inform the edges that they are adjacent
+ // to the current cell, and where within this cell
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
+ edges[cell_list.back().edge_indices[l]].add_adjacent_cell (i, l);
+ Assert (cell_list.size() == cells.size(), ExcInternalError());
- //Change each edge so that v0<v1
- std::for_each(sides.begin(),sides.end(), side_rectify);
- //Sort them by Sidevertices.
- std::sort(sides.begin(),sides.end(), side_sort_less);
- //Remove duplicates
- sides.erase(std::unique(sides.begin(),sides.end()),
- sides.end());
- // Swap trick to shrink the
- // side vector
- std::vector<MSide>(sides).swap(sides);
- // Now assign the correct sides to
- // each quads
- mquads.reserve(inquads.size());
- std::transform(inquads.begin(),
- inquads.end(),
- std::back_inserter(mquads),
- std_cxx11::bind(build_quad_from_vertices,
- std_cxx11::_1,
- std_cxx11::cref(sides)) );
- // Assign the quads to their sides also.
- int qctr = 0;
- for (std::vector<MQuad>::iterator it = mquads.begin(); it != mquads.end(); ++it)
- {
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
- {
- MSide &ss = sides[(*it).side[i]];
- if (ss.Q0 == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- ss.Q0 = qctr;
- ss.lsn0 = i;
- }
- else if (ss.Q1 == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- ss.Q1 = qctr;
- ss.lsn1 = i;
- }
- else
- AssertThrow (false, ExcInternalError());
- }
- qctr++;
- }
+ return cell_list;
- void GridReordering::orient()
+ /**
+ * Return the index within 'cells' of the first cell that has at least one
+ * edge that is not yet oriented.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ unsigned int
+ get_next_unoriented_quad(const std::vector<Cell<dim> > &cells,
+ const std::vector<Edge<dim> > &edges)
- // do what the comment in the
- // class declaration says
- unsigned int qnum = 0;
- while (get_unoriented_quad(qnum))
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<cells.size(); ++c)
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
+ if (edges[cells[c].edge_indices[l]].orientation_status == Edge<dim>::not_oriented)
+ return c;
+ return numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Given a set of cells and edges, orient all edges that are
+ * (globall) parallel to the one identified by the @p cell and
+ * within it the one with index @p local_edge.
+ */
+ void
+ orient_one_set_of_parallel_edges (const std::vector<Cell<2> > &cells,
+ std::vector<Edge<2> > &edges,
+ const unsigned int cell,
+ const unsigned int local_edge)
+ {
+ const unsigned int dim = 2;
+ // choose the direction of the first edge by chance
+ edges[cells[cell].edge_indices[local_edge]].orientation_status = Edge<dim>::forward;
+ // walk outward from the given edge as described in
+ // the algorithm in the paper that documents all of
+ // this
+ //
+ // note that in 2d, each of the Deltas can at most
+ // contain two elements. we indicate non-used elements
+ // of these sets by invalid unsigned ints; if the set has
+ // only one element, then we use the first
+ unsigned int Delta_k[2] = { numbers::invalid_unsigned_int,
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int
+ };
+ unsigned int Delta_k_minus_1[2] = { cells[cell].edge_indices[local_edge],
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int
+ };
+ while (Delta_k_minus_1[0] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int) // while set is not empty
- unsigned int lsn = 0;
- while (get_unoriented_side(qnum,lsn))
- {
- orient_side(qnum,lsn);
- unsigned int qqnum = qnum;
- while (side_hop(qqnum,lsn))
- {
- // switch this face
- lsn = (lsn+2)%4;
- if (!is_oriented_side(qqnum,lsn))
- orient_side(qqnum,lsn);
- else
- //We've found a
- //cycle.. and
- //oriented all
- //quads in it.
- break;
- }
- }
+ Delta_k[0] = Delta_k[1] = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ for (unsigned int delta_element=0; delta_element<2; ++delta_element)
+ if (Delta_k_minus_1[delta_element] != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // get the edge we are currently looking at. it must already
+ // have been oriented
+ const unsigned int delta = Delta_k_minus_1[delta_element];
+ Assert (edges[delta].orientation_status != Edge<dim>::not_oriented,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // now go through the cells adjacent to this edge
+ for (unsigned int K_element=0; K_element<2; ++K_element)
+ if (edges[delta].adjacent_cells[K_element].cell_index != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ const unsigned int K = edges[delta].adjacent_cells[K_element].cell_index;
+ const unsigned int delta_is_edge_in_K = edges[delta].adjacent_cells[K_element].edge_within_cell;
+ // figure out the direction of delta with respect to the cell K
+ // (in the orientation in which the user has given it to us)
+ const unsigned int first_edge_vertex
+ = (edges[delta].orientation_status == Edge<dim>::forward
+ ?
+ edges[delta].vertex_indices[0]
+ :
+ edges[delta].vertex_indices[1]);
+ const unsigned int first_edge_vertex_in_K = cells[K].vertex_indices[GeometryInfo<dim>::face_to_cell_vertices(delta_is_edge_in_K, 0)];
+ Assert (first_edge_vertex == first_edge_vertex_in_K
+ ||
+ first_edge_vertex == cells[K].vertex_indices[GeometryInfo<dim>::face_to_cell_vertices(delta_is_edge_in_K, 1)],
+ ExcInternalError());
+ // now figure out which direction the opposite edge needs to be into.
+ const unsigned int opposite_edge
+ = cells[K].edge_indices[ParallelEdges<2>::parallel_edges[delta_is_edge_in_K][0]];
+ const unsigned int first_opposite_edge_vertex
+ = cells[K].vertex_indices[GeometryInfo<dim>::face_to_cell_vertices(
+ ParallelEdges<dim>::parallel_edges[delta_is_edge_in_K][0],
+ (first_edge_vertex == first_edge_vertex_in_K
+ ?
+ 0
+ :
+ 1))];
+ const Edge<dim>::OrientationStatus opposite_edge_orientation
+ = (edges[opposite_edge].vertex_indices[0]
+ ==
+ first_opposite_edge_vertex
+ ?
+ Edge<dim>::forward
+ :
+ Edge<dim>::backward);
+ // see if the opposite edge (there is only one in 2d) has already been
+ // oriented.
+ if (edges[opposite_edge].orientation_status == Edge<dim>::not_oriented)
+ {
+ // the opposite edge is not yet oriented. do orient it and add it to
+ // Delta_k;
+ edges[opposite_edge].orientation_status = opposite_edge_orientation;
+ if (Delta_k[0] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ Delta_k[0] = opposite_edge;
+ else
+ {
+ Assert (Delta_k[1] == numbers::invalid_unsigned_int, ExcInternalError());
+ Delta_k[1] = opposite_edge;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the opposite edge has already been oriented. assert that it is
+ // consistent with the current one
+ Assert (edges[opposite_edge].orientation_status == opposite_edge_orientation,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // finally copy the new set to the previous one
+ // (corresponding to increasing 'k' by one in the
+ // algorithm)
+ Delta_k_minus_1[0] = Delta_k[0];
+ Delta_k_minus_1[1] = Delta_k[1];
+ /**
+ * Given data structures @p cell_list and @p edge_list, where
+ * all edges are already oriented, rotate the cell with
+ * index @p cell_index in such a way that its local coordinate
+ * system matches the ones of the adjacent edges. Store the
+ * rotated order of vertices in <code>raw_cells[cell_index]</code>.
+ */
- GridReordering::orient_side(const unsigned int quadnum,
- const unsigned int localsidenum)
+ rotate_cell (const std::vector<Cell<2> > &cell_list,
+ const std::vector<Edge<2> > &edge_list,
+ const unsigned int cell_index,
+ std::vector<CellData<2> > &raw_cells)
- MQuad &quad = mquads[quadnum];
- int op_side_l = (localsidenum+2)%4;
- MSide &side = sides[mquads[quadnum].side[localsidenum]];
- const MSide &op_side = sides[mquads[quadnum].side[op_side_l]];
- //is the opposite side oriented?
- if (op_side.Oriented)
+ // find the first vertex of the cell. this is the
+ // vertex where two edges originate, so for
+ // each of the four edges record which the
+ // starting vertex is
+ unsigned int starting_vertex_of_edge[4];
+ for (unsigned int e=0; e<4; ++e)
- //YES - Make the orientations match
- //Is op side in default orientation?
- if (op_side.v0 == quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[op_side_l][0]])
- {
- //YES
- side.v0 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][0]];
- side.v1 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][1]];
- }
+ Assert (edge_list[cell_list[cell_index].edge_indices[e]].orientation_status
+ != Edge<2>::not_oriented,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ if (edge_list[cell_list[cell_index].edge_indices[e]].orientation_status == Edge<2>::forward)
+ starting_vertex_of_edge[e] = edge_list[cell_list[cell_index].edge_indices[e]].vertex_indices[0];
- {
- //NO, its reversed
- side.v0 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][1]];
- side.v1 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][0]];
- }
+ starting_vertex_of_edge[e] = edge_list[cell_list[cell_index].edge_indices[e]].vertex_indices[1];
+ // find the vertex number that appears twice. this must either be
+ // the first, second, or third vertex in the list. because edges
+ // zero and one don't share any vertices, and the same for edges
+ // two and three, the possibilities can easily be enumerated
+ unsigned int starting_vertex_of_cell = numbers::invalid_unsigned_int;
+ if ((starting_vertex_of_edge[0] == starting_vertex_of_edge[2])
+ ||
+ (starting_vertex_of_edge[0] == starting_vertex_of_edge[3]))
+ starting_vertex_of_cell = starting_vertex_of_edge[0];
+ else if ((starting_vertex_of_edge[1] == starting_vertex_of_edge[2])
+ ||
+ (starting_vertex_of_edge[1] == starting_vertex_of_edge[3]))
+ starting_vertex_of_cell = starting_vertex_of_edge[1];
+ Assert (false, ExcInternalError());
+ // now rotate raw_cells[cell_index] until the starting indices match.
+ // take into account the ordering of vertices (not in clockwise
+ // or counter-clockwise sense)
+ while (raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[0] != starting_vertex_of_cell)
- //NO
- //Just use the default orientation
- side.v0 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][0]];
- side.v1 = quad.v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[localsidenum][1]];
+ const unsigned int tmp = raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[0];
+ raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[0] = raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[1];
+ raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[1] = raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[3];
+ raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[3] = raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[2];
+ raw_cells[cell_index].vertices[2] = tmp;
- side.Oriented = true;
- bool
- GridReordering::is_fully_oriented_quad(const unsigned int quadnum) const
- {
- return (
- (sides[mquads[quadnum].side[0]].Oriented)&&
- (sides[mquads[quadnum].side[1]].Oriented)&&
- (sides[mquads[quadnum].side[2]].Oriented)&&
- (sides[mquads[quadnum].side[3]].Oriented)
- );
- }
- bool
- GridReordering::is_oriented_side(const unsigned int quadnum,
- const unsigned int lsn) const
+ /**
+ * Given a set of cells, find globally unique edge orientations
+ * and then rotate cells so that the coordinate system of the cell
+ * coincides with the coordinate systems of the adjacent edges.
+ */
+ template <int dim>
+ void reorient (std::vector<CellData<dim> > &cells)
- return (sides[mquads[quadnum].side[lsn]].Oriented);
- }
+ // first build the arrays that connect cells to edges and the other
+ // way around
+ std::vector<Edge<dim> > edge_list = build_edges(cells);
+ std::vector<Cell<dim> > cell_list = build_cells_and_connect_edges(cells, edge_list);
+ // then loop over all cells and start orienting parallel edge sets
+ // of cells that still have non-oriented edges
+ unsigned int next_cell_with_unoriented_edge;
+ while ((next_cell_with_unoriented_edge = get_next_unoriented_quad(cell_list, edge_list)) !=
+ numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
+ {
+ // see which edge sets are still not oriented
+ //
+ // we do not need to look at each edge because if we orient edge
+ // 0, we will end up with edge 1 also oriented. there are only
+ // dim independent sets of edges
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<dim; ++l)
+ if (edge_list[cell_list[next_cell_with_unoriented_edge].edge_indices[ParallelEdges<dim>::starter_edges[l]]].orientation_status
+ == Edge<dim>::not_oriented)
+ orient_one_set_of_parallel_edges (cell_list,
+ edge_list,
+ next_cell_with_unoriented_edge,
+ ParallelEdges<dim>::starter_edges[l]);
+ // ensure that we have really oriented all edges now, not just
+ // the starter edges
+ for (unsigned int l=0; l<GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_cell; ++l)
+ Assert (edge_list[cell_list[next_cell_with_unoriented_edge].edge_indices[l]].orientation_status
+ != Edge<dim>::not_oriented,
+ ExcInternalError());
+ }
- bool
- GridReordering::get_unoriented_quad(unsigned int &UnOrQLoc) const
- {
- while ( (UnOrQLoc<mquads.size()) &&
- is_fully_oriented_quad(UnOrQLoc) )
- UnOrQLoc++;
- return (UnOrQLoc != mquads.size());
+ // now that we have oriented all edges, we need to rotate cells
+ // so that the edges point in the right direction with the now
+ // rotated coordinate system
+ for (unsigned int c=0; c<cells.size(); ++c)
+ rotate_cell (cell_list, edge_list, c, cells);
+ }
- bool
- GridReordering::get_unoriented_side (const unsigned int quadnum,
- unsigned int &lsn) const
- {
- const MQuad &mq = mquads[quadnum];
- if (!sides[mq.side[0]].Oriented)
- {
- lsn = 0;
- return true;
- }
- if (!sides[mq.side[1]].Oriented)
- {
- lsn = 1;
- return true;
- }
- if (!sides[mq.side[2]].Oriented)
- {
- lsn = 2;
- return true;
- }
- if (!sides[mq.side[3]].Oriented)
- {
- lsn = 3;
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
+GridReordering<1>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
+ const bool)
+ // there should not be much to do
+ // in 1d...
- bool
- GridReordering::side_hop (unsigned int &qnum, unsigned int &lsn) const
- {
- const MQuad &mq = mquads[qnum];
- const MSide &s = sides[mq.side[lsn]];
- unsigned int opquad = 0;
- if (s.Q0 == qnum)
- {
- opquad = s.Q1;
- lsn = s.lsn1;
- }
- else
- {
- opquad = s.Q0;
- lsn = s.lsn0;
- }
+GridReordering<1>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<1> > &,
+ std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
+ // nothing to be done in 1d
- if (opquad != numbers::invalid_unsigned_int)
- {
- qnum = opquad;
- return true;
- }
+GridReordering<1,2>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
+ const bool)
+ // there should not be much to do
+ // in 1d...
- return false;
- }
+GridReordering<1,2>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<2> > &,
+ std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
+ // nothing to be done in 1d
- void
- GridReordering::get_quads (std::vector<CellData<2> > &outquads) const
- {
- outquads.clear();
- outquads.reserve(mquads.size());
- for (unsigned int qn = 0; qn<mquads.size(); ++qn)
- {
- // initialize CellData object with
- // previous contents, and the
- // overwrite all the fields that
- // might have changed in the
- // process of rotating things
- CellData<2> q = mquads[qn].original_cell_data;
- // Are the sides oriented?
- Assert (is_fully_oriented_quad(qn), ExcInternalError());
- bool s[4]; //whether side 1 ,2, 3, 4 are in the default orientation
- for (int sn = 0; sn<4; sn++)
- {
- s[sn] = is_side_default_oriented(qn,sn);
- }
- // Are they oriented in the "deal way"?
- Assert (s[0] == s[2], ExcInternalError());
- Assert (s[1] == s[3], ExcInternalError());
- // How much we rotate them by.
- int rotn = 2*(s[0]?1:0)+ ((s[0]^s[1])?1:0);
- for (int i = 0; i<4; ++i)
- {
- q.vertices[(i+rotn)%4] = mquads[qn].v[i];
- }
- outquads.push_back(q);
- }
+GridReordering<1,3>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<1> > &,
+ const bool)
+ // there should not be much to do
+ // in 1d...
- }
- bool
- GridReordering::is_side_default_oriented (const unsigned int qnum,
- const unsigned int lsn) const
- {
- return (sides[mquads[qnum].side[lsn]].v0 ==
- mquads[qnum].v[ConnectGlobals::DefaultOrientation[lsn][0]]);
- }
- } // namespace GridReordering2d
-} // namespace internal
+GridReordering<1,3>::invert_all_cells_of_negative_grid(const std::vector<Point<3> > &,
+ std::vector<CellData<1> > &)
+ // nothing to be done in 1d
// anonymous namespace for internal helper functions
GridReordering<2>::reorder_cells (std::vector<CellData<2> > &cells,
const bool use_new_style_ordering)
- // if necessary, convert to old-style format
- if (use_new_style_ordering)
- reorder_new_to_old_style(cells);
+ // if necessary, convert to old (compatibility) to new-style format
+ if (!use_new_style_ordering)
+ reorder_old_to_new_style(cells);
// check if grids are already
// consistent. if so, do
// nothing. if not, then do the
// reordering
if (!internal::GridReordering2d::is_consistent (cells))
- internal::GridReordering2d::GridReordering().reorient(cells);
+ internal::GridReordering2d::reorient(cells);
// and convert back if necessary
- if (use_new_style_ordering)
- reorder_old_to_new_style(cells);
+ if (!use_new_style_ordering)
+ reorder_new_to_old_style(cells);