# include paths and global variables
include ../../../common/Make.global_options
# plain names of those files that we shall treat
example-names = $(notdir $(shell echo $D/examples/step-? \
example-doxygen = $(addprefix doxygen/,$(addsuffix .h,$(example-names)))
+# generate dot file
+steps.dot: steps.pl
+ perl $< > $@
+steps.png: steps.dot
+ neato -Tpng -Timap -O $<
+ @mv steps.dot.png steps.png
+ @mv steps.dot.imap steps.imap
# a makefile command that extracts the base name of a program
--- /dev/null
+# $Id$
+# Copyright (c) the deal.II authors 2009
+use strict;
+my $laststep = 38;
+my $essential = ',fillcolor="red"';
+my $technique = ',fillcolor="orange"';
+my $application = ',fillcolor="yellow"';
+my $unfinished = ',style="dashed"';
+# List of additional node attributes to highlight purpose and state of the example
+my %attribute = (
+ 1 => $essential,
+ 2 => $essential,
+ 3 => $essential,
+ 4 => $essential,
+ 5 => $essential,
+ 6 => $essential,
+ 7 => $technique,
+ 8 => $technique,
+ 9 => $technique,
+ 10 => $technique,
+ 11 => $technique,
+ 17 => $technique,
+ 35 => $application,
+ 38 => $unfinished
+ );
+# Print a preamble setting common attributes
+print << 'EOT'
+digraph G
+ edge [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="10",labelfontname="FreeSans",labelfontsize="10",color="black",style="solid"];
+ node [fontname="FreeSans",fontsize="10",shape=record,height=0.2,width=0.4,color="black",fillcolor="white",style="filled"];
+ ;
+# print all nodes
+for (my $i=1; $i<=$laststep;++$i)
+ printf 'Step%02d [label="Step %d", URL="step_%d.html"', $i, $i, $i;
+ print $attribute{$i};
+ print "];\n";
+# Print all edges
+# Keep sorted by second node on edge!
+print << 'EOT'
+ Step01 -> Step02;
+Step02 -> Step03;
+Step03 -> Step04;
+Step04 -> Step05;
+Step05 -> Step06;
+Step06 -> Step07;
+Step06 -> Step08;
+Step06 -> Step09;
+Step06 -> Step10;
+Step10 -> Step11;
+Step06 -> Step12;
+Step05 -> Step16;
+Step12 -> Step38;
+Step38 -> Step12;
+Step06 -> Step13;
+Step06 -> Step14;
+Step06 -> Step15;
+Step06 -> Step16;
+Step06 -> Step17;
+Step08 -> Step18;
+Step06 -> Step19;
+ ;