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+ <h1>Interfacing <acronym>deal.II</acronym> to Ginkgo</h1>
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://github.com/ginkgo-project/ginkgo"
+ target="_top">Ginkgo</a> is
+ A numerical linear algebra software package that provides its users with
+ highly optimized fine grid level linear algebra operations. It currently has
+ the capability to solve on the CPU with the support of OpenMP and on the GPU
+ with NVIDIA's CUDA libraries. For some operations it uses NVIDIA's own libraries, CuSparse
+ and CuBLAS, but some routines also have self implemented CUDA functions.See the <a href="https://ginkgo-project.github.io/ginkgo/doc/develop/index.html" target="_top"> Ginkgo documentation </a>
+ for more details.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <acronym>deal.II</acronym> has wrapper classes to the linear algebra
+ parts of Ginkgo that provide almost the
+ same interfaces as the built-in <acronym>deal.II</acronym> linear algebra operations.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Installing <acronym>deal.II</acronym> with Ginkgo</h2>
+ <p>
+ During the CMake configuration, the following flags should be specified:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code>-DDEAL_II_WITH_GINKGO=ON</code>, to enable the Ginkgo library.
+ <li> <code>-DGINKGO_DIR=<path_to_ginko></code>, to specify the path where Ginkgo has been installed.
+ </ul>
+ </p>
+ <h3>Installing Ginkgo</h3>
+ <p>
+ Installing Ginkgo is quite simple. Ginkgo currently uses CMake and hence one can use
+ the following commands to easily install Ginkgo. For different dependencies and compatible
+ libraries, please refer to <a href="https://github.com/ginkgo-project/ginkgo"
+ target="_top">Ginkgo</a>.
+ The different flags that can be added are:
+ <ul>
+ <li> <code> -DBUILD_REFERENCE={ON,OFF}</code>: Builds the reference single thread implementation
+ used to check the more sophisticated implementations of the GPU/CPU.
+ <li> <code> -DBUILD_CUDA={ON,OFF}</code>: Builds the GPU implementation, specifically the NVIDIA
+ CUDA implementations. This needs CUDA to be installed on the machine.
+ <li> <code> -DBUILD_OMP={ON,OFF}</code>: Builds the multithreaded OpenMP implementations.
+ </ul>
+ To install Ginkgo, you would need to:
+ <pre>
+ git clone https://github.com/ginkgo-project/ginkgo.git
+ mkdir build; cd build
+ make install
+ </pre>
+ </p>
+ <h4>Running the Ginkgo tests</h4>
+ <p>
+ Ginkgo uses <code>gtests</code> to run unit tests. The reference implementations are
+ non-optimized versions to which the OpenMP and CUDA versions are compared with for
+ correctness.
+ The following command, executed in Ginkgo's build directory, launches its test suite.
+ <pre>
+ make test
+ </pre>
+ The output should contain several lines of the form:
+ <pre>
+ Start 1: path/to/test
+ 1/13 Test #1: path/to/test ............................. Passed 0.01 sec
+ </pre>
+ To run only a specific test for more details, from the build directory, run
+ <pre>
+ ./path/to/test
+ </pre>
+ </p>
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+ </body>
about compatibility and configuration can be found <a href=external-libs/cuda.html target="body">here</a>.
+ <dt><a name="Ginkgo"/>
+ <a href="https://ginkgo-project.github.io/" target="_top">Ginkgo</a></dt>
+ <dd>
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://ginkgo-project.github.io/" target="_top">Ginkgo</a>
+ is a numerical linear algebra library with highly optimized kernels
+ for many core architectures with a focus on fine level parallelism.
+ It allows for easy switching of the executing paradigm (CUDA, OpenMP, .etc)
+ while providing a multitude of linear solvers and preconditioners
+ and extension to other linear operators with minimal changes required in the code.
+ To enable Ginkgo, pass <code>-DGINKGO_DIR=/path/to/ginkgo</code> to CMake when
+ configuring deal.II. For more detailed instructions, one can refer to
+ <a href="external-libs/ginkgo.html" target="body">this page</a>.
+ </p>
+ </dd>
<dt><a name="Gmsh"/>
<a href="http://gmsh.info/" target="_top">Gmsh</a></dt>