+ // There remains the task of declaring what run-time parameters we can accept
+ // in input files. We split the parameters in various categories, by putting
+ // them in different sections of the ParameterHandler class. We begin by
+ // declaring all the global parameters used by StokesImmersedProblem
+ // in the global scope:
+ template <int dim, int spacedim>
+ StokesImmersedProblemParameters<dim,
+ spacedim>::StokesImmersedProblemParameters()
+ : ParameterAcceptor("Stokes Immersed Problem/")
+ , rhs("Right hand side", spacedim + 1)
+ , angular_velocity("Angular velocity")
+ {
+ add_parameter(
+ "Velocity degree", velocity_degree, "", this->prm, Patterns::Integer(1));
+ add_parameter("Number of time steps", number_of_time_steps);
+ add_parameter("Output frequency", output_frequency);
+ add_parameter("Output directory", output_directory);
+ add_parameter("Final time", final_time);
+ add_parameter("Viscosity", viscosity);
+ add_parameter("Nitsche penalty term", penalty_term);
+ add_parameter("Initial fluid refinement",
+ initial_fluid_refinement,
+ "Initial mesh refinement used for the fluid domain Omega");
+ add_parameter("Initial solid refinement",
+ initial_solid_refinement,
+ "Initial mesh refinement used for the solid domain Gamma");
+ add_parameter("Fluid bounding boxes extraction level",
+ fluid_rtree_extraction_level,
+ "Extraction level of the rtree used to construct global "
+ "bounding boxes");
+ add_parameter(
+ "Particle insertion refinement",
+ particle_insertion_refinement,
+ "Refinement of the volumetric mesh used to insert the particles");
+ add_parameter(
+ "Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary ids",
+ homogeneous_dirichlet_ids,
+ "Boundary Ids over which homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied");
+ // Next section is dedicated to the parameters used to create the
+ // various grids. We will need three different triangulations: `Fluid
+ // grid` is used to define the fluid domain, `Solid grid` defines the
+ // solid domain, and `Particle grid` is used to distribute some tracer
+ // particles, that are advected with the velocity and only used as
+ // passive tracers.
+ enter_my_subsection(this->prm);
+ this->prm.enter_subsection("Grid generation");
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Fluid grid generator", name_of_fluid_grid);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Fluid grid generator arguments",
+ arguments_for_fluid_grid);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Solid grid generator", name_of_solid_grid);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Solid grid generator arguments",
+ arguments_for_solid_grid);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Particle grid generator", name_of_particle_grid);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Particle grid generator arguments",
+ arguments_for_particle_grid);
+ this->prm.leave_subsection();
+ leave_my_subsection(this->prm);
+ enter_my_subsection(this->prm);
+ this->prm.enter_subsection("Refinement and remeshing");
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement step frequency", refinement_frequency);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement maximal level", max_level_refinement);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement minimal level", min_level_refinement);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement strategy",
+ refinement_strategy,
+ "",
+ Patterns::Selection("fixed_fraction|fixed_number"));
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement coarsening fraction",
+ coarsening_fraction);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement fraction", refinement_fraction);
+ this->prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of cells", max_cells);
+ this->prm.leave_subsection();
+ leave_my_subsection(this->prm);
+ // correct the default dimension for the rhs function
+ rhs.declare_parameters_call_back.connect([&]() {
+ Functions::ParsedFunction<spacedim>::declare_parameters(this->prm,
+ spacedim + 1);
+ });
+ // and define a meaningful default angular velocity instead of zero
+ angular_velocity.declare_parameters_call_back.connect([&]() {
+ this->prm.set("Function expression",
+ "t < .500001 ? 6.283185 : -6.283185");
+ });
+ }
// Once the angular velocity is provided as a Function object, we reconstruct
// the pointwise solid velocity through the following class which derives
// from the Function class. It provides the value of the velocity of
- template <int dim, int spacedim>
- StokesImmersedProblemParameters<dim,
- spacedim>::StokesImmersedProblemParameters()
- : ParameterAcceptor("Stokes Immersed Problem/")
- , rhs("Right hand side", spacedim + 1)
- , angular_velocity("Angular velocity")
- {
- // We split the parameters in various categories, by putting them in
- // different sections of the ParameterHandler class. We begin by
- // declaring all the global parameters used by StokesImmersedProblem
- // in the global scope:
- add_parameter(
- "Velocity degree", velocity_degree, "", this->prm, Patterns::Integer(1));
- add_parameter("Number of time steps", number_of_time_steps);
- add_parameter("Output frequency", output_frequency);
- add_parameter("Output directory", output_directory);
- add_parameter("Final time", final_time);
- add_parameter("Viscosity", viscosity);
- add_parameter("Nitsche penalty term", penalty_term);
- add_parameter("Initial fluid refinement",
- initial_fluid_refinement,
- "Initial mesh refinement used for the fluid domain Omega");
- add_parameter("Initial solid refinement",
- initial_solid_refinement,
- "Initial mesh refinement used for the solid domain Gamma");
- add_parameter("Fluid bounding boxes extraction level",
- fluid_rtree_extraction_level,
- "Extraction level of the rtree used to construct global "
- "bounding boxes");
- add_parameter(
- "Particle insertion refinement",
- particle_insertion_refinement,
- "Refinement of the volumetric mesh used to insert the particles");
- add_parameter(
- "Homogeneous Dirichlet boundary ids",
- homogeneous_dirichlet_ids,
- "Boundary Ids over which homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions are applied");
- // Next section is dedicated to the parameters used to create the
- // various grids. We will need three different triangulations: `Fluid
- // grid` is used to define the fluid domain, `Solid grid` defines the
- // solid domain, and `Particle grid` is used to distribute some tracer
- // particles, that are advected with the velocity and only used as
- // passive tracers.
- enter_my_subsection(this->prm);
- this->prm.enter_subsection("Grid generation");
- this->prm.add_parameter("Fluid grid generator", name_of_fluid_grid);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Fluid grid generator arguments",
- arguments_for_fluid_grid);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Solid grid generator", name_of_solid_grid);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Solid grid generator arguments",
- arguments_for_solid_grid);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Particle grid generator", name_of_particle_grid);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Particle grid generator arguments",
- arguments_for_particle_grid);
- this->prm.leave_subsection();
- leave_my_subsection(this->prm);
- enter_my_subsection(this->prm);
- this->prm.enter_subsection("Refinement and remeshing");
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement step frequency", refinement_frequency);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement maximal level", max_level_refinement);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement minimal level", min_level_refinement);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement strategy",
- refinement_strategy,
- "",
- Patterns::Selection("fixed_fraction|fixed_number"));
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement coarsening fraction",
- coarsening_fraction);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Refinement fraction", refinement_fraction);
- this->prm.add_parameter("Maximum number of cells", max_cells);
- this->prm.leave_subsection();
- leave_my_subsection(this->prm);
- // correct the default dimension for the rhs function
- rhs.declare_parameters_call_back.connect([&]() {
- Functions::ParsedFunction<spacedim>::declare_parameters(this->prm,
- spacedim + 1);
- });
- // and define a meaningful default angular velocity instead of zero
- angular_velocity.declare_parameters_call_back.connect([&]() {
- this->prm.set("Function expression",
- "t < .500001 ? 6.283185 : -6.283185");
- });
- }
} // namespace Step70