--- /dev/null
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Copyright (C) 2018 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is part of the deal.II library.
+// The deal.II library is free software; you can use it, redistribute
+// it, and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General
+// Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// The full text of the license can be found in the file LICENSE at
+// the top level of the deal.II distribution.
+// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+// Check multiplications and norms
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include "../testmatrix.h"
+#include <deal.II/lac/cuda_sparse_matrix.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/read_write_vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/lac/vector.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/exceptions.h>
+void check_matrix(SparseMatrix<double> const &A,
+ CUDAWrappers::SparseMatrix<double> &A_dev)
+ cudaError_t cuda_error_code;
+ double *val_dev = nullptr;
+ int *column_index_dev = nullptr;
+ int *row_ptr_dev = nullptr;
+ std::tie(val_dev, column_index_dev, row_ptr_dev, std::ignore) =
+ A_dev.get_cusparse_matrix();
+ int nnz = A_dev.n_nonzero_elements();
+ std::vector<double> val_host(nnz);
+ cuda_error_code = cudaMemcpy(&val_host[0], val_dev, nnz*sizeof(double),
+ cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+ AssertCuda(cuda_error_code);
+ std::vector<int> column_index_host(nnz);
+ cuda_error_code = cudaMemcpy(&column_index_host[0], column_index_dev,
+ nnz*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+ AssertCuda(cuda_error_code);
+ int const n_rows = A_dev.m() + 1;
+ std::vector<int> row_ptr_host(n_rows+1);
+ cuda_error_code = cudaMemcpy(&row_ptr_host[0], row_ptr_dev,
+ (A_dev.m()+1)*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
+ AssertCuda(cuda_error_code);
+ for (int i=0; i<n_rows; ++i)
+ for (int j=row_ptr_host[i]; j<row_ptr_host[i+1]; ++j)
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(val_host[j] - A(i, column_index_host[j])) < 1e-15,
+ ExcInternalError());
+void check_vector(Vector<double> const &a,
+ LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector<double> const &b)
+ unsigned int size = a.size();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<size; ++i)
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(a[i] - b[i]) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+void test(cusparseHandle_t cusparse_handle)
+ // Build the sparse matrix on the host
+ const unsigned int size = 10;
+ unsigned int dim = (size-1)*(size-1);
+ FDMatrix testproblem (size, size);
+ SparsityPattern structure(dim, dim, 5);
+ SparseMatrix<double> A;
+ testproblem.five_point_structure(structure);
+ structure.compress();
+ A.reinit(structure);
+ testproblem.five_point(A, true);
+ // Create the sparse matrix on the device
+ CUDAWrappers::SparseMatrix<double> A_dev(cusparse_handle, A);
+ check_matrix(A, A_dev);
+ AssertThrow(A.m() == A_dev.m(), ExcInternalError());
+ AssertThrow(A.n() == A_dev.n(), ExcInternalError());
+ // Multiply by a constant
+ A *= 2.;
+ A_dev *= 2.;
+ check_matrix(A, A_dev);
+ // Divide by a constant
+ A /= 2.;
+ A_dev /= 2.;
+ check_matrix(A, A_dev);
+ // Matrix-vector multiplication
+ const unsigned int vector_size = A.n();
+ Vector<double> dst(vector_size);
+ Vector<double> src(vector_size);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
+ src[i] = i;
+ A.vmult(dst, src);
+ LinearAlgebra::CUDAWrappers::Vector<double> dst_dev(vector_size);
+ LinearAlgebra::CUDAWrappers::Vector<double> src_dev(vector_size);
+ LinearAlgebra::ReadWriteVector<double> read_write(vector_size);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
+ read_write[i] = i;
+ src_dev.import(read_write, VectorOperation::insert);
+ A_dev.vmult(dst_dev, src_dev);
+ read_write.import(dst_dev, VectorOperation::insert);
+ check_vector(dst, read_write);
+ // Transpose matrix-vector multiplication
+ A.Tvmult(dst, src);
+ A_dev.Tvmult(dst_dev, src_dev);
+ read_write.import(dst_dev, VectorOperation::insert);
+ check_vector(dst, read_write);
+ // Matrix-vector multiplication and add
+ A.vmult_add(dst, src);
+ A_dev.vmult_add(dst_dev, src_dev);
+ read_write.import(dst_dev, VectorOperation::insert);
+ check_vector(dst, read_write);
+ // Transpose matrix-vector multiplication and add
+ A.Tvmult_add(dst, src);
+ A_dev.Tvmult_add(dst_dev, src_dev);
+ read_write.import(dst_dev, VectorOperation::insert);
+ check_vector(dst, read_write);
+ // Matrix norm square
+ double value = A.matrix_norm_square(src);
+ double value_host = A_dev.matrix_norm_square(src_dev);
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ // Matrix scalar product (reuse dst and src but they are both input)
+ value = A.matrix_scalar_product(dst, src);
+ value_host = A_dev.matrix_scalar_product(dst_dev, src_dev);
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ // Compute the residual
+ Vector<double> b(src);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
+ {
+ b[i] = i;
+ src[i] = i;
+ read_write[i] = i;
+ }
+ LinearAlgebra::CUDAWrappers::Vector<double> b_dev(vector_size);
+ b_dev.import(read_write, VectorOperation::insert);
+ src_dev.import(read_write, VectorOperation::insert);
+ value = A.residual(dst, src, b);
+ value_host = A_dev.residual(dst_dev, src_dev, b_dev);
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ read_write.import(dst_dev, VectorOperation::insert);
+ check_vector(dst, read_write);
+ // Compute L1 norm
+ value = A.l1_norm();
+ value_host = A_dev.l1_norm();
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ // Compute Linfty norm
+ value = A.linfty_norm();
+ value_host = A_dev.linfty_norm();
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ // Compute Frobenius norm
+ value = A.frobenius_norm();
+ value_host = A_dev.frobenius_norm();
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+ // Compute L1 norm second test
+ SparsityPattern sparsity_pattern(vector_size, vector_size, 3);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
+ {
+ sparsity_pattern.add(i,0);
+ sparsity_pattern.add(i,i);
+ if (i<vector_size-1)
+ sparsity_pattern.add(i, i+1);
+ }
+ sparsity_pattern.compress();
+ SparseMatrix<double> B(sparsity_pattern);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<vector_size; ++i)
+ {
+ B.set(i,0, 1);
+ B.set(i,i, 1);
+ if (i<vector_size-1)
+ B.set(i, i+1, 1);
+ }
+ CUDAWrappers::SparseMatrix<double> B_dev(cusparse_handle, B);
+ value = B.l1_norm();
+ value_host = B_dev.l1_norm();
+ AssertThrow(std::abs(value-value_host) < 1e-15, ExcInternalError());
+int main()
+ initlog();
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ cusparseHandle_t cusparse_handle;
+ cusparseStatus_t cusparse_error_code = cusparseCreate(&cusparse_handle);
+ AssertCusparse(cusparse_error_code);
+ test(cusparse_handle);
+ cusparse_error_code = cusparseDestroy(cusparse_handle);
+ AssertCusparse(cusparse_error_code);
+ deallog << "OK" <<std::endl;
+ return 0;