const typename Types<ad_type>::tape_index tape_index);
+ /**
+ * Return a flag that, when <code>true</code>, indicates that the
+ * retaping of the dependent function is necessary for a reliable
+ * computation to be performed on a tape with the given @p tape_index.
+ * This may be necessary a sign comparison within branched operations
+ * yields different results to those computed at the original tape
+ * evaluation point.
+ *
+ * For the output of this function to be meaningful, it must be called
+ * after the activate_recorded_tape() is called and the new evaluation
+ * point for the tape (i.e. values of the independent variables) have
+ * been set and subsequently used (i.e. in the determination of the values
+ * or derivatives of the dependent variables).
+ */
+ bool
+ recorded_tape_requires_retaping(
+ const typename Types<ad_type>::tape_index tape_index) const;
+ /**
+ * Return a flag that, when <code>true</code>, indicates that the
+ * retaping of the dependent function is necessary for a reliable
+ * computation to be performed on the avtive tape. This may be necessary a
+ * sign comparison within branched operations yields different results to
+ * those computed at the original tape evaluation point.
+ *
+ * For the output of this function to be meaningful, it must be called
+ * after the activate_recorded_tape() is called and the new evaluation
+ * point for the tape (i.e. values of the independent variables) have
+ * been set and subsequently used (i.e. in the determination of the values
+ * or derivatives of the dependent variables).
+ */
+ bool
+ active_tape_requires_retaping() const;
+ /**
+ * Clears and removes the currently active tape.
+ *
+ * This is typically only necessary when branch switching is detected on
+ * the original tape at evaluation point. This state can be checked using
+ * the active_tape_requires_retaping() function.
+ */
+ void
+ clear_active_tape();
+ template <enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename ScalarType>
+ bool
+ ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::recorded_tape_requires_retaping(
+ const typename Types<ad_type>::tape_index tape_index) const
+ {
+ if (ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true)
+ return false;
+ return taped_driver.requires_retaping(tape_index);
+ }
+ template <enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename ScalarType>
+ bool
+ ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::active_tape_requires_retaping()
+ const
+ {
+ if (ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true)
+ return false;
+ return taped_driver.last_action_requires_retaping();
+ }
+ template <enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename ScalarType>
+ void
+ ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::clear_active_tape()
+ {
+ if (ADNumberTraits<ad_type>::is_tapeless == true)
+ return;
+ taped_driver.remove_tape(taped_driver.active_tape_index());
+ }
template <enum AD::NumberTypes ADNumberTypeCode, typename ScalarType>
ADHelperBase<ADNumberTypeCode, ScalarType>::activate_tape(