--- /dev/null
+//---------------------------- template.cc ---------------------------
+// $Id$
+// Version: $Name$
+// Copyright (C) 2005, 2011 by the deal.II authors
+// This file is subject to QPL and may not be distributed
+// without copyright and license information. Please refer
+// to the file deal.II/doc/license.html for the text and
+// further information on this license.
+//---------------------------- template.cc ---------------------------
+// Test the FEFieldFunction class. This class was not thread-safe at one point
+// because it keeps a cache on the side that was invalidated when different
+// threads kept pouncing on it. Patrick Sodre wrote a fix for that that's
+// based on a thread-local variable instead of the single cache.
+#include "../tests.h"
+#include <fstream>
+// all include files you need here
+#include <deal.II/numerics/fe_field_function.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_handler.h>
+#include <deal.II/dofs/dof_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/fe/fe_q.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/function_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/base/quadrature_lib.h>
+#include <deal.II/numerics/vectors.h>
+double abs_zero(double a)
+ if( std::abs(a) < 1e-10)
+ return 0;
+ else
+ return a;
+template <int dim>
+void test() {
+ Triangulation<dim> tria;
+ GridGenerator::hyper_cube(tria);
+ tria.refine_global(8/dim);
+ FE_Q<dim> fe(1);
+ DoFHandler<dim> dh(tria);
+ dh.distribute_dofs(fe);
+ deallog << "Ndofs :" << dh.n_dofs() << std::endl;
+ Functions::CosineFunction<dim> ff;
+ Vector<double> v1(dh.n_dofs()), v2(dh.n_dofs());
+ VectorTools::interpolate(dh, ff, v1);
+ deallog << "V norm: " << v1.l2_norm() << std::endl;
+ Functions::FEFieldFunction<dim, DoFHandler<dim>, Vector<double> >
+ fef(dh, v1);
+ // project the discrete function fef back
+ // onto the finite element space. this
+ // should be the identity operation and
+ // consequently subtracting the vector from
+ // itself should yield zero
+ {
+ ConstraintMatrix cm;
+ cm.close();
+ VectorTools::project(dh, cm, QGauss<dim>(3), fef, v2);
+ }
+ v2.add(-1, v1);
+ deallog << "Projection error: " << abs_zero(v2.l2_norm())
+ << std::endl;
+ Assert (v2.l2_norm() < 1e-12, ExcInternalError());
+int main ()
+ std::ofstream logfile("fe_field_function_02/output");
+ deallog.attach(logfile);
+ deallog.depth_console(0);
+ test<1>();
+ test<2>();
+ test<3>();
+ return 0;