lexicographic_to_hierarchic_numbering (*this, degree)));
+ // finally fill in support points
+ // on cell and face
+ initialize_unit_support_points ();
+ initialize_unit_face_support_points ();
// compute constraint, embedding
// and restriction matrices
initialize_constraints ();
initialize_embedding ();
initialize_restriction ();
- // finally fill in support points
- // on cell and face
- initialize_unit_support_points ();
- initialize_unit_face_support_points ();
#if deal_II_dimension == 3
template <>
FE_Q<3>::initialize_constraints ()
- // the algorithm for 2d is written
- // in a way so that it can be
- // extended to 3d as well. however,
- // the weird numbering convention
- // makes this really really hard,
- // so we abandoned this project at
- // one point. the plan is to change
- // the numbering convention for the
- // constraint matrices, and then
- // the approach for 2d will be
- // readily extendable to 3d as
- // well, but until this happens we
- // rather prefer to go back to the
- // precomputed matrices in 3d
- if (this->degree < Matrices::n_constraint_matrices+1)
+ const unsigned int dim = 3;
+ // This algorithm for the automatic generation
+ // of the constraint
+ // matrices is different from the one
+ // implemented for the 2D elements. Hence
+ // it is only suited for standard Finite
+ // Elements with a Lagrangian basis.
+ // This algorithm consists of two parts. In
+ // the first part, the coordinates of the
+ // hanging nodes on the master element
+ // will be determined. These points are
+ // constructed in a special order. First
+ // the hanging node in the mid of the coarser
+ // element is considered:
+ // Coarse Fine
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // | | | | |
+ // | * | +--+--+
+ // | | | | |
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // Then the coordinates of the hanging
+ // nodes at the midpoint of the outline of the
+ // coarse element follow:
+ // Coarse Fine
+ // +--*--+ +--+--+
+ // | | | | |
+ // * * +--+--+
+ // | | | | |
+ // +--*--+ +--+--+
+ // For Q1 that was it. But for higher order
+ // elements some more constraints are required.
+ // Hanging nodes on the lines which are inside
+ // the coarse element:
+ // Coarse Fine
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // | * | | | |
+ // | * * | +--+--+
+ // | * | | | |
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // Hanging nodes on the outside lines:
+ // Coarse Fine
+ // +-*-*-+ +--+--+
+ // * * | | |
+ // | | +--+--+
+ // * * | | |
+ // +-*-*-+ +--+--+
+ // And finally the interior nodes:
+ // Coarse Fine
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // | * * | | | |
+ // | | +--+--+
+ // | * * | | | |
+ // +-----+ +--+--+
+ // Once these points are known, it is pretty
+ // easy to get the contribution of
+ // each node on the coarse
+ // face to the value at the hanging nodes.
+ // This task is accomplished in the second
+ // part of the algorithm
+ // Generate destination points.
+ std::vector<Point<dim-1> > constraint_points;
+ const std::vector<Point<dim-1> > &un_supp = get_unit_face_support_points ();
+ const unsigned int pnts = un_supp.size ();
+ // Add midpoint
+ constraint_points.push_back (Point<dim-1> (0.5, 0.5));
+ // Add midpoints of lines of "mother-face"
+ for (unsigned int face = 0;
+ face < GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++face)
- this->interface_constraints
- .TableBase<2,double>::reinit (this->interface_constraints_size());
- this->interface_constraints.fill (Matrices::constraint_matrices[this->degree-1]);
+ Point<dim-1> pnt_temp = un_supp[(face + 1) % 4];
+ pnt_temp *= 0.5;
+ pnt_temp += (GeometryInfo<dim-1>::unit_cell_vertex (face) * 0.5);
+ constraint_points.push_back (pnt_temp);
+ }
+ // Add nodes of lines interior in the "mother-face"
+ for (unsigned int face = 0;
+ face < GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++face)
+ {
+ unsigned int line_offset = 4 + ((face + 1) % 4) * (degree-1);
+ for (unsigned int line_dof = 0; line_dof < degree-1; ++line_dof)
+ {
+ Point<dim-1> pnt_temp = un_supp[line_offset + line_dof];
+ pnt_temp *= 0.5;
+ pnt_temp += (GeometryInfo<dim-1>::unit_cell_vertex (face) * 0.5);
+ constraint_points.push_back (pnt_temp);
+ }
+ // DoFs on bordering lines
+ for (unsigned int line = 0;
+ line < GeometryInfo<dim>::lines_per_face; ++line)
+ {
+ // This face index runs through the two faces, which share the
+ // line "line" with the coarse element.
+ for (unsigned int face = 0; face < 2; ++face)
+ {
+ unsigned int offset;
+ unsigned int line_offset = 4 + (line * (degree-1));
+ // Line 2 and 3 have a different ordering
+ if (line < 2)
+ offset = ((line + face) % 4);
+ else
+ offset = ((line + 1 - face) % 4);
+ for (unsigned int line_dof = 0; line_dof < degree-1; ++line_dof)
+ {
+ Point<dim-1> pnt_temp = un_supp[line_offset + line_dof];
+ pnt_temp *= 0.5;
+ pnt_temp += (GeometryInfo<dim-1>::unit_cell_vertex (offset) * 0.5);
+ constraint_points.push_back (pnt_temp);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create constraints for interior nodes
+ unsigned int dofs_per_face = (degree-1) * (degree-1);
+ for (unsigned int face = 0;
+ face < GeometryInfo<dim>::subfaces_per_face; ++face)
+ {
+ unsigned int face_offset = 4 + (4 * (degree-1));
+ for (unsigned int face_dof = 0; face_dof < dofs_per_face; ++face_dof)
+ {
+ Point<dim-1> pnt_temp = un_supp[face_offset + face_dof];
+ pnt_temp *= 0.5;
+ pnt_temp += (GeometryInfo<dim-1>::unit_cell_vertex (face) * 0.5);
+ constraint_points.push_back (pnt_temp);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now construct relation between destination (child)
+ // and source (mother) dofs.
+ std::vector<Polynomials::LagrangeEquidistant> v;
+ for (unsigned int i=0;i<=degree;++i)
+ v.push_back(Polynomials::LagrangeEquidistant(degree,i));
+ TensorProductPolynomials<dim-1>* poly_f;
+ poly_f = new TensorProductPolynomials<dim-1> (v);
+ unsigned int constraint_no = constraint_points.size ();
+ unsigned int indx = 0;
+ this->interface_constraints
+ .TableBase<2,double>::reinit (this->interface_constraints_size());
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < constraint_no; ++j)
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < pnts; ++i)
+ {
+ interface_constraints(j,i) =
+ poly_f->compute_value(face_index_map [i],
+ constraint_points[j]);
+ indx++;
+ }
+ delete poly_f;