//---------------------------- grid_tools.cc ---------------------------
-// check GridTools::collect_periodic_cell_pairs for some simple cases
+// check collect_periodic_face_pairs for correct return values
#include "../tests.h"
#include <deal.II/base/logstream.h>
-#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_generator.h>
#include <deal.II/grid/grid_tools.h>
+#include <deal.II/grid/tria.h>
#include <fstream>
std::ofstream logfile("grid_tools_05/output");
using namespace dealii;
-template<int dim>
-void test1 ()
+ * Generate a grid consisting of two disjoint cells, colorize the two
+ * outermost faces. They will be matched via collect_periodic_face_pairs
+ *
+ * The integer orientation determines the orientation of the second cell
+ * (to get something else than the boring default orientation).
+ */
+/* The 2D case */
+void generate_grid(Triangulation<2> &triangulation, int orientation)
- Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ Point<2> vertices_1[]
+ = {
+ Point<2> (-1.,-3.),
+ Point<2> (+1.,-3.),
+ Point<2> (-1.,-1.),
+ Point<2> (+1.,-1.),
+ Point<2> (-1.,+1.),
+ Point<2> (+1.,+1.),
+ Point<2> (-1.,+3.),
+ Point<2> (+1.,+3.),
+ };
+ std::vector<Point<2> > vertices (&vertices_1[0], &vertices_1[8]);
- GridGenerator::hyper_cube(triangulation, 0., 1.);
- triangulation.refine_global(2);
+ std::vector<CellData<2> > cells (2, CellData<2>());
- deallog << std::endl << std::endl << "Hyper cube, dimension " << dim << ":" << std::endl;
+ /* cell 0 */
+ int cell_vertices_0[GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell] = {0, 1, 2, 3};
- typedef typename Triangulation<dim>::cell_iterator CELL_IT;
- typedef typename std::map<CELL_IT, CELL_IT> MAP;
+ /* cell 1 */
+ int cell_vertices_1[2][GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell]
+ = {
+ {4,5,6,7},
+ {7,6,5,4},
+ };
- MAP matched_cells = GridTools::collect_periodic_cell_pairs(triangulation, 0, /* direction: */1);
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<2>::vertices_per_cell;++j) {
+ cells[0].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_0[j];
+ cells[1].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_1[orientation][j];
+ }
+ cells[0].material_id = 0;
+ cells[1].material_id = 0;
- deallog << "Matching:" << std::endl;
- for (typename MAP::const_iterator it = matched_cells.begin(); it != matched_cells.end(); ++it) {
- deallog << it->first << " - " << it->second << std::endl;
- }
+ triangulation.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, SubCellData());
+ Triangulation<2>::cell_iterator cell_1 = triangulation.begin();
+ Triangulation<2>::cell_iterator cell_2 = cell_1++;
+ Triangulation<2>::face_iterator face_1;
+ Triangulation<2>::face_iterator face_2;
+ // Look for the two outermost faces:
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<2>::faces_per_cell;++j) {
+ if (cell_1->face(j)->center()(1) > 2.9)
+ face_1 = cell_1->face(j);
+ if (cell_2->face(j)->center()(1) < -2.9)
+ face_2 = cell_2->face(j);
+ }
+ face_1->set_boundary_indicator(42);
+ face_2->set_boundary_indicator(43);
+ triangulation.refine_global(1);
-template<int dim>
-void test2 ()
+/* The 3D case */
+void generate_grid(Triangulation<3> &triangulation, int orientation)
- /* Unfortunately, there is no parallelogram for 3D.. */
- Assert(dim == 2,
- ExcNotImplemented());
+ Point<3> vertices_1[]
+ = {
+ Point<3> (-1.,-1.,-3.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,-1.,-3.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,+1.,-3.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,+1.,-3.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,-1.,-1.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,-1.,-1.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,+1.,-1.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,+1.,-1.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,-1.,+1.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,-1.,+1.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,+1.,+1.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,+1.,+1.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,-1.,+3.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,-1.,+3.),
+ Point<3> (-1.,+1.,+3.),
+ Point<3> (+1.,+1.,+3.)
+ };
+ std::vector<Point<3> > vertices (&vertices_1[0], &vertices_1[16]);
- Triangulation<dim> triangulation;
+ std::vector<CellData<3> > cells (2, CellData<3>());
- Tensor<2,dim> vectors;
- vectors[0][0] = 1.;
- vectors[0][1] = 0.;
- vectors[1][0] = 0.5;
- vectors[1][1] = 1.;
+ /* cell 0 */
+ int cell_vertices_0[GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7};
- Tensor<1,dim> offset;
- offset[0] = 0.5;
- offset[1] = 1.;
+ /* cell 1 */
+ int cell_vertices_1[8][GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell]
+ = {
+ {8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15},
+ {9,11,8,10,13,15,12,14},
+ {11,10,9,8,15,14,13,12},
+ {10,8,11,9,14,12,15,13},
+ {13,12,15,14,9,8,11,10},
+ {12,14,13,15,8,10,9,11},
+ {14,15,12,13,10,11,8,9},
+ {15,13,14,12,11,9,10,8},
+ };
- GridGenerator::parallelogram(triangulation, vectors);
- triangulation.refine_global(3);
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<3>::vertices_per_cell;++j) {
+ cells[0].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_0[j];
+ cells[1].vertices[j] = cell_vertices_1[orientation][j];
+ }
+ cells[0].material_id = 0;
+ cells[1].material_id = 0;
- deallog << std::endl << std::endl << "Parallelogram, dimension " << dim << ":" << std::endl;
+ triangulation.create_triangulation(vertices, cells, SubCellData());
- typedef typename Triangulation<dim>::cell_iterator CELL_IT;
- typedef typename std::map<CELL_IT, CELL_IT> MAP;
+ Triangulation<3>::cell_iterator cell_1 = triangulation.begin();
+ Triangulation<3>::cell_iterator cell_2 = cell_1++;
+ Triangulation<3>::face_iterator face_1;
+ Triangulation<3>::face_iterator face_2;
- MAP matched_cells = GridTools::collect_periodic_cell_pairs(triangulation, 0, /* direction: */0);
- deallog << "Matching, direction 0:" << std::endl;
- for (typename MAP::const_iterator it = matched_cells.begin(); it != matched_cells.end(); ++it) {
- deallog << it->first << " - " << it->second << std::endl;
- }
+ // Look for the two outermost faces:
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<3>::faces_per_cell;++j) {
+ if (cell_1->face(j)->center()(2) > 2.9)
+ face_1 = cell_1->face(j);
+ if (cell_2->face(j)->center()(2) < -2.9)
+ face_2 = cell_2->face(j);
+ }
+ face_1->set_boundary_indicator(42);
+ face_2->set_boundary_indicator(43);
- MAP matched_cells_2 = GridTools::collect_periodic_cell_pairs(triangulation, 0, /* direction: */1, offset);
- deallog << "Matching, direction 1:" << std::endl;
- for (typename MAP::const_iterator it = matched_cells_2.begin(); it != matched_cells_2.end(); ++it) {
- deallog << it->first << " - " << it->second << std::endl;
- }
+ triangulation.refine_global(1);
+ * Print out the face vertices as well as the orientation of a match:
+ */
+template<typename FaceIterator>
+void print_match(const FaceIterator &face_1,
+ const FaceIterator &face_2,
+ const std::bitset<3> &orientation)
+ static const int dim = FaceIterator::AccessorType::dimension;
+ deallog << "face 1";
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face;++j)
+ deallog << " :: " << face_1->vertex(j);
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ deallog << "face 2";
+ for (unsigned int j=0;j<GeometryInfo<dim>::vertices_per_face;++j)
+ deallog << " :: " << face_2->vertex(j);
+ deallog << std::endl;
+ deallog << "orientation: " << orientation[0]
+ << " flip: " << orientation[1]
+ << " rotation: " << orientation[2]
+ << std::endl
+ << std::endl;
int main()
- /* Let's try to match the hyper_cube in 3D:*/
- test1<3> ();
+ deallog << "Test for 2D: Hypercube" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+ // Generate a triangulation and match:
+ Triangulation<2> triangulation;
+ generate_grid(triangulation, i);
+ typedef Triangulation<2>::face_iterator FaceIterator;
+ typedef std::map<FaceIterator, std::pair<FaceIterator, std::bitset<3> > > FaceMap;
+ FaceMap test = GridTools::collect_periodic_face_pairs (triangulation, 42, 43, 1,
+ dealii::Tensor<1,2>());
+ deallog << "Triangulation: " << i << std::endl;
+ deallog << "Coarse match: " << test.size() << std::endl;
+ for (FaceMap::iterator facepair = test.begin(); facepair != test.end(); ++facepair)
+ print_match(facepair->first, facepair->second.first, facepair->second.second);
+ typedef Triangulation<2>::active_face_iterator FaceIterator2;
+ typedef std::map<FaceIterator2, std::pair<FaceIterator2, std::bitset<3> > > FaceMap2;
+ FaceMap2 test2 = GridTools::collect_periodic_face_pairs (triangulation.begin_active_face(),
+ triangulation.end_face(),
+ 42, 43,
+ 1,
+ dealii::Tensor<1,2>());
+ deallog << "Fine match: " << test2.size() << std::endl;
+ for (FaceMap2::iterator facepair = test2.begin(); facepair != test2.end(); ++facepair)
+ print_match(facepair->first, facepair->second.first, facepair->second.second);
+ }
- /* Let's try to match a parallelogramm in 2D */
- test2<2> ();
+ deallog << "Test for 3D: Hypercube" << std::endl << std::endl;
+ for(int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ // Generate a triangulation and match:
+ Triangulation<3> triangulation;
+ generate_grid(triangulation, i);
+ typedef Triangulation<3>::face_iterator FaceIterator;
+ typedef std::map<FaceIterator, std::pair<FaceIterator, std::bitset<3> > > FaceMap;
+ FaceMap test = GridTools::collect_periodic_face_pairs (triangulation, 42, 43, 2,
+ dealii::Tensor<1,3>());
+ deallog << "Triangulation: " << i << std::endl;
+ deallog << "Coarse match: " << test.size() << std::endl;
+ for (FaceMap::iterator facepair = test.begin(); facepair != test.end(); ++facepair)
+ print_match(facepair->first, facepair->second.first, facepair->second.second);
+ typedef Triangulation<3>::active_face_iterator FaceIterator2;
+ typedef std::map<FaceIterator2, std::pair<FaceIterator2, std::bitset<3> > > FaceMap2;
+ FaceMap2 test2 = GridTools::collect_periodic_face_pairs (triangulation.begin_active_face(),
+ triangulation.end_face(),
+ 42, 43,
+ 2,
+ dealii::Tensor<1,3>());
+ deallog << "Fine match: " << test2.size() << std::endl;
+ for (FaceMap2::iterator facepair = test2.begin(); facepair != test2.end(); ++facepair)
+ print_match(facepair->first, facepair->second.first, facepair->second.second);
+ }
return 0;
+DEAL::Test for 2D: Hypercube
+DEAL::Triangulation: 0
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 2
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Triangulation: 1
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 2
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Test for 3D: Hypercube
+DEAL::Triangulation: 0
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Triangulation: 1
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Triangulation: 2
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Triangulation: 3
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 1 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Triangulation: 4
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Triangulation: 5
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Triangulation: 6
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 0 rotation: 1
+DEAL::Triangulation: 7
+DEAL::Coarse match: 1
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::Fine match: 4
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 1.000 3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 1.000 0.000 3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 1.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 1.000 3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 1.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 0
+DEAL::face 1 :: 0.000 0.000 3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 3.000 :: -1.000 -1.000 3.000
+DEAL::face 2 :: -1.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 -1.000 -3.000 :: -1.000 0.000 -3.000 :: 0.000 0.000 -3.000
+DEAL::orientation: 0 flip: 1 rotation: 0
-DEAL::Hyper cube, dimension 3:
-DEAL::2.0 - 2.18
-DEAL::2.1 - 2.19
-DEAL::2.4 - 2.22
-DEAL::2.5 - 2.23
-DEAL::2.8 - 2.26
-DEAL::2.9 - 2.27
-DEAL::2.12 - 2.30
-DEAL::2.13 - 2.31
-DEAL::2.32 - 2.50
-DEAL::2.33 - 2.51
-DEAL::2.36 - 2.54
-DEAL::2.37 - 2.55
-DEAL::2.40 - 2.58
-DEAL::2.41 - 2.59
-DEAL::2.44 - 2.62
-DEAL::2.45 - 2.63
-DEAL::Parallelogram, dimension 2:
-DEAL::Matching, direction 0:
-DEAL::3.0 - 3.21
-DEAL::3.2 - 3.23
-DEAL::3.8 - 3.29
-DEAL::3.10 - 3.31
-DEAL::3.32 - 3.53
-DEAL::3.34 - 3.55
-DEAL::3.40 - 3.61
-DEAL::3.42 - 3.63
-DEAL::Matching, direction 1:
-DEAL::3.0 - 3.42
-DEAL::3.1 - 3.43
-DEAL::3.4 - 3.46
-DEAL::3.5 - 3.47
-DEAL::3.16 - 3.58
-DEAL::3.17 - 3.59
-DEAL::3.20 - 3.62
-DEAL::3.21 - 3.63