// @sect4{ElasticProblem::refine_grid}
- // Using some kind of refinement indicator, the mesh can be refined. The problem
- // is basically the same as with distributing hanging node constraints: in order to
- // compute the error indicator, we need access to all elements of the
- // solution vector. We then compute the indicators for the cells that belong
- // to the present process, but then we need to distribute the refinement
- // indicators into a distributed vector so that all processes have the
- // values of the refinement indicator for all cells. But then, in order for
- // each process to refine its copy of the mesh, they need to have access to
- // all refinement indicators locally, so they have to copy the global vector
- // back into a local one. That's a little convoluted, but thinking about it
- // quite straightforward nevertheless. So here's how we do it:
+ // Using some kind of refinement indicator, the mesh can be
+ // refined. The problem is basically the same as with distributing
+ // hanging node constraints: in order to compute the error indicator
+ // (even if we were just interested in the indicator on the cells
+ // the current process owns), we need access to more elements of the
+ // solution vector than just those the current processor stores. To
+ // make this happen, we do essentially what we did in
+ // <code>solve()</code> already, namely get a <i>complete</i> copy
+ // of the solution vector onto every process, and use that to
+ // compute. This is, in itself expensive as explained above, and it
+ // is particular unnecessary since we had just created and then
+ // destroyed such a vector in <code>solve()</code>, but efficiency
+ // is not the point of this program and so let us opt for a design
+ // in which every function is as self-contained as possible.
+ //
+ // Once we have such a "localized" vector that contains <i>all</i>
+ // elements of the solution vector, we can compute the indicators
+ // for the cells that belong to the present process. In fact, we
+ // could of course compute <i>all</i> refinement indicators since
+ // our Triangulation and DoFHandler objects store information about
+ // all cells, and since we have a complete copy of the solution
+ // vector. But in the interest in showing how to operate in
+ // %parallel, let us demonstrate how one would operate if one were
+ // to only compute <i>some</i> error indicators and then exchange
+ // the remaining ones with the other processes. (Ultimately, each
+ // process needs a complete set of refinement indicators because
+ // every process needs to refine their mesh, and needs to refine it
+ // in exactly the same way as all of the other processes.)
+ //
+ // So, to do all of this, we need to:
+ // - First, get a local copy of the distributed solution vector.
+ // - Second, create a vector to store the refinement indicators.
+ // - Third, let the KellyErrorEstimator compute refinement
+ // indicators for all cells belonging to the present
+ // subdomain/process. The last argument of the call indicates
+ // which subdomain we are interested in. The three arguments
+ // before it are various other default arguments that one usually
+ // doesn't need (and doesn't state values for, but rather uses the
+ // defaults), but which we have to state here explicitly since we
+ // want to modify the value of a following argument (i.e. the one
+ // indicating the subdomain).
template <int dim>
void ElasticProblem<dim>::refine_grid ()
- // So, first part: get a local copy of the distributed solution
- // vector. This is necessary since the error estimator needs to get at the
- // value of neighboring cells even if they do not belong to the subdomain
- // associated with the present MPI process:
const Vector<double> localized_solution (solution);
- // Second part: set up a vector of error indicators for all cells and let
- // the Kelly class compute refinement indicators for all cells belonging
- // to the present subdomain/process. Note that the last argument of the
- // call indicates which subdomain we are interested in. The three
- // arguments before it are various other default arguments that one
- // usually doesn't need (and doesn't state values for, but rather uses the
- // defaults), but which we have to state here explicitly since we want to
- // modify the value of a following argument (i.e. the one indicating the
- // subdomain):
Vector<float> local_error_per_cell (triangulation.n_active_cells());
KellyErrorEstimator<dim>::estimate (dof_handler,
- // Now all processes have computed error indicators for their own cells
- // and stored them in the respective elements of the
- // <code>local_error_per_cell</code> vector. The elements of this vector
- // for cells not on the present process are zero. However, since all
- // processes have a copy of a copy of the entire triangulation and need to
- // keep these copies in sync, they need the values of refinement
- // indicators for all cells of the triangulation. Thus, we need to
- // distribute our results. We do this by creating a distributed vector
- // where each process has its share, and sets the elements it has
- // computed. We will then later generate a local sequential copy of this
- // distributed vector to allow each process to access all elements of this
- // vector.
+ // Now all processes have computed error indicators for their own
+ // cells and stored them in the respective elements of the
+ // <code>local_error_per_cell</code> vector. The elements of this
+ // vector for cells not owned by the present process are
+ // zero. However, since all processes have a copy of the entire
+ // triangulation and need to keep these copies in sync, they need
+ // the values of refinement indicators for all cells of the
+ // triangulation. Thus, we need to distribute our results. We do
+ // this by creating a distributed vector where each process has
+ // its share, and sets the elements it has computed. Consequently,
+ // when you view this vector as one that lives across all
+ // processes, then every element of this vector has been set
+ // once. We can then assign this parallel vector to a local,
+ // non-parallel vector on each process, making <i>all</i> error
+ // indicators available on every process.
// So in the first step, we need to set up a parallel vector. For
- // simplicity, every process will own a chunk with as many elements as
- // this process owns cells, so that the first chunk of elements is stored
- // with process zero, the next chunk with process one, and so on. It is
- // important to remark, however, that these elements are not necessarily
- // the ones we will write to. This is so, since the order in which cells
- // are arranged, i.e. the order in which the elements of the vector
- // correspond to cells, is not ordered according to the subdomain these
- // cells belong to. In other words, if on this process we compute
- // indicators for cells of a certain subdomain, we may write the results
- // to more or less random elements if the distributed vector, that do not
- // necessarily lie within the chunk of vector we own on the present
- // process. They will subsequently have to be copied into another
- // process's memory space then, an operation that PETSc does for us when
- // we call the <code>compress</code> function. This inefficiency could be
- // avoided with some more code, but we refrain from it since it is not a
- // major factor in the program's total runtime.
+ // simplicity, every process will own a chunk with as many
+ // elements as this process owns cells, so that the first chunk of
+ // elements is stored with process zero, the next chunk with
+ // process one, and so on. It is important to remark, however,
+ // that these elements are not necessarily the ones we will write
+ // to. This is so, since the order in which cells are arranged,
+ // i.e., the order in which the elements of the vector correspond
+ // to cells, is not ordered according to the subdomain these cells
+ // belong to. In other words, if on this process we compute
+ // indicators for cells of a certain subdomain, we may write the
+ // results to more or less random elements of the distributed
+ // vector; in particular, they may not necessarily lie within the
+ // chunk of vector we own on the present process. They will
+ // subsequently have to be copied into another process's memory
+ // space, an operation that PETSc does for us when we call the
+ // <code>compress()</code> function. This inefficiency could be
+ // avoided with some more code, but we refrain from it since it is
+ // not a major factor in the program's total runtime.
- // So here's how we do it: count how many cells belong to this process,
- // set up a distributed vector with that many elements to be stored
- // locally, and copy over the elements we computed locally, then compress
- // the result. In fact, we really only copy the elements that are nonzero,
- // so we may miss a few that we computed to zero, but this won't hurt
- // since the original values of the vector is zero anyway.
+ // So here's how we do it: count how many cells belong to this
+ // process, set up a distributed vector with that many elements to
+ // be stored locally, and copy over the elements we computed
+ // locally, then compress the result. In fact, we really only copy
+ // the elements that are nonzero, so we may miss a few that we
+ // computed to zero, but this won't hurt since the original values
+ // of the vector is zero anyway.
const unsigned int n_local_cells
= GridTools::count_cells_with_subdomain_association (triangulation,
distributed_all_errors.compress (VectorOperation::insert);
- // So now we have this distributed vector out there that contains the
- // refinement indicators for all cells. To use it, we need to obtain a
- // local copy...
+ // So now we have this distributed vector that contains the
+ // refinement indicators for all cells. To use it, we need to
+ // obtain a local copy and then use it to mark cells for
+ // refinement or coarsening, and actually do the refinement and
+ // coarsening. It is important to recognize that <i>every</i>
+ // process does this to its own copy of the triangulation, and
+ // does it in exactly the same way.
const Vector<float> localized_all_errors (distributed_all_errors);
- // ...which we can the subsequently use to finally refine the grid:
GridRefinement::refine_and_coarsen_fixed_number (triangulation,
0.3, 0.03);
// @sect4{ElasticProblem::output_results}
- // This is actually the same as done in step-8 before, with two small
- // differences. First, all processes call this function, but not all of them
- // need to do the work associated with generating output. In fact, they
- // shouldn't, since we would try to write to the same file multiple times at
- // once. So we let only the first job do this, and all the other ones idle
- // around during this time (or start their work for the next iteration, or
- // simply yield their CPUs to other jobs that happen to run at the same
- // time). The second thing is that we not only output the solution vector,
- // but also a vector that indicates which subdomain each cell belongs
- // to. This will make for some nice pictures of partitioned domains.
+ // The final function of significant interest is the one that
+ // creates graphical output. This works the same way as in step-8,
+ // with two small differences. Before discussing these, let us state
+ // the general philosophy this function will work: we intend for all
+ // of the data to be generated on a single process, and subsequently
+ // written to a file. This is, as many other parts of this program
+ // already discussed, not something that will scale. Previously, we
+ // had argued that we will get into trouble with triangulations,
+ // DoFHandlers, and copies of the solution vector where every
+ // process has to store all of the data, and that there will come to
+ // be a point where each process simply doesn't have enough memory
+ // to store that much data. Here, the situation is different: it's
+ // not only the memory, but also the run time that's a problem. If
+ // one process is responsible for processing <i>all</i> of the data
+ // while all of the other processes do nothing, then this one
+ // function will eventually come to dominate the overall run time of
+ // the program. In particular, the time this function takes is
+ // going to be proportional to the overall size of the problem
+ // (counted in the number of cells, or the number of degrees of
+ // freedom), independent of the number of processes we throw at it.
+ //
+ // Such situations need to be avoided, and we will show in step-18
+ // and step-40 how to address this issue. For the current problem,
+ // the solution is to have each process generate output data only
+ // for its own local cells, and write them to separate files, one
+ // file per process. This is how step-18 operates. Alternatively,
+ // one could simply leave everything in a set of independent files
+ // and let the visualization software read all of them (possibly
+ // also using multiple processors) and create a single visualization
+ // out of all of them; this is the path step-40, step-32, and all
+ // other parallel programs developed later on take.
+ //
+ // More specifically for the current function, all processes call
+ // this function, but not all of them need to do the work associated
+ // with generating output. In fact, they shouldn't, since we would
+ // try to write to the same file multiple times at once. So we let
+ // only the first process do this, and all the other ones idle
+ // around during this time (or start their work for the next
+ // iteration, or simply yield their CPUs to other jobs that happen
+ // to run at the same time). The second thing is that we not only
+ // output the solution vector, but also a vector that indicates
+ // which subdomain each cell belongs to. This will make for some
+ // nice pictures of partitioned domains.
- // In practice, the present implementation of the output function is a major
- // bottleneck of this program, since generating graphical output is
- // expensive and doing so only on one process does, of course, not scale if
- // we significantly increase the number of processes. In effect, this
- // function will consume most of the run-time if you go to very large
- // numbers of unknowns and processes, and real applications should limit the
- // number of times they generate output through this function.
+ // To implement this, process zero needs a complete set of solution
+ // components in a local vector. Just as with the previous function,
+ // the efficient way to do this would be to re-use the vector
+ // already created in the <code>solve()</code> function, but to keep
+ // things more self-contained, we simply re-create one here from the
+ // distributed solution vector.
- // The solution to this is to have each process generate output data only
- // for it's own local cells, and write them to separate files, one file per
- // process. This would distribute the work of generating the output to all
- // processes equally. In a second step, separate from running this program,
- // we would then take all the output files for a given cycle and merge these
- // parts into one single output file. This has to be done sequentially, but
- // can be done on a different machine, and should be relatively
- // cheap. However, the necessary functionality for this is not yet
- // implemented in the library, and since we are too close to the next
- // release, we do not want to do such major destabilizing changes any
- // more. This has been fixed in the meantime, though, and a better way to do
- // things is explained in the step-18 example program.
+ // An important thing to realize is that we do this localization
+ // operation on all processes, not only the one that actually needs
+ // the data. This can't be avoided, however, with the communication
+ // model of MPI: MPI does not have a way to query data on another
+ // process, both sides have to initiate a communication at the same
+ // time. So even though most of the processes do not need the
+ // localized solution, we have to place the statement converting the
+ // distributed into a localized vector so that all processes execute
+ // it.
+ //
+ // (Part of this work could in fact be avoided. What we do is
+ // send the local parts of all processes to all other processes. What we
+ // would really need to do is to initiate an operation on all processes
+ // where each process simply sends its local chunk of data to process
+ // zero, since this is the only one that actually needs it, i.e., we need
+ // something like a gather operation. PETSc can do this, but for
+ // simplicity's sake we don't attempt to make use of this here. We don't,
+ // since what we do is not very expensive in the grand scheme of things:
+ // it is one vector communication among all processes , which has to be
+ // compared to the number of communications we have to do when solving the
+ // linear system, setting up the block-ILU for the preconditioner, and
+ // other operations.)
template <int dim>
void ElasticProblem<dim>::output_results (const unsigned int cycle) const
- // One point to realize is that when we want to generate output on process
- // zero only, we need to have access to all elements of the solution
- // vector. So we need to get a local copy of the distributed vector, which
- // is in fact simple:
const Vector<double> localized_solution (solution);
- // The thing to notice, however, is that we do this localization operation
- // on all processes, not only the one that actually needs the data. This
- // can't be avoided, however, with the communication model of MPI: MPI
- // does not have a way to query data on another process, both sides have
- // to initiate a communication at the same time. So even though most of
- // the processes do not need the localized solution, we have to place the
- // call here so that all processes execute it.
- //
- // (In reality, part of this work can in fact be avoided. What we do is
- // send the local parts of all processes to all other processes. What we
- // would really need to do is to initiate an operation on all processes
- // where each process simply sends its local chunk of data to process
- // zero, since this is the only one that actually needs it, i.e. we need
- // something like a gather operation. PETSc can do this, but for
- // simplicity's sake we don't attempt to make use of this here. We don't,
- // since what we do is not very expensive in the grand scheme of things:
- // it is one vector communication among all processes , which has to be
- // compared to the number of communications we have to do when solving the
- // linear system, setting up the block-ILU for the preconditioner, and
- // other operations.)
- // This being done, process zero goes ahead with setting up the output
- // file as in step-8, and attaching the (localized) solution vector to the
- // output object:. (The code to generate the output file name is stolen
- // and slightly modified from step-5, since we expect that we can do a
- // number of cycles greater than 10, which is the maximum of what the code
- // in step-8 could handle.)
+ // This being done, process zero goes ahead with setting up the
+ // output file as in step-8, and attaching the (localized)
+ // solution vector to the output object. (The code to generate the
+ // output file name is stolen and slightly modified from step-5,
+ // since we expect that we can do a number of cycles greater than
+ // 10, which is the maximum of what the code in step-8 could
+ // handle.)
if (this_mpi_process == 0)
std::ostringstream filename;
- filename << "solution-" << cycle << ".gmv";
+ filename << "solution-" << cycle << ".vtk";
std::ofstream output (filename.str().c_str());
data_out.add_data_vector (localized_solution, solution_names);
- // The only thing we do here additionally is that we also output one
- // value per cell indicating which subdomain (i.e. MPI process) it
- // belongs to. This requires some conversion work, since the data the
- // library provides us with is not the one the output class expects,
- // but this is not difficult. First, set up a vector of integers, one
- // per cell, that is then filled by the number of subdomain each cell
- // is in:
+ // The only other thing we do here is that we also output one
+ // value per cell indicating which subdomain (i.e., MPI
+ // process) it belongs to. This requires some conversion work,
+ // since the data the library provides us with is not the one
+ // the output class expects, but this is not difficult. First,
+ // set up a vector of integers, one per cell, that is then
+ // filled by the subdomain id of each cell.
+ //
+ // The elements of this vector are then converted to a
+ // floating point vector in a second step, and this vector is
+ // added to the DataOut object, which then goes off creating
+ // output in VTK format:
std::vector<unsigned int> partition_int (triangulation.n_active_cells());
GridTools::get_subdomain_association (triangulation, partition_int);
- // Then convert this integer vector into a floating point vector just
- // as the output functions want to see:
const Vector<double> partitioning(partition_int.begin(),
- // And finally add this vector as well:
data_out.add_data_vector (partitioning, "partitioning");
- // This all being done, generate the intermediate format and write it
- // out in GMV output format:
data_out.build_patches ();
- data_out.write_gmv (output);
+ data_out.write_vtk (output);
// @sect4{ElasticProblem::run}
- // Lastly, here is the driver function. It is almost completely unchanged from step-8,
- // with the exception that we replace <code>std::cout</code> by the
- // <code>pcout</code> stream. Apart from this, the only other cosmetic
- // change is that we output how many degrees of freedom there are per
- // process, and how many iterations it took for the linear solver to
- // converge:
+ // Lastly, here is the driver function. It is almost completely
+ // unchanged from step-8, with the exception that we replace
+ // <code>std::cout</code> by the <code>pcout</code> stream. Apart
+ // from this, the only other cosmetic change is that we output how
+ // many degrees of freedom there are per process, and how many
+ // iterations it took for the linear solver to converge:
template <int dim>
void ElasticProblem<dim>::run ()
// @sect3{The <code>main</code> function}
-// The <code>main()</code> works the same way as most of the
-// main functions in the other example programs, i.e., it delegates work to the
-// <code>run</code> function of a master object, and only wraps everything
-// into some code to catch exceptions:
+// The <code>main()</code> works the same way as most of the main
+// functions in the other example programs, i.e., it delegates work to
+// the <code>run</code> function of a master object, and only wraps
+// everything into some code to catch exceptions:
int main (int argc, char **argv)
using namespace dealii;
using namespace Step17;
- // Here is the only real difference: MPI and PETSc both require that we initialize
- // these libraries at the beginning of the program, and un-initialize them at the
- // end. The class MPI_InitFinalize takes care of all of that.
+ // Here is the only real difference: MPI and PETSc both require
+ // that we initialize these libraries at the beginning of the
+ // program, and un-initialize them at the end. The class
+ // MPI_InitFinalize takes care of all of that.
Utilities::MPI::MPI_InitFinalize mpi_initialization(argc, argv, 1);
ElasticProblem<2> elastic_problem;