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+ <h2>Installation of <acronym>BLAS/LAPACK</acronym></h2>
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://netlib.org/lapack/">LAPACK</a>
+ is a library of Fortran subroutines for solving the most
+ commonly occurring problems in numerical linear algebra.
+ LAPACK reference implementation is available on
+ <a href="https://github.com/Reference-LAPACK/lapack">GitHub</a>,
+ corresponding releases are available on
+ <a href="https://netlib.org/lapack/">netlib</a>.
+ It is worth noting that there are further implementations of BLAS/LAPACK
+ libraries, such as <a href="https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS">OpenBLAS</a> and
+ <a href="https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/tools/oneapi/onemkl.html#gs.m4jlqg">Intel MKL</a>,
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a href="https://netlib.org/lapack/">LAPACK</a> and
+ <a href="https://netlib.org/blas/">BLAS</a> are packaged and
+ distributed by distros such as Debian, Ubuntu, Pop!OS, CentOS and others.
+ It is recommended to install these packages using apt or yum package
+ managers. They can be installed on Debian or Ubuntu systems using
+ the following commands.
+ <pre>
+ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
+ sudo apt install libblas3 libblas-dev
+ sudo apt install liblapack3 liblapack-dev
+ </pre>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Below is a short summary of instructions on how to compile and install
+ <acronym>LAPACK</acronym> by hand (for the case you wish to do so).
+ </p>
+ <h3>How to compile and install <acronym>LAPACK</acronym> by hand</h3>
+ <p>
+ First clone the <a href="https://github.com/Reference-LAPACK/lapack">LAPACK</a>
+ repository. And configure cmake to build lapack as a shared library.
+ The following commands will result in a set of .so files or shared library
+ files installed in the path specified with CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR flag :
+ <pre>
+ cd lapack
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ make install
+ </pre>
+ After successful execution of above set of commands, a list of .so files
+ such as libblas.so, libblas.so.3, liblapack.so, liblapack.so.3 are
+ generated.
+ </p>
+ <h2>Interfacing <acronym>deal.II</acronym>
+ to <acronym>LAPACK</acronym></h2>
+ <p>
+ Support for <acronym>LAPACK</acronym> will be
+ enabled automatically if a system wide installation of
+ <acronym>LAPACK</acronym> can be found.
+ To use a self compiled version, specify
+ <pre>
+ -DLAPACK_DIR=/path/to/lapack-installation
+ </pre>
+ when invoking <code>cmake</code>, for example,
+ <pre>
+ git clone https://github.com/dealii/dealii.git
+ cd dealii
+ mkdir build
+ cd build
+ cmake -DDEAL_II_WITH_LAPACK=ON -DLAPACK_DIR=$HOME/.local/lapack/ ../
+ make
+ </pre>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ You can override the autodetection by manually setting
+ <pre>
+ </pre>
+ </p>
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<a href="http://www.netlib.org/blas/" target="_top">BLAS</a> (the <i>Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines</i>) and
<a href="http://www.netlib.org/lapack/" target="_top">LAPACK</a> (
<i>Linear Algebra Package</i>) are two packages that support low-level linear algebra operations on vectors and dense matrices. Both libraries should be packaged by almost all Linux distributions and found automatically whenever available.
- (You might have to install development versions of the libraries for <acronym>deal.II</acronym> being able to use them). For details on how to set up <acronym>deal.II</acronym> with a non standard BLAS/LAPACK implementation, see the
- <a href="users/cmake_dealii.html#advanced">advanced
- setup</a> section in the CMake ReadME.
+ (You might have to install development versions of the libraries for <acronym>deal.II</acronym> being able to use them). For details on how to set up <acronym>deal.II</acronym> with a non standard BLAS/LAPACK implementation,
+ see <a href="external-libs/lapack.html" target="body">this page</a>.