// @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::get_extrapolated_temperature_range}
- // Again, this is only a slight
- // modification of the respective
+ // Again, this is only a slightly
+ // modified version of the respective
// function in step-31. What is new is
// that each processor works on its
// partition of cells, and gets a minimum
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::compute_viscosity}
// The function that calculates the
// viscosity is purely local, so this is
// the same code as in step-31.
+ // @sect4{BoussinesqFlowProblem::setup_*}
+ // The following three functions set
+ // up the Stokes matrix, the matrix
+ // used for the Stokes
+ // preconditioner, and the
+ // temperature matrix. The code is
+ // mostly the same as in step-31, but
+ // it has been broken out into three
+ // functions of their own for
+ // simplicity, but also so that they
+ // can easily be run in parallel on
+ // multiple threads (unless we are
+ // running with MPI, in which case
+ // this is not possible, as explained
+ // in the introduction).
+ //
+ // The main functional difference
+ // between the code here and that in
+ // step-31 is that the matrices we
+ // want to set up are distributed
+ // across multiple processors. Since
+ // we still want to build up the
+ // sparsity pattern first for
+ // efficiency reasons, we could
+ // continue to build the
+ // <i>entire</i> sparsity pattern as
+ // a
+ // BlockCompressedSimpleSparsityPattern,
+ // as we did in step-31. However,
+ // that would be inefficient: every
+ // processor would build the same
+ // sparsity pattern, but only
+ // initialize a small part of the
+ // matrix using it.
+ //
+ // Rather, we use an object of type
+ // TrilinosWrappers::BlockSparsityPattern,
+ // which is (obviously) a wrapper
+ // around a sparsity pattern object
+ // provided by Trilinos. The
+ // advantage is that the Trilinos
+ // sparsity pattern class can
+ // communicate across multiple
+ // processors: if this processor
+ // fills in all the nonzero entries
+ // that result from the cells it
+ // owns, and every other processor
+ // does so as well, then at the end
+ // after some MPI communication
+ // initiated by the
+ // <code>compress()</code> call, we
+ // will have the globally assembled
+ // sparsity pattern available with
+ // which the global matrix can be
+ // initialized.
+ //
+ // The only other change we need to
+ // make is to tell the
+ // DoFTools::make_sparsity_pattern
+ // function that it is only supposed
+ // to work on a subset of cells,
+ // namely the ones whose
+ // <code>subdomain_id</code> equals
+ // the number of the current
+ // processor, and to ignore all other
+ // cells.
+ //
+ // This strategy is replicated across
+ // all three of the following
+ // functions.
template <int dim>
void BoussinesqFlowProblem<dim>::setup_stokes_matrix ()
stokes_matrix.reinit (sp);
- /*std::cout << "Processor " << trilinos_communicator.MyPID()
- << " stokes(0,0) rows: "
- << stokes_matrix.block(0,0).matrix->NumMyRows()
- << ", nnz: "
- << stokes_matrix.block(0,0).matrix->NumMyNonzeros()
- << std::endl;*/