- // This is the main function
+ // @sect4{TATForwardProblem::run}
+ // This function that does most of the work
+ // is pretty much again like in step-23,
+ // though we make things a bit clearer by
+ // using the vectors G1 and G2 mentioned in
+ // the introduction. Compared to the overall
+ // memory consumption of the program, the
+ // introduction of a few temporary vectors
+ // isn't doing much harm.
+ // The only changes to this function are:
+ // First, that we do not have to project
+ // initial values for the velocity $v$, since
+ // we know that it is zero. And second that
+ // we evaluate the solution at the detector
+ // locations computed in the
+ // constructor. This is done using the
+ // VectorTools::point_value function. These
+ // values are then written to a file that we
+ // open at the beginning of the function.
template <int dim>
void TATForwardProblem<dim>::run ()
VectorTools::project (dof_handler,constraints,
QGauss<dim>(3), InitialValuesP<dim>(),
old_solution_v = 0;
- timestep_number = 1;
- unsigned int n_steps;
- unsigned int n_detectors;
- // Number of time steps is defined as the
- // ratio of the total time to the time step
- const double end_time = 0.7;
- n_steps=static_cast<unsigned int>(std::floor(end_time/time_step));
- // Define a vector to hold the value obtained
- // by the detector
- Vector<double> project_dat (n_steps * n_detectors +1);
- std::cout<< "Total number of time steps = "<< n_steps <<std::endl;
- std::cout<< "Total number of detectors = "<< n_detectors << std::endl;
- // Open a file to write the data
- // obtained by the detectors
- std::ofstream proj_out;
- proj_out.open("proj.dat");
+ std::ofstream detector_data("detectors.dat");
- Vector<double> tmp1 (solution_p.size());
- Vector<double> tmp2 (solution_v.size());
+ Vector<double> tmp (solution_p.size());
Vector<double> G1 (solution_p.size());
Vector<double> G2 (solution_v.size());
- for (double time = time_step; time<=end_time; time+=time_step, ++timestep_number)
+ const double end_time = 0.7;
+ for (timestep_number=1, time=time_step;
+ time<=end_time;
+ time+=time_step, ++timestep_number)
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout<< "time_step " << timestep_number << " @ t=" << time << std::endl;
- // Calculate G1 as defined in the
- // introduction section
- mass_matrix.vmult (tmp1, old_solution_p);
- mass_matrix.vmult (tmp2, old_solution_v);
- G1 = tmp1;
- G1.add(time_step * (1-theta), tmp2);
+ mass_matrix.vmult (G1, old_solution_p);
+ mass_matrix.vmult (tmp, old_solution_v);
+ G1.add(time_step * (1-theta), tmp);
- // Calculate G2 as defined in the
- // introduction section
- mass_matrix.vmult (tmp1, old_solution_v);
- laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp2, old_solution_p);
- G2 = tmp1;
- G2.add(-wave_speed*wave_speed*time_step*(1-theta), tmp2);
- tmp1=0;
- boundary_matrix.vmult (tmp1,old_solution_p);
- G2.add(wave_speed,tmp1);
- // Compute the pressure potential p, the formula
- // has been presented in the introduction section
+ mass_matrix.vmult (G2, old_solution_v);
+ laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp, old_solution_p);
+ G2.add (-wave_speed * wave_speed * time_step * (1-theta), tmp);
+ boundary_matrix.vmult (tmp, old_solution_p);
+ G2.add (wave_speed, tmp);
system_rhs_p = G1;
system_rhs_p.add(time_step * theta , G2);
solve_p ();
- // Compute the derivative potential pressure.
- // The formula has been presented in the introduction
- // section. The potential derivative is calculated
- // after the potential pressure because the calculation
- // depends on the current value of the potential
- // pressure
system_rhs_v = G2;
- tmp1 = 0;
- laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp1, solution_p);
- system_rhs_v.add(-time_step * theta*wave_speed*wave_speed, tmp1);
- tmp1 = 0;
- boundary_matrix.vmult(tmp1, solution_p);
- system_rhs_v.add(-wave_speed,tmp1);
+ laplace_matrix.vmult (tmp, solution_p);
+ system_rhs_v.add (-time_step * theta * wave_speed * wave_speed, tmp);
+ boundary_matrix.vmult (tmp, solution_p);
+ system_rhs_v.add (-wave_speed, tmp);
solve_v ();
- // Compute the energy in the system.By checking
- // energy change in the system, we can verify
- // the correctness of the code.
- double energy = (mass_matrix.matrix_scalar_product(solution_v,solution_v)+
- wave_speed * wave_speed * laplace_matrix.matrix_scalar_product(solution_p,solution_p))/2;
- std::cout << "energy= " << energy << std::endl;
output_results ();
- // Evaluate the value at specific locations.
- // For 2-D, it is on a circle. For 1-D,
- // it is a point detector.
- proj_out << time ;
+ detector_data << time;
for (unsigned i=0 ; i<=detector_locations.size(); ++i)
- {
- project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)
- = VectorTools::point_value (dof_handler,
- solution_p,
- detector_locations[i]);
- proj_out << " "<< project_dat((timestep_number-1)*n_detectors+i)<<" " ;
- }
- proj_out<<std::endl;
- // Update the values for the pressure potential
- // and its derivative.
+ detector_data << " "
+ << VectorTools::point_value (dof_handler,
+ solution_p,
+ detector_locations[i])
+ << " ";
+ detector_data << std::endl;
old_solution_p = solution_p;
- solution_p = 0;
old_solution_v = solution_v;
- solution_v = 0;